
Take a Chill Pill, Dude!

Terra I


2 Years
04-26-2018, 07:35 PM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2018, 11:49 AM by Terra I.)

Terra took no time to socialize once she'd left Kahaia where the yearling had requested. She wasn't interested in meeting whoever the girl expected to take care of her, as the girl's major injuries were the woman's fault. It might have been stupid to try and bring an inexperienced girl on a hunt, but how was she supposed to know her little companion was so clueless. Eh, it was no sweat, the woman felt rejuvenated after the hunt. Having filled up on her share of the creature, she wanted to go relax. It didn't take long for the young goddess to make her way to the Hot Springs.

Amber gaze fixated on that warm spring water running into the many pools covering the land there. Which one would she choose to lounge in? Delicate paws danced around the pools, a cheery grin painted across her muzzle. She dipped her paw into a few of them before finally deciding on one that was deep enough for her to swim in, but not deep enough to drown in if she wanted a break. Terra waded into the water, shoulders rolling with each step, she could feel the warm water already working its magic. Those tensed muscles slowly releasing the tension built up over the past few days. The water came up to her neck, the rest of her body submerged in the pool. The woman was tempted to drink from the pool, but she knew all too well how dangerous that could be, she couldn't afford to be sick.

Brown and cream whisp admired her own thick fur under the water, if she moved the foam out of her way, it almost looked like her fur was much longer than it actually was. It floated around that lean frame, only making her grin wider. Terra would only sit and relax a while longer before feeling antsy again. Lids fluttered open as the woman let out a sigh of relief before beginning to paddle herself around the pool. Its odd shape boosted her own confidence, it was wonders like this that made her like her own odd markings much more. It seemed the more extraordinary things were, the more beautiful they became. This is what clouded her thoughts as she swam around the pool, ignoring her surroundings for the moment and living in the feeling. This feeling of warmth and security the springs graced her with, well it was something she hadn't felt anywhere else. She was intent on savoring this moment for all that it was and everything it could provide her, mentally and physically.


Terra is fluent in Latin.



6 Years
Extra large

05-05-2018, 04:15 PM

The hallowed lands of Ruina's territory were well protected today, allowing Elias the peace of mind to take a stroll through the east and investigate any surrounding territories. He had been spending his week adamantly securing their land, building their borders, and hiking up and down the mountain terrain to adjust his body to swiftly navigating across it. The underside of each pawpad held healing cuts and scratches from their dutiful work of carrying his heavy weight along the sharp teeth of the Maw, and the muscles of legs hadn't held a radiating soreness to them like they did on this day in quite some time.

It felt like the hard training days of his youth when he and his siblings would compete and test their strength and stamina throughout the lands of their home under the safety of his father's kingdom. That same feeling was what he was building here, and he was lost in pride over every aspect of it- including this radiating soreness.

The stone titan moved with a leisurely stride today as he neared the hot springs, the humid air that surrounded them clinging to his nose and building condensation there. Mist clung to his fur the deeper he came in, the warmth of it inviting him in from the autumn air and blanketing him in a feeling of relaxation, of comfort. His short fur welcomed the heat, his hackles prickling slightly to allow the warm mist to invade and nest along his skin. The steam was thick enough that it was hard to detect other scents and other sights in the area, but as he neared the pond holding the girl- the gentle sound of her disturbance of the water honed the predator in on her.

Bloodgem eyes pierced through the mist as they saught her figure out in the water, taking note of her intricate swirls and pattern near immediately. His long-taloned toes splayed out as he moved, gripping the earth as though he were ready to launch himself at any moment if he needed to. His ears rotated like searching radars as they listened for any other nearby sounds. Did she have company, or was she alone? He brought himself to the edge of her pool once he felt confident that she was alone and squared out his stance, each limb slightly wider than shoulder and hip-width apart. His ears were tall and attentive as his crown lowered, thick neck aligning with his shoulders as he brought himself lower to the waters so that he could observe her. "These pools are poisonous, you know." They weren't harmful unless ingested, the volcanic toxins the earth leaked out into them very minute and hardly anything to worry about... but he was curious as to how she would respond.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!

