
A Practice Dummy! Uh, I Mean...



3 Years
04-04-2018, 04:39 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2018, 10:26 PM by Kahaia.)

It had been a few days since her reluctant learning experience in Auster. She was, of course, appreciative of this educational moment. It gave her opportunity to improve her healing skills over those next few days. Still, it could get tiring spending all your time focusing on self-improvement. Lass needed a day to herself, some time spent alone in the cool autumn air. Wolfpaw lake seemed like the perfect place to take a day. The lake had always scared her, as it seemed so big when she was younger. Now that she was growing, however, she realized there were lakes and bodies of water much bigger than this one. Water that could easily swallow her whole, whereas this lake presented no real threat. At least, not if you could swim.

Little flower had come early in the morning, spending that time looking around for the perfect spot somewhere near the lake's shore. Finally, after having wasted a majority of her time doing so, she decided to just take a dip. She might even catch herself a meal and go nap on the stone in the center. Kahaia carefully waded into the water, staying closer to the shallow points in the lake. This way, her prey was easier to see and catch. The girl wouldn't have to completely soak herself in order to eat either, always a plus. Especially considering the change in temperature. This cool breeze and wet fur would bring nothing but sickness, which she definitely had no use for. How could she practice healing others, if she had to heal herself too?

It would surely take some time hunting for the fish this way. Granted her prey was obvious to her, but they could also see her. This only meant the girl had to faster when going after them. Fishing was never an easy task for Kahaia, as she never really had the focus for it. It didn't really catch her eye, and the fish smelled off to her, but beggars can't be choosers. She kept swiping away at the small scaled beasts, and they all kept swimming away from her. One even flopped out of the water and splashed her. What a rude little fish, didn't he know that she was the predator? It felt like fishing was going nowhere, but the delicate little wolf was determined to take some kind of prize from this. Even if it meant sabotaging her dry coat.

She decided to use her mouth and set a trap. Kahaia opened her jaws wide, gently sinking her lower jaw into the sand. She kept it open so she could get some air still through her nose. It might not have been the slickest trick in the book, but some dumb fish would swim right into her mouth. Hopefully soon too, as she could already start to feel the strain on her jaw's muscles. Sure enough after what seemed like ages, a fish started coming closer. He was coming right for her mouth. Kaha stayed as still as she possibly could and right before the thing could swim away from her she snapped her jaw closed. Almost immediately she felt the sharp scales in her mouth and the poor creature squirming to get out. Aha! Kahaia felt like the smartest wolf of the bunch.

She paddled herself to the stone and scrambled atop it. Finally, after sinking her teeth into the fish and shaking it like a ragdoll, he had ceased movement. A meal and some peace and quiet. Just what she needed after a long week. Girl threw herself down on the stone face and picked at her meal carefully. It was odd things had been going so well for her today. With her luck, things were bound to get messy sooner or later, she could just sense it.

Kane I


Dire wolf
04-06-2018, 05:11 PM

The diamond that had chosen to stay coal lurked along the pools that made up Wolfpaw Lake, not really interested in fishing but rather interested in the prey he might find here that came drawn to the fish. He usually picked off older foxes, raccoons, beavers, or even the occasional otter if he managed to snag one. Water sources generally meant easy prey and Kane wasn't much for hunting. He was too bulky, his barreled chest quite noticeably wider than that of even his father's. He was a man of thick muscle, cursed with a black jacket that absolutely despised the sun.

His single red eye scanned the reeds around the shore as he patiently kept himself at a quiet walk. Occasionally, he would stop and take a dip in the lake for two reasons: to help mask his scent as he continued his hunt, and to see if he could scare anything out from underneath the waters. So far, nothing was working and he really wasn't looking forward to the unsatisfying meal of a fish.

As he continued along the shore, he heard the unmistakable sound of a fish struggling and writhing against the water. Someone had been successful and caught something, and he heard them wade out of the water as he came around the bend hidden by reeds. He saw a glimpse of brown first and lowered his thick skull, his limbs moving incredibly slow as he stalked his newfound prey.

