
the devil sent me ✵ joining



3 Years
Extra large
04-13-2018, 08:48 AM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2018, 01:40 PM by Raquel.)

*:・゚✦ 'And watch as the worms crawl through your flesh.' A sibilating voice echoes in the caverns of one's psyche. Acumen balance portrays an unsavory prudence of past events, which ultimately conjures a frenzied mania to happen into the drought of misery, lost in complete silence of mockery. A kind of silence that wasn't easily subdued by it's victor and instead of the chorus taking a toll, the moniker replayed like an eclipsed record on a broken Victrola.

Beauty. Such succulent beauty. Horror. Such turbulent horror. Athletic limbs moving in synchronizing rhythm as if the ashen deity was wading vigorously against the waves of evil. What would be classified as a dream, was more of a nightmare to the maiden that played it's dirty game. Memory of her twin brother, both good and bad was like a script being sung over and over again by a villainous narrator. The banshee was under a comatose and it was unyielding in its efforts to release her. Appearing as though she was under going some sort of trauma or seizure, the babes twitching muscle fragments were interrupted and eye lids abruptly embraced the light.

Raquel lies underneath a slab of rock for a moment longer, her ears were like antennas, moving to and fro heeding for the sound of her brother's insidious pipes again. But it never came and for this she was grateful for, there was always going to be tension between the twins - always locked in a deadly duel. Finally, she's back on her feet once more and this time she shakes her fur to rid of any debris that got caught in her thick coat. The Latina knew that her departure from her family was one that remained frowned upon, in her previous empire known as Fel'Nova her family was the one and only ruling familia. Deprived from Latin descent, they were looked at as royalty among cowards. However, when Raquel left her beloved father was quick to disown her. Their family had laws, one's that if broken, could forever severe the bond.

Now she's here, in these new lands, apart from her family - who in due time would come seeking her presence again. Raquel takes a couple steps into the light, beneath the sol that hovered above her head. She hadn't the slightest idea where she was, but just a couple inches in front of her person was an invisible line that begun the start of one's territory.




3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
04-14-2018, 08:56 AM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2018, 08:58 AM by Ashiel.)
ooc:  Hey there! I noticed your table is breaking the board but it's an easy fix. You just need to close your table.  Most HTML tags come in pairs, a start tag
and an end tag
You've got a start tag but no end tag so the site is trying to stuff everything that comes after (including my post) into your table.  So if you just tack
at the very end of your post you should be good to go!

Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Rolling thunder in the distance vibrated in his chest and echoed between the canyon walls. Turning his emerald gaze skyward Ashiel assessed the clouds as the wind picked up. The storm was still a ways off, brewing and stirring out across the ocean but the westward wind was likely to bring it sweeping across the canyon within the hour. The rainy season was here. With it the river that slithered along the canyon floor would grow restless and wild… and dangerous.

Ashiel moved along the canyon wall, his stride light and elegant despite his muscular bulk. He moved with the assuredly of one that had grown up within the canyon, a beast used to navigating treacherous switch backs and uneven terrain. The Eclipse Empire was quiet for the moment but with a joint celebration with Risen being planned he was sure the pack would begin to bustle. For now he wanted to check the state of the river and the border lines and if there were areas of danger he would be sure to alert the rest of the pack.

Chest expanding with breath and confidence he continued his descent, stopping only when he caught the unfamiliar scent of a woman nearby. Oh? More visitors? He grinned, fangs glistening in contrast with darkened lips. Maneuvering himself along the border he caught sight of a large, dark-pelted woman with a well-built frame. He strode confidently toward her. "You loiter at the borders of the Eclipse Empire, stranger. I hope you have a good explanation for doing so."


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



3 Years
Extra large
04-15-2018, 12:21 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2018, 12:24 PM by Raquel.)

*:・゚✦ ooc; thanks hun xD i was wondering why it was doing that x.x

"You loiter at the borders of the Eclipse Empire, stranger. I hope you have a good explanation for doing so."

Apathetic libretto is purged, seethed and incandescent from the jowls of a male organism. The fire that burned deep on the inside was quick to fester, acting as a kind of virus and ignite her demons to life. The Diabolus bloodline believed in mythical creatures whom ruled solely as their Gods and not much to your surprise they are in fact, dragons. Which is where her kindled flame of life is forged, bearing customs and beliefs were ultimately seized at the peak of adulthood and Raquel was still learning everything she needed to know about the Dragonic Gods. Her mother once told her that their ancestors were blessed with a gift of the direwolf [which Raquel came up short on that stick] by the gods, her gods - considering her family believes in such monstrosities. Needless to say, there's much more about this woman than meets the eye.

