
Don't Dance



2 Years
Extra large
05-28-2018, 01:41 AM
Caelestis wasn't thrilled about the occupation that was beginning soon. The pack was filled with wolves who either couldn't or wouldn't fight and it was so frustrating to be surrounded by that kind of mentality when Caelestis was filled with fighting spirit. She'd gladly try fighting anybody once. Even bigger wolves, let 'em try an' fight her, see what happens! Racing through the thicket, she was trying to let off steam, enjoying the frosty morning while watching clouds of vapor fill the air every time she exhaled. Running was a great way to both keep herself in shape and let out her frustration without trying to fight anybody since she wasn't exactly surrounded with possibly sparring partners at the moment. She was coming to a bend that normally she slowed down quite a bit for since it ran close to a drop off, but for some reason she didn't bother this time. Just pressed on, running hard over the crunchy, partially frozen soil.

Unbeknownst to her, a particularly grumpy wolverine was stomping around right around the bend. Well, she learned he was there when she ran right over him and instinctively dove hard to the side away from him - straight through some brambles, right off the drop. She slid down the sharp incline and landed with a hard thud on the ground below. The girl could only groan and gasp for the breath that had been knocked from her lungs for a few moments before the creature appeared, staring down at her with angry, beady eyes. "Shit," she hissed between her teeth.
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!



2 Years
05-28-2018, 06:32 AM
*joining if you don't mind ^_^ *

The air was chill and crisp, It was an wonderful feeling to Lullaby. Walking slowly she took in the sights and the smells of the morning. 'This is just lovely' She thought to her self. Lullaby had not that many worries, she liked being a drifter. It was a peaceful life. Would she like to be apart of something more. Well possibly, but that would be the last thing she would do. her silver-grey orbs scanned the cliffs. The sun painted the skies with a magnitude of colors. It was breath taking.

Sights like this makes life worth wile, Just to experience the beauty that the world has to offer. The silence was broken soon after her thoughts finished in her head. The sound of someone, or something, falling. Her ears perked up as she turned her head in the direction of the sound. Lullaby raised her muzzle and sniffed the air. There were many different scents she picked up, one was a badger, some small rodents, birds, and another wolf.

'That sounded like a hard fall what ever it was. It might be hurt, i better go check it out.' She soon went to the sound and to her surprise it was a lot closer then she expected it to be. She pered over the edge of the cliff and saw a she-wolf at the bottom. Lullaby gasped "Oh dear, are you alright?" She called down to the wolf. "Are you hurt?" She added    
[Image: lullaby_sig_by_terohime-dcchgz7.png]


05-28-2018, 07:10 AM

Whatever it is that has gathered his attention--the rustling and low growling and snarling of some other feral beast-- he did not expect it to be followed by the hissed voice of a girl. His broken gait smooths somewhat quickly, for despite his exterior--crispy, harsh, a snarling and angry little tank of a man-- he is, above all, a knight. And knights rescue those in distress, be they damsels or other knights. He barrels forward, thick limbs and stocky, heavy little body bursting through the foliage and brambles with every intent of grasping the wolverine from behind to whip his head sharply from side to side, worrying the beady-eyed beast against the stone, hoping to bash it's lil' skull against the stone, against the sharp side of the sudden drop. It is a hope that this is managed--after all, he doesn't know exactly what it is he's racing towards, initially.
But it doesn't stop him, nor does he hesitate. He simply has already decided that whatever it is, he will fight it, and he will win. There is, in his case, no other option.

It doesn't occur to him that his momentum may also carry him right over the edge, but luckily the drop is not so harsh that he'll be injured if he falls--perhaps the wind knocked from him, but that is nothing new in his case. In that case, it'll simply bring him closer to the damsel in distress which would, perhaps, help him batter understand the situation they're in. "You, go." Go where? Perhaps further down the ravine. Oh, what? There were TWO now? Oh, no--a girl. Another girl. Two girls, one beast.

Slay the beast. There is no question now, he must slay it. Fire and brimstone clinging to his pelt, he assumes his initial plan-- run towards it, grab it, beat the shit out of it, win.



2 Years
Extra large
05-28-2018, 11:43 AM
It took some time for her to regain the ability to breath normally after landing hard on her side, but she did eventually at which point the girl would pull herself to a standing position and assure herself that nothing was broken. The wolverine paced up on the ledge, fangs exposed as it peeled it's lips back and snarled at her. A woman appeared on the ledge above, and Caelestis forced a bravado-filled smile, calling, "Ah, yeah I'm okay! But be careful, that beasty up there isn't lookin' to make friends!" She didn't want the poor lady to get chewed up or something.

Thunk! Cael turned her head to see a reddish man with some nice mostly natural markings and bright green eyes had landed not far from her. Hey, at least she wasn't the only one tumbling down cliffs these days, that woulda been embarrassing. "You, go" the man instructed. Ever the spirited young woman, Caelestis' ears fell to the sides indignantly, tail lifting upwards as the wind running up the cliffside played with her fur like a banner. "Nu-uh, no way man."

Staring up the wall of rock before her, she realized it was a difficult, near impossible climb back up. Eyeing the man, who she now realized was a fair amount shorter than herself, a plan began to take shape in her mind. There was n way they could get off the cliff without going down into the water, unless… Stepping closer to the rock obstacle before her, Caelestis turned to stand parallel to it, bending her knees slightly and glanced to the man, grinning. "You jump up first, then help pull me up and we can beat the nasty beasty senseless," she said, tail wagging gently in eager anticipation. Hopefully the dark woman standing above them wouldn't get caught in the angry animals path. Though, a darker part of the girl had her thinking the distraction might be helpful so they could ascend without being attacked.
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!



2 Years
05-28-2018, 03:21 PM
Hearing the words from the she-wolf made Lullaby feel better that she was not hurt. Although the next words send a slight shiver down her spine. glancing over she saw the wolverine. How the hell did she not notice it before. Her instinct to help those inured might have sent her in to a more dangerous path. 'How did i not notice the wolverine. How can i have been so stupid.' She soon saw a redish male show up now. At first it did not seem that he noticed her, but his eyes seemed to land on her.

Her eyes landed on the male just for a split second before a growl was heard. Turning her head she saw that the wolverine saw her. Lullaby was not much of a fighter, her entire body screamed for her to run. Yet almost every direction would lead her to a cliff side. Her ears pinned to her head, teeth bared. With then a growl bubbled up and out of her throat. How dumb could she have been. Lullaby knew better, but she could not leave someone who could have been hurt.

She then started to slowly back away from the wolverine, who now was moving to her with a faster pace. Lullaby knew that if she were to turn and run that would leave her exposed. She was not a fighter, but she was not stupid either. Never turn your back on an enemy. Just then the wolverine lunged at her. She swiped her paw, striking it sending it crashing to the ground.

At this point her flight instinct took over and she started to run. 'STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.'She thought to herself, as much as she wanted to stand her ground. Her body just did not let her she was in full flight mode.
[Image: lullaby_sig_by_terohime-dcchgz7.png]