
Who We Are Isn't How We Live



7 Years
Chrono I

04-25-2018, 06:34 PM

Location: Bent Canyon
Herb: Lavender

She would trek carefully down the small jut out of the cliffs side, a well protected land for the pack, if there were any intruders they were sure to make a wrong step and slide down the side of the ravine. Not her though, she just happened to be small enough to walk this odd path, unlike anyone else in the pack. She noticed how much they towered over her, some more than Tyranis. It frightened her at first but she had gotten used to it now. Seeing the other empire wolves and of course the pack meeting.

She wouldn't stop as she sniffed the incline of different shades of stone, her nose flinching back when it was too close to touch with the withering heat. Usually it wasn't this hot for this long. She had been down to Auster long before she was with Tyranis, even Abaven. She could feel an epidemic coming their way.

Finding a safe place to remain going down the steep incline, she would proceed to the river that had conveniently put itself in the bottom of the valley here in this near desert kingdom. She would only stop at the bank where she noticed it had lost a lot of it's flow, seeing the mark on dry dirt where the water used to stand high. She only stared a moment before putting her nose down in search of her drugs: Lavender. It took some time for them to kick in and her body adjust to them, but her mood had risen after coming to terms with losing her entire family. The lavender was there for support, and she knew she couldn't just stop taking it or she would be a wreck.

It was a hard find, she found many stems of withered plants that weren't even what she was looking for. But luckily enough she was able to capture two short stalks of the purple herb, and would quickly pick it in relief that there was something. What would happen if the river ran completely dry?

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



5 Years
Extra large
05-09-2018, 11:24 PM
Gliding into the canyon, Razi picked her way down the rocky paths, hopping from one to another with the grace and surefootedness all who resided here seemed to acquire after at least a few weeks of traversing the potentially treacherous terrain. It was, admittedly, a great way to train oneself. Walking these thin paths along the canyon walls required balance, and awareness of one's own body. You didn't know how much awareness you actually lacked until knowing where every limb was exactly was paramount to surviving the next few minutes.

When she reached the canyon floor she would seek out the river immediately, seeking out the best spot to get low enough to drink. Odd... Normally the water was high enough to access easily. Hearing someone nearby, Razi glanced over and saw the small, pale woman she'd yet to formally be introduced to. After drinking her fill, she padded over to the woman, gesturing to the river and musing, "If it gets much lower we'll have to climb all the way to the cedar falls for a drink." That did not sound ideal. Rain would be nice so she needn't worry about the possibility of such an idea becoming a reality. Remembering her manners, Razi added, "I'm Razi, I don't think we've truly 'met' thus far. Herb hunting, hm?" the woman hadn't noticed the plants until she was closer, and it was more the smell that caught her attention.
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



7 Years
Chrono I

05-14-2018, 12:32 PM

Her neck would flash towards the woman who approached her. She wasn't scared, but definitely startled to the voice as she wasn't expecting anyone to want to speak to her, at least so soon. She would look up towards the falls to her remark and then come to look at her with maybe even a bit of confusion still from being spoken to. "Oh, yeah, I'm worried about the herbs too." She stated and looked where she trailed the many different wilted plants.

Eyes flicked back as she introduced herself as Razi, an unusually fitting name for her unusual golden blonde markings. She was beautiful for sure and Aranea couldn't help but wish she had those colors too. The main darkness of her pelt along with light markings were stunning.

"Aranea," she replied back with the nod of her head. She dropped her herbs now so she wasn't speaking with her mouth full anymore, but would eye the purple petals before answering, "Yeah, kind of." Her nose twitched to the thought. She wasn't really hunting for the herb, she actually needed it. But she didn't want to tell this woman about her "prescription" nor did she want her to know about her past. She was trying to start over here.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



5 Years
Extra large
05-16-2018, 11:57 PM
"Hmm..." she hummed, following the pale woman's gaze to the other wilting herbs nearby. That was a bit of a concern, wasn't it? It wouldn't do to have the pack short on herbs, especially if there was a need for them later. They'd need to watch out when the dry season hit full force, and focus hard on gathering resources and preparing for trouble before it came to their doorstep. "Perhaps this should be addressed soon," she mused, making mental note to talk to Ashiel and see about setting up some trips to further lands in hopes of grabbing as many essential herbs as possible before they started wilting en mass.

