
Among The Lilacs and Lilies



5 Years
03-27-2018, 09:29 AM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2018, 08:40 PM by Serene.)
Whatever You Are, Be A Good One

The morning had started off just like any other; Serene had woken up to the first light of a new day, curled up in a shallow ground hog hole she had dug up to fit her mass. Unraveling from her tight ball, the sandy fae stretched out before starting her day. A light breakfast meant she would spend a great majority of her morning tracking down an unsuspecting hare, making sure to thank the heavens for her meal before dining in. Afterwords, she would continue her journey south in attempts to find a new place that she could one day call home again.

The sun had already reached it's peak when Serene began to feel the need to quench her thirst. Like much of her training had suggested, she followed the signs of life until she came across a small stream. There she quickly lapped up the water, only to have her gaze fall upon a most holy sight. Spread out in a vast, untamed garden, were a variety of flowers and herbs unlike any she had seen before. Of course, her mother had taught her the basics of healing as a young pup, and they had spent a great majority of their time hunting varies herbs. But she had never come across a treasure like this before. A healers pantry.

With a soft giggle from her lips, Serene gently leaped over the stream and into the vegetation; taking in the sights and smells with a warm smile on her face. After her recent troubles, it was a pleasant surprise to be met with such a heaven like this. Golden fur brushed against the various plants, letting their scent mingle with her own until she would capture the very scent of spring. Finally her eyes set on a bundle of Meadowsweet and her curiosity peaked. She had seen the herb once before, when her mother had brought it home after one of her hunts. The familiar white and yellow flowers spoke out against the others, as the memory came flooding back to the female. A sad smile entered her features as she realized how much she truly missed her mother. But she had to be in a better place now, right?  





4 Years
Extra large
03-27-2018, 09:26 PM

He was really becoming rather fond of the south so far and almost felt that there would be no need to look elsewhere to begin his plans of starting a pack. There was no pack claims in the south and it had such rich territory that he felt a pack could easily thrive here. So he had begun setting things up, first by making a hidden den for a collective herb and treasure stock, making a separate den for meats and prey items, then lastly a den of his own. He had picked Weeping woods for all this and though he had spent several days of hard work he was glad to finally have it accomplished.

Today he was taking a more laid back approach to his day and would continue to gather things that could be used for trade. It was key in his plans for the pack, making alliances and trade routes among other packs to help ensure the survival of his own pack. He had a few things already worth trading for, but he had to make sure he had things that other packs desired, so today's focus would be herbs. Coming from a large family of healers he was able to recognize plants that were used, but since he never had the interest he didn't always know what the uses of them were.

He had decided to hit the prairie first and see what all he could drum up in the vegetation there. He had been here all morning so far, carefully digging up the plants he recognized and putting them away in his leather bag. His ears then caught the sound of someone nearby and he lifted himself from the plant he was currently digging out. He saw a sandy golden form not far from him and he barked out letting her know of his presence. He quickly finished up before heading in the direction of the other wolf.

"Hello there!" he called out when he was a lot closer, his tail wagging in a friendly greeting.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'

Easter Bunny


03-28-2018, 07:38 AM

The Easter Bunny hops on by!

On her way through, she drops an egg at the paws of Serene.



5 Years
03-28-2018, 09:03 AM
Whatever You Are, Be A Good One

Lost in a past she desperately wanted to get back to, Serene was nearly oblivious to the other life forms around her. All she could see were the days of her pup-hood; the adventures and laughs rolling across her vision as her optics laid transfixed on the herb before her. Why did those days have to go by so quickly? What the creme fae wouldn't give to spend one more day in her mother's embrace. To feel safe and protected from any and all evil once more. Alas, the memories would fade away just like those fun filled days, and slowly her surroundings would come flooding back to her senses. It was then that she caught the echo of a bark somewhere in the distance. Tipped ears perked at the sound, trying to hone in on the direction it came from as her amber eyes surveyed the land before her.