Raquel steadily begins to gyrate around so that now she was facing the nameless man, he was large sure, but that neither intimidated nor impressed the she-devil. The Latina promptly creates manifestation of grim yet beautiful features, one that could put a person on edge but also make them stare a while longer. She knew exactly what to say, with grace and elegance the woman retreats from beside the bolder she had slept under and takes effortless steps toward the man. He reeks of many smells, which only adds fuel to her already lit flame. "A lady needs a place to rest when on the go, it so happens I chose you're lot as my bed spread. I've traveled far, found myself here, decided to shut my eyes for a bit." Raquel studies the male in front of her now, eyes exploring the monument of this fiend, although he was easy on the eyes - the dame knew when someone was off limits and this man was definitely off the market [or so the vibe suggested], which she respected given her pardon in guns and roses she too wouldn't want to see someone trying to steal her play toy away. 'Play toy', as she loves to call her flings. Since she was never one for real relationships, usually hit 'em and quit 'em, unless they were worth the while then maybe for two or three months; depending on the man. This man of course was one who gave her a deafening compass to that of his sexuality, his preference - she took note that he enjoyed the presence of both feminine and masculine companionship [maybe he was confused]. Which only made him more attractive.. strange how her mind works against things such as sexual relations.

Raquel finds the situation to be quite odd, she knows the rules of packs - of course not the usual customs of her familia's Empire. Either this man accepts her into his ranks or leaves her be to travel on to the next shack, whether or not he did, the ashen babe cared not. "So is this the part where you ask me if I'd like to join your pack? Or be on my marry way?" Raquel inquires with the slight tilt of her head and whence no answer was forked from the pillars of one's maw, she spoke again. "If so, I wouldn't mind staying, gringo, you intrigue me." The Latina smirks, thick angelic Latin accent melting into the wind. She glances briefly from the the sky, to the jagged earth, than back to the nameless man once again. Her expression fades now, leaving a bitter and stoic fabrication - silently waiting for a reply back with the lashing of elongated appendage.




3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
04-21-2018, 08:16 PM
Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Ashiel waited patiently as he observed the woman, wondering what her specialties were and if she had anything to offer his pack. Above him the clouds continued to gather, the thunder rippled through the sky but so far the heavens had no broken loose with rain. A screech caught his attention and he turned his head to see his companion Griff gracefully float down to perch upon the bleached skeleton of an old tree. The bright orange eyes of the black-winged kite eyed the woman. She moved in an unusual, sensual way. Ashiel's eyes flicked across her form, his brow furrowing as he tried to get a read on her.

A lady needs a place to rest when on the go, it so happens I chose you're lot as my bed spread. I've traveled far, found myself here, decided to shut my eyes for a bit

Ashiel smirked. "It would seem the lady likes the taste of danger." She could feel her eyes on him but he remained strong and steadfast, like a mountain, cold and unmovable. He was indifferent to her being a potential recruit into his pack. She could be worth something or she could just be a nuisance. At times like this he wished for a sign and as if in answer the thunder rumbled across the sky once again but he could not sure which way the sign fell.

So is this the part where you ask me if I'd like to join your pack? Or be on my marry way?

She had an unusual accent and he guessed she wasn't born in Auster or Boreas. He chuckled darkly. "I don't generally ask random strangers sleeping on my doorstep to join, so this would be the part where I tell you beat it before I cut your face to ribbons." His voice lowered as she said she found him intriguing. "Well, I aim to please but this isn't a hotel. I don't take in anyone that happens to just show a passing curiosity. I am building a kingdom worthy of the fallen god. I require devotion"


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



3 Years
Extra large
04-21-2018, 09:54 PM

*:・゚✦ The silence between predators was dawning as Raquel sat and waited for a response, from anyone at this point, not quite picky on who answered. Either the Dragonic Gods that she and her family worshiped, or the bird that decided to evade the scene. Most of these creatures were peculiar, albeit so was she - being no different from the rest of them although she possessed no deformities. Heterchromia irises pecked at the foundation of the man before her. Raquel suddenly blinks, expression detached as she listens vaguely to the man with an aesthetic that was foreign to the likes of the Latina. For a moment the fiery damsel would decipher among the options that she had, turn tail and run in the opposite direction or step forward and see if his bark is of an equal match to his bite? She was no coward, although she was in no mood to brawl.

Ever so tempting in the cards she was dealt, quietly thinking to herself, until she was interluded the males vocals once again. Raquel turns to face the unnamed man, raking her gaze across his form once and than twice. The beauty nods, although she was confused by their ways of endorsement. She was used to Empire laws, which were long and irritably accurate. Raquel would have to get used to their slang, their customs and how they operate - because surely, they were going to be different than the Empire in El Salvador that she was raised in. Fel'Nova was a cretin of many masks, given its hierarchy, her family ruled as the most powerful. Her father being the largest of their kind and the most frightening. Raquel was next in line for the throne, until of course, she decided to strip herself from their birth home to venture across the lands. So far, she was not satisfied, especially with the male in front of her.

To claim a new god would be to disown her family and everything they held dear, they too believed in Gods - and not just one. No, numerous Gods and Goddesses, so to back down on everything she knew and grew accustomed too would be like throwing her entire life away. She couldn't, no, wouldn't do it. Whoever this Fallen God was, neither he nor any other God could measure up to her own. However, if she wanted a place to find salvation instead of living a life as a loner in this foreign lands, than she suppose she had to comply. Although, of course, she would never forfeit her beliefs and customs for another. Never.

