
I'm too Far Gone



4 Years
04-28-2018, 08:54 PM

He was thankful that Regulus seemed to be so understanding, letting him leave to find his siblings. For his own anxious self he needed to be sure they were alright and do whatever he could to hopefully keep them all together. He was still stuck on wanting to be with his family, even though time and time again it fell apart right in front of his eyes. Was he ever meant to have the happy family scenario? Or would everything consistently fall apart and turn it's back on him? Bones had said it time and time again about how he didn't understand why Chasm hadn't just given up and went out on his own completely. There had even been times lately where they argued over it, but in the end Bones would support Chasm in anyway he could. They had left what they had felt like home once again to travel into the world in some blind idea to fallow his family even though he had no clue where they all went.

For the first week they traveled around the West and then started into the south looking for any sign of his siblings. Sleeping had become a bit difficult as his anxieties continued to build up when he couldn't find them. Uncurling from the ball within the large bush the young male crawled out of the bush that had been his sleeping spot for the night. Bones was snaking on the carcass of the fawn they took down last night, eating his fill before they would up and get moving again. It took Chasm a moment to get up off the ground after crawling out from under the bush. He was still tired, unable to settle and fall asleep for a long time last night, but his body wouldn't let him sleep, constantly waking up and falling back asleep.

He sighed laying sprawled out on the ground his eyes looking to Bones and the carcass. He was already feeling defeated even when the journey had been so short already. Part of his mind wanted him to believe that they left him in the dust just like his father had done, and Marina had done, but he kept fighting it.

"Words" & 'Thoughts'

Art by Sam2015



2 Years
Athena I
04-28-2018, 10:18 PM

Adore reached her forepaws out in front of her, her front half lowering to the ground and tail curling over her back as she stretched out her back. She had to admit that she kind of missed sleeping in a real den, especially since the nights were starting to get colder, but it felt like she was finally getting a taste of the real world. It was liberating to be free of the expectations she put on herself. As she stood upright again she look a look around through the thick vegetation. She had reached this part of Boreas late in the evening the night before so she hadn't had a chance to really look at what was here before now.

She snaked her way through a grouping of ferns and made her way to a puddle of rainwater so she could grab a quick drink. It would be a good idea to find something to eat before she went on with her adventure so the question was what did she feel like hunting for this morning? Really she didn't feel like hunting at all, but it seemed to be part of this whole living on her own thing. She felt a little guilty about leaving Celestial without telling anyone, but it seemed like that's what everyone was doing anyway and she was afraid of them telling her no.

Adore happened to catch what smelled like deer meat on the breeze and it got her curious. She thought maybe she could get lucky and find a left over kill from someone she could take some from. She ducked into a bush just in case whoever it belonged to wasn't gone. Adore peeked through the leaves and her eyes widened when she spotted who was eating off of the doe carcass. "Bones?!" she said as she popped through the brush, quickly spotting Chasm laying a short distance behind the feline. "What are you guys doing out here?" She went over to Chasm with her tail wagging, pressing her nose to his cheek.

"Talk" "You"



4 Years
04-29-2018, 10:36 AM

Chasm watched his companion eat, still laying on the ground as his mind began to work through what exactly they were going to do. Now that the west was explored they needed to do the south and then move on. He was hopeful that finding his siblings wouldn't be difficult, but what he was going to say or do would be the next thing he needed to think through. Celestial had done so much for him and his family, but his siblings were to young to know. If they had all left, then it was obvious that they no longer wanted to remain in Celestial. So does he offer to find home in another pack with his siblings? Does he try to convince them to be a small group of loners? He grumbled rolling onto his back briefly to look at the sky, He wished he could have more guidance as to what to do.

It was a brief time on his back before he rolled back over and looked back to Bones. He was about to speak, to confide in his companion, but a voice called out Bones. Ears pricked and he raised his head to look towards where the voice came from. What his bi colored gaze landed on made his tail immediately start to wag in a quiet greeting as she spoke. He grinned as she spoke before pressing her nose into his cheek. He was happy to have found her and she looked vary well health wise.

"We bot left Celestial to come look for you and the rest," he said with a smile.

"Words" & 'Thoughts'

Art by Sam2015



2 Years
Athena I
04-29-2018, 02:40 PM

She kind of surprised herself with how happy she was to see her older brother and his companion. Of course she loved her family, but they had all been so independent for so long that she hadn't really thought to try and be closer to them. She glanced back at Bones for a moment to give him a grin before she refocused on Chasm when he spoke with an explanation of why they had come out here. So everyone else had left as well? She knew most of them had been absent for the most part, but she hadn't been sure that they had completely left.

Her smile faltered a bit and she sat back on her haunches. "Well... I'm not going back." Her ears flicked back as she spoke, her expression forming a stubborn frown. If that's why they had come all the way out here they were going to be sorely mistaken. "I felt so... trapped there. Like I had to pretend to be something I'm not," she quickly added before they could start trying to convince her otherwise. All the memories of forcing smiles and putting on a show at meetings, trying to make up for her siblings that wouldn't play the part like herself... They pulled her mood down just thinking about them.

She didn't know if just being in a pack in general was the problem or if it was just Celestial, but... Being a loner so far had been just what she needed. "I'm sorry if that's what you wanted, but it's not going to happen." She glanced away from her brother with a soft huff, feeling very much like the bratty teenager that she probably was.

