
You Look So Worn So Thin



4 Years
04-29-2018, 03:35 PM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2018, 02:34 PM by Tyranis.)

He felt… cold impossibly so. His toes ached from the chill of the water as it lapped at his hind legs, bitingly cold compared to the chilled stones his side rested on. He opened his eyes wearily, his nose stinging as he sucked in a breath of frozen air and wincing as the rank smell of bird shit and rotting fish filled his lungs. His ears filled with a cacophony of noise; squalling and chattering as the flightless idiot birds waddled past him.

He opened his mouth to speak and found his jaw and throat aching from the effort. He swore he felt his tongue crack like heat baked soil in the desert and could instantly taste the coppery sting of blood in his mouth, although that was more than likely from the sores that had formed in his mouth. He rasped a breath as he fought for consciousness, calling for someone . He knew he hadn’t been alone when he had washed onto the frozen shore but who he had come with seemed distant. He felt his eye roll laboriously in his skull as he attempted to make sense of his surroundings but found himself completely unable to.

He was dying. At the tender age of 2 years Tyranis Wreckage, once the leader of Dauntless, once the lightning king, was dying. He could almost feel the presence of his pack; hear them murmur his failure as he slowly began to slip away. Strong Acere who had seen so much potential in a man so young, Legion a boy his age who he had seemed to know his whole life although they had jut met, Aranea, his beloved who he had abandoned more than anyone else in Dauntless, his mother, and his son Rain.


It was Rain he had traveled with, Rain who had stayed by him on his doomed mission and taken from his mother’s warmth. Where as he? He choked and gasped the boy’s name, hoping to summon him, hoping that for one last time he could see his son, and free him from the duty he had selfishly placed on the boy’s shoulders.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



3 Years
04-29-2018, 03:36 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2018, 03:44 PM by Rain.)

“Get away from him!”He cried shrilly, his hackles raised as he barreled through the birds beginning to cluster on the thin body of his father. He snapped his jaws, more occupied with chasing them away than killing them and stood protectively over his father’s frail body. He felt tears sting in his eyes as he huffed, glaring hatefully as the birds scampered away. What was he going to do? He was terrified of the prospect of facing the world, completely alone, without his father. Tyranis had been consumed by his obsession with the man he called Bass, but not once had he shirked his responsibilities as a parent. Rain had always been fed, even when there wasn’t enough food for both of them, they had spent their wandering days talking, the older wolf teaching his son seemingly everything he knew and could think of, making sure, even as his mind began to slip that the boy remained interested.

He felt his father croak under him and shuddered a breath. “I’m here father.” He quavered, his body beginning to tremble as the horrible reality began to set in around him. They were home, they were in Boreas, the land he had been born in and the lands his father once ruled as a king, and his father, before he could even grasp the realization of what had become his greatest hope, was going to die. He shuddered, closing his eyes tightly and filled his lungs, throwing his head back and howling as loud as he could, calling for his mother, calling for his sister, calling for Dauntless, calling for anyone that could hear him and could help.

Speaking  Thinking You



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-01-2018, 05:50 PM

Cloud had returned to the North for a short time, returned to the forest and the mountain where he had last seen his brother. He wasn't sure what to think of him now after he had left so silently. He couldn't figure out how to feel about that night. Was he angry with Ty? Upset? He had been sad, his heart had broken when he found out that Ty had left. He had been the one to give the rest of the pack the news before they trickled away into nothing. Dauntless had been torn down by its creator's own hands. And Cloud had wandered ever since. Until recently...

He had found his father. Not during the greatest moment of his life, but what Elias told him still haunted him. Cloud had never really been able to control what was wrong with him, maybe a time or two, but he was afraid of himself and what he could do. He wasn't exactly sure what to do or think anymore, but he didn't really have much more time to think about it. As the male was passing near the Sound, he heard a loud howl ring across the lands. He stopped in his tracks, head tilting as he listened. It echoed off the sides of the Sound, through his ears, and seemed to shake his very soul. The voice wasn't entirely familiar, and it took him a minute or two to figure it out, but when he did, his eyes widened. Ty?! Heart pounding hard against his chest, Cloud took off at a breakneck pace. Ty was back!? He couldn't believe his ears. He told himself it was just wishful thinking, but as the remnants of the howl faded away, he realized it didn't exactly sound like his brother...but it was similar. His nephew maybe? Had Rain come back?

