
Ill be your motivation


07-14-2014, 11:11 PM
set after the Cru/Sib thread, gonna keep it kinda vague.

She didn't know why, but she needed him, needed his touch and his warmth. Her legs moved quickly as possible without her looking like a crazy woman. Nostrils quivered, sucking in air in a desperate attempt to find his scent. It shouldn't have been hard. Before she knew it, she was running, verdant orbs frantically scanned the fields in search of his familiar form. What was wrong with her? The russet woman suddenly craved his touch and his attention without remorse, wanting nothing more than to find him and wiggle herself into his embrace. Pain shot up her leg as her toes protested against the movement, but it would be ignored, she had no time for it, she would always see Orchid later. For now, all she needed was to find Aeron. After what felt like eternity she would find his scent, and follow it like her life depended on it. She would stop until she nearly collided with the monochromed man. Her breath came out in a frantic rush as she peered into his dual colored gaze, eyes wide with an undeniable need. The only question was whether or not he would feed her desire and give into what she wants.

"Talk" "You" Think


3 Years
07-15-2014, 08:44 PM
He had been searching for her - imagine the brute's surprise when she ran into him first. Aeron had been heading in her direction - but he wanted to see her, to be beside her should she need him. His eyes would widen ever so slightly, shocked that she seemed to be looking for him too. There was something off about her, something wild in her eyes that he had not seen before - and she... smelled like the cross wearing man that she had argued with at the meeting. Smelled heavily of him. He would contain the trembling of his lips, instead moving forward to embrace the russet female. His tongue would lap at her ear and the side of her face, hoping that he could get her to calm down, not knowing that he was probably riling her up.

"And vhat could la reine rouge need vith me?" He would ask, his voice smooth beside her ears. Although he tried to hold it at bay, smelling his seed on her made him incredibly jealous. She was his world - and she proved over and over again that he, to her, was nothing at all. And yet he would never turn her away. "I do 'ope, 'e did not make ze mistake of 'urting you, Sibelle." He was not one for rage, but he would take the bastard's balls without a hint of remorse if need be.



07-15-2014, 08:55 PM

He seemed surprised to see her, though she could only imagine that he had been searching for her rather than lingering at the meeting. His tongue lapped against her face and ear, his accent heavy in her ear. Her and Crucifix. She had done it. Part of her didn't regret it one bit, and another, more rational part said she shouldn't have. But it had felt so right, and so good. She would say nothing, her body pressed against him, seeking reassurance. When he spoke again, she thought she heard a bit of jealousy in his tones. She would pull back enough so that she could peer at him. She couldn't deny it, he had hurt her, and then they had done the deed without regret. "It's a story I'd rather not relive." Her words fell off her tongue in a whisper, her gaze dropping to focus on something insignificant at her feet. She had gotten herself into such a mess, she couldn't tell up from down. She was lost and had no idea what she was going to do. Or where she was going to do. There was no doubt in her mind that this would cause tension between her and Vi, it already had. And Aerons unexpected appearance added a third variable to her already difficult situation. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt him, it would never be her intentions, but what if she did? The mere thought had panic filling her chest with suffocating force.

"Talk" "You" Think


3 Years
07-15-2014, 09:23 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2014, 09:24 PM by Aeron.)
She did not want to talk about it - that did not surprise him. But she did not confirm or deny that she had wanted him despite the hurt she had felt at the meeting. As she pressed against him, he would do his best to shield her from her own panic, letting their fur tangle as their sides met. All the while doing his best not to revel in the feeling of her beside him. Surely, he was the only one feeling the sparks, if she had someone to feed her physical desires. But she had seemed to need someone, need him while seeking him out. She had come to him - and how badly he wanted to deliver. "Vas 'e that bad a lover? He would coo his inquiry, a touch of mischeif to his words. Sibelle was a beautiful woman, she could have as many lovers as she wanted. But it was odd, that so soon after she would come to him with such need. Aeron would blame the other brute's inadequacy before he thought that Sibelle, for a moment, had actually wanted him instead.

"Vhatever you need, Sibelle - I am yours." His voice would hint at his own desires, and he would nuzzle her affectionately, his blood singing within his chest. She had claimed him without knowing, and unfortunately the man was as empty as he had ever been. Nothing to give - only now, he was well versed in the knowledge. "You only need to tell me vhat you vant." He did not quite need commands - but he would not act without consent. Not when he was so jealous that he could hurt her, not when he could become something someone that she regrets.


07-15-2014, 09:46 PM

He embraced her, though there was something off about it, a sort of tension that didn't usually sit with him. When he spoke, her jaw nearly dropped open in shock. And then it became clear. He was jealous. Her eyes widened with surprise and shock, though she heard the mischief in his tones. Never had he ever spoken so boldly to her, ever stated his true feelings, and part of her liked it, a darker, more primal part of her. "No." Though her words were soft, they were firm and confident, almost as though she was daring him to top her last lovers actions. Panic would soothe, disappearing with every word. What was wrong her? Crucifix was more than an adequate lover, there was no denying that. Perhaps it was the fact that before, she had not been adequate enough for him, and now she sought to heal her own self esteem by proving it to herself that men chased her, drooled over her. Even though Crucifix had more than proved that she was enough to enrapture her attention, she still felt as though maybe, just maybe she wasn't. Aeron was speaking again, making a similar promise that he was hers for whatever she wanted or needed. "I-I...." She had no words to explain what she wanted. She simply wanted to forget everything. She wanted to spend every waking moment in a fit of blissful pleasure that would block out all the pain and hurt. She simply wanted to forget. She knew it was wrong, to jump from one lover to the next, but her body demanded it and her mind craved it.

