
Show me how you do that trick.



3 Years
04-18-2018, 02:12 AM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2018, 09:51 AM by Kahaia.)

Kahaia had risen thanks to the morning sun attacking her vision. Even behind closed lids, it managed to burn her retinas. Opening her eyes slowly, she came to realize how she got to be sleeping in the open anyway. Little flower peeked up at the brute whose maw was currently resting atop her head. She really didn't want to disturb him, but something compelled her to go try to do a thing for him. This man was just charming enough to get Kahaia attached, little did he know he was stuck with her now. The girl carefully removed her head from beneath his, making sure his muzzle landed gently on his own front limbs before setting off. She wouldn't be going far, just to pick some flowers.

She wasn't sure how she would present them to the man, or if she would even go that far. The girl was just so excited, she had to do something. Besides, he said he would catch them something this morning. Even though Kahaia was supposed to help, she might as well give him something in return ahead of time. It was times like this when Kahaia really seemed like innocence was all that would ever become of her. She'd seen so much bad and so many violent wolves, and still, the little things pleased her. Kept her content, believing all was right in the world. Perhaps she was simply naive, the girl was only a year. She didn't have much experience under her belt to really judge the world.

Goddess in the making knew exactly what she wanted to gather for him. Well not really, she was mainly looking for the flowers that stuck out the most to her. Flowers of all different colors to make up her little bouquet. Twelve flowers should be enough, besides, anything more would be too bulky to carry. It would look like she was going overboard, and she wanted to impress this one, not scare him away. So, she got to picking, taking her time and being sure to grab perfect flowers. However, as she got to the last of her little collection, she had a feeling he'd be rising soon. She had to hurry and grab something. So the girl grabbed any random flower from the field and darted back to their little spot. Delicate paws hit the earth carefully and strategically, as she didn't want to prematurely wake him.

Lass moved to place the flowers, thinking of how she wanted to present them. Then she noticed that the last flower she had just randomly grabbed was wilted. What a disappointment. Normally she would see something like that and consider it unique, but she wanted it to be all perfect, normal even. She wanted to make this man like her, not consider her some kind of freak for picking wilted flowers for him. There was no way she was going to present this. The girl left the flowers bunched up a few feet away from him and hurried back to her spot. Ever so gently tucking her head back under his snout and closing her eyes. She wanted him to think she had been asleep this whole time. Not out and about being a weirdo.

Kane I


Dire wolf
04-19-2018, 07:32 AM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2018, 07:34 AM by Kane I.)

When Kahaia had chosen to curl up beneath him for a place to sleep, Kane had really no idea how to react. He hadn't been so close to anyone in a manner that wasn't forced upon him since he was a pup, and that had only been with his immediate family. Honestly, he froze.. his hackles even prickling slightly as he felt her warm body touch his chest and move in between his forelimbs. Fuck, this was different- and he had to remind himself that this touch was different from the touch of an opponent or an attacker.

It helped that she was so small, and after a moment of hesitation, he looked down at her with his lone eye and sighed. He didn't have it in him to argue with her, she'd helped him.. and.. something about having her so close to him almost felt comforting. At the very least, he could ensure that nothing would harm her during his company. Being protective was in his nature, so he wasn't as surprised by his need to make sure was safe as he was his compliance to allow her to sleep so close to him. It took him some time to relax, to allow his muscles to be free of the stress they'd endured when his pain had been at its peak earlier, but... somehow the scent of her so close to him as he rested his heavy skull on top of her finally allowed him to succumb to the call of slumber.

When he finally managed to drift off, it was a deep sleep that probably had some effect from the herbs working through his skin. At least, that is what he told himself. It couldn't be her helping him relax, no. It was the herbs.

When she carefully moved out from underneath him, he was only briefly disturbed. His one eye managed to open just slightly to see a blur of brown moving away from him but it was something he thought he was dreaming. He curled his head in close to his body and closer to himself down his left forelimb and drifted back off to sleep almost immediately.

