
[Nova] Im just feeding my appetite

Daemon I


3 Years
05-17-2018, 02:42 PM
Winter had reared its face. Snow fell gently around the large man, his breath visible as he breathed through his nose. Two seasons had passed since he had made his deal and began teaching Nova to become one of his wives. He still knew little of her family but he did not care to meddle in her past. She had left it behind and started a new life with him. His brother had not returned, but a face from the past had shown. Makani was a welcome addition. Either she could become one of his wives, or she could search for a male to better the line but Daemon felt she would choose to continue to strengthen the line through purity. It was a wonder their father hadn't kept her and bred her but Daemon would take what his father had not.

He sat with snow collecting on his form and snow already covering much of the orchard. His den with Nova lay behind him and the morning sun on his face. Clouds actively sought to hide it from the earth but it fought valiantly to remain in sight. He was an early riser and today he could smell deer near enough to take Nova on a short hunting trip, if she felt up to it that was. He knew her heat season had just started so he didn't intend on letting her too far from his sight. He didnt want other males trying to impregnate her, she would be busy enough soon with trying to concieve his children with him. She was a woman now and more than ready to become a mother he felt. "Wake Nova, winter has brought us an opportunity."

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.


05-30-2018, 09:06 PM
Winter… with it brought her first heat, and Nova found herself feeling more clingy with Daemon that she might like to admit. It was different… she craved to be close to him… more than just a “you’re going to show me how to be a proper woman” sort of way like their initial agreement. Her mother certainly hadn’t mentioned any of these feelings, though Nova felt certain that her mother had them too. All woman must have them, right? She hadn’t told Dae about them either… but she felt like he knew. Nova was glad for his company too… It was different from her kin… though she wouldn’t like she sometimes thought of her family. Of Chasm in particular… and she hoped he wasn’t too mad at her for leaving Celestial. He’d understand right…?

He had to!

She couldn’t have stayed there. It was suffocating with negative emotion from what her mother had done… or rather didn’t do. It was painful to see the faces of those who were a pack but… Nova felt they didn’t care. Not the way she felt like they should. She felt like her world was separate from others… different. A world that was apart from those in Celestial. She felt like she could breathe now…

Her eyes flickered open at Daemon’s voice and the young woman let out a yawn. “An opportunity?” She asked getting to her paws with only a little hesitation. She was still a heavy sleeper, and waking was hard for her. She blinked her eyes several times, shaking out her coat before stepping into the crisp, cold air. She welcomed winter… it was a beautiful time of year. But this odd feeling in her body wasn’t something she was certain of yet… and she knew sooner or later she’d find herself asking Daemon about it.

“What sort of opportunity?”

Daemon I


3 Years
05-31-2018, 01:37 AM
She emerged, smelling heavily of heat. Their den was permeated with the scent so much that if he walked in there he couldn't help but find her slightly larger form and press into it, seeking any form of contact with her.even in the open air her scent was a powerful one. He had all winter Though, so no need to rush, he would have her when he couldn't stand the strain anymore. She was just learning what her heat felt like anyway and he intended to learn with her.

As she emerged he rose, moving in the crunching snow to be much closer. His tongue came out, aiming to slide across the top of her head and the side of her snout a few times. The taste of her was intoxicating. If he wasn't hungry and ready to have her track the deer he might suggest she and he explore one another's body some today. He had to be thankful though for having a one track mind.

Her question was answered by him stepping to be at her side, with his shoulder touching hers. A slight nod of his head in the direction of the deer and the small tracks he had made out this morning. "It is an opportunity for you to track the scent of these deer, to hunt with me. You get to take the lead on this, as it is the best way for you to show me what you know and learn what you don't." he gave her a brief smile as he explained and then waited for her to start. She might be eager to stretch her legs, or she might not be.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.


05-31-2018, 09:37 AM
Though he had a hunger for more than deer Nova welcomed the caress of Daemon’s tongue. Had he wanted to he could have easily forced her down, taken her the moment her heat arrived. But… in her eyes he’d been gentle. Caring. He wasn’t necessarily a bad man, though if she could see into his head perhaps that opinion might be altered a little bit. But being damaged herself Nova didn’t know what a healthy relationship was. In her mind this was it… sure Daemon had expressed that he’d have other wives, an empire, but… Nova didn’t mind. She was the only one right now, and he cared for her. He hadn’t shown her much yet, but she had faith that would come.

