
Land on your feet[Landon]



4 Years
05-13-2018, 09:39 AM
Ooc: she is still inside lirims borders rn just thought it best for Landon so he wouldn't be trespassing.
Pain changes a heart, love it in the present.

With two of her children missing Jewell was growing more and more worried. She still didn't want to leave the safety of the pack lands though. Torin seemed to understand her dilemma at least, but even that might not be enough. She knew his father despised Her, though she didn't know exactly why. She didn't do anything bad, unless it was her fault for being a victim of rape. Though Torin had made a point to assure her it wasn't. Alois had taken off for his migration and now she was left alone. Well besides her other three children, though they weren't much in the way of good adult company. Torin was going to be even busier now as well with Rory disappearing and now frost being the only alpha. She had to wonder if he wouldn't step up to be the second in com and now though, that or challenge frost for the pack.

She sat at the border looking out right now. She could see the caverns in the distance but she dared not get any closer. She knew they had claimed her childhood friend back when Faite was the alpha, but back then she had been more naive to the world. Perhaps she should of paid more attention back then but she wouldn't trade her happier memories for anything right now. She'd had enough hurt for a life time as well though. Her ears pressed back at the thought that she could step out and explore again.  But if she did that would she meet another male that couldn't help but see someone to hurt in her? She wasn't sure. But how was she supposed to find her kids if she didn't go? She couldn't just keep relying on Torin. But she feared going out past the borders again.

Walk, "Jewell "Alois" Think

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.



3 Years
05-13-2018, 04:43 PM

Wandering about this new world in search of his family was taxing work, and seemingly all for not. Landon was growing bored of the constant walking in silence, and even tried humming or singing to adapt. But it just wasn't the same as having family around, for being in a pack. He would need to search harder; find more wolves and demand to know where his family was. Surely his family would be known by at least one wolf around here right? Suddenly, a strong scent rushed his nostrils, making him halt on his path. It was still a fair distance away, but Landon knew the scent of a claimed land anywhere. It was strong and distinct, a constant tint in the air that warded of loners such as himself. There would have been a time in his life that Landon would have patrolled such borders, making sure no corner was left unscented nor any trespassers got through. Yet here the golden man stood on the other side of such line, a loner, and potential trespasser himself.

Suddenly something bright and contracting stood out against the dull foliage background in the distance, making the large man take a step forward in curiosity. It became clear there was a wolf just beyond the border, just taunting him with an interaction. He let out a deep woof, alerting the stranger of his presence before he dared to venture forward; he kept his nose low to the ground, trying to find the exact line where the border laid so he would not cross it. Once he found it, he still stood a fair distance away from the stranger, but now he could be within speaking distance at the very least. Plus, from where he stood, he could now see the very colors that drew him in; vibrant red covered most of their form, but other shades of the rainbow made an appearance as well. Clearing his throat, Landon attempted to make contact. "Pardon me, I have no intention on crossing your borders, I was just looking for someone, and you caught my eye." His attempt at flirtation would not be faltered by the distance that separated them.