When she crawled back in, however, it was not as easy for him to continue sleeping through that kind of movement. His head had to accommodate for nearly a foot of difference when she moved back in beneath it and his eye slowly started to widen. As she curled up, he lifted his skull from her and released a wide yawn. He was still tired, but fatigue wasn't an unfamiliar feeling. He'd had to push through it before, and he could do so effortlessly today. He stood up, denying her any chance of finding out how much he'd enjoyed sleeping next to her. He wouldn't mention it, nor show any sign of acknowledging that it'd even happened.

He said nothing and shook the now dried mud free of his thick pelt, then walked over on heavy and groggy steps to the water's edge. A few laps of the cool autumn waters were enough to wake him up and he groaned quite audibly, then stretched out his body much like an.. obese cat would until he felt the pop of his bones. His shoulder was still a bit stiff, but after that pop it felt much... much better. He looked back to her and tilted her head, his 'browdot above his lone eye lifting in question. "Ready to get started?"

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?



3 Years
04-19-2018, 10:15 AM

Kahaia was startled by the yawn, there went her plans for returning without his noticing. Kane stood up, making it clear he wasn't interested in sleeping in with her. This was rather upsetting, but the girl wasn't going to dwell on it. Surely after he noticed the flowers he would be more kind to her, show a little emotion. Kahaia stood herself, stretching her limbs and yawning, trying to make it seem like she hadn't just been running around all morning. Emerald gaze trained on him, she was waiting for him to notice her little gift. Then the brute made one of the worst decisions he could have in his interaction with her. With his mud flinging, he managed to get the mud all over the flowers that she'd just gotten him. Little flower's jaw dropped, as she could feel the rage building up inside of her. To make matters worse, he asked her if she was ready to start. No mention of the flowers, the man hadn't even noticed them! What an ungrateful bastard, he must have had no kind of home training.

Lass couldn't contain herself any longer, her eyes grew wide and she stood like she was preparing for an attack. Grimace was cemented on her face as she looked Kane up and down. How dare he completely disregard her kindness. First, he acted like he hadn't slept like a baby in her company, then he flung mud on her flowers and had the audacity to completely overlook her gift? Oh, no, no, no. This wasn't going to work for her at all. "What do you think you are, some kind of heartless maniac? You act like you can't feel anything like you can't appreciate anything? Here I was, this naive little girl thinking that we were so comfortable together last night. I went out and got a gift for you to show you how great it was!"

Kahaia had started pacing, ignoring her own flopping ears. She felt like she was going crazy, her emotions running wild at the moment. The girl started shaking her head and laughing. No, she wasn't being crazy, he just didn't know how to be a normal person. "You know I just think its funny... Who hurt you to where you decided its okay to just fling your nasty mud all over my flowers and then not even notice them. Who does something that cruel? You know I could've hurt myself getting those." That wasn't very likely, but the girl was going to be dramatic. She wanted him to care, or do something other than just sit there. "You know we might as well just eat the flowers since they don't mean anything to you! Am I ready to start, am I ready to start? Heh. ARE YOU READY TO BE KIND TO ME AND GIVE ME THE ATTENTION I'M LOOKING FOR?"

How could he really not see it? She'd been making her little crush that was blossoming so obvious. Even a blind man could see it, and Kane had at least one eye so he couldn't even attempt to use that as an excuse. Now the girl was beginning to question her own sanity, why did she feel like this all of a sudden. She'd never really had a crush before, was this really what it was like? If so, it sucked. The young girl was breathing so heavily, she probably looked like she was going mad. She sure sounded like she was going crazy. "I was making it so obvious too...", she mumbled. "Whatever, let's just go I guess."


Kane I


Dire wolf
04-19-2018, 10:59 AM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2018, 11:31 AM by Kane I.)

For as little as she was, that grimace and obvious signs of a seething rage brewing behind it nearly struck fear into the black devil's heart. His eye widened as he watched her finally erupt and begin pacing, yelling at him. What had he done wrong, now?

He had no idea what she was going off about at first until he looked and saw the bouquet of flowers rested a couple feet from them. How was he supposed to know??! No one was ever really nice to him before, she wasn't even really nice to him. Well, was she? Aaaahh! The point was, how was he supposed to know she had planned on giving him a gift? He had never been given one.