It was then that the dark hairs stuck out against the garden, and the male suddenly came into view. Serene was astonished that she didn't hear him sooner, or even catch his scent down wind, but mostly that he seemed... friendly? Her vision took in the sway of his tail, and the nonthreatening posture as he approached, while her ears caught the sound of a friendly greeting. Focused on his approached, she almost missed the bag he carried along with him, and almost immediately her mind jumped to her mother's; the one she often used to gather stock herbs. After all this time, all those days in isolation from a cruel and corrupted world, could it be there are good wolves still? At the thought of it, a gentle smile graced her pale lips as her tail flickered every so softly behind her.

"Hello, you wouldn't happen to be out collecting herbs from this fruitful garden would you?" Her voice was soft as to not push the question, but intrigued all the same. She had never met someone who share her and her mother's gardening and healing habits before, and there was something almost calming to the idea of it. As if a little bit of a pass life could be found in this encounter.





4 Years
Extra large
03-31-2018, 07:49 PM

She seemed rather friendly in return and he was relieved. Maybe this wolf was a healer herself and may be able to help him. He needed to collect herbs to start a stock, but he only knew of herbs that did the basics. The more complicated stuff he had little knowledge on. From a pup he had been more into socializing, some politics, and hunting so the actual art of healing was never a big interest. Though he came from a family clan of extremely knowledgeable healers he chose a different path then healing. He stopped a few yards away, not wanting to invade her personal space. He knew how it was as a loner and knew that there was dangers in the world she he didn't want this wolf to feel at all threatened by him, because he was no threat at all. He smiled at her words and nodded.

"Yes, a few to start a storage den. Are you a healer by chance?" he asked.

He was hoping she would be thrilled to help him and maybe he could gain more of a knowledge. If he ever had hopes of starting a pack in his family's ways then he better learn more on herbs then he does now. He did feel embarrassed to not have such knowledge from the bloodline he came from, but he knew it happened to the best of them out there.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'



5 Years
04-01-2018, 01:32 PM
Whatever You Are, Be A Good One

He seemed like a pure enough soul, not only by the approach he took or the tone of his voice, but he gave off this aura that calmed Serene indefinitely. The sunlight shimmered down on the field, warming the tan coat around her shoulders as she listened to him intently. So he was a healer after all! A warm smile slipped onto her lips after hearing this, overjoyed to be with someone who shared her love of herbs and nature. "A storage den you say? That's quite a big job for a lone wolf." She could remember when it was just her mother and her searching for herbs to fill their stockpile. It was no easy feat then and she doubted it would be an easy feat now, even with a strong male to aid.

"I grew up learning of herbs and spirits, so I suppose that does make me a healer of sorts doesn't it?" She pondered the thought, for she knew of some healing herbs for the mind and body, as well as some rituals to heal the spirit. Her eyes peered away from his, looking at the various plants about them when a smile slid on her lips. She was awfully lonely in this world without her mother by her side now, perhaps she could gain a friend from this encounter? The sandy fae turned back to the large male then, nodding her head towards the plant life. "Tell you what, I'll help you collect some herbs for your storage den, if you tell me a bit about yourself."





4 Years
Extra large
04-02-2018, 08:52 AM

She seemed vary happy with his answer, by the smile that spread across her face. It was a bit contagious making his own warm smile brighter. It wasn't often that you could meet other friendly loners willing to stop and help you or to even talk to you, so this was a rare thing. Let alone a pretty female like herself. Branch's tail wagged at her question and he nodded.

"Well I'm hoping it won't be just myself for long I have plans to try and start a pack here in the South," he said.

Some may say he was still young, but he had the ambition and the years of life ahead of him to try how he could. If he wasn't successful he would try again until he got it right. The main problem was he was in new lands and didn't know many faces so drumming up others to join him would be difficult, but he was up for the challenge. She had been raised learning of herbs and spirits, sounding similar to something his mother would say.

"Sounds to me like it. If you know anything about herbs then your a healer," he replied wagging his tail a little more.

She then looked to the plant life and came up with a proposition that he couldn't resist. Her help for her to learn about him, it seemed fair enough and he was always willing to socialize with others.