Aranea was this woman's name, and Razi repeated it in her head a few times to commit it to memory. The woman didn't seem up to discussing her activities at length, and Razi wasn't particularly interested in pressing the matter so she smiled and said, "If you're ever interested in having a tag along when you look for herbs outside the territory feel free to give me a call. I'll be inside the borders a little more often now." Razi still wasn't terribly sure how to feel about raising children, but she wasn't going to back out at this point. Besides, the ebony and gold woman was a little bit pleased to know she was able to join the ranks of Abraxas who carried on their line with a new generation.
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



7 Years
Chrono I

05-19-2018, 06:21 AM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2018, 06:21 AM by Aranea.)

She tilted her head a little to the woman's comment, "I'll be inside the borders a little more often now." And would then glace at her popping belly. Her flightly attitude had made the pregnant part of the woman's body unnoticed and she couldn't help but feel embarrassed with herself. A healer who didn't notice an extremely pregnant woman... what was wrong with her?

"Oh..." She trailed but wouldn't hold for too long of an awkward second, "That sounds good Razi, I'll let you know." She attempted somewhat of a genuine smile, but slightly failed nonetheless. "And I'm sure I'll be here for the birth of your children, I'll do what I can to help when the time comes."

She would get lost in thought then, thinking of nothing other than her own children. One of the pack members helped aide in her birth, but she was too scared and ashamed then to actually help them and tell them what she needed and what to get. And Ty... She would come back to the real world looking at the woman, maybe even waiting a few long seconds before answering her if she noticed she was gone in her mind or if she just continued to go about their conversation. But somehow she heard her every word inside her lost memories.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



5 Years
Extra large
05-27-2018, 11:49 PM
She noticed the woman's glance but only kept a light smile on her lips. Something about Aranea had Razi wondering if there was anything weighing on her mind. If there was she wouldn't push the matter. Razi understood that some wolves needed and valued their privacy, herself being a good example, but she might keep an eye on the pale woman in case the flickers of troubled looks built up a need to vent.

The woman said she'd let Razi know. Hopefully she would, it would be nice to get to know more packmates a little better and little expeditions outside the borders might be good ways to accomplish that. Razi flashed a slightly wider smile as she replied to the last bit, "I would very much appreciate that. I've witnessed a fair number of births but these will be my first children. It's admittedly a slightly more intimidating prospect when they're so close to being born."

There was a few moments pause as Razi glanced again to the lowered river, making mental notes of things to be discussed and matters to attend to before she was well and truly stuck within the borders. Who was she kidding… She'd be in and out of the pack lands the second she felt she could manage such trips. Turning back to Aranea she'd ask, "Have you met many of the other members? I only really know those who are my kin, although hopefully I'll be getting to know others soon." It wouldn't do for her to keep letting them all be strangers. Besides, the more everyone got to know one another the better. A pack did better when its members were friendly, rather than everyone living entirely separate lives.
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



7 Years
Chrono I

06-04-2018, 05:22 PM

"I know I look young, but I've experienced plenty of births as well." And she was young, plus it had been a while since then. But her experience was what made her valuable, at least in her eyes.

Looking to the water with the woman, she would then turn back as Razi asked if she had met any other wolves of the pack, and she quickly shook her head "no" of course in a gentle manner. "I've been sticking to myself mostly." She would change her mostly plain face into a smile as she went to turn on to a joke, "Some of these giants can be pretty intimidating after all." Only referring to her small size. Razi herself was about a foot taller than her, and though it made Aranea uneasy at first it was a quick relaxer once the two started talking. Razi did happen to make the first move, otherwise Aranea would have went off to do her usual healer-type things and ignored her. It was strange how much she had changed over the last year or more. She used to be so charismatic and always looking for a friend. Now she was scurrying around and going unseen and pretty much non-existent.

"Is the pack mostly of your family? Ashiel and I had met a little while ago so I wasn't a complete stranger. But I don't know much of the origins or anything."

