
someone i could save



6 Years
04-04-2018, 05:23 PM
He had been to hell and back. Such was the way when the demons chase you every step of the way, every moment of every day. That's what happens. That's what plagues your mind and rakes through your soul. The demons, they'll chase you until you break. Poser, it would seem, had broken. He'd shattered. There had been nothing left to him for a long while, or so it seemed. Things had gotten very hard for a very long time, so he had left.

He'd run like a bat out of hell, so to speak. Things that were less than pleasant had caught up to him, and maybe he'd tried to inflict harm on himself so they would get out. They would leave him. They would go far and wide from his brain, and he would be safe again. No such luck. Never any such luck, for Poser was usually the unlucky one. No, the young god had not succeeded in taking his own life, he had not succeeded in taking the lives of others.

So he returned. Like a ghost, the young god makes his way to the Castle that had kept him safe when he couldn't do it for himself. The hallowed halls... stepping through the same doors... it was overwhelming. Poser wasn't sure what to think or what to feel, but he knew with certainty, he was home.
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
04-17-2018, 12:21 AM

It had been a long trip back to the castle. He had decided to return for a little while, weighing his options. Trying to figure out where Talis would re-establish themselves once he decided it was time again. Would they return to their home in the castle and the plains? Or would they venture north back to the original homeland of the Ancora line? He argued with himself often over this. On one paw, they would be safer in the North then here. Here, the castle was practically next door to the two Abraxas packs. And he wasn't sure if he or any others who followed would be comfortable being so close. On the other paw, if they did stay so close...then there was the chance they could keep an eye on the two packs and their movements. Maybe even warn the packs in Boreas should the Abraxas decide to march that way. But being so close could make him a target again, and he wasn't keen on having to fight them yet again.

It was a dilemma he was having trouble with, and he didn't quite know what to do. Stretching out on the bed in the room he had claimed for the last two years, he yawned and stretched. Shiva and Kimahri had gone hunting, and he was alone for the time being. Though he couldn't see, he knew the castle inside and out. All of its halls and stairs, every window and dungeon. The courtyard and its crumbling walls, and even the only two entrances onto the castle grounds. This was home. But so was the North. Sighing, he got up and decided to go out to the courtyard. He made his way through the winding halls and down the steps until he made it to the crumbling throne room with its tattered banners. So preoccupied with his thoughts, he had missed the scent of the other who had come to visit. Of course, it didn't help that the strangers scent was mixed with the fading scents of his former pack. He sat on the steps to the castle entrance, listening and waiting for his companions return.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
04-17-2018, 12:33 AM
There was someone else here. Nails clicking on the floors, Poser was well aware of it. Someone else had called this place home, they had shortly before he left. He'd planned to reach out them (reach, strike, same difference) before being called away. Being called away by the voices in his head, being driven from the place by something strange in his heart. Everything was weird at that point in time, but he wouldn't think too much about it.

To the throne room he pads, eyes careful on what lies before him. Everything was strange. Everything hurt in the young god's system, but that was okay. He was here to rebuild. He was here to make things better once more. Hauntingly blue eyes set on the man that stood in the throne room, letting out a soft grumble. It was not aggressive, it was simply... a greeting.

"We've met, but I don't think you told me your name." Yes, they'd met before, in this very castle. Terms had been different and things had been strange, but now, Poser is simply curious. What would the day hold? What would anything hold, for that matter. He was friendly enough, today wasn't the day for a fight. In Poser's mind, it never was.

your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
04-17-2018, 01:06 AM

He wasn't really paying attention much to anything going on around him. Well, except for what lied before him. The courtyard was in front of him and the castle to his back, and he was focused more on the return of his companions that he hadn't expected someone to come from behind. He had faintly heard the click of claws on the concrete echoing off the walls, but for whatever reason he dismissed it as one of the ridiculously tiny deer that inhabited the castle grounds. It wasn't until a voice startled him a bit, causing him to quickly turn. Sightless gaze sought out the stranger, head slightly moving about as he tried to pinpoint exactly where the stranger was, but it was harder without the aid of his companions.

