
And I need that fire just to know that I'm awake [Ashiel]



5 Years
Extra large
05-09-2018, 10:59 PM
Stalking through the canyon for a while, Razi wandered through the land, from northern borders to southern before circling around and walking most of the length of the river. Her tail flicked slowly, expressing her frustration that bubbled beneath the surface. She wasn't frustrated directly with her situation, more uncertain how to handle it really... Her head was a mess, maybe that was the hormones though. They were different from what she was used to and Fallen god, it was just throwing her off horribly. Switching to pacing across the same thirty foot stretch of river bank, the dark woman shook out her thick pelt, huffing softly to herself.

A lot of her time was spent outside the borders, not all of it, but enough that she wasn't sure if anyone else was yet aware of the change in her scent. It was a small pack, she could easily go long stretches without seeing many of the other members if she didn't try. Hm, that would be something to work on soon enough. Once she had these pups she'd spend a lot of time inside the borders, time she could use to get to know pack members and potentially train any potential scouts that might fall under her leadership. Thinking about having them was a bit... stressful, she supposed. Razi always knew she'd need to have children like Amon, Pyralis, and even Anamalech. Seeing herself as a mother was strange, though. Of course, it wasn't a truly planned pregnancy. More like an accident she knew might happen but was still a little shocked when it did. No matter, she carried Abraxas blood within her now and Razi figured she may as well ensure her alpha was not blindsided by this.

Steeling herself and putting on a less pensive expression, Razi tipped her head back and howled softly for Ashiel. Glancing around, she realized it was getting quite late. Hopefully he wouldn't mind being summoned.
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
05-16-2018, 08:34 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2018, 07:38 PM by Ashiel.)
Running from the flash, headed straight into the blast

Ashiel moved slowly and carefully, grateful that the storm, the squall, had moved swiftly out of the canyon. However, the sudden deluge of rain on the otherwise dry terrain had caused a real mess of mud and debris. Ashiel was soaked to the bone. Griff was soaked to the bone. They looked awful. Ashiel was exhausted, covered in mud and blood leaked from the nasty injury on the left side of his skull as well from several nasty cuts on his legs and sides from when he'd been sent careening down the canyon side when the ledge he'd leapt to dissolved beneath him. By now it was getting late, the sun had peered out from behind the clouds long enough to cast its amber glow upon the young king for one last moment before slipping down into the horizon.

Ashiel winced, closing his eyes for a moment against the pain. The pain in his head throbbed so much he didn't dare attempt to shake the excess mud and water from his coat. Well, he didn't dare try that for another reason. Poor Griff was perched upon his back, talons digging into his fur, trying to dry out his wings. According to the bird his left wing had been strained but he did not think it broken. Thank be to small miracles. Ashiel was drying out considerably by the time he reached his den. He'd taken just not a physical beating but a spiritual and mental one as well. The vision had been festering in his mind for the entire journey. It seeded itself in his heart and he knew what he needed to do… but would the others accept it?

He couldn't think, he just wanted to rest. As he was about to lay down he heard Razi's call and sighed. He probably should get his head checked out before sleeping anyway.  Turning he headed toward where his aunt awaited. When he saw her he called out softly. "Aunt Razi, I was just on my way to see you. Griff and I seemed to have uh… had a little accident. What about you Razi, are you alright?"


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



5 Years
Extra large
05-16-2018, 10:24 PM


Her wait wasn't terribly long. She had only enough time to eye the canyon around her and let its altered state sink in. She'd noticed it was damp from rain but not really appreciated how the face of the canyon had changed some since she left. Must have been some storm. Only as the thought that she hoped everyone was well had just finished forming did Ashiel come into view, looking very not well. Her brows drew together in a look of concern and immediately she swept over to him, inspecting her nephew and taking stock of his injuries. "Must have been some 'little' accident. You look like hell, Ashiel. Never mind me, stay still and let me look you over," she said, tone taking on a more commanding feel than was normal for the woman. Even if she didn't want to pursue healing anymore, she still had it in her nature and she certainly would never let her kin stand by bleeding without assisting.

She zeroed in and focused on the head wound after confirming there were no more serious injuries to worry about. The others were bleeding but head wounds bled the most and she figured it'd be best if he didn't pass out from blood loss. "Lay down, let me clean your wound some before worrying about anything else," she requested. He was too tall for her to really reach at the moment. Once she was able to she set to work licking at the wound, clearing dirt and debris away from it to the best of her ability. It and the others were still bleeding, she needed to get ahold of some herbs. She had a few of her own personal stashes laying around the territory, but the closest was in a ground level den and as she glanced around Razi wondered if it might be full of water now. Mumbling softly to herself, she set to briefly clean some of the abrasions on his sides while she thought. Ideally she'd make him stay put and go get herbs herself, but she didn't want to leave him out in the open either, and there wasn't a lot of good cover in this spot. Hmm...