He hadn't really interacted with Rain or Nuada yet, preferring to give his brother and his brothers mate time to get used to their new family, but he needed his brother more than he realized. Paws drummed the ground as he raced through the sound, and soon he could hear the familiar sound of those flightless birds growing louder. Their stench reached him, and he never really liked the way they smelled, but damn they were tasty. Soon enough, he heard the ocean that lied just on the other side of the Sound, and that's when he saw them. A young wolf was standing over something, trying to keep the birds away. Monochrome form barreled through the penguins, snapping and snarling as he sent them scattering in a panic and as fast as their little legs could carry them.

He slowed as he got closer to the pair of wolves, and immediately he recognized Rain's familiar coat, and..."Ty!" He shouted as he got closer. He skidded to a halt beside him, a worried expression all over his face. What had happened to him? He looked almost unrecognizable! He was sure that if he didn't have that unshakeable bond with him, he wouldn't have even recognized the howl from Rain, or his brothers form right now. But here he was, at his brother's side because of it. His heart pounded in his chest both from the running and the fear he had for his brother. He looked like he was dying, and Cloud was terrified. He turned his attention to Rain then, "Go get some fresh water! There's moss all over the place, and freshwater pools near the walls of the canyon, hurry!" He turned back to Ty, lying beside him as he started to lick his poor brothers face. He needed help, and fast! But Cloud wasn't a healer...

Thinking quickly, he thought of only one wolf who might be able to save his brother, so he threw his head back and called her. He didn't know if their mother was nearby, but he had to try! He howled long and loud, a booming call that would be heard for miles, he was sure. And when he was done, he returned to trying to warm his brother and rouse him enough to keep him conscious. "I'm here Ty, I'm not gonna leave you!"

Walk, "Talk" Think



9 Years
05-02-2018, 07:42 AM

The gift from Elias had done wonders to her soul and her emotions. She had her confidence pack and her gypsy spirit of traveling. She did have to wait a little while until the cub was a little older before doing any long trips, but now he was old enough for sure. It may have been silly, but the women named the wolverine Eli after the mysterious man that had given him to her. Their last meeting had been so.... different from the first that the women felt younger then she was. He held great interest in their children together, another thing that had made her feel good, their father wasn't a complete monster after all. This gave her hope that maybe they could bond if he had run across them to get his side of the story and understand fully about their creation. To learn of their half siblings.

She didn't know why they headed North, call it some sort of invisible pull. She couldn't help but go back there in hopes of finding Ty and Rain. She missed her ambitious son and feared that the worse may have happened to him. They were gathering the last bit of herbs for the year in hopes to have enough to get her and Chinook through the winter. Though he had been distant as of late and had been going off on his own more and more. She couldn't help, but to remain feeling lonely, but little Eli was helping her with that somewhat.

A howl rippled in the distance making the petite women stop to listen. It sounded somewhat familiar, but strange all the same making her heart drum within her chest. Shaking her head and continued to move on with Eli, falling in just mere inches from the tip of the creatures tail. It had gone for a while before a stronger, deeper, and louder howl made the women stop dead in her tracks. A shiver ran up her spine, this howl clearly familiar. One of her son's was calling for her and she felt her heart drop at the tone of the howl. Without hesitation she sprung forth past the wolverine and ran, ran towards the source as fast as she could. Not caring if she stumbled, not caring if she fell, but the urgency and tone in her son's howl was worrying her.

She hadn't been that far from their location and as the smell of rotting fish and flightless birds his her nose she wrinkled it in discussed. She ran and she ran until she came upon where cloud was, his thick musty scent hitting her and pulling her forth. Then the familiar scent hit her and she stopped taking it in. Even though it was laced with salt it was easy for her to know who exactly it was and she rushed to his other side. Nose twitching and hovering inches over his body as she looked for wounds to heal. He was cold, she was sure of it and Cloud laid on one side of Ty's form and she laid down and pressed herself into the opposite side. She had heard Cloud's command for water when she came upon the scene. She continued to look for physical wounds as little Eli finally arrived, her bundle of herbs in his mouth he moved over to her and gently placed them on the ground. She continued to search for wounds while rubbing against him to try and warm him and stimulate him.