He was visibly confused. Whoever this was claimed that they'd met, but he couldn't place the scent or voice to a name. Maybe it was someone he had come across long ago and they never really spoke or something..."Dragon." He said finally, his own voice sounding louder than usual to him. Perhaps it was because a place that was once full of lives, stood empty with no pack to fill it. "Who are you?" He questioned with mild curiosity. Without Kimahri or Shiva, he was more or less vulnerable alone and with someone he didn't know.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
04-17-2018, 01:26 AM
Poser wasn’t feeling himself, not in the way he had been as of late. No. This was different. It was as if much of his wit and sparkle had drained away, leaving him feeling old and a bit out of sorts. Old. What a thought. Maybe it was getting to be time for his midlife crisis and all that. What a funny thought. The idea of mortality to a young god was nothing short of strange. Out of the question, even. If he wasn’t so distracted by things that weren’t his own thoughts, maybe he would have laughed. The young god wasn’t entirely sure what to think of himself.

The stranger spoke once more, and the wraithlike creature nodded. Now he remembered. The words that came on his tongue echoed the ones he’d used before, during their first meeting. ”Aren’t you a bit small to be a dragon? Built like one though, I suppose.” More or less the same sentiment as before. His tail wagged, tone remaining light as he spoke. ”Poser. Nice to meet you again.” Several years had passed, but that didn’t matter much. Time didn’t seem to matter much these days. ”It’s been two years since I’ve been home... I can imagine a lot has happened.” The scents that lingered around the castle told stories, but really Poser was trying to make conversation. Anything to pas the time.
[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
04-17-2018, 01:35 AM

"Aren't you a bit small to be a dragon?" Brows furrowed at the comment, the male subconsciously shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know how big dragons are, so I wouldn't know." Maybe Kimahri and Shiva knew? He had listened in on their stories. He had never asked them to tell him any, but the times he heard them sharing tales and myths and legends had always caught his curiosity. The stranger introduced himself as Poser, and still, Dragon could not remember. It had been too long, he supposed. "I'm...sorry, I don't remember you. I guess it's been a pretty long time." He lightly shook his head as he said this. It was a shame, really. He wished he could see who stood before him. Perhaps that would have jogged his memory better, if he could see the canine before him that wasn't a wolf. A Were he able to see the lean creature, he would have remembered. For one does not simply forget the sight of a Borzoi. A creature so similar yet so different from the wolves he was so used to seeing.

When Poser mentioned that he hadn't been home for a couple years, Dragon's confusion grew. "And where was home?" It couldn't have been here, right? Talis had lived her up until a season or two ago. He would have recalled if this one had lived among them, but the scent was foreign and of course, not one he remembered.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
04-17-2018, 07:49 PM
Poser was curious about the things that had occurred here. They were all strange, all different. Something that he couldn't really put his mind to when it came to specifics, not that it mattered. The specifics were rarely more important than the abstract, so he would ponder and wait. The collection of herbs for the day would be dry soon, as he'd laid them out in one of the sunny spots he'd been fond of this time of year.

"Here, was home. The castle, it always was." Poser's tail wagged softly. There had been no pack, no governing body. Just Poser. It was easier to have somewhere to call home base when you were always collecting things, needing things to dry, bringing them back. Getting to know the area and the sun, the seasons, the local herbs. It was important for a healer to have a home base, after all.

