
Swallowing Pride



7 Years
07-14-2014, 11:51 PM

Walk | Talk
| Think

She had fallen somewhere along Ebony's border, crying and shaking and succumbing to her potent mixture of feelings. Grief over the terrible way in which everything had unfolded. Fear from the threats and force her husband had used against her. And guilt because the woman she had torn into with words had been the one to come to her defense. Her pride had been stripped from her, forced to suffer humiliation before the one she had been trying to humiliate. It was a new low she had never experienced before, so thorough a humbling that she had lost herself those first few hours after she had run away.

It had taken her some time to quiet and even longer for her shock to dissipate, but some hours later she had painfully come to accept what had happened. She had angered Bane. She had all but cursed the woman who had been designated by him to be the godmother of their children, and it had lit a rage inside of him she had never been witness to, particularly never on the receiving end of. His hurtful words and blatant threats still echoed around in her mind, as did the snarling tone of his loud voice, but even more frightening was the lingering feel of him that she had on herself, his larger frame and strength pinning her beneath him, his paw against her muzzle to ensure not a bit of her rose from the ground. How could she ever face him? She had shamed him, as badly as he had humiliated her, and she feared ever seeing that look of distain on him again, wondered dreadfully if it had altered his view of her forever.

And, only adding to her shame, it had been Destruction to speak against him, to defend her when she had had nothing good to say to and about her just moments earlier. How the red-eyed woman had found it in her to speak up for Tahlia the vain creature did not know. She had had every right to walk away, to leave the couple's fight between themselves, even draw some sense of satisfaction from seeing the one who slandered her put in her place. As much as it pained her now to admit it, it was just what Tahlia would have done herself. But Destruction had a better heart than that, a kinder grace, and realizing it the humbled wolf was not quite so certain she had deserved the kindness.

The night had been a sleepless one, spent alone as Tahlia fought to balance her new found humility with her naturally occurring pride. She knew she needed to apologize to Destruction, to thank her for sticking up for her when no one else could, to mend what she had been so quick to destroy and leave in tatters. But, having never done so before, she knew nothing of what her first step was to be. It would have been so much easier to give up, to write off her relationship with her children's godmother as a lost cause, and at the price of saving face never to speak to her again. But if she had any chance of mending things between herself and Bane then this, showing that she could swallow her pride and do what he had ordered, most importantly on her own terms, would be the first step.

Tahlia realized soon after she had made her decision that she had no idea how to find the woman. It was not like she resided within a pack, a stationary arrangement - she had made that clear when she had explained herself - but she could not be deterred by such a lack of information. She intended to find her and started at the cliffs that bordered the river neighboring next to Ebony. She stayed well away from the edge, her gaze searching while she turned her head so that her functioning left eye could make up for her lack of vision in the right. Not within sight, but that in no way meant she was not here. Tahlia raised her muzzle slightly and called to her, her voice quiet to keep it from drifting too close to her home. No one knew she was here, no one had seen her since she had run, but for the moment she wanted it that way. Seating herself to wait, her expression and posture anxious with uncertainty, the only one that she wished to speak with now was the one she most owed an apology.

OOC: Gonna set this for a day after the whole kerfuffle on the Ebony border. ;3; They need to be friends again already!


07-22-2014, 04:15 PM

She had lingered near Ebony, close enough, along the cliffs and under a rocky overhang just large enough for her bodice to get under. So the black beast had spent the night, dosing on and off. She dreamed of the children and Dillinger, of Tahlia and Bane as well. Even in her dreams she saw Aiden again, the man who had come to worm his way into her heart. It had been fast... With each encounter with him leaving her feeling a bit better about all that went on. He was her light... The one who had truly saved her from the damned sickness that took her body. She owed the fawn coated man her life.

Her single orb would open, ears perking as she heard the call. It was not one that she had expected to hear... And the quietness of it suggested that Tahlia was in fact alone. Had she spoke with Bane at all since what had happened the day before? The woman did not know... But she would not simply wait here without knowing the answer. She would make her way out and rise to all fours, moving on at the best pace her limp would allow her.

Sure enough Tahlia would be there. Alone... But she was there. Destruction would approach her with a gentle look on her face, hoping with all her heart that here and now things could truly be mended. The other was anxious... Uncertain... She would give her a small smile. ?Tahlia... Has everything gone okay since yesterday?? Her single orb would sweep over the other woman?s form, just to reassure herself that Bane had kept to his word... That he had not harmed her.




7 Years
07-23-2014, 04:26 PM

Walk | Talk
| Think

Her wait just bordered on lengthy because of the limp the red-eyed woman possessed, but even seconds felt like hours to the impatient Tahlia. Each moment she was left to think to herself about what her first words ought to be, how she should broach the calamity that had been their last meeting, only worsened her indecisiveness, turning her stomach in anxious knots. When her left, dark gold eye, the only one of her gaze to still retain vision, finally alighted on the dark woman's hobbling frame the prideful female only hesitated a second before she was spurred into action, rising to her fidgety paws to meet Destruction halfway as befitted what she intended to do by meeting with her again. She could see so prominently now what she had missed before: the limp, the eye, the gentleness that reflected a kind heart hidden beneath scarred flesh. It only strengthened her resolve to fix everything she had broken between them.