"Sounds like a fair trade to me, ask away!" he said with his smile turning to a slight grin. "I've been known to be a social butterfly."

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'



5 Years
04-02-2018, 01:52 PM
Whatever You Are, Be A Good One

Hearing that the male was going to try starting up a pack here in the south made her brows raise slightly. Could wolves do that? Just up and decide they were going to make a new pack? Perhaps Serene was a out of the loop on this sort of thing, but she always thought packs were just automatically a thing. I suppose everything does have a beginning though she thought to herself. "Oh? Where would you be looking to set up this pack of yours? I grew up here in the south, I might know the area." It would be interesting to know where this new pack would be, perhaps for future reference if fate would be so kind.

He agreed that Serene was indeed a healer, and she chuckled slightly at his statement. He was such a surprisingly pleasant stranger, she felt quite comfortable with him already. No sense of danger radiating off of him; only a friendly persona. When the male agreed to her terms of service, the sandy blonde turned back to her Meadowsweet she had been admiring earlier, and began to gently collect them for his bundles. "This is Meadowsweet, my mother gave it to me when I fell ill with a nasty bug when I was younger."

She hummed softly as she thought of a question to ask, before she turned to look over her shoulder with a soft smile on her lips. "As for my questions, why don't we start with your name? Mine is Serene." The fawn woman dipped her crown in greetings before turning back to her work, gently pulling up the herbs and sticking them together. She would then pick long, thick blades of grass and weave them together to make a stronger thread, which she would then use to tie the bundles together. This was quite fun to the blonde female, she hadn't had an interaction like this one... ever? What a wonderful day this was turning out to be after all.





4 Years
Extra large
04-02-2018, 08:31 PM

She stated she grew up around here drawing his interest even more. Maybe she could give him some more information of the south other then the lands he had already explored. Though he didn't want to take advantage of her kindness. She was already doing so much as is, but he still wanted to have a decent conversation, he was enjoying the interaction he was having with this female.

"I've really grown fond of the Weeping woods and Tall Grass plains. The woods seem like a great den area and of course the plains seem to have plenty of game in them." he replied.

His eyes watched as she turned back to an herb that looked familiar to him, but he was drawing a blank on the name of it. She seemed well aware of what it was as she began to get bundles of it. Using his nose he lifted the flap on his satchel so it was easy access to store the herb bundles as they collected. She looked to her as she began to explain what the herb was and his thoughts drifted back to when he was young. He remembered his mother used to have plenty of this herb in stock, especially during the colder months. If it helped cure nasty bugs he knew why she kept them.

"My mother had a large stash of this in our den when we were younger I never understood it then, but it now makes sense," he replied with a smile as he began to carefully pick another bundle of them.

His blue eyes looked to her as she looked back to him with her question, while also introducing herself. Her name was fitting and had a vary pretty sound to it, matching her pretty form.

"I'm Branch Wreckage, it's a pleasure to meet you Serene," he replied his tail wagging again as he watched how she tied the bundle together.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'



5 Years
04-03-2018, 09:17 AM
Whatever You Are, Be A Good One

The moment he described his plans for his pack in the willow trees where she had grown up, Serene's motions froze. Home... memories of her homeland came flooding back, and she could feel the darkest memory coming fast. Hidden among those trees will be her home; the den where she grew up and the old willow tree that marks her mother's grave. There was no hiding the sudden sadness that overcame her, that wound would always be fresh. But the more she thought about it, the happier she got. Someone else was going to bring life back to those weeping willows, someone was going to use the safe haven for good. Finally, she shook off the shock and offered a small smile.

"The willows is a good choice, very safe and a perfect place for a den site. You're right about the Tall Grass, perfect for hunting, and a few herbs grow there too. There's also a Shrine just beyond the grass plane that is perfect for prayers and speaking to spirits." Her voice was soft and gentle, just above a whisper as she thought back to those areas where she once roamed. A soft sigh before she grabbed the few bundles she had collected and turned to place them in his bag. One by one, she picked the bundles up in her maw and carefully placed them down neatly in the bag. She listened to his story about his mother keeping Meadowsweet, and it warmed her heart a bit. Just like her mother.