He could feel his heart racing within his broad chest as he stood there, instinctively squaring out his posture and balancing his weight as if expecting some sort of attack from her. There is no way he would fight her, but he would prepare himself to defend himself if she dared to attack him. With as crazy as she seemed to be acting, it seemed like a possibility.

No attack came from her and almost as quickly as she seemed to get upset, she was calming down. He lifted his weight up again, relaxing his posture slightly as he no longer felt like she was ready to do something crazy. He watched her carefully, obvious signs of confusion on his face. He didn't even know what to say! What was he supposed to do? Thank her now? It would seem insincere, despite how much he.... actually did appreciate that she tried to surprise him. No, it was too late. He couldn't say thank you now.

He sighed, so deep it was almost a growl as he released some of his frustration. He shook his head and looked away from her. Kindness? Attention? What did she want from him? For as smart as he was, he sure seemed dense as hell when it came to figuring out that a girl showed interest in him. With how he seemed to upset her all the time, he wouldn't have thought that was the case at all. He still didn't. Maybe she was just needy like this with everyone?

She intrigued him, as much as he hated to admit it. He had no idea what it was like to go through emotions as quickly and fiercely as she seemed to be and he couldn't help but be curious. What was that like, and was she able to defend herself if anyone wanted to prey on someone like her? What if Kane had been manipulative and evil? He couldn't help but see her as naive, even if she used the term herself quite sarcastically. After all, she had spent the night with him without fear at all.

He needed to distract himself, maybe.. just get her some food and perhaps she would be less cranky. "Sorry. I didn't see them. Let's just go, and see if you haven't scared off absolutely everything in the area." His words were let out in a quiet growl before he marched away from the reeds they had slept beside. His shoulders rolled, loosening themselves up during his stride as his head moved down to align with his spine. His gait remained as fluid as possible for a man of his stocky stature, and his eye narrowed as he began his hunt.

The first pond that they resided at would make up the far right toe of Wolfpaw Lake, and Kane had chosen to walk counter-clockwise around all four to finish his surveillance that he had started yesterday. None of the other smaller ponds seemed to hold anything larger than fish and otters, but as he neared the biggest lake of them all- he could see the precariously placed logs and branches of a beaver dam sticking out over the reeds around the bank. That would suffice, but he would have to be careful. He really didn't want to fuck with their teeth today.

He stopped and looked behind him, searching for the girl as he craned his neck down to whisper to her. "Wait here." He doubted she would listen, but he had to try.

Expecting there to be at least one beaver within the dam, he kicked off the mud and started running toward it. He barreled through the reeds and immediately grabbed on to the branches that made up the dam and started thrashing it apart, destroying it ferociously and suddenly to start off his raid. His suspicions had been confirmed when he heard the splashing of smaller beavers entering the water around him- they were too small for him to bother with so he simply watched as they ran for their lives.

He stood there, disappointed that nothing bigger had been lurking inside the dam but- failed to notice the very angry parents of those young beavers coming up behind him in the water that just barely reached his chest. A thick set of bucked teeth sank into his back right leg and Kane groaned out, growling as he twisted his neck to see one on his leg and another right behind that one, ready to follow suit.

He thrashed in the water, turning to face the second beaver as the first one then became involuntarily pulled along with his leg as it refused to let go. His jaws snapped at the second beaver, trying to deter it away but t was already too angry in its territorial rage. The beaver dove beneath the water and would attempt to go for Kane's forelimb just before he lifted it and then snapped down beneath the water, grabbing her by her neck.

One quick toss and he sent her flying several yards away, hoping that it was enough to either end her life or send her running. No, of course, it wasn't. "Fuck me, are you serious?" He gasped out as he watched her swim back in his direction.

The other beaver was much larger, and still gnawing his way through the muscles of Kane's back leg with vengeance. Kane growled out, nearly whimpered as he tried to think about how to get the damn thing off of him without serious injury.

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?