He suspected her to be a fox at first, with her oversized ears and pelt of brown. She was a little big for a fox, though.. perhaps a coyote? She certainly was too small for a wolf! Smaller than any wolf he'd come across so far. When she began shaking and beating the fish upon the ground, he lunged forward out of his hiding place in the reeds, ready to attack her while she least expected it.

Talons ripped through the mud as the red eye of the demon narrowed, his pink gums fully exposed and his tongue coiled back into his jaw as they swung agape. His paws slapped the earth as he used his strength to pull him across it with incredible speed, aiming to throw himself right on top of her. Drool rolled down the curves of his teeth as he salivated in anticipation, his stomach nearly growling at the thought of a promising meal.

That was until he saw her eyes and the precious features that constructed her face. It was a split second decision, but the beast's jaws snapped shut immediately as he tried his best to jerk himself away from her now that he was just three feet away. The quarters were too close, but he tried- his limbs halting and his toes making vales in the mud as he would attempt to break his momentum. He was scared he was going to run into her still and did his best to throw his weight to his left. Quite comically, he fell into the mud and grass on his left side, void of all grace, and almost immediately felt the inevitable bruising that would occur judging by the impact that his weight hit the ground with. He grunted before the true pain of his injury settled in, during the initial numbness that followed the impact- his one red eye looking over at her again as he tried to roll to on his stomach. If she hadn't moved, he landed just nearly inches from where she'd begun to eat her meal.

He had half a mind to eat her anyway now that he'd hurt his shoulder, but... another look at her face and he couldn't help but feel at least a spark of curiosity about her. She was so small, her ears so large, and her eyes so innocent. He couldn't recall the last wolf he'd come across that looked quite as pure as she did, and something about that made it nearly impossible for him to justify turning her into a snack- and he didn't particularly think fondly of the idea of becoming a cannibal anyway. He groaned as the pain in his shoulder began to radiate finally and tried to get up, but the moment he applied pressure to his left front leg he could feel knives all across his left shoulder and some of his back. Shit, did he sprain it? Dislocate it? Either way, he would forfeit the idea of standing up for now. Instead, he remained lying there in the mud as his breath became more rapid, his nostrils flaring as he tried to get into a comfortable position on his stomach where the pain that was coming from it was the least. How did he always manage to hurt himself?

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?



3 Years
04-06-2018, 08:13 PM

Girl was startled as the male came barreling towards her. Though she hadn't prepared herself to defend, as he seemed to defend her from himself. Lass winced as she heard the impact, god that had to hurt. What the hell was he doing running like a buffoon at her anyway? Head tilted, and the girl went wide-eyed as she saw the brute had given up in his attempt to get up. He must have really hurt himself. Honestly, the big doof got what he deserved, coming after her like she was some kind of meal or something. Did she look like some damn prey? Pfft. Not today, buddy boy.

She stood with a little more confidence, puffing her chest out like some kind of alpha. Not like she took him down herself, but she was damn sure going to act as if she had. That's right Kahaia, take all the credit. Besides, brute probably got a concussion from that kinda fall. Or was it a skid? Goddess in the making narrowed her eyes at him, taking in this fool's appearance. His missing eye would have likely sent others running, as it gave him a much more intimidating appearance. However, after what she had seen, she wasn't too worried that he would hurt her. The young male was large, she was a little more than half of his size. How did people make wolves this size, didn't most of them start out her size?

Thick beast looked almost wild, covered in mud and scarred up. He must have come running up on a few people like this in his past, to get beaten up so badly. So why was this time any different? Why would he stop himself? She dropped her fish and came closer, looking to see where the problem seemed to be coming from. Girl noticed that when he tried to get up he seemed to give up almost immediately. It must have been coming from somewhere in the front, obviously his left side. His breathing much more rapid at this point. Poor guy must have knocked the wind out of himself.  Now on his stomach, she'd have to move around to the other side of him, all the while never taking her eyes off him. Never know what kind of funny business he might try with her.