"Alright, follow me and we'll get you taken care of and then we may talk some." There was never any room for protest left when Razi spoke, only openings to comply. She'd seek to walk close to him with the intent of letting the young man lean on her if he needed the support while she led them to the closest herb den she was aware of - one of seths. Or maybe it was the den he actually slept in? She wasn't one to worry about little details like barging in to someones bedroom when she had an injured family member to worry about. "What happened?" she asked as she led them along the damp path strewn with debris from the storm. She was careful to avoid the spots that looked slippery and not get too close to the river at any point; parts of the paths near it seemed to be crumbling and she wasn't keen on getting washed away anytime soon.


[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
05-18-2018, 06:40 PM

Ashiel, to his credit, sat obediently to let his aunt look him over rather than brushing her aside. As much as he'd love to put on a show of bravado and act like he was just fine, he really wasn't and he didn't have the energy to maintain such a farce. And of course there had been the dream. The words of Aerrigor still hissing into his ears, the stench of the creature still burning his nostrils. "I am sorry to show up in such a state. It seems the fallen god had a message for me and he didn't feel like being subtle about it."

He laid down as his aunt ordered, flinching a bit as she began to clean his head wound. Ashiel remained quiet and obedient. He shifted as she moved to clean some of the wounds at his side and when it was time to walk he stood, stumbled, and then swiftly regained his balance. He intended to walk proudly along with his aunt, not limping like some poor beggar… at least as long as he could bear it. Griff was nestled against his back again and Ashiel could feel the talons entrenching themselves in his pelt. He couldn't bring himself to chastise the bird. Not after what they'd been through.

Ashiel followed after Razi, moving to walk next to her but he did not lean on her. He wanted to go as far as he could on his own first. "We were scouting the canyon ahead of the storm. I misread the winds and failed to correctly gauge the squalls speed and direction. It hit and on the way to shelter Griff was blown into the canyon wall. When I turned back to find him the ledge underneath me collapsed and I fell." He winced at the memory. He winced at the fear that had threatened to drown him as effectively as the water. In that moment he was no longer an emperor but a scared child. Ashiel didn't realize fear could so swiftly, so efficiently, strip him of what he thought he was.

"Razi, while I was unconscious one of the high priests of the fallen god spoke to me in a vision. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen. He called himself Aerrigor. We spoke and… ack, sorry there's just so much and I'm still processing. However…"

Ashiel paused, bidding his aunt to stop as well, to face him. He wanted to look her in the eyes as he spoke again, barely keeping the shiver out of his voice. "I know this seems like madness but Razi… I have decided to step down as Emperor. I want to devote myself further into understanding our religion, to become a high priest of sorts, especially with Amon away and with the troubles back home. We need to find a better way to communicate with our ancestors. Someone from the younger generation must step forward and I would do so. I see now that the only reason I felt the need to start a pack in the first place was to impress my mother and uncle, to gain their respect. It was not a deed done out of need to fulfill the family's mission."

Ashiel sighed, the words drying his throat. "Razi, I believe the fallen god has a particular mission for me but I fear the family will be disappointed. We could merge Eclipse back into the Risen empire and strengthen our base. However, I also wondered… would you be interested in claiming it as your own? You are full of great wisdom Razi, you have the measure and the temperament to be a great leader in ways that I am too young to fully understand." Ashiel held his breath, his eyes searching for answers.

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



5 Years
Extra large
05-19-2018, 08:08 PM


His cooperation was greatly appreciated - it was always nice when a patient behaved and made her life easy. Not that she'd have any problem with having to make someone sit still. It was just nice when one didn't have to go to that much trouble. She needed to do more though to make sure these injuries didn't get infected or continue to bleed all over. "I'd never fault you for such a thing," she began before letting her tongue rasp over one wound a final time or two, ears pricking at the mention of a message. She'd expect no less of the sort of god the fallen one proved to be.

Ashiel wasn't incredibly steady on his paws when he rose, but she wouldn't deny him the ability to walk unaided so long as he could manage it. There was no point in damaging the pride of the already injured if you didn't have to. He explained the incident that led to his companion and himself being injured as they were. She'd have to make sure to tend to the bird as well or at least do her best to begin the process. The look on Ashiel's face when she cast a glance his way told her this was no small incident; whatever happened had effected him profoundly. The hint of fright in those green eyes said more than words could.