Branch Wreckage she thought to herself with a slight hum. It had a sweet sound to it. "The pleasure is all mine, Branch." She nodded her head before she moved to find more herbs to fill his bag, heading further down into the meadow where the soil was more damp and was more likely to grow herbs. Her legs moved slowly, taking the care to sniff the plant life around her, looking for a herb she recognized. Few steps more, she would finally turn towards the male once more, a question ready on her lips. "Tell me something, Mr. Wreckage," she hummed with a smirk, "why are you so set on creating a pack? Are you looking for power or something more humble?"





4 Years
Extra large
04-03-2018, 09:47 AM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2018, 08:17 PM by Branch.)

Her personality seemed to grow a little more quiet and his blue eyes were curious. She had said she grew up in the south it was possible that one of the areas he mentioned may have some deeper meaning to her then it did him. He hoped that he wasn’t going to intrude on her past, to ruin something dear to her. She then agreed with him, her tones softer making him pause to look up at her. She mentioned a shrine too where it would be a good place to talk with the spirits and it hit him, she had to have grown up close by. With how she was raised her and her family would have used a shrine to speak with the spirits. He didn’t feel he could ask such a personal question to her, he didn’t want her upset with him. He watched her begin to gather the bundles and neatly placed them into his bag before speaking again. He smiled but watched her move away to look for more herbs. He fallowed her, though giving her some space. His own head lowered to look for herbs carefully digging a few up and placing them in a bundle.

Her next Words drew his attention along with the smirk that played on her lips. The question was a good one and maybe a test? He wasn’t to sure. Thinking about the reasons he had originally set out one this mission made him let out a breath. The picture of the sadness in his mother’s eyes the day he decided to leave, when his suggestion was quickly shut down by the current ruling sisters. It had been vary difficult to leave his family, but he felt the sisters were wrong. His blue eyes looked to the women before shaking his head.

“Not power, that will never be my intentions. In fact the full reasoning can be quite a long one, but if your truest interested I have no problem telling you. I would think it’s more of a humble interest though.” he replied looking to her face to see if she was truly interested in his family’s story or not.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'



5 Years
04-03-2018, 10:35 AM
Whatever You Are, Be A Good One

Branch followed her motions as she descended down further into the prairie, plucking out a few herbs here and there as he went. She had her sights on one in particular though, one she had spotted along their path. Tall strands tipped with white buds, laying in damp soil in some shade. She had found this plant once before in her life, during her mother's end, which she thought would save her. Boneset, was it's official name. She could recall her mother's praise when she had found this, saying it would help Esmeralda's pain. Before she approached the herb, his answer floated into the summer air and it caused her attention to shift elsewhere. It seemed there was something deeper to her answer, which is what she was hoping for. At least it wasn't for power.

"Well, I don't want to intrude, but if you are willing to share I would be most interested in hearing what you have to say." She admitted, gently digging at the roots of the herbs so she could extract them properly. She paused as a thought crossed her mind, before she turned with a small smirk on her pale lips. "If you do choose to tell me, you can ask me something too." Serene offered instead, truly wanting to know his purpose behind building this pack of his. She had no right to stop him, but if his intentions were not as pure as he claimed them to be, then she would know that returning to her homeland would not be an option.

If they were pure, Serene debated with herself if returning home would be her best option. After all, if someone was going to build a new civilization in the seed of her home, sharing the same beliefs as she, shouldn't she be there? It was still too soon to tell, and returning to the willows would be more complicated than that, but it was an option. A small light floating in the back of her mind. One she intended to keep aflame for the time being.





4 Years
Extra large
04-03-2018, 11:47 AM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2018, 08:21 PM by Branch.)

His eyes curiously watched her as her attention landed on a different plant. His ears perked wondering what she was focused on and what it’s properties were. Then her words were spoken and he held a breath for a moment. She wanted to know more, but she was being respectful and not forcing him to speak. Branch had never really spoken much on his family history to outsiders, but he would have to learn to. If he was going to try and create a pack others would surely ask the same question to him. She then offered for him to ask a question of her if he did answer. His tail wagged, it seemed fair enough to him so why not?

