


07-17-2014, 12:42 AM
Quote:It has been a while since she?s been here. Poem had left momentarily, seeking to find lands where their family might find themselves more useful, but she?d found herself rather disappointed. Nonetheless, the silver mistress has returned. The smell of Alacritia sits fresh within her nostrils. Venomous gaze conceals itself momentarily behind darkened lids, nose twitching as she seeks to trace the source of the familiar scent.
Lithe limbs carry the voluptuous babe closer to her target, although it still escapes her. Instincts are sharp, but this day is particularly windy. In the distance ominous clouds lurk, threatening a storm in a matter of hours. Poem hardly cares; she?s somewhat vain, but not enough to let a little bit of rain ruin her search for familiarity.
She pauses for a moment, head seeking to look behind her. ?I know you?re there, brother,? she calls, all perhaps she is mistaken. It is rather windy after all, and she can?t quite pin down his scent. He might not even be in this general area, but Poem hopes that her instincts are correct. She misses her littermates dearly.



5 Years
Extra large
07-17-2014, 11:56 AM

He'd lost track of her after she'd left the lands of Covari, he'd done his best to track her but she was a talented mistress. He had always admired his sister's skills in life, and learned very much that he was better observing from a distance than getting any hands on and trying to steer her in a different direction. Unlike a couple of their siblings she was more independent and didn't need his constant supervision. Not that he didn't try and keep an eye on her too.
Again he would go out to search for her missing form, he missed the feel of her presence by his side. Her strong, yet subtle aura that always seemed to complete him. He would continue seeking her out until finally he was able to catch a trace of her scent. Little did he know they would follow each other in circles, until he would catch wind of her voice. A smirk would appear on his features as he made his way from the forest that bordered the beach, revealing himself finally to the lost sibling he'd missed so dearly. "Your skills of perception have yet to fail." His lyrics would purr as he made his approach, wanting to affectionately rub against her side and nuzzle her silvery neck.



07-17-2014, 12:08 PM
Quote:His presence is truly desired, dark lips quirking upwards as his baritone vocals greet her dark-tipped ears. Immediately she melts into him, enjoying the sensation of being put together. She?s missed Scorpion in her explorations, enjoying the presence of his scent so close to hers. Without it she does not feel whole. Head turns, pink tongue desiring to press a kiss to his face. She is here and she does not intend to leave in the immediate future; if anything she is most pleased that it is Scorpion who has discovered her.
How could they? I will never fail to find you,? she tells him. She could not fail to track down any of her siblings. She seeks to lean into her brother as best she can, wishing to catch up on all that she has missed. He still smells of Covari, and thus part of her is disappointed. Legends are not written in the shadows of another?s empire, but she remains quiet on such for now.



5 Years
Extra large
07-17-2014, 12:24 PM

It was easy to be around her, the time spent apart would nary even matter as he found her warmth at his side. She would succumb to his touch, as eager for it as he had been. His smile would turn up further as she kissed him, he would revel in the intimate touch they shared. He would be loathe to loose contact with her once again, no matter the importance of her mission. Scorpion wanted the woman by his side always, as a family should be. Gently his tongue would reach to caress the delicate skin of her ears as she found her voice.
She assures him that she will never be lost to him, and he accepts this answer. She would lean into his touch, and he would feel complete again at her presence. "You've been missed. Have your travels brought you any knowledge?" Still unsure of her motives he would question her trip, while she had been away their family had increased again. He would caress her cheek bone as he pulled his features from her, an excited fire suddenly burning within his yellow gaze, "You've become an aunt while you've been away." He would be subtle at first, knowing she would find enthusiasm in the new Destruction prodigies.



07-17-2014, 01:10 PM
Quote:His warmth is appreciated, even in the soft breeze of the Spring breeze. She lets out a contented noise as his tongue rasps her ear, enjoying the affection. Idly she wonders where the rest of her siblings are at this moment, but that?s something she can figure out later. For now she falls into Scorpion?s embrace, content to stay there until she decides she ought to make something productive of herself.
Scorpion questions if her travels have brought her knowledge, and she snorts. ?Only the knowledge that we are in the best location to be. It was not worth parting myself from my family,? she confesses. It is then that the news is delivered to her. An Aunt. She enjoys the thought, the idea that she will have new lives to sculpt. It matters not to her that she doesn?t know the mother; she trusts Scorpion?s judgment. He would not give an unworthy woman his spawn.
?I would love to meet them,? she informs him. Perhaps her intentions are not solely because she loves her family, but also because their ambitions can be bettered through willing and hard working youth. Perhaps when she was younger she might have been jealous, possessive, but such has faded with age. Her brother is happy, and that is what matters. ?What are their names?? she questions, wishing to find things to latch onto. Idly she seeks to begin to groom the fur on his neck, caring for him as she ought to. Perhaps there is something a bit more playful about the way she does so, but can she be blamed? They have been parted for so long.