The vision he spoke of was intriguing to say the least. She knew of few who had such profound and otherworldly experiences, even among their kin. The path ahead narrowed and she'd tread carefully, keeping a careful eye on her nephew. Even from here she could smell the faint wafting scent of dried herbs on the breeze. Her gait faltered ever so slightly as Ashiel began to trip over his words and she knew something was coming. Much as she might be a bit of a recluse at times, Razi was adept enough at reading others to know when someone was leading up to something important. When they hit a wider path and rounded the bend that would lead them to the den she sought Ashiel slowed and stopped, causing Razi to follow suit and fix him with a curious pale golden gaze.

I know this seems like madness" he began, causing the woman to  lift a brow. It was soon joined by her other gold-painted brow point when he revealed what he'd been working up to. Ashiel was stepping down. There was silence on her end as she listened to his explanation. On some level Razi found she could actually understand his reasoning. He was correct to believe that it was best to do things with the right intentions, and if was called to change his path to please their fallen ancestor, well… There was a certain admirable quality to such a mature decision. How the others might react was beyond her but Razi at least could respect this decision. As for taking over the pack herself as he suggested… "You're bleeding still," she mused, turning and leading him the short walk to the den.

As she entered Seth's den Razi walked with an air of understated confidence, moving swiftly and surely. "You never cease to impress me, Ashiel," she called as she strode into the cave, following her nose to the place at the back where the herbs were stored. They all seemed to be in very good condition, maybe she'd compliment the dwarf next time she spotted him in the territory. Starting off by gathering the herbs she wanted, Razi carefully selected some yarrow, marigold, and lambs ear. After she had what she thought would be enough of each, Razi grabbed the bundle in her jaws and carried them to her patient. "I don't know many among us who have received such direct communication… As far as the pack," she would cant her head and hum softly to herself, considering the offer with the usual thorough and serious manner she used when making important decisions. "I will admit, I am not a terribly ambitious wolf. The mantle of leadership is not something I have craved taking up. That said, I feel that it is possible that such a quality is something that is needed. Perhaps the less willing take more care in their rule, and perhaps it is time that I make something of myself, supposing others are interested in following me." Razi knew that changes of leadership weren't always easy unless the one stepping up was already very well received by their pack mates. At present she wasn't sure how some of them thought of her, and she wasn't in much of a position to throw her weight around if that needed to happen. Still, she would not shy away so easily from a call to leadership.

Chewing up the yarrow root Razi would first apply some of the mashed substance to the head wound to help stem the bleeding. It appeared to be clotting some from what she could see, so this would help it along. Adding a bit of marigold, she set to work tending to each of the wounds, only stepping back once she was sure she'd gotten the majority of them. Grabbing a bit of lambs ear, she'd top it all off by sticking it to the top of the young man's head and smirking faintly at him. The poor guy was quite a sight all doctored up like this. Only then did she remember the news she carried. "I may as well tell you what I called you to say," she began, sitting back on her haunches, "You see, I'm pregnant. I must admit it wasn't fully intentional, but, I'm excited nonetheless."


[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
05-20-2018, 07:38 PM
Running from the flash, headed straight into the blast

Ashiel worked to steady his breathing as he finished speaking. Waiting, anxious to hear what his aunt would make of his words and afraid that he might be rebuked for his decision. He chuckled though when she mentioned that he was bleeding still. "Oh," was all he could say as he followed her to the den. As she slipped inside he followed, growing nervous at the lack of answer but also understanding it was a lot to process. She soon answered, stating that she was impressed with him. Ashiel felt a sense of pride at her words and her tone reassured him that she didn't think he was going insane. The young man moved to sit on the den floor to await Razi's ministrations.

He listened to his aunt's words carefully. She was nothing if not wise. He felt some relief that she was at least considering it despite leadership not being her calling. "Then you accept?" Razi moved to apply more herbs to his head wound and his nose wrinkled slightly. He sat with great patience and stillness as she worked, not wishing to mess up her work especially when he knew the herbs would help even if he wasn't fond of the smell. Razi stepped back to look at her work and spoke. It was then Ashiel remembered that she had summoned him in the first place because she also had news and what news it was! Ashiel grinned. "That's fantastic, congratulations!" He trusted Razi completely so there was no need to question whether the male was suitable and the fact that she was excited meant only good things in his mind. Though, he would prefer to know about members getting pregnant beforehand he couldn't fault Razi for seizing opportunity. He frowned. "My timing is poor, would this change your decision to take the pack?" Was she up for the challenge of raising a family and a pack at the same time? "I'd certainly do my best to help with the pups. To make sure they are brought up in our ways." Considering his change in path he wasn't really planning to have any pups himself.