Perhaps even today, if his words were any hint.

The female shifted her head to the tracks, her heart racing in her chest. “I know a little about tracking.” Nova could feel a pup-like excitement starting to spread through her. “Keeping downwind of the deer, not giving away your position… but walking on snow is harder than grass. It crunches loudly if you move too fast.” She looked back to Dae, her ears perked and alert. “There’s a trick to it though I’m sure.” The femme turned back to the tracks and lowered her nose to the ground for a moment, starting towards the tracks. She was trying to figure out how old they were.

“These seem to be pretty fresh too. They shouldn’t be too far off.” Nova looked over at Dae, body shivering with delight. Was she doing okay so far?

Daemon I


3 Years
05-31-2018, 09:02 PM
He had no doubt that if he touched her just right or nipped the right spot, she would come undone and beg for more. He was waiting though. He could of forced her by now but he didn't see a need to. If a woman promised him something he knew they would deliver. Nova had promised herself to him, in return for his training. She would deliver in her own time.

She started in with what she knew and he listened to what she had been taught. When she looked back to him for his approval on what she knew he nodded. She had yet to be taught to track in snow though from what he gathered. "Spread your toes out when you move across the snow, use the webbing there to help you stay on top of it. Choose a path through the shallowest snow. When you chase the prey chase it into deep snow, let it do the work for you, the more tired the prey the easier it will be to dispatch. In the snow scents have less to stick to so you have to track carefully and fast but keep yourself from scaring every peice of prey around." He kept his tone light and nuetral, all gruffness disappearing as he took on a more matelike position with her.

When she was ready he gave a nod and stepped up behind her, nudging her without a care of the fact that he might touch her more sensually in doing so. In fact he almost relished in the fact that he could freely do this and cause her to want something else. But breakfast was the first priority. He was indicating for her to track the deer and take the lead. HE in the mean time might be enjoying the view of her backside.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.


06-03-2018, 11:41 AM
The female listened, doing as he instructed with how to place her feet. It felt a tad strange at first, but not impossible to keep this sort of position on the snow. Once he’d finished his explanation Nova gave a firm nod. She knew she had to be fast but quiet -- otherwise the prey would hear her coming and they’d be gone. The young woman kept her body low and began to move forward at his gentle nudge. She shivered slightly from it, though not from cold. It felt good… but she was trying not to dwell on that fact right now. Right now they had to get breakfast… then maybe she could talk to Daemon about the weird feelings she was having…

If she built up the courage that was.

The female moved surprisingly fast for one of her size through the snow, slinking around as if she were born to do this. Then she suddenly paused, ears twitching as her bright gaze fell on the deer up ahead. She could feel her heart pounding again as she glanced back at Dae for a brief moment before looking forward at the creatures attempting to get the grass beneath the snow.

It was time… and she began moving at an even faster pace now, breaking into a careful run as she singled out their target. An older doe who looked as though she held her right hind leg with difficulty. Now all she had to do was somehow work together with Dae, coordinate their attacks, and bring the thing down.

Daemon I


3 Years
06-03-2018, 12:35 PM
He smirked briefly as she moved forward, the shiver had not been missed. There was no doubt that her body craved his touch. It craved more than that though, and he knew it. It wanted to house his children, and he intended to make sure it did so, soon enough anyway. Though from what he understood of her she had never had someone to teach her about such desires. That was fine by him, it meant he could teach her himself. What would he be teaching her? That in order to rid her body of such feelings she would need to be satiated, yearly. Would she know the difference? Probably not.

He moved after her low and quiet. His eyes stayed on her, watching to correct any mistakes. This skill was essential for her to master, lest any  children they had starved when it was her turn to do the hunting for them. So far none had been made.

Once they closed in on the herd he was quick to maneuver himself to move clockwise around them in a wide ark, careful to not share them yet. He was looking for a snow bank to use while she selected tyheir target. Once the herd scattered and nova was moving after an elder for he made certain to start guiding it towards the deep snow bank he had seen. Once it was there he burst forward. Lunging and gripping it's haunches. It was Nova's unsaid task to finish it after he brought it down.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.