”My family for centuries have been living in a world of constant travel since the clan started, never settling and never finding a true safe spot to thrive. It was rough and there was years that we either thrived or rapidly declined in numbers. When the clan started it was three sisters trading their knowledge of herbs and healing for food, mates, and places to stop and rest. Since more wolves were integrated into the clan trading expanded to trinkets that were found, food, and various training in skills that we could trade for safe passage or a few days rest near well established packs. Growing up that way was fun and exciting because I was always in new territory, but it was dangerous and my clan was starting with a depression when I had left. I originally brought the idea of establishing a pack to the current ruling sisters, but they are set in their ways and told me it would never work, that all it would bring is war and death instead of peace and happiness,” He was giving her the key points since his family history was so long and drawn out, not wanting to bore her with everything. ”Despite what the elders said I want to try to create a pack without war, one of trade that forms useful relationships with other packs that won’t be of the normal ones. I know it may be hopeless, but if I can convince other packs that mine will not be any thread, but instead helpful to their survival it could work.”

He continued to look to her wondering what her thoughts were. Would she feel the same way as the elder sisters and think he was mad for trying? Or would she think it would be at all possible? He was focused on what she may have to say and for a moment forgetting that she said he could ask her a question, but soon it floated to the front of his mind.

”If you don’t mind me asking was any of those three territories something special to you? I noticed you got a little quiet when I mentioned them, I certainly don’t want to ruin places that are fond to someone,” he said being completely sincere about the subject.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'



5 Years
04-03-2018, 02:49 PM
Whatever You Are, Be A Good One

There was a moment where she feared he wouldn't open up to her, but that was within his rights. She had to continue to remind herself that Branch was a stranger up until today, so perhaps diving into each other's pasts wasn't appropriate. Before she could retract her offer however, the dark male began to spin his tale. Knowing it would be a long one, Serene set down her bundles and turned to give him her full attention; watching the way his body language changed as the story advanced. It was strange, that he had grown up in such a different environment to herself, yet they both came out fairly similar.

The way his proposal was turned down by his elders, made her feel sorry for him. To believe in something so big an ambitious was dangerous but it was pure. His family should've had his back, but instead they told him no. Her ears folded down, and she offered an apologetic smile. Serene wouldn't know what that would feel like, but she knew it wouldn't have felt good. "That's very upsetting to hear, Branch. You're family should've supported you, not only because that's what family does, but because I think your dreams of a pack are valid." She searched for his gaze, trying to reassure him that she truly believed what she was saying. "I don't know much about pack life, or the politics that it might consist of, but I can't imagine they won't want to trade with you."

He then turned and asked his question in return, which she could've guessed was coming. She drew in a deep breath, and let out a long sigh, preparing her answer. "You picked up on that did you? Yes, I was born and raised in the Weeping Wood with my mother. We hunted in the Tall Grass, and made frequent visits to the Shrine for rituals." Her gaze dropped for a moment as she pawed at the beautiful flowers nearby, reminiscing in those days. "I buried my mother a few seasons back." Her voice was bare of emotion, saying it more as a fact than a sad memory. Finally she turned back to Branch, with a small smile on her lips. "I still think you should origin your pack there, those woods deserve to have life in them."





4 Years
Extra large
04-03-2018, 08:07 PM

Family should have his back, but surprisingly Branch never took it as turning their back to him. He knew the elder sisters were not fond of the idea of possibly putting the family in danger. If they did take his suggestion and failed then the family would be in danger. It made things complicated for him with his ambitions and everyone had been sad to see him part from the family clan. Her smile apologetic and he could feel some reassurance. She had stated what he had expected saying his family should have supported him. Then she agreed that his dreams were valid that made him perk up. So then someone else other then him thought it could be possible? It was enlightening to him and only fueled his ambitions.