3 Years
04-19-2018, 11:44 AM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2018, 01:40 AM by Kahaia.)

Kahaia looked at the brute and frowned, he only seemed confused, perhaps she would just have to explain her feelings to him. The girl wanted to calm down first, she wouldn't ever actually try to fight him but she was still livid. He might not have noticed them, but it still was not an excuse. Not in Kaha's eyes at least, it only meant he was being careless. Lass knew she wasn't being crazy, there must be some kind of connection between the two of them. Again, that would have to be a story for later as the male was taking off. Lean frame moved gracefully behind Kane, each step she took she'd look back up to the brute to see if he was looking back at her. Of course, he wasn't, the girl might as well give up now.

He whispered for her to stay put, but he should have known better than to expect it. She wanted to know exactly what he was going after, as she wasn't good at this hunting thing. Girl hadn't really noticed any prey, so what could he have spotted that could be too dangerous to tag along. "What do you care anyway?", she mumbled, rolling her eyes. He wasn't going to just ignore her and then treat her like some kid. Kahaia was careful to keep any noise from her walking to a minimum, maneuvering around branches that might snap beneath her weight. The girl was smart enough to stay out of the water, for now, and she simply watched as he destroyed a beaver dam.

Kahaia scoffed, watching as all the little babies ran away. Well, that was a dick move, destroying their home like that if he wasn't going to try and catch them. Kahaia spotted the larger beavers before Kane had, advantages of staying in the background, and had to suppress a laugh. She'd never interacted with many beavers, but she figured a strong man like him wouldn't go down because of some angry beavers. At least that was what she thought before they started to attack. One bit into his hind leg and Kahaia's jaw dropped a bit. It seemed like Kane was seriously in pain, was she supposed to come in to help now? Lass simply watched as the events unraveled before her in slow motion. Her heart racing when he sent the female beaver flying, the thing had to have been dead after something like that or at least scared. However, she couldn't have been more wrong.

The female beaver had started swimming right back to Kane for more. They were really pissed about that dam! It was obviously time for Kahaia to jump in and help, but she'd never done anything like this before. It couldn't have been too hard though, with Kane taking care of the male and Kahaia taking on the female. "Dammit.", she exclaimed as she hurriedly ran to the water. Young girl lunged for the female beaver, latching on to her. However, her hold was not strong enough, as the fat little creature wriggled out of her jaws and submerged herself. Man, this was just like the fish thing!

She'd been looking through the water for it before a searing pain told her where to look. The little bitch had grabbed a hold of her front limb, sharp little teeth sinking in further as Kahaia attempted to shake her off. She wasn't expecting it to hurt this bad! Kahaia squealed in pain before moving to grab the creature by the throat and end this once and for all. That wasn't a smart move either because as soon as she came for her again, the little creature let go and sunk those sharp teeth into her maw and then swam away. Kahaia was not fast enough to be a hunter obviously, as this little demon creature just outsmarted her. She wasn't that lucky for the thing to just swim away though, it had to be around here somewhere. She just had to focus and find her, she was close, Kahaia just had a feeling.

Kane I


Dire wolf
04-19-2018, 12:18 PM

The male beaver finally, for whatever reason, let go. Kane groaned out as he tested his weight on his back right leg, the muscle of it having been bitten through and mutilated. The water around him became a dark pink as his blood poured into it, but he had no time to focus on the pain. His lips pulled back to bare his teeth as his jaws swung open, hovering above the water as his single ruby scanned the surface of it. He moved quickly in circles, nearly making himself dizzy as he kept watching in anticipation for where the damn thing would come up from. He kept every limb moving so that it wasn't an easy target, no matter how bad it hurt to keep using his back leg.

His ears heard the splashing of Kahaia fighting with the female somehow over the splashing around his own figure, and he momentarily stopped his circling.. as it seemed the male beaver wasn't ready to show himself quite yet. He watched as Kahaia struggled and resurfaced, her maw bleeding and that told him everything he needed to know. Both beavers appeared to be eluding them, hidden in the murky waters as a result of all their commotion- the bed of the pond disturbed and creating the grossest effect on the area around them.