Kahaia came in with her maw, taking no caution in doing so, to inspect the wound further. She'd prod at it if she hadn't been stopped already, and shake her head. "Got yourself into some trouble there, huh big boy?", she chuckled. Her ass met the earth with a loud slapping sound, as the girl was still soaked. She could help to properly bandage the male and send him on his way, but she wanted answers first. He had to have some reasoning behind coming after her like that. Maybe she resembled someone he knew? Little flower was obviously clueless to her resemblance to the prey most of these big wolves went after, foxes and coyotes. "Who are you, and just what the hell were you doing back there? Trying to eat me? Do I look like your next meal, buddy? Because let me tell you, I am not one to mess with!" Again, she lifted her head and tried to flex, showing off a lean, slightly muscular frame. Oh yeah, bringing out the big guns. "More importantly, why did you stop?" She'd cock her head, trying to seem more intimidating. Swooping her face in close, trying to make the man flinch. Of course, she hadn't come off as intimidating as she was trying, but she didn't notice. In fact, right now, she felt like the big bad wolf facing off with a scared little piggy.

Kane I


Dire wolf
04-06-2018, 09:33 PM

His one eye never left the girl as she stood up, standing tall with the pride of an alpha despite her immaculately small size. He narrowed his gaze, his impish ears coming forward to listen to her as she started to circle around his form, eyeing him like he was some criminal in question. He would have felt incredibly offended had this been any other wolf, as he had his fair share of encounters with wolves that seemed to want a piece of him- he had the scars to prove it. However, he couldn't help but think how fucking undeniably cute she was trying to be big and bad while she circled around him, poking her nose at him quite daringly.

Had she never been taken advantage of before? Ever? How was it that he had come across so many willing to beat the fuck out of him when he was her age, and she stood here with the audacity of a big ass lion walking among mere wolves. He shifted some, a grimace scorning his face and causing him to involuntarily bare his teeth until the pain subsided. He lifted his eye up to her as she spoke, sarcasm and superiority dripping from every word. He scoffed, a smirk curving on his lips as he continued to listen.

He tried to think of how to go with this conversation, whether or not to be honest with her or to be easy on her. He thought back to his first meeting with Tyranis, and how he had to tell the boy to be careful when they were hiding in the caverns, surrounded by potential predators. He hadn't been easy on Ty, why would he be easy on her? Because she was a cute girl? Heh.

"I wasn't even aware wolves came in snack size, and I only stopped because I noticed you weren't a fox right before I caught up to you- and you're lucky I'm not starving to the point where I would want to eat you anyway. Buddy." There you go, Kane. Tell her how it is, put her in her place! He would grin, satisfied with himself as he looked at her. He didn't have much experience with girls, truth be told- but some part of him hoped he hadn't been too mean and risked driving her away. Wait, what the fuck? Since when did he care if someone stuck around? He swallowed his curiosity as hard as he could for the time being and put it in the back of his mind.

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?



3 Years
04-06-2018, 10:27 PM

Kahaia stared ay him, grimace painted across her own muzzle. Why the hell was he staring at her like that? Wait, was there something on her face? Oh, nevermind, he was finally talking! What came from the man next, Kahaia was highly offended by. Snack-size, fox? She was a force to be reckoned with and if this brute couldn't recognize that, well then his own mistake. Still, she could feel tears threatening at his words resonated in her mind. What the fuck was his problem and just who did he think he was? Well, she would have none of his little attitude. No, sir. Tears still welling, the girl's face was all twisted up. She had to turn and look away from him to let the tears fall before she could face him again.

Delicate paw lifted and she jabbed him in the left shoulder. Yeah, that oughta show him. "I don't know who you think you are, or who you think I am but I am a healer! I could have had you all fixed up in no time but you had to go and have an attitude!" Her voice was breaking at this point, she had to pause to sniffle. "I am not snack size, and I am not a fox. I am a wolf, and I could tear you up any day! Actually, a better idea would be to leave you here for the vultures to pick at. Maybe they'll take that other eye of yours." What would come next from her mouth would definitely be unexpected from the girl, by this point her voice was raised to almost a scream. "Is that what you want? To be a blind, stupid dead guy? Well, see if I help you!"