"Yea the politics of packs are still foreign to me too which has made me hesitant, but I'm glad someone else feels that it is possible. It really helps me want to move forward," he said with a smile and a wag of his tail.

Things soon changed with his question as she drew in a breath. He wanted to take his question back now, but it was far to late and she began to speak. His eyes softening as she began to tell him. She confirmed his fear, her mother was buried there and not that long ago. His ears would lay gently flat against his head. He felt horrible, but she reassured him wanting him to bring new life to that territory. She seemed to light up as she told him that, she really wanted him to. Though the graves of loved ones were not to be disturbed, it was out of respect for the dead. If he did rise his pack this would mean one thing.

"As long as your alright with it and I know this may come to a surprise since we have just met, but I would like to honer your mother's grave and keep it from being disturbed," he said his ears raising on his head. He was taught graves were not to be disturbed, but to be honored and he was going to do the same with her mother's.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'



5 Years
04-03-2018, 09:06 PM
Whatever You Are, Be A Good One

Hearing that her words comforted him in some way made her feel a little better. A small smile on her lips, and a faint wag of her tail. She truly wanted him to move forward with his plans on building a pack, and although she didn't know what that would fully consist of, she knew he would need numbers. Perhaps she could spread the word on her journeys, let others know of Branch's ideals and where to find him. It was a pleasant idea, and she could imagine this future alpha would like it too. It was the least she could do to support his cause... for the time being anyway.

What he said next caused the fawn woman to skip a beat. Mothers grave? Her head shot up at his words, searching his gaze for sincerity. "Would you really? Would you look after her for me?" To know that her mother's grave could go undisturbed... to live out eternity in peace... that would mean the world to Serene. Feeling so heartfelt at the gesture, the sandy woman felt heat building up in her face as tears rimmed her eyes. Before they could fall, she looked away, rubbing her cheeks into her shoulders and turning towards the herbs once more, trying to distract herself.

"I tried my best to lay her to rest... I buried her under an old willow tree with all of the herbs in her stock beside her. I spoke a few words... but I haven't gone to the Shrine for her yet." How could she? She had never gone to the Shrine without her mother, but to go alone completely? It was too much for her. Quickly she finished up her last bundle of boneset and carefully placed it inside his bag along with the others. She then sat back on her haunches, not knowing what else to do. "Thank you, Branch Wreckage."





4 Years
Extra large
04-04-2018, 09:49 AM
His gaze was sincere, he truly had meant what he had said, that willow would become a special place that would not be disturbed. His blue eyes looked to her surprised face wondering what she would say next, hoping it hadn’t offended her. She seemed to be in slight disbelief in his words as she questioned him for a moment.

”Of course I would! I wouldn’t want anyone to disturb that place and would be off limits,” he said with a nod of his head.

He could even place some things there to honor the fallen women he knew vary little about. He would want the same curtesy of it was one of his own family members and it was a promise that he could and would intend to keep. She quickly turned away making his gaze soften, worried that he may of upset her in a way. She then spoke of where she buried her and he tried to shake his memory of the woods. There was a vary old willow there that he remembered seeing one that had touched the ground and the tree itself was vary thick. He listened to her explain on already knowing that he to would say a few words to the women’s grave, out of respect.

”The one with the thickest trunk right?” he asked wanting to be sure he was correct. ”The process of the shrine, is that to simply communicate with her or is that part of your family’s process to completely lay them to rest?”

He smiled as she thanked him, his tail wagging. He hoped it gave her peace of mind for settleing into the area of her mother’s grave.

”Your welcome Serene and if I am successful with my pack you are welcome to come through and visit as much as you like” he replied.



5 Years
04-04-2018, 10:23 AM
Whatever You Are, Be A Good One

What would be the chances that Serene would bump into a kind stranger? Or one that was a healer? Or one that was planning to live in the same homeland as she? What would be the chances that all of this would be in one wolf? Branch Wreckage. It was almost unbelievable... almost as if someone else had arranged this meeting. The idea caused her to peer out over the bountiful prairie, lost in a hopeful thought. She returned when he declared her mother's grave would be off limit to his pack. It made her smile wide, knowing that he took this matter so seriously, even for a stranger.