Terra I


2 Years
05-07-2018, 11:16 AM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2018, 11:17 AM by Terra I.)

Terra hadn't even noticed the man's arrival, too focused on her own laps. The warmth just too tempting to resist, the woman wasn't on guard. Hell, this wasn't pack territory, so why would she need to worry about an intruder? No, the girl was completely relaxed, letting her muscles stretch and enjoying her personal time. Although she hadn't heard the man approach, she felt his stare. Something wasn't right, there was someone invading on her personal time and she could sense him. Lids flew open to see him, crouched and observing her. Still, that cool attitude about her never faltered, and the girl lifted herself from the pool with ease. A chuckle escaped her as he spoke of the waters being poisonous as if she was supposed to be scared. "Fabulae! Nonsense, they're only poisonous to those foolish enough to ingest it."

Her thick coat had only become heavier now that she was drenched, she inched farther from the brute only to shake the excess water from her coat. Still, a few droplets might have come his way, but she made her intentions of keeping the water away from him clear. This man obviously had some kind of superstitions about the water here. No need to put the man on edge, as he already seemed pretty on edge as it was. His stance alone gave a lot away, he looked like he was ready for a fight. Terra still couldn't comprehend why everyone seemed so wary around strangers. Whisp of cream and brown would not give up that cool demeanor so easily, instead deciding to have a friendlier approach. Golden orbs flicked to the man as the woman took in his appearance. Focusing on the scars, she realized this man was quite the warrior. It piqued her curiosity, was he a part of a pack that taught him to be like this?

His scent was tainted with the smell of others, enough for her to assume he was in fact from a pack. Adding that to his dominant aura, she could only conclude that he was a man of power as well. The way he held himself made it clear he wasn't one for simple conversation, but that wouldn't keep the female from trying anyway. Smirk pulled at the corners of her lips as she spoke next, "Salve, advena. I am Terra, and you are?" She still hadn't taken a seat, as Terra wasn't going to be that naive about the situation. However, she never managed to put too much distance between them if there was going to be a fight. There were about five feet of space between them at this point, and Terra surely wasn't standing as though she was ready to fight. Her tail swaying slightly, ears perked, in fact, the girl gave off the impression that she was truly interested in meeting this person. The question was, would he be as friendly towards her?


Terra is fluent in Latin.



6 Years
Extra large

05-07-2018, 06:19 PM

'Fabulae!' The tongue of his father rang in his ears with an echo, immediately making him dizzy and hitting him with an overwhelming wave of nostalgia. That language was the tongue of the original Apollyon, and as far as Elias had known.. that language had been tied into the Praetor bloodline since the origins of wolves. He had yet to run into any wolves outside of Ruina that knew of that language, and to this day... the dialect of it revived the haunting presence of his father within his psyche. Every. single. time. he heard it.

Perhaps, that was due to his lack of hearing it outside of anyone within his bloodline. His eyes widened quite noticeably, never once leaving her as she moved around and then seated herself in front of him. She was an exotic and beautiful creature, he could not deny that.. she was tall and appeared to be a capable hunter. A whisper began murmuring to his right side, something only he could hear and he was aware of this, but his ear lifted to listen to it anyway. 'She is lost. Bring her home.'

"Salvē, puella perdidit." He was ashamed to say he did not recall as much of the language as he would have liked, but perhaps that was the purpose behind their little encounter? How much did she know, and was it enough to bring the language back to Ruina and tie them even closer to the original souls that made them? So many possibilities were playing out in his head for this stranger already, and yet he hadn't even been around her for more than a few minutes.

There was an internal battle going on behind the demon's eyes as he watched her, his hackles prickling along his spine absent-mindedly as he continued to think of what to do. He wanted her to come with him to Ruina, but something told him she was worth more than a slave. He wanted to give her the opportunity to choose, but... what if she denied him? He decided to test it, forcing himself to recline his weight to his haunches and surrender his fighter's stance. "I am Elias Praetor, Apollyon of Ruina. The waters here are heated by the power of our lands, I hope you have been enjoying them." He flicked an ear, trying to dismiss the whispering of the demons that were gnawing at him to claim her. "Where do you come from, Terra? Is the language you are speaking your native tongue, or did you learn it from someone?"