Kane started wading toward her, beginning to suspect that the male beaver that had latched on to him had other plans.. and... as he began to move forward, he noticed a wake of water above the surface to his right from one of the fat creatures swimming quickly just underneath it. Kane growled and leaped forward, trying to make himself a barrier in between the beaver and the girl. Without thinking, his jaws came snapping down below the water and where he suspected the beaver to be. He missed the body of it but managed to clip the very end of its wide tail. It was the female beaver, and her aggression was immediately refocused onto Kane as she felt the sting of his fang clip through the end of her tail, a small chip of flesh permanently removed from its mass. She turned around with surprising speed and redirected her attack onto Kane's face much like she had done to Kahaia.

Kane was pulling his head back above the water when he felt her teeth sink into his left cheek and he growled out, pulling his cheek away simultaneously as he used his left leg to push her away from him. She let go, attempting to redirect her attack onto his forelimb, however, this time, Kane was ready. As she started to move to bite the leg of his that was pushing her, Kane parted his jowls as wide as they could go before snapping down forcefully onto her skull. He felt her bones give-way beneath the strength of his bite slightly, but it wasn't enough. With his grip on her skull strong, he shook her fiercely until he could feel the vertebrae of her neck loosen and snap. He threw her lifeless body back toward the shallower waters near the shore before he kept swimming forward, blood oozing from his cheek.

The male beaver was just inches away from Kahaia, having planned to go for the smaller of the two with the aid of his mate. Kane had intercepted the female, now he just had to get to the male. Kahaia was placed in between them, and.. in a spur of the moment decision, Kane grabbed her by the back of her neck. He was sure she'd be upset about it, but he did it as gently as possible. He pulled her back, away from the beaver and let go of her weight only once she was at his side. His jowls then immediately redirected, thick neck twisting as his paws firmly planted themselves in the bed of the pond beneath him. Toes splayed to keep him anchored as his maw split again.

The demon growled out through his open mouth as the beaver came closer, that sound becoming distorted as his jaws lunged beneath the water's surface and aimed to snap at the male beaver's face. Kane wasn't fucking around, and before the beaver was even able to land a bite- Kane managed to land his teeth on either side of the beaver's face. This one had more weight to it, which only made it easier for Kane to snap it's neck as he thrashed. Near effortlessly, the beaver's rage was diminished and all threats taken care of. Kane tossed the body of the beaver back to shore- more time put into this one and he actually managed to make it all the way. The fat thing landed in the mud with a loud smacking sound, then rolled a bit before it ceased moving completely. Kane watched it, just to be sure.. before looking to Kahaia at his side. "Are you alright?"

His eye looked over the wound on her muzzle as best as he could with her swimming, the water where they were standing well past his chest now- he knew it would be impossible for her to reach. Until she was out of the water, he had no idea how severe her injuries were- and the uncertainty had him fretting more than he would like to admit.

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?



3 Years
04-20-2018, 01:40 AM

Lass looked over to see Kane taking care of the female, but what did that mean for the male? The beaver that had been attacking Kane was now gone, the water too hard to see through with their blood making the waters murky. Kahaia was definitely thrown when Kane pulled her back, she almost yelled at him before she realized what he was doing. She hadn't even noticed the male coming towards her until Kane started fighting with this one too. However, it wasn't much of a fight, Kane ended its life before Kahaia really had a chance to worry. He was so rough with them, it made her think he might not be capable of showing any love. Then again those two creatures were their prey and they'd put up one hell of a fight. She'd only wished she had a chance to kill one, this desire was mainly out of curiosity. She'd never killed anything more than a fish, did it make you feel any different? The chase certainly felt different, it felt natural to be hunting after something and sink her teeth in. Kahaia was lost in her thoughts when he asked her if she was alright, she was still holding a bit of a grudge, so she looked right back to the shore.