Now the girl was bawling crying, but still trying to remain strong. She turned away without saying much else to the brute. Let him think that she was going to really leave him. He deserved to think about his own mistakes, unable to do anything to stop her from walking away. If he were to call out for her, the girl would simply ignore it. Besides, she wasn't really going to leave him. As much as she wanted to, her heart wouldn't let her, but she was for sure gonna let him think she was. No, the girl was off to collect the herbs she needed to fix him up. She figured a topical mixture of marigold and dandelion would do the trick. So she was off to look. Once she was far enough away that he couldn't see her, she'd start on her search.

Dandelions would be the easiest to find, as they were spread across the meadow. So she picked a few and moved on to the search for marigold, where she'd find in moist, loamy soil. That would be a little harder, but she could manage. After only what seemed like ages of searching she finally found a cluster of it and picked one or two, being sure there was plenty of petals on each. Girl would take her time walking back, sitting down for a moment to relax. While she did, she noticed a large leaf that had fallen, though it was still live. It would be perfect to use for the paste as it was still fresh and flexible, so she dropped her herbs in the center of it and set it in front of her. She would give it a few more minutes before finally heading back, that should have been more than enough time to let the rude patient sulk in silence.

Kane I


Dire wolf
04-07-2018, 11:55 PM

Kane watched her carefully as she reacted to his words, and honestly he had very little understanding of what he was reading. Was she.. going.. to cry? Kane had very little positive interaction with others during his voyage out into the unknown in his youth, and since his only friend growing up really had been Miach... and well, Ty.. if that little encounter counted, he had very little experience in the realm of all reactions aside from anger that came from strangers. He knew the love of his mother, but even then.. hmm. When she turned away from him, the black 'brow dot above his single red ruby raised, his head tilting slightly as he watched her and thought, maybe just for a second, she was crying? His square muzzle lifted slightly as he listened acutely, leaning forward as much as he could without causing any harsh pain to his shoulder... his curiosity was getting the better of him, why was she crying?

When she turned around ready to snap at him though- his frailty of his thoughts of possibly trying to comfort the girl all became shattered. She hit his left shoulder and made him immediately hiss a breath in through his teeth as the pain soared through his body, starting from just that one jab. He growled lightly, not really out of wanting to threaten her but to express his extreme discomfort. She started yelling at him, acting very defensive but his ears perked when she mentioned that she was a healer and he tried his best to wipe the ugly look off his face. She was a little young to be a good healer, but.. maybe she had been training? Either way, he was immediately interested- he had no experience at all in healing, and if she knew how to fix him up... well, he couldn't argue. Though, she definitely didn't seem willing as she continued on.

And there it was, she suggested leaving him here all together. He thought about asking her to stop, asking her to help him, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He'd insulted her, and she was on the verge of tears with her voice cracking- how had he offended her so much with his retort? Wasn't she the one who started up with the attitude in the first place? He couldn't wrap his head around it fully, but he was ready to accept his fate and figure out things on his own. She underestimated him if she thought he'd be left here at the mercy of vultures, no. This sprain wasn't enough to keep him down.. but he definitely wanted to just.. sit here for awhile. He sighed, and when she left he hoped that maybe she'd change her mind. Maybe she'd go to whatever pack she came from, get the herbs off her parents or something, and then come back to help him.

As the night continued and the sun began to set over the pools of Wolfpaw Lake, he sighed and decided to lift himself up despite the pain. He'd definitely dislocated his shoulder, and he'd have to set it soon, but not when it hurt quite like this- he'd give it awhile. His limbs shook as he stood up anyway, bearing through the feeling as he moved over to the reeds in an attempt to hide himself a little better in preparation for nightfall, his black image disappearing in the tall grass though there was quite an obvious trail of bent foliage in his wake.

