
I ain't a good shot baby, but I'm on a roll



3 Years
05-15-2018, 11:22 PM
He was all over the place but he was enjoying it nonetheless. He figured if he did lots of wandering it would help him keep himself in shape, as well as giving him better knowledge of the lands of boreas. Never know when you might want to know the fastest way to get somewhere, or the best places to go out looking for prey, herbs, or whatever else the pack might need. So far Amos was settling into the whole pack life thing pretty well, and enjoying it. He'd made Celestial his sole focus now, putting the rocky relationship with his mother to the back of his mind for a time now that he was being more active. Later, if he felt like it, maybe he'd talk to his one and only good friend Aurielle about that mess and see what she thought. For now though Amos was content to go on another adventure.

Having been to Auster a couple times, he was familiar with the route but he'd never taken the time to explore the lands around the Bifrost. Today he opted to do that rather than cross the increasingly familiar land bridge. As it turned out, the briars sorta sucked to walk through as they tried to cling to his fur and poke at his skin. It was slow going in the denser stuff, to the point where he was beginning to regret coming this way. Only when the thorny branches became sparser did he let out a sigh of relief and begin to enjoy his walking again. The sun was setting by the time he found a clearing to rest in for a bit, and the sleepy bat clinging to his chest roused in the fading light. He didn't spend as much time with Fade as he'd like, but the bat was pretty independent and also not terribly active during most of the day.

Amos was going to comment on his friend's sleepy expression when he heard a rustling nearby and turned to look for the source. A pale, ghostly looking doe wandered into view, her posture elegant and eyes were... violet. How strange. She settled down to browse and much on the brush, either not noticing or not caring about the wolf nearby. He wasn't hungry or foolish enough to think he could take a healthy doe down alone, so the young man simply observed the doe for a long while.
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]