
beneath the raven banner

Katja the First


8 Years
07-17-2014, 06:33 PM

The slim viking woman stalked through the remaining snow of the north, a certain foulness of temper causing the dark limbs to move stiffly with irritation and fury. How could the gods do this to her? She had been nothing but faithful to them the entirety of her life, dedicated herself body and soul to them with a vow that would keep her from carrying on their family line... and now they would take away her sister too. She stopped and sniffed at the ground to catch once more the trail she followed before pushing on. Kapra.

If anyone would know where Jaeger was it would be Kapra. If he was alive, her sister's dream about about his death - and about her own - could surely be only a cruel trick of the god of mischief. If Kapra did not tell her where Jaeger was, by the gods she would tear into him, family or no family.

She stopped once more in the cool shade of a huge... thing. A sip, perhaps it was called? No, a ship. Something made to float upon the waters and carry the fool extinct humans about their self destructive business. The scent was hot here. Kapra could not be far.



07-17-2014, 08:20 PM

The woman of the Finnvi Legacy slithered along with adventure on her mind. She was horribly close to passing her crown onto her newly found daughter, Schon. The skinny babe would make an excellent leader, she thought. Yet, as she sauntered on thoughts of the Finnvi family popped into her head. What happened to her little niece and nephews? What about her aunts and uncles? Had they all really gone? Just out of the blue? She had chased family to Ala so maybe others had come as well. Svanerna would love to meet others within her family, but would she recognize the scent? One experience would tell. But, she knew others of her family resented her for her interactions with her son, Jae. Yet, she would hope to bandage up any sort of relations with her family, though she would never know. As she went on her metallic eyes feasted upon the metal structure in the distance. Due to her age she knew of Humans and it was obvious of their existance in those moments. The beast before her was no where near natural. The babe moved forward with a raised brow before a scent filled her nose quickly. A scent of slight familiarity. Was it of her pack? No. It was of family. The fae moved with pep in her step as she rolled her shoulders in delight, but as she grew closer, she knew it was a Finnvi. The Queen let her head raise as her paws hit the metal that slipped from the ice. "Katja Finnvi, I know you, you are my niece." The girl was in disbelief before her eyes widened even more. "I am your Aunt, Svanerna Finnvi, if you remember me." She knew of the hard feelings yet she would start off with a little smile and a warm look in her gold and silver eyes.



10 Years
07-17-2014, 08:37 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2014, 08:37 PM by Kaprasíus.)

Though his reunion with his mother had been such a relief to him, still he felt restless. His brother was nowhere to be found; and though he had a sister he had only recently met, it did not fill the void that Jaeger's disappearance had left in his heart. Kaprasius would not deny that he loved Schon. She was a devout girl, with a heart of gold and a will of steel -- but even her sudden arrival in his life wouldn't satisfy the craving he felt for his brother, no matter what.

He had found his way north today, following in Svanerna's pawsteps. Some snow remained here, and the air was brisk too, as though it could not quite be penetrated by the arrival of spring. The gods were what urged him on -- whispering silently in his head, pushing him forward. He felt helpless to their commands, though his obedience was the least he could give to them, after they had given him life and all that it included. Silence engulfed him as he trailed behind his mother, his mind straying from the scene before him.

The scent of Katja came before her saw her. Eyes sparkled as they approached her, interest glimmering in their emerald depths. Their last reunion had grown tense, but it had been unfortunately interrupted; would she react similarly this time?
"Vetter," he greeted her with a grin, dipping his head to the earth as he came to rest alongside his mother. "Wir treffen uns wieder."


WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.



07-19-2014, 09:54 PM

Light in touch and soft as mist, Au?ra moved with a quiet grace despite her now missing front limb. The female had been lost in the wanderings of her mind, allowing her body to take her where it would but there was no denying that she was following the scent of her sister. The news had not fallen lightly on the others ears. And she did half wonder if perhaps this was one of Loki's foul tricks after all. But would the norns allow such a thing to befall their faithful servant? No? the dream had been steady for many seasons. Surely Loki would not be this persistent in tormenting her and her alone?. surely?

The winds shifted bringing Au?ra a scent both familiar and unwelcome. She growled lightly. Svanerna was in the area? That woman was a beast of deception and she reeked of betrayal. There were rumors dark and vile that surrounded the older woman and while Au?ra herself had no proof she would not give the other the benefit of the doubt.

The sleek fae moved toward the scents that were mixing with her sisters as well as? Kapra? well, well, now wasn't this quite the reunion. Au?ra joined the group and slid along to stand next to her sister Katja. Her eerie blue eyes watching the other wolves. Words would be held safe behind her teeth for the moment but her eyes would stare unblinking at those that stood across from her.