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



5 Years
Extra large
06-05-2018, 09:07 PM
Nodding gently at Aranea's words, Razi didn't find it difficult to believe her. Youth did not always equal inexperience, a fact that took some longer than others to understand. If Aranea really was as good at her trade as Razi hoped, she was a welcome asset to the pack.

Chuckling, a good natured smile played at her lips. Those who weren't kin couldn't begin to understand how intimidating this family could be. That was probably for the best, though. "I suppose they can be. Though some are quite good company once you get past the height and rough edges. It takes time to get used to them though, even I used to find it a bit overwhelming to stand beside my father and older siblings." Their father was likely intimidating for a host of other reasons aside from his superior height, reasons all her siblings and half-siblings would know all too well. An expression best described as understanding, maybe sympathetic even, would etch itself onto her features as she added, "I've been pretty reclusive myself, but I do find it helps a great deal to try and break out of one's comfort zone. It's not easy, but it gets less difficult the more you make a habit of it."

Leaning back, Razi would nod in response to the question. "Both empires are largely made up of out kin. Most of them are my half-siblings from various litters, though there are a few cousins and some are my nieces and nephews. There were a few non-related wolves in the Risen Empire, though until recently I think the Eclipse had more." She'd take a moment to shift and get comfortable before continuing. Standing around still too much was hell on her paws these last few weeks. A thoughtful look passed through her pale gold eyes as she contemplated how best to describe the origin of the packs.

"The Risen Empire was the first to be founded, a while after we arrived in these lands. I believe it was when Ashiel was just turning a year old? So not all that long ago in the grand scheme of things. My brother, Amon, is - or I suppose was - the agreed upon leader of the family. He challenged a pack and won, I'm told in a single move, and founded the Empire to begin a conquest of sorts in the name of our Fallen ancestor." Pausing, Razi smiled at the smaller woman and asked, "It's either a lengthy tale or I'm a bit rambly, would you like to hear more? Feel free to interject with questions, I enjoy the chit-chat so long as you're still interested."
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



7 Years
Chrono I

06-06-2018, 08:33 AM

Head tilted to the thought, "Yeah, I suppose so. I've changed a lot lately, I used to love meeting others, may have even been annoying to some." She couldn't help but lay a quiet giggle to the end. "Perhaps I'll have to get out there a little more."

Aranea would take a seat with Razi as she did, her ears erect as she took in each and every one of her words. Once she was done explaining and asked if Aranea would want her to continue, she would go on to "I don't mind at all, I told Ashiel I would learn the ways of the pack and I guess you don't have much to do anyway." She added a smile in regards to her pregnant belly. She seemed to be a woman who wanted to care for herself or at least enjoyed hunting and searching herself but as close as she was to birth Aranea was sure the rest of the pack was taking care of her meals and duties.

"Your family seems to stretch far, I can't say the same for myself. I'm surprised I haven't met many before coming here. Though I do wonder about your "Fallen Ancestor," I don't think I've ever heard anything like that before." Aranea herself didn't have any spiritual beliefs but sure didn't disprove of anyone else's.  "Could you explain who they are? I think that would be a good place to start." They could go step by step, maybe not make it too long but to "conquest" Aranea thought they had a drive to spread their religions throughout the land, especially those inside the pack and she wasn't going to back out and refuse such teachings.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



5 Years
Extra large
06-07-2018, 10:40 PM
Razi contemplated the other womans words for a moment before shrugging, "It's not bad to change, so long as it is ultimately for your betterment." She'd then let her tail sweep the ground a few times before adding, "If it helps we can count this conversation as a pretty good start for both of us." Much as Razi enjoyed her alone time and generally preferred her own company to that of others, it was likely time to stop dwelling in the fringes of the pack. At one time she'd kept a distance because she felt some inexplicable emotional distance between herself and her relatives. Now though, she should stop using that as an excuse.

"True enough, I'm hard pressed to find much to busy myself with." honestly, by the time she had the children she'd almost be excited to have more duties to attend to. Being relatively useless was, well, annoying as hell to put it simply.