"Talk" & 'Think"

[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



4 Years
05-02-2018, 10:51 AM

He squeezed his eyes tightly as someone’s warm tongue lapped frantically at his face. It had taken him a moment to navigate his mind through the fog of disorientation in his mind but soon he came to recognize the scent. It was a scent he had known even when he was blind and deaf and no bigger than a paw; it was his brother, it was Cloud.

“Cloud…” He rasped as his brother’s words touched his consciousness. Cloud was going to see him die, his last act on earth would be to destroy his brother completely and die a withered mass.

“NO” his mind roared and he felt new life breathe within him. This wouldn’t be the end. Not while he was so pathetic and weary. He was lightning! He was a King! And if he died it would be with his name fresh on the minds of Boreas, known and respected. This was not the end of The Lord of Lightning!

A second form joined his brother on the opposite side of his battered body, and fresh warmth ran through him. “Mother…” He said, more clearly but his voice still cracking from thirst. With great effort he rolled onto his paws, his form unexpectantly light even for himself. A raw shiver ran through him as his longer frame hunkered deeply into the combined warmth of their bodies and warmed him. He pulled his back legs from the water and tucked his numbed toes under his body, his head resting between his paws as his teeth chattered and his frame quaked. He was in pain, he was hungry, and thirsty, but he would live, if only to spare Cloud and his mother from seeing him die a shell of who he once was he would live.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



3 Years
05-02-2018, 11:18 AM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2018, 11:19 AM by Rain.)

Healing ailment: Emaciation| Round 1 2 3|

Rain had no time to think or even attempt to recognize who the man was before he dashed away scenting fresh water and moss. He gathered as much moss as he could and soaked it in a pool of crisp fresh water before dashing back to his father. Now there was an older woman laying on the opposite side of his huddled father’s body but now was not the time for introductions.

Rain carefully slipped between the two to reach his father’s muzzle and gently slipped the dripping moss into his mouth. He gave a short, relived breath as his father’s mouth began to work at the spongy plant, squeezing water from it and swallowing laboriously.

He barely had a moment to think before he took off again, this time dashing for the flightless birds that had been too stupid to escape in the water. He could just barely manage to lift one from its feet as it squalled and writhed in his jaws, attempting to escape. Without hesitation he grabbed its head in his jaws and dashed its body against the stony floor of the bay, its neck hanging limply from between his fangs, broken.  

He ran back to his father and the two that had answered first his call then the unfamiliar male and dropped the bird in front of his father.

Tyranis regarded the bird wearily his jaws barely opening enough to rip into the bird before his son moved into action again, placing his paws on the bird’s body and tearing away a strip of flesh, nudging the livid and pink meat to his father who now began to eat.

And yet he couldn’t stop moving. As his father nibbled at the meat Rain gathered the moss again, running back to the pool of fresh water to replenish it, far too anxious to stop.

Speaking  Thinking You



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-04-2018, 03:20 AM

Everything felt like a dream to him. He couldn't believe that he had found his brother, but every time his tongue touched his brothers from as he attempted to clean and warm him up, told him that this was real. It wasn't a dream at all. Ty was really here, and so was the nephew he never got the chance to know. He waited for a miracle to his call, and he was actually surprised when seemingly out of nowhere, she came! He hadn't expected his mother to be around here, but maybe she was visiting the last place they had seen Ty just like he had. She said nothing, but that was okay. He watched as she nosed over his brother, checking him for wounds.

He stopped for a moment to let Rain feed and water the frail man, and his heart sank. His nephew seemed to be trying to keep himself busy, something Cloud could understand. Ty was in a weak and frail state, and as he looked him over, he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing. His brother, once so strong and proud now looked like he had been beaten down to the bone. He looked to his mom, a plea in his eyes, but he knew she wouldn't be able to see it. "Mom, can you save him?" It was a question that probably didn't need to be asked, but part of him felt like he needed the reassurance that his other half would live. As much as he wanted to know what had happened, he would ask his brother later. Right now, he would do his best to keep him warm.

