
Sweep me off my feet


07-14-2014, 11:06 PM

A sigh heaved her sides as she departed the range, leaving behind both Crucifix and Aeron for the moment. Her body was weary and her emotions were all by wiped out. Creamy paws dragged along the ground, her tail limp, nearly dragging. Verdant gaze was weary, her body craving sleep, but she couldn't bring herself to stop. Her pace was slow, hips swaying with each step, shoulders rolling easily, her movements graceful despite her injuries. Audits would swivel, her attention shifting briefly to the fact that she was no longer alone. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she brought herself to a halt. She just wanted to be alone, but it seemed everyone wanted a piece of her today. Her neck would crane as she peered over her shoulder, eyes scanning the trees for the intruder. Tail came to life, twitching at her hocks, ears straining to hear. Her body curved with the craning of her neck, muscles straining beneath her russet pelt. She was tempted to speak out, but perhaps she hadn't been noticed yet and could escape freely. But of course she was never so lucky.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-14-2014, 11:17 PM

Golden boy had left his queen to speak to his sister, leaving the range for a short time and venturing into another claimed land of Covari that had not been that of old Seracia's. He still had yet to hear the story, the tail of the fall of Mavrick? Was the boy still around? Was he still with Pip and their children? Has he lost Seracia or had another down the line had the throne ripped from them? Thus was the way of life of course but Cyn found himself unable to be proud of his sister for taking his first home for herself. He had always thought that once his travels were over that maybe he could settle down back there. Settle down home. But no longer? Best not to dwell on the past, it would do him no good now anyways. The male would straighten and shake his pelt out as if physically ridding himself of the negative thoughts. It was a new pack, growing rapidly from what he had heard and with new lands to explore. It was a good situation. Yes. Long limbs would renew their previous pace, this time with a bit more spring in his step. Ankles would flip as he trotted through the gully, golden gaze sweeping over the territory. That was.. Until the russet babe came into view. Everything would halt with the image of her, a slow smirk slipping over inky lips. He had not been there for the whole ordeal concerning her so he didn't exactly know how stressed out she was. All he saw was a lovely damsel out on her own? Probably itching for some company. "I do believe a smile would suit you better? May I be of some assistance helping you find one?" He had always been easy to smile even in tense situations, slipping from the trees to stand before her. He kept a bit of a distance, for now, half to give her the space she seemed to need and half to allow her to bask in his magnificent glow.



07-14-2014, 11:25 PM

His voice would fill her ears, her russet crown swinging back into is normal position, peeking over at his amber gaze. A slow smirk would curl her lips, but it only barely lifted her lips, she was unable to find any real humor. "I wouldn't object to some help." Words fell like silk off her tongue as her gaze swept lazily over his golden form. He kept several feet between them, as though to give her a chance to escape. Thick tail curled, her crown lifting above her spine so that she could look at him better. The faint smile remained on her scarred lips before she spoke. "I'm Sibelle." She would introduce herself to the man, his scent foreign, he wasn't even part of Covari. "You aren't from around here, are you?" A brow would lift curiously, her crown tipping to the side. She forced herself to push away her thoughts and focus solely on the brute before her. He was easy on the eyes with his golden coat and hefty form. His looks alone should have lifted her spirits.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-14-2014, 11:31 PM

So she was able to smile? There was a little one! A brow would raise as if coaxing the small bud to blossom into a full out smile. She was also open to the idea of allowing him to help her find one and immediately smile would turn a bit darker, holding promises and mischief. "Well then m'lady. Consider me at your service?" He would sweep a forepaw before him, opposite leg bending to drop into a languid bow before standing again and allowing her to continue to admire him just as he would admire her. Sibelle? He tested the word on his tongue before chuckling slightly and slipping a bit closer. "No sire names? Very well. I'm Cynrik." She didn't need to know he was related tot he bitch who ruled this place. Yes? She was in fact a bitch. "No actually. I just recently joined the new Valhalla under Svan, I accompanied her here as an ambassador of sorts. And yourself? Are you from here?" He would question her easily, now slipping to her side as he motioned for her to follow him. The conversation might be pleasant but they still had to find her smile right?