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?



3 Years
04-08-2018, 12:25 AM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2018, 12:26 AM by Kahaia.)

Kahaia approached, grimace painted on her face. She had returned, and with the herbs, she needed to heal him for now. Lass definitely wouldn't be able to set it for him, but at least she could get him kind of mobile. Kahaia separated the root from the dandelion and ripped petals from the marigold, setting it all in a pile. While she worked to get her topical treatment together, she'd shoot him a few nasty glances here and there. The girl was still offended of course, but something about him made her come back. Or maybe it was just that big heart of hers. Regardless, she was here now and there was no avoiding this.

She gathered up the herbs in her maw and chewed them up. She had never actually done this before and been successful, so the taste was very off-putting. She tried to hide her gagging from the male though, as she wanted to seem like a pro. She couldn't let him know that he was the first person she had actually done this for! She'd lose all that hard earned credit. Once it was chewed up enough and had enough of her saliva to be a good texture, she spit it back into the leaf. Here would come the inexperienced part. Was she supposed to just put it on the wound in the leaf and let it stick or rub it on there?

Either way, it should work properly right? Both ways it's getting on there somehow. So the girl would come closer to the man, speaking the first words she had the whole time she'd been preparing her treatment. "Move, let me put this on you." Resorting to barking orders, the girl's voice was still a little weak, but she was no longer sad about it. Just angry, but she wasn't sure who she should be angry at. That teen angst inside of her said to her that it was all his fault, as he was the one with the harsh comments in the first place, but she knew different. In the end, she had no one to blame but herself for the situation.

She got so hurt like that because of her own insecurities. Insecurities she hadn't seen in a long time. The girl chose to ignore her small stature for such a long time, but she knew she looked like a fox. She'd worked when she was younger to get past all of that self-hate about it, this was just a minor hiccup in the recovery. She'd be back to her old self in no time. So long as this brute didn't stick around. She let her mind wander as she placed the leaf on his shoulder, Kahaia had to put pressure on it to make sure the paste did it's magic and went to work on him. "Marigold petals and dandelion root, its supposed to do wonders for inflammation, bruising, cuts too!" She was still lost in her thoughts, Staring at her work, mesmerized. After a few moments lost in her own world, emerald eyes snapped back to the man. "So, whatever your name is, does it feel any better?" Or did she do a shitty job, is what she really wanted to finish with. Still, he couldn't know how inexperienced she was.  

Kane I


Dire wolf
04-08-2018, 01:01 AM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2018, 01:08 AM by Kane I.)

He had just settled into his make-shift nest inside of the reeds when she came bounding back to their spot. It wasn't too far into the reeds that she wouldn't be able to see him had she'd known where he'd fallen, and she did. His shoulder hurt too bad to let him really waste the energy moving any further, and the reeds only covered so much land before they hit the water. His figure was quite noticeable if someone was looking for him, and as she looked at him and started her chewing- he looked back to her. He wanted to smile, watching her chew with such determination.. he was relieved, in all honesty, that she had come back. She didn't have to, but she did.. and by herself.

Did she go hunt these herbs down herself? He suddenly realized that perhaps this girl was alone like he was. That would explain what took her so long, though he was just happy that she had gone through all of the trouble.. even after he'd insulted her. He didn't understand why she did it, but as she barked her orders he found himself compelled to listen. He shifted his weight with another hissing grimace and presented his shoulder to her, sitting in his haunches there in the reeds. She just a little over half his height, coming up to his chest only barely and it made him smirk some as she continued to behave so fearlessly around him. She applied the leaf and he felt like it was loose, at risk of falling off but she applied more pressure and he winced, trying his best not to make a sound while he let her do her work.

As she stared, he thought over her words. Maybe she did know what she was doing, and at such a young age? He was slightly impressed, though he was still collecting his thoughts and trying to assess what he should think about her. And he was thinking about her. "It's Kane... and I believe it does, thank you." His voice was smoothed out of all it's sarcasm that he had filled it with earlier when he spoke to her, his single eye looking at her softly and with appreciation. He shifted, testing the leaf and it appeared to have adhered after his time of remaining still.

