
In that funny lookin' car with the little blinkin’ lights

Tempest 1


3 Years
05-14-2018, 10:36 PM
The female welcomed the colder weather of Boreas. Winter was just around the corner... apparent by the frost on the ground and the crispness of the air. It had been what, two seasons now since her former pack disbanded? Tempest felt a little miffed at the fact, but alas it had been a long time coming… The pack had been disorganized and it’s leader weak. So when he decided he no longer wanted to lead what else would one expect to happen? Tempest could have rallied them all together… but she had made her decision… it wasn’t worth it. Not with that bunch. They weren’t worthy of her time.

Tempest move with a certain rhythm -- not too fast and not too slow across the cold black sand. The beach seemed to be aglow, the moon near it’s zenith in the sky reflecting upon the granules of obsidian that made up the ‘sand’ she walked on. Her tail moved thoughtfully back and forth, her golden eyes shining with a predatory light. She could have made an easy meal of the fish in the pools on the beach but where was the fun of that? Especially when she’d been tracking the injured whitetail for the better part of the evening?

Tempest lifted her head, nostrils flaring as she caught the scent of another. She could make out something up ahead… though was it another wolf at the carcass of her prey? It had better not be. She wasn’t normally one to fight over food… but this was going to be her first decent meal in a while. The young buck was hers and unless the stranger managed to convince her sharing or giving it up was worth it Tempest would tear them a new one if they even thought of taking a bite.



6 Years
Extra large

05-30-2018, 09:06 PM

The waters were becoming too cold to swim across, but he made his last visit to the islands for the year in great time. Black island was a peculiar island, but it was by far his favorite to experience, it was also the closest island to the south. His surveillance trip of the east was coming to an end as he pulled himself onto the black sands of Obsidian Beach's shores. His limbs were shaking, cold.. his chest was heaving but he didn't stop.

The very first action he took once he was out of the waters was shaking his pelt free of its chill, sending water droplets flying over the sands left untouched by the reach of the waves. He felt numb, his limbs hardly having any feeling other than the slight pressure of his weight on his paws. He could barely feel the chattering of his own teeth, but he didn't have time to focus on the cold. He soon realized he hadn't emerged onto the beach alone, there was a woman in his presence but Elias was too exhausted at the moment to recognize her scent.

He offered her a nod of his head, bowing it respectfully as he tried to seem less intimidating due to his height. Hopefully, she didn't want any trouble.. and maybe, he could be charming enough to convince her to share her body heat. If only he knew he was contemplating cuddling his own daughter, even if it was only for the sake of getting warm.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!

Tempest 1


3 Years
05-30-2018, 09:37 PM
Ahh but there came a distraction from the waters.

Tempest was a bit surprised by the appearance of the dark brute, especially given how much larger he was than herself. But she didn’t flinch or tear away. Instead her golden eyes focused on him, unflinching, her ears lifted curiously as she examined him. The female cocked her head ever so slightly to the side, nostrils flaring as she breathed in. The water masked his scent, though her own had nothing hiding her own. Not that she’d ever met her father before… how would she have known this man was the very one who sired her?

After a moment of examining the male she made her decision. He certainly didn’t look weak… just cold. He was older than her, but hell, wouldn’t be the first time she’d approached an older male that had caught her interest. She had no sexual desire for him, but that was alright. Curiosity was fine.

“You look pretty damn cold.” Tempest pointed out, arching a brow as she scented the air again. It seemed that his scent was the one that she was the one she noticed… so no one had stolen her prey.

“Must be rather ballsy to swim this close to freezer weather.” She was examining his scars, feeling a bit impressed. “You look like you could use some warming up. I’m not exactly fond of touchy feely stuff but maybe if you give me your name I’ll make an exception and let you lay by me for a bit.” Tempest smirked. It was his call… he could play by her rules and get warm or he could sit there shivering.



6 Years
Extra large

05-30-2018, 09:56 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2018, 09:57 PM by Elias.)

She had a way of speaking that brought an immediate smirk to his face as his ruby eyes watched her. She held a familiar look to her, though he didn't put much thought in it at first.. he couldn't, he was half frozen. A chuckle left him when she called him ballsy, and again when she offered to aid in warming him up in exchange for his name. It was an easy trade, yet still, the stubborn man had to think about it for a minute. Finally, he smiled as he decided to comply.

"Elias Praetor," he could tell her he was the alpha of the pack Ruina, but that wasn't part of the deal, now was it? His face smoothed out as the glamour of her speech wore off and the feeling of being partially frozen became harder to ignore again. As his sense of smell started to become much more discernable in the chaos that was his mind during the current moment, the scent of the buck came through the hunter's mind first. He lifted his head, eyes widening a bit as he fought the instinct to follow it.

The second scent that came through distracted him well enough, it was a diluted scent of his family.. the scent of the Wreckage family. This was another one of his own, and he became much different. His already tensed muscles seemingly turned to stone beneath his wet pelt as he looked her over, this time.. taking attention to detail. She was a desaturated copy of his brother, mixed with a bit of marking features from their mother.. she was beautiful, and quite undeniably Praetor. He was thrown off by her height, but her mother was a small woman, it was no surprise.

He exhaled without realizing, a sense of relief coming over for him for having the opportunity to see her living and breathing. It was an odd feeling, a proud feeling.. and through the kindness of her mother's forgiveness, he finally had an opportunity to enjoy such a feeling without the haunting guilt overwhelming it. He was still guilty, but.. he was beginning to forgive himself. He had worked hard to accomplish who he was since then.

