
Wine not

Daemon I


3 Years
05-13-2018, 08:40 AM
It had taken him almost two days to get enough fruit for his next lesson for nova. She was nearing her heat season but he had promised himself not to touch her until she was in heat and ready for it. He cared enough for her that he wouldn't be hurting her. He had gathered fruit into an old wooden barrel that was mostly broken but still held water. Wine was not easy to make but he employed the knowledge well. He only needed to smash it now and wait for the fruit inside to ferment into wine. It would be well worth his trouble he knew.

For now though he lay next to the barrel and watched the wildlife here. When their kingdom rose here it would do well. His brother had seemed to disappear though and it concerned him a bit. It wasn't like Nabis to just disappear without saying something. Perhaps he was just out gathering more females though. Seeing as his brothers last one had vanished on them.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.



4 Years
05-13-2018, 05:19 PM
Makani Areus

The russet woman was taking her time, weaving through the woods with silent footsteps; light as a feather with grace in each step she took. She was keeping her nose closer to the ground, trying to catch his scent. When his musk hit her, Makani's face lit up and she quickly followed suit, keeping her poise but eager to find him. She came around a thick wall of vegetation, and there she saw him. Dual colored eyes rested on the muddy hues of his back, while a large smile spread across her face. "Daemon!" She chirped, bouncing over to his casual form with an almost giggly expression upon her delicate face. She left a small gap between them, before asking, "May I join you?" Women in their culture had to be extra respectful of their men, but Daemon was even more special than that. Makani valued his opinions highly, and would do all in her power to please him.


*Being her brothers, Nabis and Daemon have the right to enter any threads Makani is in, no matter the tag.*

Daemon I


3 Years
05-17-2018, 04:56 PM
The chill of autumn had its way to sink into a man's being. His eyes slid shut. The air was chilled but he could smell the start of fermenting fruit from beside him. It wasn't of complete interest to him yet. The winds of autumn brought with it a scent he couldn't ignore. On the wind, a familial scent. Not his brother, but someone just as close and important for him. His eyes opened and he watched in the direction of the wind. His scent was all over this orchard, same as Nabis's, though his was getting stale.

She came over the horizon and he watched her silently the entire time. He was sure she would of become a mother by now. She showed no signs of such things though. Perhaps their father had not let her breed with intent to breed her himself, though what she would be doing here then he had no clue. "Makani.... A bit far from home are you not?" He motioned for her to lay with him. He adjusted himself so she could lay against his side. If his father had not claimed her then Daemon might should his sister not have her eyes on another male. "Did you follow us for freedom from the ways of Sparta? Or do you hope to become a peice of our empire?" He would start gently, it wasn't like him but he was trying to be more gentle like Nabis.

If she laid where he directed her to, he would not only keep his eyes on her but also lean closer. He was subtly mixing their scents. His tongue came out to clean her neck and shoulders. There was no sign his father had placed a claim on her but it would not stop daemon from doing so.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.



4 Years
05-17-2018, 06:32 PM
Makani Areus

Hearing him speak of home made her pause slightly in her steps, but only slightly. Leaving home was not something she wanted to talk about, considering she may not have left on the best of terms with their father. In truth, she knew her time of purity would be coming to an end, and ever since her brothers had left home she knew what that would mean. Since she was young, she had hoped to avoid their father and find a male before hand... but no one compared to her own brothers. So before her father had a chance to claim her, Makani fled, and searched out her beloved siblings. The russet woman smiled brightly before taking the spot beside her brother, relishing in Daemon's scent and warmth as she leaned in close to him. "My home is wherever you and Nabis are, Daemon." She purred happily as she rubbed her cheek into his fur, dual colored eyes fluttering close as she welcomed the peaceful feeling that overcame her.

Dark ears perked up hearing that he and Nabis were building an empire here in these foreign lands. Bi-color eyes looked up to study his face; trying to determined how serious he was about that statement. He appeared fairly serious, so she softly answered him. "You two left me alone. Did you really think I wouldn't come find you?" She questioned with a small smirk on her lips. Though all playfulness left her when Daemon began to show her affection; licking her neck which caused her to sigh in content. Makani leaned into his touch, for she had gone such a long time without it. The three of them use to be so close... up until they left to concur this land. After, males began to make their interest known, as if the lack of her brother's presence suddenly opened her up to their antics. None of which impressed Makani in the slightest. Not like Daemon did.


*Being her brothers, Nabis and Daemon have the right to enter any threads Makani is in, no matter the tag.*

Daemon I


3 Years
05-17-2018, 08:54 PM
Daemon was well aware of his own sexual desires, they like his father's were strong. He had no care that this was his sister, he would bed her like any other. And when she came into season she would bear him children, like nova would next season.

"No, if anything, I expected it. Though father will be disappointed when he finds you will not be carrying his children this spring." His answer to her question was filled with humor. He found it humorus that his father had lost the ability to control Makani. Though she should make no mistake, Daemon would not allow her to walk all over him as their father had. "I assume you decided to Ignore all males that sought your paw in marriage? That you avoided breeding last spring after we left to conquer this land? Do not think i will do as father has and allow you to waste your most fertile years. I will give you until spring to find a male, if you have not by then, know you will get no choice but to become one of either mine or Nabis's wives. You were raised a spartan so you understand you would not be our only wife. I already have one I am training to become the life bringer I know she can be." He watched her eyes, aware his sister may of developed feelings for one of her brother's as they all three grew up. He only briefly stopped cleaning her long enough to speak to her and give her her newest order. He had no problem taking her against her will if he must but he would not let her go any longer than her heat season without a litter of pups. Though he knew she would likely choose him and Nabis if she truly had feelings for them.

Perhaps he should take her now though. After all who was there to stop him? Nabis couldn't if he was nowhere in sight. He aimed a few more sensual nips for her cheek and the base of her ear. HE would have to see first though. He eyed her for her reaction. She could easily loose her purity here to him but would she be able to live with that.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.



4 Years
05-26-2018, 04:32 PM
Makani Areus

Makani sat and listened intently to her brother, surprised that he was so eager to get to the topic of pups. But Makani didn't mind, she was raised to be bred, to raise the next generation of Spartan warriors and wives. She knew this as a fact of her existence. She simply nodded her head in understanding up until Daemon spoke of a future bride. Her head immediately snapped to him, instincts upsetting her that he already had another bride before her. Of course, Makani expected Nabis and Daemon to have wives, many of them eventually. But Makani always pictured her as their first, as their favored. Her face battled between pain and joy, "Who is she?" She whispered, trying to hide the hurt that was evident in her voice. Was she more beautiful? Was she smarter, wiser, or more motherly?

Daemon's affections made her worries settle, if only slightly, but the doubts still whispered through her ears. Of course she would still wish to become one of their wives, but her feelings had still been hurt. Not only did they leave without her, they seemed to have nearly forgotten her as well. If Daemon had a wife ready, did that mean Nabis did too? She let out a breath, offering a small smile before she turned away, looking out in the distance. What would the future hold for her if another woman was to come in between of her and her siblings? She had left everything to be with them, she had no one else, no where else to go.


*Being her brothers, Nabis and Daemon have the right to enter any threads Makani is in, no matter the tag.*