
A Most Profound Quiet


07-01-2018, 11:01 AM
It had been seasons since he’d seen Mara, Zephyr, or any of the children. Félicien had become more wayward, his existence a bit on the sad and lonely side, but the mercenary didn’t show it if he was lonely. He went about his daily routines much the same way; rising early, hunting, training a little, and spending a bit of time traveling. But even Féli knew he was getting older. It was getting harder to go as far, or keep training for as long. Alas it seemed that sooner or later he might succumb to the curse that was old age. He didn’t want to think of that day though… he’d keep pressing for as long as he was able.

Félicien breathed in a breath of cold Northern air. He preferred the south, where it was warmer… but something had brought him this way. Not even Féli was entirely sure what it was… but there was something out here for him. Maybe it was a pack! The man thought sarcastically, giving a snort. Yeah, no way in hell he was joining one of those. He had left his old pack for a reason… and even if it was a more lonely existence… he wouldn’t go back to that. But maybe he was overdue to find some sort of friend or something.

The trees around him hardly felt welcoming… though Félicien didn’t pay much mind to them. His silver gaze was focused on what was ahead of him as he walked, padding slowly, thoughtfully, a frown on his face. His ears twitched, catching birdsong and various other sounds. Maybe with spring this place would become more lively… but not yet. Not with winter still lingering behind. The world still felt too quiet too him though... like nothing exciting was happening at all. The old man sighed...

Surely something might change?



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-01-2018, 11:46 AM

She had lingered in the north with Dragon and a few others. Some from Talis had gone their own ways, while a few others remained together. It somewhat reminded her of the time her father had lost his pack, and they had all ended up in a sort of...nomadic pack called the snow rogues. Granted, her fathers pack had been more of a family, almost everyone had stayed together except for one or two. She had wanted her own pack to be that way, and while it had for some time, it seemed that dream had faded away at some point during Dragon's leadership. Perhaps it was just the way wolves were nowadays, the didn't truly know the meaning of family. Then again, perhaps she was to blame too. She had driven away Lykos, and possibly even Gryphon. She hadn't seen Kharnage in a long time, or Charm. Okami and Arke were around, and Afrit? She was sad to say that she didn't know where she had gone either. All her life, she wanted things to go well. But it seemed that no matter how hard she tried, everything fell apart.

Sighing, she walked across the snow that often blanketed her home. She thought about seeking Dragon out to see if he needed help with anything, but she felt that maybe he found it annoying. After all, he was a grown wolf with two companions. He didn't really need her around to help him, so she altered her course elsewhere. It was then that she scented a stranger, and her hackles began to rise in alarm before she remembered that these weren't claimed lands, and she was not a pack wolf anymore. Scolding herself, she forced her fur to lie flat and continued on until she spotted an elder male. Well, it was nice to see that she wasn't the only one outliving most everyone else. In fact, she was pretty sure she was outliving everyone she once knew. She was the only old wolf she knew, until now.

She stopped a few yards from him, amber gaze watching him carefully. Her posture was tall, keeping more on the defensive side just in case. Her ears twitched as she barely caught the sound of her companion flying overhead, keeping an eye on things from above. "Are you lost?"



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