
Turkey Sandwiches On Rye



5 Years

Pride - AsexualDouble MasterValentines 2020Trick 2019
05-13-2018, 04:49 PM

Fog whispered over the ground, fleeing from the morning sun that was just peeking above the horizon to wash the field in amber. Aerndis had woken moments before with a rumble in her belly. Each day she grew more and more skilled, with each lesson she felt herself becoming more confident as a hunter. Yet, even so, as a lone wolf life was not easy. There were times she thought of joining her brother so that there would at least be the two of them but she had to admit that spending so much of her time growing up on her own had conditioned her for the life of a loner. She was so used to it in some ways she wasn't quite sure if pack life would suit her after all.

She slipped along the edge of the prairie, her coat seeming to glow in the light. Aerndis was growing well, she was almost at her adult height and her impulsivity and naivety were falling away. Gone were her childish dreams of starting a pack for her family. She did not know if she had the temperament to lead at least in a traditional way. She still hoped to reunite with her whole family some day but it was set aside for the task of growing into her own.

Aerndis dipped her head at the stream that traced its way through the prairie. Taking a long, cool drink she grinned to herself. Today was a good day to hunt. Today she was going to take her first prey solo. Rolling her shoulders forward she strode into the prairie. There had been flocks of turkeys in the area recently and she was keen on taking one of the birds for a meal. From previous attempts she knew the birds were smarter than they looked and much faster. She'd once been close to seizing a hen only for the bird to explode into the air and glide well out of her reach.

A flutter along the ground caught her attention as the breeze stirred and she bent her head to examine a turkey feather laying across a deer trail. Her nostrils flared as she took in the scent. The feather had not been dropped long ago. Swiftly she began following the scent but she did not need to look long. A call rang out and her ears flicked forward. That was the call of a tom turkey. There had to be a flock somewhere nearby and she stood still and waited. The cool air spilled out of her mouth as she waited. Soon enough there was another call and she followed it until she spied the flock. Sinking down into the grass she watched them.

The flock of turkeys were foraging in the early morning light. It was comprised of a tom and roughly 6 hens. Quietly she began to slink forward through the tall, dry grass seeking a better view from which she could spy weakness. At first glance the birds appeared to be in good health but as she watched them she realized that one of the hens was moving with an odd gait. Perhaps it was injured? Her amber eyes followed the bird as slowly crept a bit closer. She froze as she noticed that another one of the hens seemed to catch sense of something wrong. She waited as the bird looked around. If there was one thing Aerndis was learning as a hunter it was patience. Minutes ticked by before the bird bent its head again to pick at something on the ground.

Aerndis took one step, and then another, until she feel she was as close as she dared. Her hind legs coiled for a moment before she sized up her target and kicked off in a powerful leap. The birds cried out and scattered, some taking into the air as Aerndis dove into the flock, jaws wide and snapping. Despite the flurry of noise and feathers she remained focused on her target, running the bird down and at one point it took off into the air but she continued her pursuit. The bird glided a short ways before it took to running again, heading straight for a row of trees. Aerndis put on the speed, pushing herself as she closed the distance between her and her prey. Then luck turned its smiling face upon her as the hen tripped due to an ill-healed injury and in a moment Aerndis was upon her. Her fangs seized the birds throat and the pair of them shifted and thrashed until the birds neck snapped and it lay still.

Her nostrils flared as she drank in air, her blood still hammering in her ears. She'd done it! She'd made her first solo kill! Ravenously she began to tear away feathers, seeking the warm flesh beneath. Aerndis dove in greedily. Eager to wolf down as much meat as possible before the scavengers arrived.

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