
these battle scars don't look like they're fading



4 Years
Extra small
04-26-2018, 07:04 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2018, 07:35 PM by Tana.)
Her travels brought the eyeless woman to another land of probable beauty but it wasn't like she'd ever know. She had never truly had the chance to see the world, so she knew little of it's beauty. That was the life of a sacrifice though, she was born into it and parted out for ceremonies. She had always known one day her purpose in life would be to die for whatever god it was that Apostle had wished at the time. She wasn't sure that the gods he spoke of existed though. What kind of god demanded pups be killed for them to give fertility to their alphas? What kind of god demanded sacrifices of limbs and such? Prey sure but not wolves themselves.

She sat with her forepaws in the water. how deep was the water? could she go around? She could smell herbs on the wind, their scent reminding her of her own, which was that of a pine forest and lavender. She liked keeping the scent of lavender on her, it was calming to not only her but those she came across. Though with the cold wind it told her winter was approaching fast and lavender would be hard to find until spring came again.

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Vale I

The Shepherd

3 Years
05-01-2018, 10:25 AM

Since his run-in with the jackals, the man was looking for any way to pay Elias back for his help. It was the Apollyon that had saved him with both of his recent near-death experiences. He felt he needed to show his gratitude by proving himself worthy to Ruina and show Elias that he could always trust in him. Beast journeyed through the same area he'd met Elias in, letting himself bask in that memory before continuing his travels. He was eager to see more of the East, as this would be his new home. His travels brought him to Firefly Lake, a beauty the man had not had the chance to see yet. Gaze settled upon a stranger, one who seemed to be rather beat up like himself. Nothing seemed fresh on her, as he approached he could tell these scars were old.

This could be the perfect opportunity to bring home something for Ruina. A lamb, considering it was their time to harvest. However, the man was not quite sure how to go about that. From the looks of it, even with his current injuries, this lass would be easy to bring home. Perhaps he wouldn't have to fight her and merely had to take her back to Mount Volkan. Vale decided to approach the situation using his charm, which the man was lacking in. As the beast approached, his large paws made a loud splash in the water, making Vale flinch if only a bit. He was so on edge from his fight with the jackals, that he scared himself, how pitiful. Vale quickly bounced back to what he was doing and looked the girl over, he was now within a good five feet of her. He wasn't sure how he should introduce himself, so all that he manages was a gruff "Hey." It almost sounded like he was yelling at her.


Disclaimer: Vale is unpredictable and could have violent outbursts.



4 Years
Extra small
05-02-2018, 09:19 PM
The quiet of her pondering and the lake was interrupted all too soon. The sound of paws meeting water had her tensing and ready to try to remain silent. Maybe if she did so he may loose all interest and move on. She could tell it was a male from his scent and a pack wolf but nothing more really. Her tattered and almost nonexistent ears pressed back into her skull, almost disappearing all together. Her remains of her tail pressed tight to her bum, submissive already and trying her hardest to keep anything from happening she didn't want to happen. Her rump unceremoniously met the ground as she hid her last rear foot the best she could under her.

She might not of known this stranger but already walls were up and she did everything to seem even smaller than she was at a mere seventeen inches. Her head dropped lower than her shoulders. And as he stopped muscles that still wanted to work but had nothing to protect scrunched up her forehead. There were no eyelids to close nor eyes to know how he approached her. She couldn't tell if he was hostile. His voice came then. More of a gruff and unfriendly sound to her than anything else. She was quick to lean as far away as possible, her face turning, expecting the worst from him.

Nothing came in those few moments though. She still sat with her body like that though, her heart beating hard and fast. She was afraid, so afraid. But even so her voice came, meek and quiet like a whisper. "Y-yes?" she had no confidence and knew it showed. She was a punching bag for everyone she had ever met. Only two souls had ever seen her relax a little and trust. Though now even those two weren't trusted. They'd broken her after promising her they'd never lay paw on her like the others. This man would probably be much the same.

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Vale I

The Shepherd

3 Years
05-03-2018, 09:20 AM

Vale craned his neck to take a better look at the smaller female. She was extremely tiny for a wolf, but it seemed she had been taken advantage of. The scars littering her body told a sad story, but Vale couldn't let himself take any pity on her. There would be no mercy, he was determined to take her back to Ruina. Thankfully, she already seemed intimidated by him, so it wouldn't be that big of an issue getting her to follow behind. It already seemed she was ready to give up, so he wouldn't need to disable her so that she would come with him.

The beast was still new to these customs and their oaths, but he knew that they would be looking for lambs, and this might be a good opportunity to prove himself useful to Elias. Not that he hadn't proved himself already, but he felt like he owed the man. Again, he began to feel worried that this wouldn't go as smooth as it should, but then again the girl was already compliant. He only needed to get her to follow him so Elias could claim her for Ruina. Brute gave a sigh before moving forward, towering over her so she might feel his presence surrounding her. This was a scare tactic, something to show her that she wouldn't be getting away from him, at least not without a fight. "I'm Vale, Dommiel of Ruina, I'm taking you with me to the Apollyon. Do not try to run, unless you want me to get violent." He spoke fast but tried to remain clear. He didn't want her getting away before he could finish.

He'd loom over her until he was given a nod of compliance or she tried to get away, in which case he'd be forced to chase after her. Something he really wasn't interested in at the moment, what with his wounds still healing. "Get yourself hydrated, we have a long walk ahead of us and I don't plan on carrying you the whole way." He looked at the missing hind paw but shrugged off the thought of her being incapable of following. She'd survived this far, surely she could make their little venture back to the dens. He needed to see what Elias wanted to do with her. If this one didn't put up too much of a fight, Vale would likely start up a conversation with her. He was mighty curious about those scars. Still, the beast wouldn't let her sit her for any longer. Vale lapped up the little water he could, enough to keep him from dehydrating, and would lead the way.