"Talk" "You"



4 Years
04-30-2018, 08:27 AM

His tail wagged and a big smile spread across his face. He was so happy to have found her and that she looked good. He had been worried about the worse happening to his siblings and here she was looking happy and healthy. He gently rubbed his cheek against her nose returning the affection. She then pulled away sitting back and her smile faded a bit. His brows furrowed before he sat up, raising his upper half so he was in a sitting position. Her beginning words were what he had expected, she didn't want to return to Celestial. He opened his mouth to speak, but she quickly continued to protest and explain why. He couldn't help it, but to smile as her stubborn frown and her quickly stated opinion. She was growing up, it was plain to see. He let her finish his by colored gaze softening as she huffed and looked away.

She had assumed that's what he had come looking for them, that he desired to take them back. He had learned his lesson when he had run into Argus after she ran away. If they didn't want to go back then there was no use wasting his energy trying to talk them into it. He wasn't here for that, no that wasn't what he wanted. He moved closer to her gently nudging her shoulder with his nose, grinning a toothy grin with his eyes bright with amusement. He shook his head when he thoughts she was looking at him again.

"I left left, to possibly not return and I didn't come looking to take you back. You all are getting older and I have no right to try and make you go back, but that doesn't mean I want our relationship to fizzle away either," he stated.

Family had always been important to him, despite everything that had happened. The events made him crave the relationship with his family that he didn't have and he hoped that he could still be rather close to them.

"I wanted to make sure you were doing well and maybe...... If your willing..... To travel with you a bit? I feel like we never got much time alone and I've been busy fretting over everyone to really pay attention." he said.

"Words" & 'Thoughts'

Art by Sam2015



2 Years
Athena I
05-11-2018, 05:41 PM

Her gaze reluctantly shifted back toward his own when he nudged her shoulder and she was confused when he saw how he was grinning. It was a relief to hear that he wasn't going to try to make her go back to Celestial. She smiled a little, her tail showing her emotions as well as it wagged gently behind her. Even if she wasn't the best at showing it, she did love her family and they were incredibly important to her. It touched her that he had bothered to come looking for her at all. She didn't know why that was so surprising to her. Of course he had. All her life he had been the protective older brother so why would that change now?

It wasn't a hard decision for her to agree to his proposition. "Yeah, I'd like that," she agreed with a small smile. One of the things that had pushed her to leave the pack was not feeling really connected with anyone even though her siblings where there. He understood what he meant when it came to fretting over everyone. Out here on her own she felt so much more free, but it was lonely. She grinned a little and reached over to give Chasm a nudge on the shoulder with her nose like he had done her.

"Well, we'll get to spend a lot more time together now, huh?" Maybe this would all work out for the best. Maybe they were meant to get away from the pack and figure out their own path. She glanced over her shoulder to where Bones as sitting and it reminded her of the fawn that the feline had been eating on when she first saw them. "I saw working on finding some food when I found you guys... Is there enough left to share?"

"Talk" "You"



4 Years
05-15-2018, 08:50 PM

It wasn't long before she agreed and he was surprised. Though he had greatly hoped that she would, Chasm was beginning to grow used to being abandoned. He originally felt his younger siblings simply abandoned him when they left Celestial, but the urge of being a protective older brother drove him to find them. So when she agreed to his offer it made his heart jump a bit, over joyed about it. It showed as his tail began to lightly beat the ground showing his happiness. She then returned his gesture, nudging him with her nose which made him smile more. It felt like she was the light at the end of a vary dark tunnel and for now he was so thankful that she was the first of his siblings to be found.

She then said about spending more time together and he nodded, happily.

"Yes and I'm really glad, honestly it's a relief," he said.

Bones had been just sitting and watching the whole interaction, his stomach full and he felt fairly lazy now. When Adore looked back at him he grinned a wide and toothy grin at her. Chasm looked over to what remained, which was still a good amount and nodded to Adore.

"Of Course! Me and Bones are both good so the rest is yours," he replied nodding.

Bones moved away from the kill and settled in a nice shady spot to relax. Chasm gave her a bit, letting her eat some before he would again speak. He wondered when her last meal had been and tried to remember what she excelled in as far as skills. He wasn't even sure how well she was at hunting which made him feel like he really didn't know much about her at all. He bit his tongue slightly at the realization.

"So what have you found since you left the pack? Anything interesting?" he asked after a while.

"Words" & 'Thoughts'

Art by Sam2015



2 Years
Athena I
05-18-2018, 02:55 PM

Adore gave Chasm and Bones grateful smiles as they gave her a moment to eat. Right about now she was grateful that she had decided to track down the scent of this deer. Not only did she find herself a meal, but she found her older brother as well. She didn't feel like she was a bad hunter per say, but it wasn't her strong suit nor was it her favorite thing. She was genuinely grateful to have this option rather than trying to find something for herself.

Just as she finished eating, Chasm's voice found her attention again and she lifted her head to look at him as she finished licking her lips clean. It was a pretty simple question, but just like everything in Adore's life she felt like she didn't have an easy answer. "I don't know if I've really found anything, but I've been enjoying it a lot." She turned to face him better as she spoke, leaving what little remained of the deer behind her. "You're one of the first wolves that I've run into since I left. I've mostly just been wandering around, taking in the scenery. It's just been nice to... relax I guess?"

She was terrible at explaining things, but she hoped that she was making a little bit of sense. "I feel like I just want to explore and figure out who I am, ya know?" She frowned a little as a thought crossed her mind. "I tried really hard to make Celestial work for me. You know that, right? Maybe I just wasn't meant to live with a bunch of other wolves like that. I just don't want you to think that I just ran off and left on a whim. Especially since mom's gone and everyone didn't really seem happy either... I don't know. I couldn't bring myself to tell everyone I was leaving. I thought if I just left no one would notice." It never felt like she made much of an impact on anything so she just assumed that no one would miss her. Maybe she was wrong. Chasm at least seemed to have missed her so that was someone.

"Talk" "You"