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!

Terra I


2 Years
05-07-2018, 09:22 PM

Terra was definitely thrown off by the male's reply. It had been so long since she'd spoken that language and had someone reply back. Granted it was slightly off, she could tell he hadn't spoken it in quite a while. She'd been lucky enough to have her mother up until recently, there to give her lessons and keep the language fresh in her mind up until her dying day. Even then, her mother's final words were in Latin. The woman could tell that it was true when they say your native language really sticks with you, as the man's accent was still perfect. It was quite impressive and seemed to turn that smirk of hers into a grin. "Vos loqui vetus lingua?" Golden eyes wide with excitement to finally have another to practice with, and it was quite obvious in her tone as well.

As the man sat, she was visibly more relaxed, examining him as he spoke. She couldn't help but notice the familiarity in his build, could this have been a relative of her father? The thought left her quickly as he made the name of his pack known. He spoke of the power of their own land powering these springs and those brow dots raised. So she was near pack territory? How could she have been so naive? She hadn't caught a whiff of their presence yet, so she was likely safe. Terra had many questions about this pack he spoke of, but it seemed first Elias had his own questions. She was more than compliant in answering, as this man had piqued her interest in many ways already. She didn't mind letting a little information about herself slip in the process. Hell, the woman was already considering asking to come and learn more about this Ruina. She'd never considered pack life before, but she wouldn't mind being around more fine specimen like the brute sitting before her.

"I come from these lands, in a terrain much higher than this. Igneus mons if you will. At least I was born there, my mother left after my littermates died, she nursed me to health. Told me I was the golden child, a true goddess among demons. She taught me the language at a very young age, so I guess you could say I am a native speaker. She said it was important to know the language of my origin. I would assume you are a native speaker as well?" Regardless of how he came to know it, it was still rare to see. At least her mother made it seem that way. Gaze fixated on his eyes and she couldn't help but feel entranced by them. She had yet to encounter anyone with that bright red shade, it was quite shocking. Still, she managed to pull herself out of it. She still had so much to ask this Elias about.

"What is Ruina, and what rank is Apollyon? Do you all speak our language? How many members do you have, and would it be okay for me to come see this pack for myself?" Her curiosity got the best of her and had her rambling. It was like the woman wanted a full out culture lesson in the middle of the springs. Could the man blame her though? He had been so vague about his pack and seemed more interested in her origins. No, if she could, the woman would hop right on the opportunity to join the fun with this Ruina group. She was after all an opportunist, and a pack might keep her well fed, and have healers to keep her in good health.


Terra is fluent in Latin.



6 Years
Extra large

05-08-2018, 12:19 AM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2018, 12:22 AM by Elias.)

Elias was feeling dizzier, especially after she answered him again in his native tongue. His senses were becoming slightly deafened to the world around him, and although it was a familiar sensation, it was still one he absolutely loathed. Irritability was festering inside of the stone wolf, but his eyes remained as brilliantly curious as ever with his features ultimately expressionless. He would strain to hear all of the worlds seemingly flowing out of her light pipes and struggled to remain focused throughout the entire monologue. Elias could feel his ears rotating side to side and then forward, trying to dismiss the dizzy feeling as well as the undiscernable whispering his mind's phonograph was playing. His fidgeting crown would be the only indicator that perhaps something was seemingly bothering the otherwise charming aura of the mountain king.

His spine readjusted as his muscles tensed, his weight shifting as he straightened his posture more upright. Such prim behavior might have made the impression that the man was attempting to come off as polite, though really Elias was trying to keep himself more involved in the reality of the natural world around him. "Igneus mons..." He repeated the word as soon as he heard it, his stare become estranged as he drifted off into thought. Every ounce of willpower he had to stay out of his mind was slowly slipping with this word began to make cracks in his carefully portrayed disguise. Who was this woman, and why did she speak the word of the Apollyon and live with fire as he had? Most outside wolves that arrived during the days of his raising in his father's Ruina complained how the smell of the volcano and the heat of its fire were far too dangerous to take up residency in. No pack of wolves would knowingly anchor their family next to such a volatile living area, where a natural disaster could take away their legacies at any moment.