Walk, "Talk" Think



9 Years
05-10-2018, 11:15 AM

Healing ailment- Emaciation, Round: 1/3

She continued to work with Cloud in getting Ty warmed up. After a moment or two Ty managed to shift himself around and huddle between the two of them. Her ears caught the sound of paws drumming on the ground as Rain returned with water. The boy seemed somewhat frantic and her heart ached for him. She too deep down was worried that Ty wouldn't pull through this, but she would try everything she knew to try and get him back on his feet. She gently pressed her nose to the wolverine when Rain came back with a bird motioning her companion to help Rain in capturing another bird. She then turned to her bundle of herbs and gently spread them out with her nose.

Before she could find which one she wanted Cloud's voice reached her ears making her head lift. She was best at remaining calm and right now that's exactly what she was doing. She was keeping calm so that the three males wouldn't get more upset. She was concerned she couldn't get him through this, but she buried it as she focused on what she could do or give him. A soft smile spread across her dark lips and she lightly nodded.

"Don't worry we will get him through this," she replied trying to be sure Cloud knew that he himself was helping also.

She then lowered her head using her nose to search through the bundle and picking out the few she was going to use for Ty. First she picked out the plant with small red berries and pushed a few towards Ty. It was Ginseng Root and the small dose of it would help with shock, give him energy, and will increase his appetite so that he eats.

"Eat this Ty you'll need this for energy," she instructed softly.

The wolverine came back with a smaller bird and placed it in front of Ty, ripping into the bird and shredding it to make it easier for Ty to eat.

"Talk" & 'Think"

[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



4 Years
05-14-2018, 10:17 AM

His stomach cramped painfully as he ate, aching as it was filled after being empty for so long. He chewed on the berries his mother had brought and winced at the sour taste before swallowing. It would take time for them to work but he took solace in knowing they eventually would.

All around him there was clamor that barely scratched the surface of his consciousness. Amid the frantic voice of his brother and the soothing but wavering hum of his mother he croaked an answer to a question no one had asked, but an answer that was owed to them nonetheless.

“I…Had to…” His voice was barely a whisper and his fading mind was far too occupied trying to align his own thoughts to tell if they had noticed.

“I needed to know…who I am…” His chest heaved and he momentarily needed to rest his head on his paws. He felt like he was going to vomit and he was unable to suppress a bodily heave, his jaws flailing; it had all been too much. For a brief moment he lapsed into sleep then wearily lifted his head again to eat, his mind layered with a fresh fog of grogginess. He doubted he could muster the strength to speak again, but he could feel the effect of the berries beginning to work, and quietly began to eat again.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



3 Years
05-14-2018, 10:22 AM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2018, 05:08 PM by Rain.)

Healing ailment: Emaciation |Round|1|2|3|

His heart leapt as his father dry heaved and heedless of the wolverine or the woman he distantly identified as his grandmother the boy began to nose through the gathered herbs.

“Cloves?” he asked frantically, his heart racing as his wide eyes looked into the pale cataracts of his grandmother’s.

They had met other wolves in their travels, mostly those that could offer directions, but the healers of the packs that welcomed them had always appreciated Rain's curiosity and had happily taught him what they knew. Now however they were in a strange land; stranger than the barren terrain they had crossed in search of the man named Bass. He had no clue what grew here and what didn't, what his grandmother might have found or gathered and if any of them could stave off the effects of malnourishment.

"Talk"  "Thought"   "You"



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-08-2018, 10:31 PM
Cloud remained close to his brother's side, watching over him like a guard dog. There was no immediate danger, but he was always on the watch nonetheless. Bi-colored gaze watched as his mother worked, his gaze switching between her and his brother, and occasionally to his nephew. He wanted to be of more help, but what could he do? He knew nothing of healing. He was a hunter through and through, but there had to be something he could do, right? "If there's anything you need, I'll get it." He exclaimed, laying his head near Ty's. His brother spoke, and Cloud's brows furrowed a bit as he tried to comprehend what his brother was talking about. Was he just senile right now? "It's alright Ty, you can explain later." He reassured, giving his sibling a comforting lick to his ear.