"Wreckage blood," he said simply, letting her think about how he would know that before he would reveal any more.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!

Tempest 1


3 Years
05-30-2018, 10:10 PM
Tempest took in the information, storing it for later use. You never knew when a face and a name could come in handy, or what connections it could prove later. With his part of the deal complied with the young woman moved to his side, gently pressing her warmer body against his own. She wasn’t really sure what she was going to talk to this man about -- maybe where he’d gotten his scars? Though his sense of hesitation at first in exchange for their trade made her wonder. It seemed relinquishing any sort of information or ‘power’, no matter how slight, was not something he was too keen on either. He might have been a stranger, but they seemed a bit more similar than one might think.

But then when he spoke again it caught her off guard. Tempest let out a soft, breathy sigh. “Yes.” She answered simply. There was a moment of silence between them before she spoke again. “Though I haven’t been around family in quite some time. Surprised you’re even able to pick up on that.” Tempest shifted her gaze back to Elias now, frowning a little. Their similarities… could… no, she was overthinking, wasn’t she?

“Do you know them well then? Perhaps you know one in particular... Storm is her name.” The female still didn’t give her own name. She was treading cautiously, eying him as she spoke. She didn’t want to tell Elias more about her own life… not unless her suspicions were confirmed by his own lips.



6 Years
Extra large

05-30-2018, 10:35 PM

As she answered he seemed expressionless to the admission, he'd already come to that conclusion. Her claim of not being around her family made his heart sink slightly. Family was everything to his father, to their old ways.. and here his own was in shambles. He was trying his best to bring it together finally now that he was on better terms with his demons, and her mother didn't seem to despise him as Odette did. But, if she wasn't with him and she wasn't spending time with them, who was she spending time with and how was she fairing?

He didn't like seeing any woman without a pack, as bigoted of a thought as that might be. All rogues were lost, as he was, in his own mind.. though he hoped she had somewhere to call home and wasn't spending all this time on her own without direction. He knew how hard it could be for a beautiful woman when coming into contact with directionless wolves when they are by themselves. Afterall, an incident that could occur to such lost women was what brought her into this world. He narrowed his eyes and looked away from her for the moment. He welcomed her warmth as she pressed into him, though he couldn't bring himself to lean into it or feel like he deserved her closeness just yet.

"I do know Storm, yes." He answered quickly, a shiver running through his body as a breeze rolled in off the cold ocean waters.

"She and I actually have children together, believe it or not- though I haven't been able to find them all yet, unfortunately." 'Yes, that means you,' he thought.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!

Tempest 1


3 Years
05-31-2018, 09:51 AM
Ahhh so he knew her. He knew her mother, and Tempest felt her heart skip a beat, feeling his shiver. He didn’t lean into her body, not yet. The dark furred female closed her eyes, giving a small cluck of her tongue as the man confessed to what she suspected. “Who’d have thought…” She muttered to herself. So this was how she met her father. She wasn’t sure why he hadn’t been in her life as a child… not that she’d been around very long.

“I won’t pry into why you’re just getting to looking for them now. There are different circumstances for everyone… why we separate and eventually come back together.” The female opened her eyes, golden gaze shifting to Elias. “A bit ironic that I’d find my father first when I managed to make my way back to Boreas.” The girl watched him, her golden eyes intent on learning more whether he offered up information or not.

“I go by Tempest Wreckage.” The female paused again, shaking her head. “Don’t get me wrong… It was never my intentions to be gone as long as I was. But… things happened. As I said before, circumstances are different for everyone.” Tempest looked out over the beach, quiet for another long moment. “You’ve found some of the others then?” It was her way of asking how her family was. She cared for them, even if she didn’t outwardly say it.



6 Years
Extra large

05-31-2018, 02:25 PM

That strong shiver that ran through his body when the breeze came off the ocean seemed to rumble in an echo, his muscles twitching haphazardly across his form while he finally succumbed to the desire to lean into her. He could feel himself saturating her own fur, but what body heat she had to offer to warm his own made it hard for him to feel bad during the present moment. It would only be after that he'd start to feel bad when he realized she'd be colder too.

He listened to her, unsure of what to say at first. She said she didn't want to pry, but truth be told.. he wanted to tell. He wanted to tell her that he was a broken man when she was born and that the horrors behind who he really was are still something he has trouble facing today. He was different now, though.. but he wanted to give her the chance to decide that for herself, just as with all of his children.. save for the Ancoras. For them, he didn't even want to interfere with their lives but Merit seemed persistent. Who was Elias to turn him away if he knew what he wanted?

She quickly changed the subject, not leaving him much room to respond anyway so he simply didn't. When she asked if he'd found others, he'd nod to her through his shivering and fall to the sands, intent on creating some body heat against the ground if he could. He wasn't so cold that he was at risk of hypothermia, but he was very uncomfortable when out of control of his shivering. "Yes, I've met Cloud and Derecho." He wrinkled his nose some before letting it fall flat again, "I've also met a grandchild from one of you, I believe. I am not sure where she came from."

Truth be told, he didn't know how any of them were fairing save for the grandchild, and he was reluctant to inform Tempest that she was currently a disobedient slave of his pack. He lifted his skull to look down the beach and flared his nostrils again at the scent of the buck. It pulled him from the chill of the water in his pelt and from thoughts of her siblings for the time being, though he looked to her for confirmation. "Am I interrupting a hunt?"

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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