With the Maw keeping them out of harm's way several hundred feet above the volcano, Elias felt far more proud of their new claimed territory than likely any man in their bloodline for quite some time. Demons crafted this land, and their craft was something powerful that he could feel on every inch of it. These demons were old, and so were the wolves he found himself encountering- at least, the souls within. Ruby eyes narrowed slightly, moisture glistening along his bottom lids as he studied her very closely. Elias' own thoughts were becoming harder to ignore, though as she asked if he was also a native speaker- he gave her a responsive nod to tell her he was still listening.

Terra began delivering each of her questions one after the other and Elias had a harder time remaining in undisturbed deep thought, so his psyche was forced to surrender his attention for the time being. Each question worked wonders at casting the demon back into the shadows, Elias then becoming eager to answer every one.

"No, I am afraid not," Elias replied.

"My brother is the only member who I can speak for with certainty that knows of the.. old language. Our father taught us when we were younger, though the language and our understanding of it died with him before I was even a yearling. We knew both the common tongue and the old during his reign, however, I think it has been just as long since I have had the opportunity to use it." He adjusted his weight, standing once again with his tail immediately raised with dominant pride. What he was about to tell her... he wanted to be ready for in case her reaction drew her away from him.

"Ruina is the pack my father founded. It was given to me, and that titles me as the Apollyon- a rank of an alpha named after the demon who our people believe created and embodied the first wolf of this world." He did not want to answer just how many wolves inhabited the pack just yet, as those were numbers that could be used in acts of war. His eyes narrowed momentarily as he thought of this, but dismissed it and returned to a neutral expression. Her curiosity could be mistaken for manipulation and the work of a spy, though her youth led him to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"You mentioned a mother, is she still in your company? Do you belong to a pack?" She did not smell like a pack, though he could not smell much of anything on her after her dip in the springs.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!

Terra I


2 Years
05-08-2018, 07:19 PM

The woman was glad to have gotten a reply from the man, even if it wasn't a spoken one. Had she said something to put him off? It seemed he was crumbling mentally as she spoke, as the man gave off an odd vibe. Finally, he seemed to pull himself back to reality to answer her questions. Terra was disappointed to hear that his own pack didn't speak the language. It was a beautiful language and could be considered a sign of intelligence, as far as her mother had been concerned. It was the only tie Terra had to her mother, and she would be determined to keep it going in her own family. It seemed after his short explanation of Ruina and what the rank Apollyon meant, he was ready to ask his own questions. These just so happened to tug at some heartstrings that Terra wasn't aware she even had. She'd been devoid of that emotion since her mother died, so at her mention, those feelings came rushing back with a vengeance.

"My mother died, not too long ago. Still, I wasn't going to let the old language die with her. I don't belong to any pack, my mother and I were loners. She never spoke of a family history, aside from a half sibling that I have yet to find." She looked over the man's features curiously, had he thought she was trying to spy on their pack? "Don't let my current status worry you. I mean you and your pack no harm, I'd simply like to learn more about this culture of yours. Perhaps Ruina may be the home I've been searching for." As easy as it might have been to lie and weasel her way into this pack, these words came from the heart. It was rare to find another who spoke this language, and if it originated within this Ruina, then perhaps this was a part of her own family history her mother had never come to shed light on. Perhaps she'd been a part of this pack before they disbanded in the past and that's why they lived such an isolated life. It was a coincidence the woman couldn't let go.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to come back with you to learn more. If after it feels like something that would be a good fit for me, perhaps I could join your ranks. If you feel I could be useful that is." She was well aware that her usefulness would always be a concern. At least in her eyes, it was. What was the point of taking in a wolf who couldn't contribute to the flock? No, that would be foolish, and this man seemed like he was in no way a fool. Terra would wait patiently for a reply, as she was almost positive this was something that would take the brute some time to consider. It seemed the safety of his pack members was a big concern, which Terra could understand completely.


Terra is fluent in Latin.