When he asked about the description of her mother's grave, the fawn fae turned and stood promptly, her tail swaying happily behind her. "Yes, she said it was the grandmother willow, one of the first in the wood. It stands out against time." She noted, pleased beyond belief that he knew the tree she was talking about. When Branch moved to ask about the shrine rituals, the sandy woman thought back to the rituals she and her mother used to do, and how best to answer his question. "It's been used for both, and while I always hope to see my mother at the Shrine, for council or support, this time would be different." She looked at the moist ground below her, and scooped some of the grains into her paw.

"When someone close to you dies, and you bury them, you've created a sacred place. The Shrine, to my family, is like a gateway to all sacred places. You must take some of the soil from your sacred grown, and bring it to the Shrine, that way they are connected." She took a deep breath, playing with the dirt. "When you connect the two, it sort of sets that soul free, I guess is the best way to say it. It gives them free range to go visit other loved ones... and sometimes they don't come back." That was truly why she didn't want to visit the shrine, in fear her mother would truly leave her. But was trapping her any better? No, Serene knew what needed to be done.

She glanced back up to Branch with a curious gaze, wondering something about him. She offered a small smile, tilting her head to the side as she spoke. "Would you help me? With the ritual?" It was bold, to invite someone new into such a private ceremony, but Branch seemed trustworthy. He was pure at heart, that she could tell by his motives to build a pack, and he seemed to share much of the same talents and beliefs as she. If he was going to keep her mother's grave safe, he should be at least invited to the ceremony. That was the least she could do.





4 Years
Extra large
04-05-2018, 08:55 AM

Branch had no idea he would run into a women like Serene today, but he was glad. He had no clue he would meet someone who was familiar with the area, let alone grew up in the place he had planned to settle in. He wasn't sure if it was fate or pure coincidence either way he was enjoying this time with this new friend (that's what he considered her). The had been speaking like friends would, more on a personal level then just a friendly one. It also had given him more hope towards his ambitions and she had seemed to just brighten his day and make him look forward to what was next in his day. Though he honestly really didn't want this time with Serene to end because he was enjoying it so much.

The old willow was in fact the correct place and Branch made sure to repeat that within his mind to memorize it so he could be sure to make it off limits. His gaze became curious as she began to speak about the shrine ritual, something that sounded vary important to her. She mentioned though that this time would be different and he supposed that it was because he wouldn't have her mother physically with her, or at least that is what he was getting out of it. She went on to explain the ceremony and it was interesting to him. Different from how his family did it, but interesting all the same. He could understand that it may be hard to let go too and to face the fact that they may never come back.

She then looked to him with a curious gaze making him want Nader what was on her mind. The question that came next both surprised him, but excited him. He would be more then happy to go with her, to help her in anyway she needed. He smiled his tail wagging

”I would be glad too” he replied.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'



5 Years
04-05-2018, 02:54 PM
Whatever You Are, Be A Good One

Branch agreed, and it made the blonde woman smile brightly. Though she knew very little about this male, he was the closest thing she had to a friend at this point, and that was huge to her. Without her mother, she has no family to turn to, no one to be connected to. So friendship would be her new kinship. "Wonderful!" She exclaimed happily, tail swaying smoothly behind her. It was then the woman took a moment to sweep her gaze over the prairie, noticing the change in the shadows of the herbs as time moved forward without he permission.

Serene moved closer to the male, looking into his bag to check on the work they had done. It seemed to her, he had enough of both herbs to last him until next season, unless there was a crisis of course. She turned and smiled at him, "I think we did a pretty good job huh? Better quit before we pick the whole prairie dry." She would move away then, going to sit a few feet away as she let a small, satisfied sigh escape her lips. Her mind was on the shrine still, and before they would have to part ways once more, she wanted to make sure they had a set plan. "I was thinking I would come back home in a few days? I'll meet you in the willows before we head up to the shrine? Give you enough time to get all these herbs squared away."