With the marigold working to reduce the inflammation, and.. maybe a little because of the fact that she was here to watch him, he felt obligated to take the opportunity now to finally set his shoulder and get it on the right road to recovery. He stood up, gently moving around her to get out of the reads as he kept his weight off his front left leg. He limped back to the place in the grass where he had fallen and turned around until he found firm ground. Finally, he placed down his left paw and tested his weight on it a bit.. getting a feel for the way his muscles were wrongly placed. It hurt like hell, but he was able to test his body and figure out where to go from here. His right paw moved to come down on his left after his back limbs squared out to support the odd posture. He twisted his torso, jerking his neck suddenly and the incredibly grotesque sound of his bones snapping back into place and muscles shifting filled the quiet night air.

He groaned, but.. the leaf seemed to remain intact, adhered to his fur and with it, relief soon followed now that his shoulder was back in the right place. Soreness radiated from the area, but it wasn't quite like the pain from before where every move felt like knives. He looked over at her curiously and sat back down on his haunches, his barreled chest presented quite proudly as his scarred muzzle pointed toward her. "You're out here in the west.. are you of any families from here? Maybe even in Lirim? I'm curious as to where you learned to practice healing, you seem to know what you're doing." He quieted down, his ears folding backward as he thought and watched her. Hopefully, that made up for him insulting her earlier and calling her a fox.

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?



3 Years
04-08-2018, 12:46 PM

Kahaia couldn't help but smile at hearing that her little treatment was doing some good. He seemed to be acting differently now, did her decision to walk away from him work? There was no longer an attitude and she could just feel the tension of the conversation lifting. He'd even given her a name! They were really making progress now. She watched carefully as he set his own shoulder. The sound made the girl cringe, there was no doubt in her mind that it hurt. She must have been right in her assumption that he'd been in many instances such as this one. She couldn't help but feel a little awkward as he seemed to be overflowing with confidence now. The brute was a handsome beast, scars and all. Dominance surrounded him, what girl wouldn't find that attractive.

He asked about her family, and that touched a sore spot. The girl had never known much of her own family. All she ever knew was the pack that had originally captured her. Though she couldn't hold much resentment against them for that, as they decided she was useful and began teaching her how to heal. As well as other little skills to help her survive. She never really felt like she was being held captive when she decided it was time to explore and move on with her life they let her go free. There was no fighting or repercussions for heading out. The girl probably should have been thankful for their kindness. As for this Lirim business, she wasn't aware of any packs. The girl was quite isolated, she really liked it better that way. Never had to hear anyone else's opinion.

Girl had to hold back her laughter as he complimented her healing skills. "Nice to meet you, I suppose. My name is Kahaia. I'm not quite sure if I'm from any families out here. I was taken from my own at such a young age, I can't remember much about them. The pack that took me raised me, though. I don't know of any packs around here, so no I'm not from Lirim." She shook her head, preparing for the look on his face when he found out she wasn't that experienced. Then that little voice in her head said, 'No, no, go ahead and take credit. You're the reason he's not dying right now.' So she would. "The pack that took me felt that I could be of great use to them, they taught me what I know about healing and a few other minor survival tips. They let me go without any issues once I turned one. So, I'm not so sure I was their prisoner."

She'd spoken enough about herself, she was curious to learn more about this Kane fellow. He seemed so mysterious, and she had a list of questions she wanted to ask. Where to begin? "What about you, is your family out here? Maybe you're a part of Lirim, hm? Do you have any skills besides attacking innocent wolves and being a little crybaby?" Of course, the little flower was joking. However, she didn't want another run in like they'd had earlier, so she was gonna keep her jokes to a minimum. Things were going much better now that the two of them were being nice to each other.