06-04-2018, 11:01 AM
Nova’s sole focus now was the hunt. There’d be time to focus on other things later… but right now she needed to make sure that she could bring down sizeable prey. One might think that with her size and speed bringing down prey like this would have been something she’d done in the past already… but sometimes things weren’t always what they appeared to be. Nova was still very naive in some ways… and though she might get to know what those things meant, it didn’t mean that everything was going to be a-ok and just fine from here on out. The girl was still damaged, whether she’d admit it or not… and damaged things didn’t tend to function as well as they could.

As Daemon made his move Nova moved instinctively, heading for the throat of the creature. She barely dodged flailing hooves as it fell, continuing on towards the vital point of the creature. Then she lunged forth, sinking fangs into the doe’s neck. She ended it’s life quickly, drawing back as she looked down at it, panting. Blood stained her pale colored coat and the femme lifted her gaze back to Dae, tail wagging back and forth happily. They’d done it…!

Nova was still shaking a little, still filled with adrenaline. “T-That was okay, right? We did a good job?” She didn’t realize that she knew more than she thought she did, having survived long enough on her own after leaving Celestial. That and there was still that part of her that sought the approval of another.

Daemon I


3 Years
06-04-2018, 10:45 PM
As his weight and the deep snow worked as one to bring it down, nova did exactly as intended and went for the jugular. Adrenaline surged as he used his grasp on it to pull backwards so the thing could not kick nova or escape their death trap. As she ended it's life he remained as he was untyil all flailing ceased. He would not risk it catching a second wind and trampling nova. She was important to his plans. The same could be said for Makani.

He released it once it was clearly dead. His eyes went to Nova, her body shook from adrenaline much like his own. Blood stained her face, and her tail wagging said she enjoyed this. When she spoke he half grinned and half smirked. "An excellent job, very few flaws." he gave his approval as he moved towards the head. Once he had spoke he dropped his head and took the doe by its nape. He'd have to drag it back to the den. He began the arduous task of dragging it knowing Nova would loyally follow.

Once they were there he dropped it and unceremoniously plopped near it on his side. He was panting, but with each breath it brought her scent to him, reminding him that they would soon become parents. Though he doubted she had ever had "the talk". It wasn't his place to give her that speech, but he would show her what it all meant eventually. After all the best way to learn was by doing.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.


06-30-2018, 08:29 PM
Nova soaked in the praise like a sponge, her heart rapidly beating in her chest. She felt happy, so happy that she had done something right that was praised by another. Sure Chasm would have done the same, but this was different. Dae wasn’t her brother… he was someone outside her family which was supposed to be beside her {even if most of them weren’t}. She could explain it… it was more special to her. Maybe it was because she was actually starting to like Daemon too. The young woman felt her tail wagging behind her, happily trailing after Dae when the male grabbed the doe to drag it back to their den.

Back at the den Nova curled up beside Dae, craving him, though she didn’t fully understand why she wanted him close. But being so close to another right now was what she needed. Nova could feel it. The interaction was so nice… and she craved more, pressing her head against his shoulder happily. “I’m glad we met, Dae.” The pale rainbow woman said softly. “I feel… more alive. Since I left that pack behind… since I met you… it feels like I’m finally learning to live for the first time.” Nova lifted her head, looking at him with shining eyes.

The world around her felt natural… felt like it should. She didn’t feel distant right now… she felt connected… and it felt more wonderful than words could describe.

Daemon I


3 Years
06-30-2018, 09:04 PM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2018, 09:19 PM by Daemon I.)
Her tail wagging flagged more of her scent to him whether she intended to or not. Most likely she did not. The moment she was laying against him he took complete notice. The doe was long forgotten now as she pressed her head against him and spoke. He'd been trying his hardest to forget breeding her until she asked for it but her scent was tantalizing. She pressed her head into him and he turned his hazy lust filled gaze on her eyes. His tongue came to cleanse her face of the blood. "you smell so good Nova, dear. And I am glad to have you."