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



5 Years
Extra large
05-21-2018, 08:58 PM
"Then you accept?" he asked, drawing her gaze to meet his. "Tentatively," she replied, after a moments hesitation, "But yes, I accept. I will take over rule of the Eclipse Empire so you may alter your path. If it is what the fallen god wants, I am glad to follow his will." Let none say that Razi Abraxas was anything less than a dutiful follower of their great ancestor. She'd already altered her course once, so there was no need to worry about doing it again. The woman could only hope that she would be the ruler she thought that she could be.

Ashiel was happy for her, as Razi would expect any of her kin would be. Some mortals did not celebrate the passing of their lineage as the Abraxas did, which to Razi meant that such wolves must either have no respect for their line or not have blood worth passing. Her children not only had the blood of a Deity running through them, but they would be raised to be wolves worthy of their names. They'd respect their heritage.

Slowly, she nodded. It would not be easy, but it was not impossible either. "It does complicate things, but not beyond what I believe I can handle. All I ask is that our kin pick up my slack immediately before and after the birth. I will plan to begin doing more of my work as soon as I am able to leave my den for extended periods of time, and have a pack meeting to officially discuss the change of leadership either after the birth, or maybe wait till the children can attend themselves..." Her mind was already filling to the brim with the things she ought to do and address. There were far too many tasks she could think up for herself and others. "Is there a specific way you'd like to alert the Risen Empire to the change? I don't mind if you'd like to go yourself, since I won't be traveling that far anytime soon..." she said, frowning suddenly as she eyed her handiwork once more and suddenly asked, "You don't want anything for pain, do you? And Griff needed treatment, didn't he? I'd nearly forgotten. Pup brain." Ever since she'd become pregnant she'd had these little memory issues. It was annoying as hell and she'd be glad for it to stop so she could hold onto a thought more easily.
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
06-01-2018, 05:46 PM
Running from the flash, headed straight into the blast

Ashiel felt a great weight lift from his shoulders as Razi accepted. She would take over the rule of the Eclipse Empire which he hoped would go by a new name. He was forfeiting his right to rule, he didn't want the members thinking this some temporary measure or that he would be ruling from the shadows. No, the pack was hers, entirely hers. "I look forward to hearing what you will rename this empire and seeing how you will reshape it brings me great joy. I have no doubt you will make the Fallen god proud." Even with the pups he felt she could hold her own as Empress and ward off any would-be challengers. If the worst should happen and she should fall then it was nothing more than a sign that Ashiel had misinterpreted and he would have no choice but to oust out the challenger and resume his role as leader. Yet, he was skeptical that he had interpreted wrong. No, he was on the path he needed to be on. Razi was filled with a wisdom he often aspired to and what felt so far away still.

Ashiel nodded at her words. "I will assist in any way I can and I will also help wrangle my mother if you so require but she respects you, more so than she did me but who can blame her? I don't think she could look at me without also seeing her child." He chuckled lightly to himself. He was curious what Pyralis was going to think of this shift. He mused over how best to tell the Risen Empire. "I can go myself or send my mother to carry the message."

He shook his head to the medication for the pain. "No, thank you. It's helping keep me awake. I don't much fancy closing my eyes right now." He could feel the visions dancing behind his eyes, just waiting for his eyelids to fall shut so they had a nice dark screen on which to play. Gently, Ashiel helped Griff down off his back and the bird hopped over to Razi. "Much obliged, Empress Razi."


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



5 Years
Extra large
06-03-2018, 10:18 PM
The mention of renaming the Empire gave her pause. Hm, she should christen her rule with a new namesake for this Empire, shouldn't she? Another task to add to her list, perhaps something she'd mull over between other pressing matters though she'd need to decide on a name before she had a meeting to discuss the change of leadership. Smiling, she chuckled softly before replying, "Hm, I think the level of faith you have in me often exceeds that I have in myself. I'll do my best. Always." With a new position like this it might be reasonable for her to brush up on her sparring skills. Maybe a good way to start bonding with more of her members?