Kane I


Dire wolf
04-10-2018, 07:42 PM

His long ears would raise as she told him a little bit of her history, and informed him that he was not part of Lirim at all. He wondered what pack had taken her, and why they had done so- but he didn't want to question it. She obviously didn't understand too much herself, and she seemed to be a little sensitive to the subject. Kane had to bite his tongue rather hard, as.. the intellectual in him had a strong need for understanding. He tried his best not to question anything and continued listening.

His weight shifted onto his haunches, and with his left shoulder still sore he favored most of his weight on his right side. His thick body curved slightly, his spine slouched as he sat more on the side of his haunches rather than properly and on his ass. He was lounging. When she called him a crybaby, he suppressed a chuckle- a single scoff leaving his lips as they curved into a playful smirk. "No, you pretty much got me figured out."

He flashed her a grin, pink gums in slight few around those thick teeth before his lips veiled over them once again and he brought on a more serious look. His single ruby watched her for a moment before shaking his head, "Eh, I'm not part of Lirim. Not anymore, but I do have family there. However, I've been away for..." he was quite obviously thinking, "A year and a half at least, now. It's been awhile. That's why I was asking, in case you were someone who joined while I was gone."

He shifted a bit, looking over to the half-eaten fish she'd caught. "I can't imagine those are very filling, and they smell only slightly less awful than they taste." He teased, making a disgusted face with his mouth partially open and his tongue flicking in disapproval. "Want to catch a real meal in the morning? It's getting late tonight, but I still need to find something to eat so it'll be my first goal in the morning.. and maybe sharing with you wouldn't be so bad. I mean, you did come back for me. After that, that's it though. Not sure if I can stand having a shortie like you trying to boss me around all the time."

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?



3 Years
04-10-2018, 10:24 PM

Kahaia couldn't help but smile as he joked that she had him all figured out, but still, she took that as a serious compliment. He was only boosting her ego further, letting her believe she really was the shit. Lass could feel herself getting attached already, and to think this was the same male that made her get very emotional over her appearance. It was an odd reaction for the girl to have, so for her to get over it so very quickly, well this male had to be quite the charmer. Surprising for someone riddled with scars and one eye. It was just something about his personality, the way he carried himself only made Kahaia crave attention from him.

As he brought up Lirim again, she was surprised at the mention of family. Someone with that much of an attitude had a family? They must not have been a very caring family, as it seemed a crab crawled up this one's ass and made his home up there. Did Kahaia really seem like a pack wolf? She thought that she came off a little more easy-going, more carefree than that. Most of the pack wolves she met seemed just a little too stuck up, sticklers for rules if you asked her. Boring in other words. Girl stifled a chuckle as the man pointed out her fish and made a comment on their smell. She had just been complaining to herself about the very same thing. However, the girl really wasn't very skilled when it came to hunting anything else.

Fish was all she'd been able to bring in for herself, which could have also contributed to her small size. When she was younger, the pack that had taken her in kept her fed, making sure to bring back little kills for her. She survived mainly on a diet of rabbit and squirrel. One of the den mothers took her out at about 6 months and taught her how to catch fish. Of course, she avoided practicing as she could never make it past the smell. As he brought up the idea of a real meal, well, she couldn't help but cast aside the dead fish. It already smelled like it was rotting. Even though that was its natural odor, Kahaia was eager to let it float away in the lake.

"Sure, that sounds like a great idea. You're right, I did come back for you. I think I deserve more than one shared meal, but I guess we'll just see.", she teased/. At his little nickname, she couldn't help but smile. Honestly, the girl was glad that she came back to help him out. Guess we can just hole up here?" Her fur had partially dried, but it was still a little wet at the roots, leaving her body with no defense against the cold. She'd wait for Kane to get in a comfortable position before forcing herself close to his body, tucking her much smaller head beneath his own muzzle. She could feel the slight shivering come to an end as the heat from his own muddy body started transferring to her. He was like a personal heater! One floppy ear likely in his face as they slept, batting him in his one eye each time it flicked in her sleep. Hopefully, Kane didn't get irritated and bite it off before the morning came.