Somewhere during her walk, or perhaps it had been there the entire time without her knowing, Tahlia's brow had drawn into a worrisome frown which remained even as she stopped to stand across from Destruction. She was still nowhere near determining how to apologize, how to thank her for what she had done, but even now her companion was coming to her rescue, offering a smile that she still did not deserve and inquiring if things were well. Of course she would ask that. Of course Tahlia's well being, after all the terrible, spirit crushing trials that Destruction had gone through, would still be of most importance in this instance. It was so absurd it nearly made her laugh. But that was who Destruction was, she could see it now, and she had made a horrible mistake in throwing her friendship away.

"I would not know," Tahlia replied, her voice quiet and a little unsteady from shame, "I have not spoken to anyone since yesterday. You are the first person I have sought out." And yet still she did not know what to say. Uncertainty evident as her ears shifted to rest against her head, her gaze dropping guiltily to stare at the ground, she made herself press on, to force out the words that did not so readily come to her. "Yesterday I... I said some very hurtful things. Things I realize now were unfair and unkind. I thought... I felt justified, but... I should never have said them. And then defended me." Tahlia closed her eyes, feeling the tears that began to collect there. "I was so mean, I did not deserve your kindness." Even now she still felt unworthy, but Destruction's kindness fueled her hope that things could be mended, that there was still a chance to salvage what had been broken. Still she found it impossible to meet the woman's eyes, but she spoke, almost above a whisper, "Is there any way you can forgive me?"


07-25-2014, 02:58 PM

Tahlia would come out to meet her halfway... And for that Destruction was truly grateful. The dark woman longed to see whom she still hoped would be her friend, and she was relieved to see she was unhurt. She was actually surprised to hear that she was the first one that Tahlia sought out, but understanding was within her heart. To make amends... And not because Bane wanted her to... But because Tahlia wanted to. That meant much more to the dark woman, and she would give a slow nod, quietly letting her friend speak on.

Then, when Tahlia asked her if there was any way if she could be forgiven, the woman would answer without hesitation. ?You are already forgiven, Tahlia. The words you said... They were right in their own sense... But the past is the past, and let us bury dark things behind us.? The woman would offer her a smile. ?No matter what happens, Tahlia Carlier, you will always be someone dear to me. You were one of the few that truly helped me open up... To get my out of the dark place in my life and get my back close to the light. I could never leave you when I knew you were in need. I may not have made the wisest decisions... But that doesn?t mean I don?t care for you... Or any of you. I love you all as my own family.? The female would lean her head forward, gently nuzzling the other femme?s shoulder.



7 Years
07-29-2014, 05:26 PM

Walk | Talk
| Think

Though she had already convinced herself that Destruction's kind behavior meant she was open to forgiveness, Tahlia still somehow anticipated the worst. It was what she deserved, really, for everything she had said, all the unnecessary pain she had put her through. It seemed out of character but maybe it would have put everything to rights to have her turn the same bitterness and anger against her, to return the same attitude that she had been so quick to dish out. But it was not to be the case. Destruction had already proven what kind of person she was, and she did not deviate from it now.

Her answer came quickly on the tail of Tahlia's question, and as she said it Tahlia breathed a heavy sigh of relief, nearly choking upon unexpected laughter. She was forgiven. Destruction had no intention of holding what had been said over her. She was willing to set it all aside and keep their friendship going, to go back to how things had been before their last meeting. It was what Tahlia had been hoping for, and yet it caught her so wholly by surprise that tears were already filling her eyes and even spilling over, tears of happiness and relief and joy. It was a step in the right direction, a chance to have a fresh start not only with this, her friend and godmother to her children, but also with herself. She had to change, too, for it to work, and she hoped to be able to do so, to be worthy of Destruction's friendship and kindness.

She returned the woman's gesture with a nuzzle to her shoulder as well, still needing a moment before she could finally speak and trust that her voice would not simply give out on her in an embarrassing sob. "I am lucky to have met someone like you," she stated with a kind, watery smile as she drew back. "And I take back everything I said. I do hope you will continue to be the godmother of my children. They need someone with your kindness and understanding to watch over them."


08-30-2014, 08:11 PM

There was relief written on Tahlia?s features. It was what Destruction honestly wanted to see, to be honest. She didn?t want their friendship to suffer ever, wanted things to be as they should be. Things happened, and mistakes were made, but that didn?t mean that they were bad or that she didn?t care for her friend. The dark woman felt the relief as much as her friend, the gently gesture being returned seeming to lift such a heavy weight of her shoulders she had been bearing alone. Destruction knew how hard life could be firsthand, knew that not only she went through hardships. Live, learn, accept, forgive... All of it was important in life.

?I am the lucky one, Tahlia. That I have a friend in you and Bane, that you have shared your family with me. You are the ones who have made this side of me possible, brought my heart out of so much darkness and despair. I was lost... I could have been lost forever. You gave me a chance to make myself better... And to return the favor in kind by accepting that life happens, and sometimes we say words in our hurt, forgiving, it is the least I can do.? The woman smiled brightly.

?I will, Tahlia. I will return to you all again soon, I swear to you. I just need a bit more time... To find some of the others lost. I don?t know if any of them are still with me... Or will ever return... But I must at least search a little longer for them. By the end of the season I will come to you and Bane again... And I will stand with you wherever you all are at that point in time.? Destruction would let her single orb meet with Tahlia?s. ?This is an oath I swear to you. It will be kept, so long as there is breath in my lungs. I will not make the same mistake of leaving you guys again.?