
Stranger Danger

Terra I


2 Years
05-09-2018, 08:38 PM

Terra had been offered a more comfortable place in the dens, as she had been a possible new addition to their ranks. However, she was much more comfortable near the heat of the volcano. It also gave her a sense of security, being able to run should anything go wrong. If the rain dare rear its ugly head, she would consider taking up a spot in the maw, but until then she had been just fine where she was. She hadn’t been there long, so there wasn’t an opportunity to learn much, but just seeing the place they called home told her a lot about this group. They were fearless, no doubt, and that was a trait Terra couldn’t help but admire. True warriors were hard to come across these days, so to finally come across a group that seemed to produce them, she wanted in no doubt.

Before jumping the gun though, she was determined to learn more. Terra had risen early, taking the time to inspect the grounds before anyone could come tamper with anything. Noting the skull and sacrificial blade, still stained with blood from a ritual, woman was sure of it. She quickly moved on to the mouth of the volcano. The bubbling liquid inside looked angry, like it was ready to erupt at any moment. It gave the woman an adrenaline rush just thinking about it, and the feeling brought euphoria with it. She continued to peek around, looking for anything revealing about this pack. Something to tell her more, give her more to work with. She was disappointed to find nothing, and disappointed that no one had come out to greet her yet. What a shame, she thought surely, they’d sense the newcomer.

The wisp threw her ass to the ground with a grunt, she couldn’t really blame them. The smells of the volcano were enough to cover anyone’s tracks. Perhaps that was good for the pack, a safety measure built into their territory. Terra batted around a rock, trying to distract herself until someone else rose from their slumber. Someone that might have a little more insight on the pack and their culture. She felt as though she might have worn their Apollyon out with her questions.


Terra is fluent in Latin.

Vale I

The Shepherd

3 Years
05-09-2018, 08:39 PM

Vale had been healing for quite some time and the man was proud to say that his wounds were finally almost completely gone. The only reminder were scars, littering his large frame, but that was a part of his story now. He’d been thinking about what Elias said of the lambs, and how not every soul was just a soul. He would need to do better, find wolves that could be useful if they proved their worth. He’d clearly made a mistake with the first lamb he brought back. He had been so worried about bringing something back for Elias, he didn’t consider her use. Brute had been beating himself up over it for days, still he had to focus on other things, like finding Elias’ children for him.

The beast pushed himself from the ground with a grunt, he’d been laying in one spot for too long. He needed to get out of the den and stretch out his muscles. Golden eyes searched the other dens for any activity, and he wasn’t surprised when he came across nothing. He descended to their courtyard of sorts on Mount Volkan, the smell of ash and sulfur invaded his nose. He couldn’t help it when his maw wrinkled at the unpleasant aroma, but he was getting used to it. No doubt it would take some time before the brute became fully adapted to these new surroundings. He scanned the area and to his surprise, spotted an unknown figure.

Of course, he was on edge about this newcomer, he had not been aware of anyone else joining their ranks, the way she was looking around so curiously as though she was looking for something or someone. Hackles raised as the man lowered his head. Fangs made their appearance and the man snarled in her direction. The voices whispering slowly getting louder as he approached. ”Take her, claim her for us. She’s ours, tear her apart.” Still, the man was going to follow what Elias told him, learn to listen to them but not let them control him. Why did they feel this woman was a threat? Was it simply because of her sudden appearance with no warning from the Apollyon. Once he came within about ten feet of the woman, he made his presence known. ”Don’t move, unless you want me to rip you to shreds. Who are you and what are you doing here, this is claimed territory.” His demons were surely ready to fight should this woman put up one.


Disclaimer: Vale is unpredictable and could have violent outbursts.

Terra I


2 Years
05-30-2018, 07:54 PM

Terra was startled at the man's approach, but she didn't let that show. His dedication to the pack was made obvious in the willingness to destroy her. This was clearly what Elias meant when he said this pack was not for the faint at heart. Were all of their members this quick to be violent? Brown whisp chuckled but was sure to answer his questions without any hesitation. Resido. I am a guest among Ruina as far as I was aware. Here to learn more about your customs before I pledge myself to the pack, I believe the rank Elias gave me was Purgatorian? My name is Terra." Her attempt to comfort the man and ease his worries might have been in vain as he didn't seem like the trusting type.