"Talk" "You" Think


3 Years
07-15-2014, 11:02 PM
Her answer would both break him and fan the flames of desire within him. She had not been disappointed with the other brute - he had given her what she wanted, needed at that time. This desire he felt for her, she could get from anyone else. And so wherever this went, he would hold it at a distance, let her lose herself if she so wanted, but he would not lose himself alongside her. No thoughts of courting or romance, however short lived, would dance through his head. He knew not love, but he knew that it was different from this - from lust. Both were new to him, important to him, equal in his eyes. Only one was not for him - and the other Sibelle was currently helping him figure out.

It did not surprise her, that he was hers - hers to do whatever she pleased with. Perhaps he was not the only one? The little fae that followed her seemed to feel the same way. He was content though, to know it was not news to her, and it did not bother her. "You?" He would repeat after her stuttered sounds, his head tilting just slightly to the side. It was not like the russet woman to be unsure, and he would hesitate - was he reading her incorrectly? Did she come here for him or not? But gently he would try and coax her to speak to him, nudging her gently with his shoulder, his tail brushing against her as he tried to show her how he felt. He was here - to console, to lean on, to use however she wanted. "My red queen, you 'ave never been z'e shy sort."

He would pull back to look her in the eye, not understanding why the cat suddenly had a hold of her tongue. Wasn't she supposed to be the talkative one? It was ironic, that here lately he had been the one using his words - a bit of added pressure to the whole situation. He was not well versed in conversation, there was no telling that he was saying the right thing at all. But for Sibelle he would continue to try. "Vhatever your request, I assure you I can handle it." Anything - from feeding her desires to being her shoulder to lean on... to ripping something off of anyone who had hurt her including himself.


07-15-2014, 11:22 PM

He seemed to notice her hesitation, but it wasn't him that made her hesitation. He would try to coax her into speaking more, he wanted to hear what she wanted. He teased her lightly with his words and she couldn't help but smile. It was true, she had always been the one to do all the talking, not him, and yet here he was, talking while she remained quiet. He would pull back and for a moment she thought she had hurt him in some way. And maybe she did, but she didn't know it. He could handle anything she threw at him. He wanted to know what she wanted, but she had a feeling that he knew what she wanted. Her tail would lash behind her with a new found determination. She wanted him to say it, to tell her what she wanted. She wanted him to take the reins for once. She was tired of being the one who had to tell everyone what she wanted. For once, she wanted someone to tell her what to do.

Jaws would part to nip lightly at his neck, gentle kisses following each. "You tell me." Tell me what I want. She would press against him, her voice soft, words dripping like honey off her tongue. If he didn't, then so be it. She would watch him with quiet anticipation, waiting to see what he would do next. Would he finally be the one to take the reins or would he continue to ask question? If he thought he could handle anything then he would have to prove it.

"Talk" "You" Think


3 Years
07-15-2014, 11:44 PM
His actions did nothing - his comfort was nothing. He was nothing - but that was fine. The brute would understand what she needed from him completely. The fear that she would regret him ebbed away, because she had come to him wanting one thing and one thing only. Her kisses were more tender than anything he had ever experienced before, and he would hold back a sigh, his eyes closing as he tried to think of the right words to say when Sibelle was so close that it was really hard to think.

"You vant to be vanted." She did not want him, but he had what she wanted at the moment. Despite her green eyes shining with lust and splendor, it was not his - he had not earned her. Perhaps he never would. "You vant to be taken." His words were not heavy, no - they were light and even, curious even - because he could not figure out why she had chosen him.

But if she desired this, then he would give her what she wanted. The minutes spent holding himself back would close on him like a trap, and he would leave a trail of nips and kisses along her neck, her side. Front paws would leave the ground and drag along her back, before he dropped back down and rubbed against her. She smelled heavenly and despite him not doing this before - he would give in to instinct and be just fine. Besides - he would keep in mind that this was for her all the while - pleasing his current lover would be his goal.

Unless she suddenly called it off, he would give in to her desires - and of course, to his own.


07-15-2014, 11:58 PM

Heavenly words filled sensitive audits as he finally gave her what he wanted. He would leave a trail off nips and kisses down her spine before lifting himself to rest across her back. Eyes fluttered closed with nervous anticipation. Never before had they been so intimate. She would lean back into him, encouraging him, begging him. Not once did she doubt him, she trusted him entirely. She didn't what she hoped to gain from this, but maybe something. He would always have a special place within her heart no matter, that would never change. He would rock against her, pushing them both into another world that consisted solely of pleasure and blissful ignorance. Again the world would begin to fade away, leaving behind only her and Aeron. She didn't know what was going through his mind, she could only hope that he would enjoy this as much as she would. Forgotten were the consequences, the backlash and the pain. Her focus was solely on him and each movement he made that would push her closer and closer to the edge before finally pushing her over into a tumbling world of pleasure. There was no going back now, her body craved his touch and his presence. His heady scent would settled heavily around her, intoxicating her further as she lost herself in the moment.


"Talk" "You" Think