"I collected some cannabis earlier, it should be about ready to consume. I'd be more than happy to share, if you'd like." Poser's tail wagged softly, making the offer with the dip of his head. Sharing a peace pipe, so to speak, with those around you. It was the way of the gods. Share what you have when there is excess, and this time of year, there's plenty. He'd be happy to.

your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
04-18-2018, 01:12 AM

"Here, was home. The castle, it always was." His head tilted a bit. Poser lived here? He didn't quite understand it. But so far, if this man said that they had met before, then it might have been while Dragon was scouting new lands just before his mother had given him Ivalice. "I assume you lived her before my pack moved in. My apologies if we pushed you out, but...we probably won't be coming back here. It's too dangerous now." He sighed. He had come to acknowledge that this place was no longer safe as long as the Abraxas lived nearby. "I called this place home for the last couple of years,'s not safe..." He repeated.

Those words left a bitter taste in his mouth. When Poser mentioned sharing a Cannabis, Dragon's head cocked to the side. "Cannabis? Can't say I've heard of it," He was curious though. He wasn't a healer, didn't know anything about herbs. Maybe his brother knew? Were he here he would ask him, but he wasn't. And still, Kimahri and Shiva were not back yet. He supposed killing time wouldn't hurt while he waited for them to return.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
04-18-2018, 10:57 PM
He watches Dragon's actions carefully, trying to read him. Yes, there was something strange. Defeated almost. What had happened here? There was no way for Poser to tell, but it was something... strange. "What's dangerous about it?" Poser's curiosity is genuine, but he doesn't want to pry. He doesn't want to bring up some sort of unresolved pain in Dragon's brain, but maybe he could help process. Not all sicknesses were physical.

Cannabis. Poser cracks a bit of a smile. The young god's tail wags, nodding softly along. "It helps resolve feelings of low mood, despair, things of the like. Sometimes I use it to stimulate appetite too, when necessary." Maybe, depending on what had been going on, Poser would be able to help Dragon cope. Drugs and a good talk... Poser could hope that he could help. That was all he usually wanted. Teach someone something new, spend a little time by their side. Make a new friend. It wouldn't be a bad night.

your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
04-20-2018, 02:32 AM

"What's dangerous about it?" He asked. Dragon heaved a sigh, reluctant to further admit that his favorite place was not somewhere he could really live anymore. Not because Poser also called it home, but because of the looming threat that lived nearby. "There are two packs nearby that are run by a large family called the Abraxas. They seek to conquer the lands and the other packs. My pack was one such target, and with them living so close, I don't think it's safe here." He hated saying that. That the castle and his beloved starlit plains weren't safe. But he wouldn't lie, even to a stranger. Should this man ever decide to take up residence here again either with a pack or by himself, he deserved to know of the threat that lurked nearby.

Poser answered his question about the herb, ears cocking forward and scarred visage lifting to bring sightless green gaze upon him. Of course, it wasn't really immediately apparent that he was blind, no. Not until one noticed his unfocused gaze. He was lucky enough in that raid to keep his eyeballs intact, and that his sight had been taken by infection sometime after, but still. The scars were somewhat of an indication, and even though sometimes it seemed he was looking at someone, he wasn't truly seeing them. The cannabis that Poser spoke of, however, made him curious. He had been stressed and unable to really relax ever since he took up the alpha position. Even now that he wasn't in charge of a pack, that weighted feeling never really left him. "Does it" He wondered. How could a plant do so much?


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
04-20-2018, 11:43 PM
Poser nodded softly as Dragon spoke, considering the topics with a click of his tongue. They were... dangerous. That was probably true, from the sounds of it. They sounded dangerous after all. "Is all they want, conquest? There's nothing that could appease them otherwise?" Poser's tone is conversational, no challenge hanging in the air. He'd been away for so long, there's something to be learned about the political goings on of recent. Yes, he was interested. Poser supposed that there was nothing wrong with that.