Little flower paddled herself to the shore and collapsed in the mud near the kills. She was quite exhausted after looking for those two rascals in the water, but the girl new food could help out with her little energy problem. She reached forward and put a paw on top of the male beaver, dragging him closer to her through the mud. Jaws parted slightly so she could take a small chunk out of the beaver, hold him down with her paw she pulled at the carcass. They had a much different taste than our little one was used to, then again this was her first fresh kill if you didn't count the fish. With a mouth full of meat, Kahaia just nodded, struggling to swallow the big chunk she'd bit off. Once she did though, she had to praise Kane for his idea."This is way better than fish, definitely." Thank goodness she had calmed down earlier and came with him anyway. Otherwise, she would have missed out on a great new experience, and it would have been all her own fault.

Lass looked at him, slightly opening her mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come out. She had wanted to discuss their fight earlier, or mainly her yelling at him. Honestly, she had no clue how to even bring it up to him. They'd only just met the day before, but she felt close to him, or she wanted to be close to him. She was already acting differently around him, suddenly much more needy than usual. Something about the man just made Kahaia want to impress him, wanted to keep him interested in her. Maybe she should just say that? Lass was gonna start off slow, and change the subject to that. No need to jump into it.

"You know, that was pretty reckless earlier, knocking down their dam. You kinda should've expected those two would be mad..." Shit, how could she change the subject now. "Kinda how you should have known I would be mad earlier? You know, I don't know what it is about you, but I just really want you to give me attention. I feel like I want to be close to you, I'm sorry if I freaked out earlier and I understand if you want nothing to do with that... well me." Frankly, even if he didn't want to be around her after, him saying so probably wouldn't stop her.


Kane I


Dire wolf
04-20-2018, 05:01 AM

She seemed unphased by her wounds for the most part, which was a good sign and he felt some sort of relief knowing that she hadn't been seriously injured. He could feel a few droplets of blood leave his chin, having trailed there from the wound on his cheek down his jawline. He watched as she got herself situated on shore and started eating.

While she tried out the beaver, he dipped his head beneath the surface one final time to clean out his wounds before wading back through the water to get the fuck out of it. When he was close enough, he took a leap and landed in the mud, skidding slightly but stopping just before he got to the other body of the beaver.

He was about to start eating too when she mentioned that it was a lot better than fish. This honestly made him smile as he looked to her, damn- what would she think of deer? Or boar? Beaver was nothing compared to the other options in the world, but… her appreciation was something he found himself basking in the feeling of. He only wanted to do more for her now, if she would let him.

Then she started scolding him again and he rolled his single eye upward to the sky. Did she have to ruin everything? He tried not to let her see that eye roll, turning his head so that his only eye was facing opposite of her while he did so. He decided to focus on the beaver as she spoke, aggressively sinking his teeth into it's skin and filling the air with the loud ripping sounds of its hide being pulled from muscle. He couldn't drown her out, but.. honestly he didn't entirely want to. He was listening to every word, for as much as he would pretend to be uninterested.

When she claimed she wanted him to show her attention, he slowed his movements and stopped skinning the beaver all together. He would cast her an uncertain glance as he felt his heartbeat quicken, but… after his meeting with Miach, he had been so determined to forfeit any sort of attachments at all. If his brother couldn't even care enough about him to stick around, how could he trust this girl? He couldn't. No, attachments were dumb… but, he was.. curious, right? That's what this was, curiosity and a need for understanding. Right?

He could feel his migraine returning and he countered it by resting his heavy hindquarters back into the mud. He wasn't a sucker, he never had been. He wasn't about to start now, but… that didn't mean he had to turn away just yet, did it? ”When we are done here, where are you going to go? Is there family you stay with? A friend maybe? Boyfriend, even?”

He almost immediately began to resent how vulnerable he was feeling even asking this questions, but it was too late now. His ears rested against his skull as he hushed his tone, finally seeming less demanding and assertive. ”I… I need to know.”

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?



3 Years
04-23-2018, 12:25 PM

Kahaia watched as the man turned his face away, it was obvious he didn't want her to see something. Was he getting tired of her having an attitude? Well, too bad, that was just the way she was. Kane then began tearing into the beaver, and Kahaia almost cringed. She hadn't seen him take out aggression before but it seemed like that was his goal here. Couldn't he eat it in a polite manner like she'd just done? He seemed to slow himself, maybe he wanted to give her the attention she'd been looking for. Though, she was probably just being too hopeful. Emerald gaze drifted away from Kane if only for a moment before he started to speak back to her.