Chest puffed out, his thick fur only making him seem larger, the large beast walked with pride. Not for anyone, in particular, considering this female wasn't able to see him. Vale was simply proud of himself for doing something productive with his day without getting hurt. As they walked the silence was gnawing away at him, Vale didn't want to be left alone with his thoughts. What would it look like to this new female if he were to lose his mind right there? "Er, so whats wrong with you. You end up being someone's chew toy?" Kind of harsh, but Vale didn't know any better. The only other social interactions he'd had were with Elias, and he was a little harsh too.


Disclaimer: Vale is unpredictable and could have violent outbursts.



4 Years
Extra small
05-03-2018, 10:00 PM
He definitely wasn't all too friendly. He made to invade her space, to push hos dominating aura onto her. It was enough to make her quiver. Her head and shoulders lowered even further. Her body going sideways until she was on her side. Submission was her answer to this males scare tactics. Scare tactics they were. She wasn't even sure if this male had the knowledge that scaring someone who was already submissive enough would get them compliance while also making a wall build higher. His voice was enough that now her snout even met the ground under the water. Her body was completely tense. She was ready for the sting of pain. Even with no eyes she knew he was rough, she knew he wouldn't hesitate to mark her like so many others had. Her fear ducts had always been left in tact, those that beat her liked to see her damaged face wet with tears. She could feel as they started to wet her cheeks.

Couldn't he just leave her alone? Let her be?

No she knew the answer to that. Not a wolf alive had no cruelty in their heart. Not even her own was free of it. For right now she wished another would come, show this male true cruelty. She knew it would never come to pass though. She wondered for a moment if she stayed like this if drowning wasn't a better alternative to being this man's next prize or whatever.

She didn't dare run, she'd heard four distinct heavy paws on his way towards her. He had to be bigger and even faster than her with four feet. There would be no nod, for fear that any noise or movement other than submission would bring a wrath down upon her. His threat had not fallen on deaf ears. She was not stupid enough to try too much. Only once he moved off a bit did she feel safe enough to lift her now soaked muzzle from the water. She still stayed in a submissive posture though, knowing full well he was watching and not leaving.

He had said he wanted to take her with him to this Ruina. She didn't want to go but wasn't willing to risk his wrath either. Perhaps whoever this Apollyon was might figure it out for themselves that she had little choice here. But would they stop this madness? Probably not, if his member acted like this then it was likely they didn't care. He ordered her to drink and to keep him from getting violent she did so. Not that she was even remotely thirsty, just that she didn't want anymore pain for the rest of her days.

When he started walking she waited until he was well past her, until she could barely feel such domination of her. She lifted herself slowly, shaking out her fur that now smelled less of lavender and more of pine. Though that wasn't a bad thing except she didn't know if she'd ever find enough again where they were headed to coat herself. She lagged behind him, using her front left paw to test the ground before her every step of the way. Her missing foot didn't hang like a true wolf, born with this disability would have. Instead, instincts moved it to walk as if it were still there. Her pace was slower but that allowed her time to stop every now and again yo smell a patch of what might be herbs here and there. Marigolds she found once and easily. She was quick to bite off a bushel of more than just the flower, which was okay, she'd sort through it later. She had a feeling she'd need it where she went.

She enjoyed the silence, though he seemed to hate it. He started trying to talk with her. She couldn't just answer easily though. It was hard to tell someone that you were bred to be slaughtered and butchered to offer a pack peace and such from gods. She rushed a few steps so she could stop completely and set her marigolds bushel down to answer this brute. "Not exactly...... I was born to die to a god after my parts were no longer harvestable...." her voice was soft and she kept the explanation short as she could. If anything he'd have to strain to hear her complete answer. She picked her bushel back up and let him lead more. Did he even know a woman interested in healing when he saw one? Not like he probably cared. Her ears stayed back and her stub pressed against her bum tightly the entire way.

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Vale I

The Shepherd

3 Years
05-10-2018, 10:06 AM

He couldn't help but get quiet after she spoke of not being harvestable anymore. It was truly a shame to live your whole life like that, but that only told him that she was more than used to the life of a slave. Vale was a mission-oriented beast, determined to do as Elias asked of him. He hadn't been listening much when he was originally given orders considering his condition, but he knew that a soul was a soul. They had demons to satisfy and keep at bay. Vale's own demons whispering in the back of his mind now, telling him to maim her. However, he knew he shouldn't be cruel, that wasn't a part of the mission. He winced as he tried his best to ignore them, push their voices to the back of his mind.

They didn't have a long way to travel, as he found her in the east already. He'd look behind every now and then to be sure she was still behind her. He actually considered walking behind her at a point, as he would get frustrated if she struggled to keep up with his pace. He led them the same way he'd made it to Firefly Lake in the first place, it wasn't a long trip. Once they reached Mount Volkan was when the beast would finally speak again. "Go up the mountain, I'll follow behind." He then realized she was blind and might need some leading. Large muzzle moved to her hind end to nudge her in the right direction. Once he was sure she'd make it up, he'd follow behind slowly. Keeping those eyes peeled for any intruders or predators. He wasn't really interested in having anything ruin his plans for the day. Once they made it up he would call for Elias. Vocals emitted a low howl, something recognizable for the Apollyon. He was ready to present him with the first lamb yet, and boy was Vale proud.


Disclaimer: Vale is unpredictable and could have violent outbursts.