
Losing myself in you


07-17-2014, 07:53 PM

The children were asleep and she was craving a little alone time with her mate. She would rise carefully, disengaging herself from her bundle of sleeping bodies. Leaning over she would sprinkle light kisses along his head and neck until he awoke. A mischievous smile would play on her lips as she slipped out of the den, knowing her would follow. Her dark bodice would disappear into the night shadows as she ventured away from the den and into the rock garden. Hips swaying, she would heave in and out of the boulders, occasionally looking over her shoulder at him. Once out of each shot, she would stop, turning to face her mate. A smile tugged at dark lips as she waited for him to close the distance between them. "Our first night alone." She would laugh softly, leaning against him, her tail wagging gently behind her. She would treasure these little moments spent alone with her mate, but she would always be happy to return to her children in the end.


Ares 1


07-17-2014, 08:46 PM

Awaking to Devya's gentle kisses instead of the whining of hungry pups was a pleasant surprise. Though he couldn't deny the enjoyment of some time to sleep he was rather in need of some time with his love. He would quietly bring himself into consciousness, returning a kiss as she led him out of their den. He wasn't sure what she was planning, but she was right that he would eagerly follow. He would watch in a sleepy trance as her form gracefully overtook the land before them, her alluring form kept in his sights. He'd catch her gaze occasionally, his curiosity evident as she suddenly stopped and turned back towards him. He would slow, but still his chest would collide with hers rather passionately as she spoke words of truth, "Our first night alone." He would mix an eager growl and a laugh together, "That's very true." She would join in a giggle as he moved to nuzzle her cheek, enjoying being so close.



07-25-2014, 10:57 PM

He would follow her easily, his chest colliding with hers gently. She would rumble with pleasure at his touch, it was been far to long. He would nuzzle her cheek and she would smile, leaning into his touch. Her body would shudder with unexplainable pleasure as she pressed herself closer to him. He would agree and she would laugh softly. "So what shall we do?" Brows would lift in mischief, a smirk tubing at her lips. She would dance around her, her movements light, her body quivering with excitement. A night all to themselves. She would circle around him, brushing against him lightly. A new found excitement flowed in her veins, her eyes beaming with it. Oh what to do? She certainty had a few ideas of what is was that she wanted. The dark woman would dance around in the shadows, encouraging her mate follow as she brushed against him occasionally until she stood before him again, tucking her crown under his chin as she pressed herself against his chest once more, finding happiness in his embrace. Her tail wagged, swaying at her hocks, her heart skipping a beat with anticipation.


Ares 1


08-09-2014, 05:47 PM

She would mumble in agreement with his touch, her body practically purring as he made contact with her. He?d feel her smile as she leaned into his affectionate touch, an excited shudder shaking her frame. He?d pull her closer, listening to her perfect giggle as she asked him what they would do. Telling by the look in her eyes Ares could see she?d already made plans. Not that he had any intentions of breaking them. Devya would pull herself away, though he?d try to follow to keep contact with her. She wouldn?t stray far though, so only his eyes would caress her gentle curves. She would dance around him suggestively, capturing his attention and imagination as she weaved in and out with the darkness. Her chest would again collide with his causing a needy growl to erupt from his chest. He?d take her wholly in his embrace, as she slid under his chin he?d shift his features to delicately groom her dark ears. "I think I?ll make you mine," his tones were deep and quiet as his right paw would caress her shoulder, needy nips would be integrated into his grooming as he enjoyed her proximity.



08-24-2014, 05:30 PM

As she collided with him, his grumbling growl would vibrate against her. A wicked smile curled her lips as she peered innocently up at him through her lashes. He would embrace her, pulling her closer his deep rumbling words teasing her senses. A paw would caress her shoulder, but his nips were far more distracting, earning him a needy growl. She would press against him, slipping away so that she dragged her body against his chest until her tail would curl around the side of his neck, leaving her rump pressed against him. She would beckon him with a look, desire dancing in her dual colored orbs. If he didn't react quick enough, she would take a step forward, teasing him and pulling him in her game.

Anticipation had her heart skipping beat before picking up a frenzied pace. It had felt like an eternity since they had last spent a night in each other embrace. Her lean body quivered with barely contained desire as she waited for his warmth to encompass her. She was not in heat and had no worries about getting pregnant, not that she would object to more children if it happened. The worries of the world fell away as she allowed herself to become lost in his lavender gaze.