Kahaia scoffed when he mentioned a boyfriend. However, his last statement made her curious. He seemed so desperate for an answer from her, had someone lied to him in the past? Maybe someone he was close to wouldn't tell him where they were going? Regardless, Kahaia was going to tell him her plans, she wanted to stay with the brute but she couldn't seem that desperate about it. "Boyfriend? No. I told you I don't have a family or a pack. I really just planned on gathering herbs, figuring things out as I go." Little flower looked up at him, waiting for him to offer room for her on whatever adventure he planned to partake in. "Unless..."

She'd look for some kind of eye contact before continuing. She wanted him to see that she wanted to go with him, she wanted him to invite her. "Where do you plan on going? Girlfriend, a family, maybe just trying to get away from me?", she chuckled. He seemed different somehow now, more vulnerable. Did she say something to trigger this kind of behavior? All she did was say she wanted attention. Little one shifted awkwardly in her place as she waited for a reply from him. Curling her hind end a little closer to her front half as a way to make herself seem smaller. Nothing she wanted to make obvious, but a subconscious move. Kahaia wanted to protect herself from him possibly saying something she didn't want to hear.


Kane I


Dire wolf
05-05-2018, 02:07 PM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2018, 02:08 PM by Kane I.)

Her sassy attitude seemed to radiate from her even when she wasn't speaking with condescending words. It made it hard for Kane to resist sassing back, but this was just his defensive mindset. After going through being attacked by everyone he met for so long, it was hard to even take her words as anything less than that. He listened as she cured his curiosity on her attachments and his ears drooped when she asked questions about his own family.

What the fuck was he doing there, anyway? His father had told them to meet him at the mountain, and here he was spending his night with a girl instead. He had thought about going east.. but, this.. seemed more like where he wanted to be. His family would be there, and here he would be.. with a stranger girl that had no family, either.

He stared at Kahaia for a moment with his lone ruby, his scarred up visage dipping some as he thought. He wanted to tell her that he didn't plan on leaving her, and that he hoped they could continue to stick together and get to know each other. His maw opened, then closed, then opened again- "Yeah, pretty much just getting away from you." Where did those words even COME FROM? He scolded himself internally somewhat, but.. it was already out there.

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?



3 Years
05-07-2018, 11:32 AM

Kahaia was starting to get full while waiting for the male to reply. The girl pushed the beaver away from her before looking back to Kane expectantly. She was waiting to hear some story about his past and expected it to be quite a long story as well. He seemed like a tortured brute, she could tell he had been through some things and Kahaia was so very happy to lend an ear to him. Their time together had been short, but Kahaia wanted to be there for him, she wanted to keep healing him and explore with him. There was so much he could offer her as far as teachings went, and the girl didn't want to miss a thing when it came to the brute. This was likely her own daddy issues coming about, but no matter their origin, her feelings remained the same. He made her want to know more about him, something about his caged in attitude and the mysteriousness about him urged our little flower to stick around.

What came from his mouth next, however, was a total shock. Kahaia wasn't expecting him to act like that, especially after their incident upon first meeting each other. Little red wolf stood immediately, scowling at the dark man. How dare he, after all this effort she put into their time together, was he really going to say that he wanted to get far away from her. "Fine, how about I help you." Kahaia turned swiftly, wasting no time in getting as far away from him as she could. She'd started at a fast walking pace that eventually turned into a full out run. She didn't want to give him a chance to stop her. Her emotions running wild, the girl was already starting to want to go back. However, that little teenage stubbornness kicked in, full gear, and motivated her to keep on going. Obviously, Kane needed to realize what exactly he would be missing.

This time she would give him a few days to sit and think about his own actions. Kahaia was confident in her ability to find him again later, and if he carried the same attitude, well then it would simply be his loss. Kahaia was an independent little wolf, who didn't need no man. Kane would surely realize that in their time apart, which was most definitely all his fault anyway.