His body twisted a paw coming to lay gently over her, allowing for him to be even closer to her. His tongue lapped at her cheek only to travel to the base of her ear. He placed nips there, gently. He needed her, and she needed him. He rose then, sitting up, letting himself roll his hips to straddle her form and place his forelegs on either side. He wasn't asking her to rise yet, merely showering her in affection and gently placing nips along her body. It took only moments though and he could wait no longer. "Stand dear, I'd like to teach you the meaning of your own needs." he knew for certain she would listen, his body rose to stand with hers. His paws aimed to wrap around her waist, his passion would spill into her then. He knew her first time would likely hurt and was as gentle as he could be, though somewhere in the moment he would lose himself. She could end up pregnant from his passion and he trusted she would be happy to be a mother. Though her mother had never taught her what lead to pregnancy so he would have to inform her.

Anytime he felt like he had harmed her he was quick to try to replace the feelings with pleasure.

-fade out/in-

After he had spent the remaining time of the morning bedding nova he laid there, his eyes on her. He expected questions or her to perhaps have some comment about what had transpired. Hopefully she was not hurting to much, he eyed her for any sign of this though.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.


06-30-2018, 09:38 PM
Nova felt that happiness rise when she heard Dae spoke, taking in his sweet affections like a cat enjoying pets. She was practically purring, her body calling out with need and fire as more sensual motions were done to her body. She felt him move on top of her, and for a moment confusion rose in Nova’s mind. Not a fearful confusion, no, but a curious one as she looked up at him with questioning eyes. In no time his nips and licks had caused that fire within her body to burst into an uncontrollable flame. She felt so hot, and she was panting. “D-Dae….” It only took a few moments and she was ready for him, just as he was ready for her.

Nova didn’t think, she did as she was asked, trusting the man above her blindly. The female gasped as Daemon began to wrap around her, a feeling rising in her she hadn’t known before. Then came pleasure and pain, mingling in a dance that made her head swim with nothing but light and darkness.

--Fade in and out--

Everytime that Nova let out a whimper of pain, cringing from the feeling, Daemon reassured her. Overall the act had felt good, though after the fact she felt a little pain. Luckily it was more minor, something she could handle, and she snuggled back up with Daemon, trying to put it out of her mind as she worked to process what she felt, what she had felt, and what had happened.

The female was silent for a long moment, knowing Dae was watching her, but the woman was in her own head. Finally she’d look up at him with her red gaze, searching his own. “Dae…” She whispered.

“I-It… it felt good… It hurt too… but…” Nova furrowed her brow a little. “That feeling… it was like my body was on fire, and the only thing that soothed it was when we were together like that. Is this… is this part of me being a woman?” Nova looked down at her paws for a moment in silence, contemplating. The corners of her mouth twitched though, indicating she had more to say.

“My body feels so weird…” She confessed. “It has been since the start of winter. But… doing that made it feel better. It’s like… like I’m floating almost. It’s like the fire wasn’t really put out, but now its… it’s calm.” Nova looked back at him again. “What… was it we did exactly? Why did it calm those feelings in me?”

Daemon I


3 Years
06-30-2018, 10:17 PM
She was in no pain that he could tell. His mismatched eyes connected to hers when she looked at him. He had no qualms with trying to produce children with her. He knew they were far from done though, likely they would be doing this many times over the winter. Either she conceived or she didn't, but it would not stop him from trying many times this season.

Her whisper had his ears perking. Though he had a moment where he thought she wanted more. Her words then put that to the back of his mind. She did her best to explain how it felt to breed with him. Then she was asking him about what they had just done and if it was part of her being a woman. He let her finished before he even began. "The pain will leave soon, it is merely that it was your first time, next time will likely hold more pleasure than you can imagine. As for why it soothed the fire inside, that is because in this season your body craves the touch of your husband, which is what I am to you. It is because this is your birth season, which is also your heat season. Your body is fully mature now, this is what you are feeling." he gave pause to let some of that sink in, though it was obvious that he still had more to say.

He pressed against her and placed a small kiss upon her brow. "What we did was breed, dear. Though you will likely feel the need to do so many times this season. And I will happily oblige you. Though this is merely a preamble to what can happen from this. From breeding we may become blessed with life, the life of children. Children in which I will gladly raise with you." he let that settle then. He would wage her reaction.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.