Poser rose to his feet, closing the gap carefully. He was careful, as per usual around those who were nearly strangers. Mostly, he didn't want to have to speak so loudly in conversation. "In my experience it does... helps with my anxieties as well. If you'd like to give it a try, I can sit with you while you do. It can be helpful to talk through your feelings." Poser was using the gentle, even tone of a therapist. Healers came in all different specialties, his just happened to be recreational drugs and mental troubles. Know the things you surround yourself with, after all. He was closer to Dragon now, a more comfortable distance for conversation. Still cordial, but... not across the room. Helpful things.

your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
04-23-2018, 04:38 AM

He thought about Poser's questions for a moment, and to be honest he wasn't quite sure if they wanted more then just conquest. They considered themselves Gods. They believed they were descended from something greater, at least from what he gathered so far. Ana, Pyralis...they both spoke about their Fallen God. But what their plan was exactly besides trying to take over the world? He didn't know just yet. "I'm not sure. They consider themselves Gods. Or at least, they claim to be descended from some Fallen God or something." He shrugged. He hadn't thought about really questioning them about it. Maybe they were senile, or maybe Gods did exist. He spoke to spirits and ghosts, or so he thought anyway.

Ears turned towards the sound of Poser's approach, gauging the closer distance between them. Dragon wasn't afraid, but he was...wary. He didn't think Poser would attack him, but he had thought the same about the Abraxas at first, and next thing he knew, Ashiel was challenging for his pack. He moved his head as if glancing behind him, wondering how much longer his companions would be. Of course, it's not like he would be able to see if they were coming, but it was old habit. When Poser explained how the herb helped him, Dragon felt unsure. He felt anxious, yes. Almost like he felt the need to look over his shoulder every so often. And his worries about Iskra were growing stronger. He didn't know where she was. Hadn't heard from her since she left.

After a moments hesitation, he turned his attention back to the man and nodded. "Alright, I guess I can try it out."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
04-24-2018, 09:29 PM
Poser holds his tongue as Dragon speaks of gods. There were false gods in the land? Or were they his own people? He'd need to investigate further, and the young god himself would need answers. Answers he doubted Dragon had, and answers that he didn't want to bring more pain to the creature. As Poser neared a bit more, he realizes for the first time... Dragon's gaze was sightless. It was as if the man looked clear through him, off into space. That, coupled with the scarring... well, in the healer's mind at least, it made sense. "Interesting, though. I'm sorry things went... down... hill." Poser knows it's an understatement, but what else do you say in that situation?

"I'm a healer... trained in the more psychological side of things. I can stay here and talk it out with you, if you'd like?" Poser keeps his distance from Dragon, careful. He wouldn't want to trigger an adverse reaction from the man. At his agreement to trying the drug, he nodded softly. "I'll be back in just a moment, it's drying in the sunny spot by the fireplace in the kitchen." Poser moved quickly, nearly soundlessly, to the kitchen. Not a far walk, made even quicker by his confidence and knowledge of his surroundings. Comfortable. Comfortable here.

"Here, Dragon. I'm going to come and put it by your right paw, okay?" Right. Communication as he neared the sightless man, not wanting to startle him. The young god attempted to think ahead, the soothing voice of a therapist without condescending. Things like this, they were his job.

your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
04-24-2018, 10:47 PM

The earthen male shrugged, offering a half-hearted but weak smile. He appreciated Poser's concern, but lately...things had just been eating away at the former kings mind. Too many thoughts and doubts running around his brain, and it was something he had never felt before. He had doubts before, but not to this extent. He didn't know what depression felt like, either. And the fact that it was slowly creeping up on him confuse him. Poser offered to stay and talk with him. And at first, Dragon debated that. Did he really need someone to talk to? He usually talked to his mom, getting her opinion and insight on things. But he never really talked to her about what he was feeling, let alone the doubts and everything else. He always tried to stay strong. To show everyone else that he was fine and capable. But was he really?