6 Years
Extra large

05-12-2018, 11:47 PM

His ruby gaze never left her as she spoke, his heart sinking just slightly when she mentioned the death of her mother. She seemed young, as young as some of his children and he would hate to think of any of them without their mothers right now, especially not one fluent in Latin with a drive for teaching the language. He lifted his chin as he thought this, studying her. Could she possibly make just as good of a teacher, could she help bring the old tongue back to Ruina once she was settled?

He wanted to believe so, but would she be able to be strong enough to withstand some of the circumstances that being in the pack could bring into one's life? They were dark in the minds of most, no matter if their work helped maintain balance and served a purpose. Some didn't understand, especially women.. Elias felt like. At least, it had always been his sisters that protested against some of the harder decisions the pack had to make.

"Do you know much about the history of your family, Terra?" He adverted his thoughts, bringing them back to the point. It was interesting to him that she spoke Latin and did not know of Ruina, but perhaps she had been one of the many packs the Apollyon's children broke off to lead. It was inevitable that some would leave, as keeping everyone attached to the old ways seemed in possible when minds were put against it. When she declared her intent on coming back with him, his eyes glimmered with life. He wanted to bring her soul back to their lands regardless, the fact that she was willing simply made his job easier.

"I think that is an excellent idea." He smirked.

"You seem young, athletic, smart and you speak the old language.. I'm sure you can find purpose within Ruina, but I think you should take time to learn our customs. Ruina is not a place for everyone. You must not be afraid of spilling blood, or of death. Your mother may not be here with you physically, but I promise you that she is not gone." He readjusted himself, finally now getting into the pool that he had came to enjoy. She had already left, giving him the opportunity to sink into the deeper parts of it and feel how it soothed his bruises.

"I have children I could use your help teaching, if I am being honest." He looked up to her from the water, wading through the steam as his red eyes glared up at her. He was judging her inwardly, wondering if she would be trustworthy around Imps. Did she have patience, did she come off as cruel to him? Was she too soft, would they walk over her? Praetor's were gluttons for a challenge after all. He moved to the edge of the pool and brought his forelimbs up on to the stone to hold him there. His ribcage was finally feeling like it wasn't about to collapse at any moment, which was nice.

"Come stay as a Purgatorian of Ruina, as a guest. You can decide if you like it. If you do, I want you to know that you will never be allowed to leave once you oath yourself to the pack. You'll understand why after you stay."

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!

Terra I


2 Years
05-15-2018, 01:42 PM

He asked of her family history and Terra could feel herself tense up. Her mother hadn't spoken much of their history, but when she did, the conversations were brief. The most she'd gotten out of her was her sister's name and a description of her father. So, the woman wasn't quite sure how to answer the question without being vague. "My mother kept much of that hidden from me as if she were trying to hide our family's past. The only thing I'd ever gotten from her was a description of my father and my half sister's name. Other than that, it was just me and my mother, I've never met any relatives." Terra sighed, thinking about nights she'd stay up begging her mother for a little more. She had wanted stories of her family. Something to go by when she thought of the great wolves that could create creatures such as her mother and herself.

The woman smiled when Elias spoke so highly of her, it was only his first impression, but those were what mattered the most right? Pulling herself from those memories, she'd simply smile, nodding as she was soaking up all of the compliments. He spoke of spilling blood, and Terra only grew more curious. Then something about teaching children, and the woman's eyes lit up. She would love nothing more than to spread her knowledge of the old language to generations to come. It was an exciting thought but was interrupted by her own curiosity coming out. Elias mentioned something of not being able to leave once you join and that she'd find out after she'd joined herself. It was strange, to not know what you're signing up for before you sign up.

"I would love to stay as a guest, learn your customs. We'll see how I fit in with the rest of you, and hopefully, you can count on me joining your ranks someday. Possibly sooner than you might think." It wouldn't take her that long to decide if she could fit in with the pack, so she would likely have her decision within the next week. Especially considering how willing he seemed to teach her of their customs. Terra would wait for the Apollyon to get done soaking himself in the warm waters of the springs patiently. Once he was done, he'd lead her to possibly a new future. How exciting.


Terra is fluent in Latin.