"Hotel? I know nothing of hotels. Deliciae, devotion is not something I hand off. Respect is not given, it is earned. As is devotion. To this Fallen God, I'll need to know more about him. I have beliefs and customs of my own, my previous home strongly worshiped the Dragon Gods. Now, I will not place my beliefs onto a God I know nothing of, if you cannot respect that than there's no place for me here. However, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't the least bit curious about this God of yours." Raquel takes a beat, settling back on her haunches as she tucks elongated tail around her large person, stature and posture straight and formal - Queenly in a sense. She grew up in a structured and royal home, mother never accepted anything less than perfection. "I'll disregard your that empty threat of yours. But as I am not one to pry, nor beg or plead. Perhaps I'll be on my way." Raquel's accent blurs through her words as her English was being tested as this point. No emotion is scattered upon her face, she is blank and unreadable at this point. She was hard to read, that's a known fact and she'd like to keep it that way. The obsidian doused babe pulls herself to her feet, beginning to gyrate around to leave. Whether or not the man stopped her, was entirely up to him, she cared not on the other hand.




3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
04-22-2018, 12:13 PM
ooc: baha, Ashiel is a jerk. If you want I'm fine with extending the default time from 3 days to 1 week if you need some time to look over the fight system.

Watch Me Take That Flicker To Flame

Ashiel watched her face closely, he felt he could see the gears turning in her head but he did not know which way the cogs were spinning. He could agree with her sentiments about handing out devotion and respect but to show all lack of respect an alpha and a godling was intolerable to him. He'd won his empire through blood and that alone, he believed, meant he was worthy of her respect. He was not so desperate for pack members as to allow just anyone in. He had never heard of these dragon gods but he supposed he was passingly curious about them. They could be gods that had been allied with his of course none was greater than the god he was descended from.

"You misunderstand me. I do not require complete devotion to the fallen god but I do require devotion to the Eclipse Empire. No one joins on mere whim." Ashiel was only interested in those who either wanted to learn of his pack in the hopes of joining or had already decided upon joining. He had no time for the passing fancies of a wandering woman.  "The pack exists to serve the fallen god and all who join are expected to pay respect to him and to serve him. There is no escaping that." Ashiel was willing to educate her but it would be difficult if she already held such strong believe in these 'dragon' gods. He doubted they were anything but empty idols. However, Ashiel was a proud creature and her words about his threat being 'empty' stung and he narrowed his eyes but he said nothing. Empty threat? Now that was a challenge if he'd ever heard one. The ruler of the Eclipse Empire did not make empty threats. "Very well…" he grinned darkly. "Good luck on your journeys, I hope your gods protect you." His stance relaxed as she started to turn around. He did not stop her but let her go.

Then with silent lethality he set his defenses. He would show this foolish mortal just how 'empty' his threats were. Ashiel swiftly rolled his shoulders forward, his neck scrunching back and his chin tucking to cover his through. His skull and tail shifted to align with his spine as his hackles laced down his back, his fur standing up on end. Sleek ears pinned tightly to his head as his eyes narrowed. He assessed the approach he wished to take. His toes spread, claws digging into the earth as his limbs spread equidistant apart, his weight distributed evenly over them. His legs coiled to both lower his center of gravity and to prepare to attack. He didn't care about mortal sentiments of 'honor'. All was fair in battle. Those that did not press an advantage were fools.  

Power built in his legs and in a moment it was released. Ashiel pushed off in a powerful leap as he attempted to close the distance between the two of them and attack her directly from behind. He tried to bring himself directly on top of her, seeking to slam his lower chest directly onto the tops of her shoulder blades with his full weight behind the slam in a bid to cause bruising and also cause her to stumble under his sudden weight. Simultaneously, his front legs stretched out as he attempted to wrap them around her. Ashiel hoped to wrap his left foreleg around the left side of the woman's neck, just in front of the woman's front left leg. He sought to wrap his right foreleg around the right side of her neck, just in front of her front right leg hoping to get a hold from which he could hang onto her. In addition he also lifted his hind legs, attempting to place them over her so that he could force her to bear all his weight. Ashiel attempted to wrap his left hind leg under Raquel's stomach, just in front of her left thigh while he tried to wrap his right leg under her stomach in front of her right thigh.

Oh, but he wasn't done. At the same time as he attempted to wrap his limbs around her his jaws strived to lunge for her head. Ashiel rotated his head sharply to his own right, seeking to press his jaws as close to Raquel's head as possible with her left ear positioned between his fangs. His upper fangs sought to be closer to the middle of the woman's head while his lower fangs sought to be to the left of her left ear. His goal was to snap his jaws brutally together to cut through the flesh of her head and slice her left ear off at its base to render it completely from the woman's head. It was a little gift to remember him and a warning that the threats and words of the Abraxas carried a sharp and bloody weight.

Ashiel vs Raquel for Maim [removal of left ear]
Round: 1/? (responder picks the number of rounds, I'm good with whatever)
Height: 42"
Build: Heavy

-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.

Head Judges


05-14-2018, 07:37 PM

And the winner is...

ASHIEL! Due to Raquel not posting in the allotted time the fight has been defaulted in Ashiel's favor. Raquel must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out.

Ashiel succeeded in removing Raquel's left ear.