5 Years
Extra large
07-17-2014, 02:57 PM

The duty of keeping their siblings together had gone very much unchecked, he knew the where about of two, now three, of the Destruction blood's whereabouts on this strange continent. Maybe he'd go after them one day. Ambitions aside, he'd enjoyed taking the back seat of Viridiana's power ride, the easy way to the top. He could attain everything she'd done for herself, if he had the desire. But he'd grown lazy and coattails were just fine. Those thoughts would not touch his mind however, focus would remain easily on the lost sister. Words would be exchanged, regret that she had not spent the time with her kin. He would smirk slightly as she stopped at his next words.
She would express her want to meet them, as she should for both of them are magnificent. She would ask for the names would would bestow upon them, "Revenge, and Mercy." his voice would come out as a whisper as she began to tend to the fur upon his neck. He'd purr pleasantly, taking back up his own touch upon her pelt. "You could always come back and help me train them. Othello has made a wonderful mother, but I've been putting them to studies." The words were slow, coming between the caresses of his tongue. They were almost off hand, giving her complete choice on how to take them.



07-17-2014, 07:59 PM
Quote:She speaks not of ambition just yet; that can wait, for she seeks to recreate bonds. There is much to catch up on before chastisement is needed, after all. She listens as her long-missed brother names his children. Revenge and Mercy Ying and yang, she figures. She feels a moment of jealousy, if only because she yearns for babes of her own, young minds to sculpt as she pleases to benefit the family. She does not speak of this, however; she simply remains proud of her littermate, happy to receive an offer to train them.
She nods her head in acceptance of this, happy to do so. ?I would be honored to train them. However?? she says. There is something playful about her as she seeks to part herself from Scorpion?s side, head twisting over her shoulder once more whilst she hopes to walk away, neglecting to finish the grooming job she?d begun upon his neck. ?You?ll have to convince me to go back to Covari. Perhaps I?m not quite so sure if it?s my scene,? she states.
The devious look in her eye announces that she is playing. Wicked lips curl upwards into a sinister form of a smirk; what will he do? Will he tackle her and drag her there? Will he beg? Poem Destruction is curious, after all.



5 Years
Extra large
07-18-2014, 04:15 PM

He continues as their names are given freely to his beloved sister, it's always been a rather strong trait in the Destruction family to have mass affection towards pups. Especially when they were of their own blood. He was proud of his children, they were growing incredibly. He hardly believed they were already so big. A grin would spread across his features as Poem accepted the role easily, ?I would be honored to train them." Of course she would tack on the addition of a stipulation, pulling free of his touch she'd walk away slyly.
Talk of going back to Covari. He'd get his mind spinning, wondering how he could even convince her. He would not prefer to carry her home. Was seeing his children not incentive enough? He'd follow after her, wondering if she hadn't missed her family at all. "I'm sure Orchid wants to see you. She's gotten the position of lead healer. Soliloquy's found himself within the council already." He'd sprint only a couple strides to catch up with her luxurious form, his features aiming to nip playfully at her hips.



07-28-2014, 08:44 PM
Quote:She laughs, wondering if he finds her serious. Poem Destruction (the second) is not to be parted from her family. Scorpion, however, seems concerned that such is not the case. Oh, she?ll push his buttons a bit more. It?s only a game after all, and there is no harm that a swift apology and heartfelt explanation could not fix. Her head nods as she hears what Scorpion explains, as if debating such a thing. ?Is there room for me, dear Scorpion? Seems like a whole lot of ambition in one pack,? she teases as he nips at her hip, pausing and turning towards him.

?Or will you make room for me?? she questions, lifting an invisible brow at him as she questions him. Her tail wags behind her, perhaps hinting at her playful mood, in case Scorpion has not caught onto her teasing game just yet. Of course she will go to Covari; she has family there, a niece and nephew after all. She cannot train them properly outside of the walls of their pack, now can she?