07-14-2014, 11:38 PM

His look made it clear that he wanted more of a smile, and she couldn't help but laugh softly. He would bow before her, offering her his services, earning him a genuine smile. "Very well, then for now you are mine." Her tones would tease lightly, her mood slowly lightening, the clouds drifting away for a later time. Her sharp gaze would watch as he moved closer, questioning her lack of sires name. "I don't typically give my sires name, but if you must know, Sibelle Armada." Amusement colored her tones good-naturedly Cynrik. She played with his name on her tongue, liking the way it sounded. Recognize would slip over her features as he mentioned Svan and Valhalla. So he was part of their new allies pack. "I'm from many places, but for now, I am here. There are benefits to being friends with the Queen" She would watch as he moved to her side, gesturing that she follow, and would. Limbs would keep her beside him, occasionally bumping against his side as they moved. She had no idea where they were going, but his company was enjoyable and appreciated wherever they went.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-14-2014, 11:46 PM

Her laugh was like music to his ears and he couldn't help but chuckle in return even though she was laughing at his antics. "I can be yours for however long you desire madam Sibelle?" Words were like liquid honey as they dripped from his tongue, languid wink being tossed her way without skipping a beat. It was all to easy to fall into old habits, all to easy to fall into a day with this enchanting woman. Precious dear? After a moment she could give her name and for a moment his gaze would darken. Armada? Wasn't that the man who had taken the throne of Glaciem after Eos had ripped it from Gargoyle and then abandoned it? He couldn't judge the man, it was Eos that Cynrik found a dark place in his heart to hate. He had not been part of the war more really heard anything of it. One of there perks of being a rouge most likely. "Any relation to the ruling family of the north?" The dark cloud passed as quickly as it came, words coming like easy conversation. There was no judgement or harshness in his tone, he was not here to put her on the stand after all. "Friends with the queen hey? I hope she wouldn't mind me kidnapping you for a time would she? How do you feel about an adventure?" There was a dare in his tone, a tip to his skull as russet and golden fur mingled easily. Would she allow him to wash her away on some grand adventure? Would she dare to go with a stranger?



07-14-2014, 11:53 PM

His promise was enticing. For as long as she desired. She might never left him go if that was the case. Her own thoughts would amuse her, though she would not share them. She didn't notice the darkening of his gaze, but his question would have her shaking her head slowly. "Unfortunately, yes. Isardis is my father, though I haven't seen him in who knows how long. He's why I don't give my full name." Shoulders would lift in a shrug, her expression carefree. She knew her father had made a bad name for himself and she didn't care if others didn't like him, so long as they didn't base her off of him. But soon the topic would shift away from her lineage and onto brighter subjects. His offer for an adventure would not be passed up. "Missing me would be good for her." She chuckle lightly, continuing to remain at his side. "Lead the way." She would accompany the man on his adventure, whether it may lead.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-15-2014, 12:07 AM

His smile would never faultier or quiver from its perpetual placement on his lips. She spoke easily of her father, tone carefree and yet her words held some weight to them. "Well screw fathers. They suck anyways?" He chuckled again, bumping his shoulder playfully into her's as he raised his eyebrows suggestively. His father had been there off an on for him growing up, had been the reason his mother had slowly lost her mind. Fathers were nothing but bad news anyways. It was his next question that left him quizzical, neck arching away from her for a moment to give her a 'say what?' expression. Was there something going on with Sibelle and Vi? Did he dare ask? No not yet. He wasn't quite that comfortable. "Alright my dear, well let me regale you with tails of my youth on our expedition and you may do the same. Please. If I start getting long winded take over at any time!" He would say easily before launching into the story of when he and Mavrick had traveled to old Glaciem and been met by an angry Gargoyle.

-fade into epic journey montage-



07-15-2014, 12:14 AM

His expression didn't falter and he would make light of the situation, claiming that fathers suck. She would laugh, nodding in agreement. In her case, she couldn't agree more. His shoulder would bump against hers playfully as her tail would move to flick his lightly. When she mentioned Vi, his expression became quizzical, as though he had imagined something going on between the two women. She would merely smirk, allowing him to think what he wanted about her and Vi, even though they were simply friends. She knew that Vi would be looking for her, especially after the disastrous meeting. His deep voice would pull her attention back to him as he prepared to tell her his life story. She would smile, listening carefully, interjecting where she thought necessary, putting her two cents in here and there, and including her own experiences. She found the tension slipping away from her shoulders, her mood light once again, his deep voice pushing away the darkness that threatened to drown her.

-exit with awesomeness-

"Talk" "You" Think