Femme kept her distance, watching the brute carefully. He was quite the specimen, much like the Apollyon, as far as she'd seen they must have been specific about the type of wolves they let into their ranks. More than capable, this man seemed like a warrior, through the thick fur, she could see spots in his coat that were thinned. Evidence of scars, and lots of them. His missing ears only made the man much more intimidating. "Who are you?", she finally spoke up after taking her time examining him. Woman took a few steps closer, keeping a defensive stance for the time being. Once she got close enough and was confident that he wasn't out to get her, she'd plop her ass down, letting herself relax. He seemed to be distracted, his mind focused elsewhere, but surely he could get out of his head long enough to talk to her.


Terra is fluent in Latin.

Vale I

The Shepherd

3 Years
06-09-2018, 10:24 PM

The foreign language she spoke was strange to hear, and it actually threw him off. He watched her movement still as she explained herself, even introducing herself. Vale was able to put a name to the beauty's face, Terra. The brute was then visibly more relaxed, as her explanation seemed genuine. There was nothing to worry about, this was someone who wanted to join their ranks. "Vale, Dommiel." His stomach growled, it was time to eat again, and perhaps he even had a hunting partner. "I'm sure we can talk more about the pack, and you might even get some answers you were looking for, but I was headed out for a hunt. If you'd like to join me, I'm sure it'd earn you some points with the Apollyon."

He'd never been this friendly before, but his new assignment from Elias helped teach him a little self-control. Besides, something about this female was different. He surely did not mind the company, still, if the woman didn't want to join him he would leave without her. Brute stepped forward, moving past Terra and towards Ruina's border. The faster they got into the hunt, the sooner they'd be able to eat. He'd lead her down the side of Mount Volkan, hoping to lead them to either Traveler's Pitfall or Soulless Forest, wherever he could pick up a trail. He figured he'd be the lead on this hunt, based on her appearance, this one didn't seem like much of a hunter. Besides, the only other wolf he'd ever hunted with was Elias, he wasn't quite used to hunting with any other partner especially a woman. Eyes scanned their surroundings, nose to the ground as he looked to pick up any scent.

Instead of a scent, he picked up on something better, tracks from an animal and definitely not a small one. Whatever it was he'd caught the tracks of was big, big enough to leave leftovers for the pack. Sadly enough, as he followed the trail a bit further, it was too worn to continue following. It wasn't fresh enough to pick up a good scent. The next creature he'd come across was smaller, a hare dashing into the soulless forest, taking cover in the fallen snow and bushes. He knew he wouldn't be fast enough to follow the small thing, and it definitely wasn't big enough to satiate his hunger. He was about ready to give up when he heard movement in the forest. He looked behind him, a smirk played at his maw, the signal that he'd finally found something that might be doable. Vale lowered himself to the ground, in attempts to keep himself hidden.

They soon approached a small herd of Whitetail Deer, which was common to see with their kind. They were more of the familial type, this one seemed very weak. There was a pregnant doe as well as one that was not pregnant, on either side of them were two males, definitely there for protection. It would hard to get them separated from these males, but the pregnant female was definitely the target Vale was after. She'd make for a perfect hunt, and there would likely be some left over to feed at least one other member of the pack. He motioned towards the males, in an attempt to let her know their goal was to get the males out of the way. Vale would wait for Terra's acknowledgment before he jumped into action, but he was sure to keep moving so they didn't lose the herd.


Disclaimer: Vale is unpredictable and could have violent outbursts.

Terra I


2 Years
06-23-2018, 06:55 PM

Terra was quick to follow the male at the mention of a hunt. The woman was always down for a little excitement, especially with the promise of food as well. It was no issue following the brute, as her lean figure and large paws allowed for Terra to move with ease through the rough terrain. Ruina's borders now long behind them, that golden gaze was fixed on her companion. She stayed close behind as he attempted for not one but two trails and failed miserably at both. The tawny female was tempted to laugh at the poor man, but she kept her opinions to herself.

Not long after he'd caught whiff of another poor creature. She followed him, feeling much better about this one. Amazingly enough there was a small herd before them, and when the male motioned towards the two males, it was clear her job was to help separate them. Not a unique plan of action, but one that made the most sense. Lass nodded in Vale's direction, her way of letting him know that she understood before she was off. Taking this opportunity to show just how useful she could be. Wide stance helped her push off, gaining her speed gradually, she went for the male on the right. Of course, this sent the herd in a frenzy, They were all separating just as they'd planned. Terra looked up to see Vale on the other side, chasing the male.

With her male now long gone, she changed direction, going for the pregnant female. Hopefully, Vale would be right behind her. No doubt she'd be easy to take down, but she might put up a fight in the beginning. Terra slowed her pace, allowing for Vale to take the lead once more.


Terra is fluent in Latin.