
Before You Know It You're Like A Dog On A Leash



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
05-13-2018, 07:16 AM

The child would roll around in her makeshift den she had attempted to dig out between some roots. Her whole life she hadn't had to make a den, they have the caves and caverns of the peak to claim as their own. So she only did what naturally came to her and it definitely was easily noticed that she had no idea what she was doing. She slept on a bump of the dirt and then den curled around her body just big enough for herself and for her to push against the sides and slide around and get out. But it wasn't that big of a deal for her at lest. Being a pup on her own she felt it a great accomplishment to make her own den especially since no one was there to teach her how.

It was early morning with the fresh scent of dew on the grasses around her. She would pull herself out of her tree with an exaggerated stretch that was well needed and then start her adventuring for the day. The life it was for a young girl to have the freedom that she had, and it felt so great to her. She couldn't ask anything more of the world today because she was living her best "me" how ever she wanted to live it.


She made her way to the Prairie a little ways south of her home, the dew still drenching the fur between her toes that she had grown accustomed to by the time she arrived. But the sun was risen a little higher in the day. The clouds were making it seem dim and still way early, but sun shown through in rays crossing the plains that looked to be endlessly moving in the shadows and wind. It was a beautiful sight for sure, but the pup had no interest in sight-seeing or admiring the vast lands around her.

She dropped her nose with a twitch from the damp grass, and her face turned sour as it quickly shot up and she scanned the horizons with her eyes in slits to focus like her life depended on it, Aranea. She would begin to make her way to the water where she saw all but anything with her head lowered, almost scurrying through the grasses. Her scent was weak so she was sure she wasn't here anymore but she couldn't be too careful.

She came close to the water, dropping her chin to lap some of it up. Her eyes still scanned around though as she was anything but relaxed. Only now, instead of seeing the white demon woman of her old dreams she would perk up with water falling out of her jaws to see a small doe, lonesome and walking with a  little pep in the step. It didn't seem to notice her yet but maybe it was just eager to find protection from being unaccompanied.

Now is my chance, she thought, she had never taken a deer down, ever. She never had the help and she was still too small even now, or so she thought. She was stronger, and she felt it. She was nearly a yearling and it was like she had all new blood running through her veins. She just felt so fresh.

She waited a few moments so it would get some distance and then would push forward through the stream. She didn't want the prey to hear her through the water even now that she put the distance between them so she was still trying to be as silent as possible. She turned the corner of the weeds and would see it trekking into the distance. She looked around a little to see it really was alone here and she couldn't help but think Rejected? Like her. It was probably the same age as her, still not grown fully into it's size and needed much more learning for the future. Too bad it's life would end today.

She started to trot towards it, padding as quietly as she could until the thing would notice her and start to flee. She was about twenty feet from it and wouldn't even think twice to start her sprint after it. It was hard to keep up at first and she even thought about quitting. But just as she started to lose the hope in herself, the doe would lose it's stamina and start to slow in it's gait. So she wouldn't stop, in fact she would boost her speed now for she knew she need to save it for when she needed it.

The deer would kick up as she came in closer to it. She rose her head to avoid getting hit and just as she could smell the sweat radiating off the deer, she would leap taking it down by it's hindquarters. It struggled to get away, but she would hold down from behind until she were able to claw her way up it's body as it lay on the ground, to make her way to it's throat so she could kill it and stop it from struggling anymore.

She stared down at the lifeless thing for a good amount of time, thinking of things she shouldn't have been. She enjoyed it. Not the thrill of the chase or the fact that this was her first real piece of meat, but she enjoyed taking it's life and having it's blood draining from her lips. Her body shivered from the excitement of it, and even though she was loving what was happening to her right now, the way she was feeling, a part of her was scared. Scared of herself.

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