



8 Years
Extra large
07-17-2014, 05:09 PM
crappy starter post xD sowwy

He needed to get away from those lands, both because it was just an annoyance to go around and he was thinking maybe that was why he wasn't finding his children. Why would they hang around there? Maybe they needed some distance from the place, try and gather some place else before looking for a new place to settle down a bit. For now he would stop in a nice little area littered with willow trees and small streams, peaceful, a beautiful area he could settle down for a bit till he found his children.

So he would move through, paws placed carefully upon the earth, trying to make as little sound as possible despite his size. Head was held high, ears up and alert, golden orbs scanning his surroundings. Just because he had chosen this place to rest, didn't mean others would as well, so he would have to be on guard and of course be cautious of any passerbys.




07-17-2014, 05:44 PM

Maija's mind had become consumed with thoughts of darkness and agony. Lately, since she had seen Sibelle in agony over Crucifix's latest stunt, she had been itching for a fight with the boy. She was tired of seeing everything bad happening to her sister and wanted to get rid of the sources. Unfortunately, she had to keep her claws and teeth to herself, for she knew it would only cause more drama in Sibelle's life. So, she found an outlet, and went with it.
The golden goddess left the lands of Covari to clear her mind and get the angry vibes out of her perfectly trimmed body. Leaf green eyes reached the Woods first and soon, her pristine frame walked through the jungle of willows without stopping. Senses remained alert and she finally found what she was looking for: a lone deer, grazing in a large clearing nearby. Salmon pink tongue licked golden lips before she stalked forward, sticking to the shadows of the nearby trees like glue.
Once she reached her target distance, she leaped from the shadows and began the chase. Her tail rose so she could remain balanced as they began a game of cat-and-mouse. The deer tried to zigzag through the willows, but Maija's height gave her the advantage of not having the branches whip her in the face. Finally, the deer stumbled and Maija tackled, aiming for her throat and crushing the windpipe. She chomped on the jugular harder than necessary, but she imagined it being Crucifix's windpipe instead of her prey's. Her leaf green eyes shimmered in angry mirth as she slowly eased up on her food's grip before padding through a nearby opening of trees.
Maija expertly walked through the willows, dragging her catch in her mouth beside her. Pride was beginning to swell in her chest and she felt her clenched stomach growl in protest. Maija was beginning to get hungry and she was ready to eat. However, hunger was pushed from her mind as she saw an unfamiliar form a few feet from her. Defenses rose and Maija dropped her food, growling and immediately stepping over the dead deer. Leaf green eyes remained glassy and her lips curled to reveal her bloodied teeth. Fur stood on end as she stood over her food, not intending to share with this stranger. Ears remained flattened against her head as she waited to see what he would do.

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8 Years
Extra large
07-17-2014, 06:08 PM

What he had hoped to be a peaceful stroll had changed quickly, the sound of creatures moving in and out of the trees just yards away. Curious, the man came to a halt, head tilting upward, nose sniffing at the cool spring air. He could smell deer, as well as something else, a canine of his kind. A hunt? Ears swiveling around atop of skull, golden gaze watching very close while his head slowly turned from left to right. He could hear them but he couldn't see them. But even then, if he did find the wolf and they made their kill, should he even linger? Knowing very well that a lone wolf will fight to keep what they caught. He'd just have to wait and see.

Onward he went, not really seeking out the hunter, just going on the same path he was before. His ear twitched when it sounded like the deer had been caught, low squeals and bodies moving around the ground. It was close. Tail swung twice before going still behind him, head pointed towards a general direction he assumed the kill was made.

And then the hunter appeared, holding their kill firmly in their jaws as they pushed through a wall of branches from a willow. A woman with a golden pelt and eyes a beautiful shade of green that complimented her appearance, not that he was attracted to her or anything. Immediately she seemed to grow defensive, dropping her meal and getting ready for a fight. Deviant however wouldn't mirror her actions, for she was the one who had come towards him, not the other way around. Demeanor was calm and relaxed yet his muscles tensed up and tail raised, level with his spine. "I am not interested in your kill mi'lady." He spoke in a calm tone, not mocking.

Normally not a hostile person, the man moved back a few small steps and turned to the side. "It sounded like a good kill, you got this one fast and with what looks like little to no injuries at all. Very nice." He wouldn't expect her to be friendly as well, but while he was here he could at least be a good guy in her day. Despite having many bad times, just one day with a kind person could do a lot.




07-17-2014, 07:21 PM

Her defenses remained raised as the man spoke, his voice raspy from not being used in so long. She felt her ears prick slightly while his words fell across her auditory canals. He didn't mean any harm and thought her kill was a good one. Maija wasn't used to receiving compliments, but she didn't mind hearing them every now and then. The man obviously didn't mean any harm, but she could never be too careful.
Slowly, she rose from her crouched position, ears remaining flat against her head. Snarl disappeared and face became wrinkle-free like a baby's bottom. Leaf green eyes remained icy as she watched him step away from her spot. Her tail curled over her lower back as she softly snorted and gave a short reply. "Practice. Always practice," she stated, tones evident of her Romanian accent.

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8 Years
Extra large
07-21-2014, 12:56 AM
only thing I could make him do xD perhaps when she finishes she comes across him again?

It would appear that the woman viewed Deviant as a neutral party, her defenses mostly dropping but still keeping her guard up. He didn't mind, if he was a woman out on her own ad had a good kill, he would do the same thing. His ear twitched when she did speak finally, but it wasn't much, just stating a well known fact that practice was what made her make this kill. He would be able to catch an accent in her tones, something unfamiliar to him but made her interesting. Deviant wouldn't question the woman on her origin however, for he did not know her and she probably wouldn't feel comfortable giving away that kind of information.

?Well then, enjoy your meal.? He smiled and dipped his head to her briefly, turning away he would head away from the woman, giving her the distance she probably wanted in the first place.

Deviant ended up walking for only a couple of minutes, following a small game trail in the light vegetation that was spread throughout this area. The spot he found was lovely, the grass was cool to the touch, a small stream trickling by just a body length to the side. A large willow tree stood over him, the long flexible branches swinging gently in the wind, creating an soothing whistling sound. With a hum he carefully lower himself to the ground, body tilting so that he could lay on his right side. Might as well take a short nap while in such a peaceful area.