After a long moment of thought, he slowly nodded. He listened as Poser told him he'd be right back, the sound of his paw steps fading away for a minute or two. He took a moment to think in the brief silence. Mostly to reflect and feel sorry for himself. It wasn't something he had done before, but as his sightless gaze moved about the interior of the castle, his heart sunk. He loved this place, but never again would he get to see the tattered banners or the decorated walls. He would never again get to see the way the sky lit up at night over the plains next door. How the very sky itself looked As much as he missed Iskra, thinking about her lately often made him feel even more sad. What if she never came back at all? What if she found someone better while she was off on her little mission? He was afraid, if he was honest with himself. If she did find someone else, if she didn't feel the same for him...then he hoped she would at least tell him so he could stop thinking so much about it.

Poser returned. And dragon listened as the male approached, letting him know that the herbs were by his foot. His head tilted downward, as he sniffed at them. His nose wrinkled, did herbs always smell like this? It kind of smelled like a skunk, but...not? He wasn't quite sure what to do at first, but after his brief inspection he guessed that maybe he was supposed to eat them. Flicking his tattered ear, he tentatively nibbled at the plant. He couldn't say he enjoyed it, but if Poser said it would help then who was he to argue? He took a small portion of the plant, chewing and swallowing it. How long would it take to kick in? He didn't even know exactly what it did, but he'd find out soon he supposed. When he was done, he stepped back so Poser could get some if he wanted. "How long does it usually take to work?"

Walk, "Talk" Think "Kimahri" Shiva

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
04-24-2018, 11:35 PM
He watches carefully at a bit of a distance, giving a soft grumble of approval. "Chew and swallow, I'm sorry it tastes a bit crummy. Here, lavender and a little lemongrass, it's at least less gross. Lavender helps with relaxation, and lemongrass is just... less awful to eat." Poser places the very small bundle of herbs beside Dragon's right paw, replacing what was left of the cannabis. He took the remaining, chewing it carefully, watching the man for any ill effects.

"It may take as many as twenty minutes. You're going to start feeling a bit warm in your body, potentially like you don't really want to move, but lighter overall. I know that doesn't make much sense, but you'll know it when you feel it. Would you tell me what you've been feeling lately?" It would be the best way to gauge the changes, to see if what he'd brought helped. If it had, Poser would be happy to collect more. The things that he appreciated, helping someone else? That would be ideal, after all.

He understands that the questions will be a bit prying, but that's the role he will fit at the moment. The most important part of helping someone else, of treating another in this manor, was the therapeutic element that went along with it. Dragon was a patient, the young god decided. He'd treat him well, and he'd do what he could to return him to a reasonable state of being. Humane kindnesses weren't lost on him.

your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
05-01-2018, 02:04 AM
The earthen male listened as Poser instructed him. He chewed the strange tasting herbs as best he could, swallowing them. When the herbs were on their way down, he gagged a little from the taste, but he managed to force them down before licking his lips to try and rid himself of the taste. When Poser told him of the lavender and lemongrass, Dragon smelled the better smelling plants and gratefully accepted those. He ate the lavender first, then the lemongrass. He had never had either herb before, but they tasted considerably better then the cannabis that he had eaten first. Thankfully, these herbs went down easier.

Poser explained how long it might take and what he might feel. To be honest, Dragon was a little nervous. Asides from his lack of sight, he had always had control of his body. Or at least to his knowledge. He sat there, waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. Of course, he was overthinking. Not enough time had passed quite yet. Taking a deep breath, he remained quiet after Poser's question. Did he really want to spill his feelings to a stranger? Should he? Was it wise? So many worries and doubts race through his mind, but...was it wise to keep it all in? He had nobody else to talk besides his mother...and Iskra wasn't around. He hadn't seen her for a couple of seasons now, and he was beginning to think she wasn't coming back. Could he seek her out? Probably. But where would he even begin to look? What if she didn't want to be found? It was all beginning to be too much.

He frowned, his spirits suddenly feeling sunk. "I...I'm not really sure how to begin. Where to begin..." He said almost quietly. There was so much inside, how did he even sort it out? "I'm sorry, I've never talked openly with anyone before." He sighed. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea...
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.