"I'd never turn away help keeping your wayward mother in check," she laughed. Pyralis was quite the character, and strong-willed enough for several wolves. Another wolf to add to her list to check in with. Brow furrowed for a moment as she contemplated how best to deliver the message of the shift. "If it were a change that would be public immediate, I'd send your mother right away. However, since there will be plenty of time between now and my taking power, I am content to wait until you are well enough to go. The messenger is oft as important as the message, so I think you are the best candidate to deliver this one." Her first introduction to Malleus as the new leader of the Abraxas second Empire would likely be better be done when she was able to travel far. Admittedly, she also wasn't keen on the idea of having important eyes on her when she was still recovering from having her children.

A soft snort was her response to his dismissal of her offer. Suit yourself, you silly youngster. Turning her attention to the bird as he approached, Razi would assess the wing to the best of her ability. Sprained, but not broken. Good, broken bones were a pain and she was too out of practice for that anyway. She'd start by chewing up some dandelion root to apply, hoping it would help reduce the inflammation that usually made sprains that much worse. After applying that she'd eye her work before turning to nose through the piles of herbs once more until she had what she wanted. "Take this, it'll help your body heal a bit faster," she instructed, setting down a few pieces of the aptly named 'self-heal' plant. She stared at the wing thoughtfully for a while longer. If she could immobilize it for a time that'd help so the bird couldn't overuse the injured limb.

After some more rummaging she came up some soft young branches from a willow tree and used the most easily bent pieces to gently tie the wing in a comfortable - but unmovable - position. Close enough. It was all a touch sloppy but she didn't much care; Razi didn't feel the need to look like some professional healer when that was no longer her desired trade. "It might have to be redone a few times, but it'll work for now. The best thing to do would be to take more herbs for your immune system, rest, and try not to stress the muscles anymore. I wouldn't even think about trying to fly for a while." Her voice still had that authoritative ring to it that left no room for argument. One good thing about handling difficult patients she supposed. Turning back to Ashiel she asked, "Was there anything else we needed to discuss?" Now that they were both taken care of she'd happily talk about other matters if there was a need.
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
06-16-2018, 02:55 PM
Running from the flash, headed straight into the blast

Ashiel couldn't help but grin as Razi mentioned his mother. She really was wayward and the longer she spent in one place the crazier she got but he wanted to see her put this energy to good use in the pack. He'd slacked as an alpha in getting his mother properly motivated as a spy. It was time to rectify that. If not as a spy then as a keeper of their customs and cultures. He needed her to be there. He needed her to teach him, to share with him.

He nodded. "Then as soon as I'm well, I'll go. It will be good to see Malleus again." That was one thing he regretted about the two empires. The family was separated and sometimes it was hard not to feel that. He glanced down at the herbs and nodded before reaching down and promptly eating them. Bleeggghhhh… his face contorted into a look of disgust as Razi took a look at the bird.

"Thank you, Razi. If you ever need anything from me you have only to ask. That's all I have. I'm sure we'll speak again soon." He got to his feet and rolled his shoulders, feeling stronger already. Gently helping Griff onto his back he bid the Empress goodbye.



-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



5 Years
Extra large
06-17-2018, 12:50 AM
Ashiel said he would go, thank goodness. Much as she liked his mother, Razi always found that it was better to entrust big news with the one most capable of delivering it in the proper manner. Besides, the boy might want to catch up with his cousin and share more about this vision he'd experienced. The event must have been rather profound to spur such a decision on it's own.

"Careful, I'm not normally the type to play games but with an open ended offer like that I might just start," she teased in a rare form of jest. "Thank you though, Ashiel. Now get good rest so you may both recover quickly."

After they left she'd sit for a long while in Seth's den, trying to process how quickly such drastic changed had occurred. When she woke this morning she'd had no idea she would be becoming "Empress Razi" before she lay her head down again that evening. Golden gaze fell to her paws as she frowned, unsure if she should feel joyous or burdened. A weight had settled over her the moment she realized she was no longer a pack member but a pack's leader. The pressure of responsibility was quick to settle in as she noted she'd be charged with both the well being of the wolves in this pack as well as that of the little one's who grew within her swollen belly. All this she'd known when she accepted, but it was one thing to know and another to fully process and comprehend.

The shadow and sunlight goddess would draw in a steadying breath, lift her head and pull her frame into a more upright posture. From this moment until she was leaving her position of leadership, Razi would be determined to exude confidence, strength, and remove herself from the shadowy fringe. If this was what the Fallen one wanted, then she would strive to do her best. With that, the woman exited the den and wove her way through the canyon. She wouldn't be returning to her old den tonight, as she'd decided it was rather unfit for pups. Besides, since she couldn't attend to regular duties it would be good to have some work to focus on. So she went off to investigate several prospective spots and begin planning where she might move her things.

[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]