Pausing to digest the question and decide where to begin the answer, Razi's expression turned a bit serious as she pondered. It wasn't often that she herself relayed the tale, not from lack of pride but simply because she so rarely felt the need to invest that much effort into sharing with mortals. Slowly, she'd begin, "The vast reach of our bloodline is more or less a direct result of our descending from the Fallen God. I should begin at the beginning though." Swallowing and clearing her throat to ensure it would be prepared for a bit more speech than she normally asked of it, Razi shifted her sitting position slightly before launching into her best possible telling of the story.

"Once, many years beyond the oldest spanning memory can recall, there were many gods who ruled within the heavens. There was one among them who stood above the rest, superior in every way; strength, intelligence, and arguably most of all ambition. His true name lost to time, he received his new calling when the lesser gods decided to challenge his rule. It took all  of them to cast him out, sending the one now called "The Fallen God" down to the mortal plane and stripping him of both his power and his dominion.

"It is said that his fall from above was the cause of all the chaos and suffering that we deal with now. Afterwards, he sired offspring, those who hold the surname "Abraxas". They were tasked with retaking their birthright and ascending to the heavens where they belonged."

There she'd wait a moment, contemplating where and how to proceed. Razi was hardly a scholar of their beliefs, she knew what the others knew. More than some, maybe, less than others. "I suppose one could say that the Fallen God is both our ancestor, a being who existed far back in our lineage, as well as our Deity. The one our family looks to for strength, and who we seek to please with our actions in life. That is why the Empires were founded; with the intention of pleasing him and taking steps in the direction we were commanded to long before I was born."
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



7 Years
Chrono I

06-11-2018, 01:01 PM

It was weird to think that this woman who would shortly be taking empress after Ashiel would be "getting a good start" as well, but this was unknown to Aranea obviously and she wouldn't have any accusations because of this one meeting. She was growing fond of Razi right now, even if it was because she were pregnant or laid back or anything for that matter.

"That is quite a tale," She wasn't using "tale" as in "fiction" and hopefully that choice of words wouldn't offend Razi. "I must say, having a deity to put strength into yourself is something I wouldn't mind myself." But somehow she managed without a god or all superior being. But maybe needing to impress someone in order to get into an afterlife of wonders, that was something she may have struggled with. But what if their teachings were the "right" ones? Perhaps Aranea would end up in the bad lands after all.

"You were pretty clear so I don't think I have any questions for now." Basically like anything else, the bottom line was "Do what you're supposed to and you will have eternal happiness". "I'd be interested in studying some more so long as that's okay with the rest of the Abraxas. And maybe one day, I'd be the one teaching young or even wolves like me."

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



5 Years
Extra large
06-13-2018, 11:35 PM
"It surely is. I always thought it would still be quite interesting even if it weren't a part of my family history I grew up hearing about from my first days in this world on." From the perspective of an outside wolf it had to be quite different from the usual proudly held family heritage story. "It is quite reassuring. Having something to fall back on has always seemed preferable to me," she mused. Better something than nothing. And better an ancestor taught about throughout her lineage than some other being she had no ties to.

She was glad to hear her explanation had been sufficient. Not being much of the scholarly or deeply religious type, Razi wasn't as eloquent as she wished she could be when telling the story. The story itself was etched quite thoroughly in the minds of every Abraxas from childhood, so she'd never forget it entirely even if she tried. Their father had been very good at educating the lot of them. "That sounds wonderful. I'll have to do some asking around sometime and see who among my kin is currently the most knowledgeable of our teachings. It's possible someone in the Risen Empire would be the one who could teach the most, but who knows. Much has happened in a short amount of time." Perhaps if Aranea kept up her interest and continued learning the Abraxas' ways as well as proving her healing prowess she would see herself rising the ranks one day. So far Razi liked her at least, she'd enjoy seeing the blue-eyed healer prosper here. They needed more wolves like that.

Yawning briefly and pausing to enjoy the way the sunlight was hitting her fur at the moment, Razi lifted her head in a prolonged stretch of her neck. "Hmm, you know," she muttered, thinking deeply for a moment, "The best time to try and learn more if you can't catch someone one-on-one might be at one of our festivals."
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]