
Let's Chit-Chat



3 Years
07-17-2018, 12:46 PM

Well this place was growing less and less entertaining as the months went on. Staying alive kept him moving, but searching out for his family was always on his mind. Where were they? Mother promised they would be easy enough to find in the cursive land, guess it's been awhile since she was here, 'cuz they're no where to be found. Searching in the most obvious places, north to south, east to west, asking anyone and everyone if they have heard of the Ancora name. No one has. But that didn't stop him, no Sir! Landon promised his mother that he would find them, and so he shall. Which brought him on today's adventure.

The trees in this area seemed to grow more efficiently than any other trees he has seen before. It seemed like a nice enough place to hind an entire lineage from him. After all, from what he was told, his family was suppose to be this big bunch of powerful wolves, probably off running some super awesome pack. Yet the golden boy couldn't find such a place. He let out a frustrated sigh, landing his large paw on an innocent branch that just so happened to be in his way. The crack of wood snapping echoed against the tall standing trees, rippling through the woods. There. If anyone was lurking in the shadows, Landon was welcoming them out for yet another one of his infamous chit-chats.  




10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-27-2018, 11:33 PM

Lately, it seemed that he and his family had been pretty elusive since Talis had been taken. Though it had been a year now, he had practically gotten past that and accepted it. Pack challenges happened quite often, he thought. Dragon stuck mostly to the northern and eastern parts of Boreas, while the rest scattered and wandered about if they weren't somewhere nearby. He didn't mind it though. He liked the solitude at times, and when he didn't want to be alone, all he had to do was howl someone would respond. Today, he had returned to the woods close to the pines. He quite enjoyed it and here, and he felt the atmosphere was pretty relaxed. Even his companions enjoyed it, and it was obvious as he heard them bounding ahead in the snow and climbing the tall trees. He heard the pair wrestling and chasing each other, heard the snow churn beneath their feet and the branches creak with their weight. He was glad they were enjoying themselves, taking time to relax instead of always acting so uptight and wary. He understood why they were usually like that. It was all to protect him from potential dangers.

As he walked along, he heard a very audible crack and froze. Had one of them broken a branch? He seemed to hold his breath and waited for a thump or anything that indicated one of them had fallen to the ground, and hopefully on their feet. But it didn't come. What the hell? The sounds of his companions playing had stopped, and he turned his head every which way to figure out what the hell was going on. He startled slightly when he felt Kimahri's fur brush his own, and a very confused Dragon turned in his direction. "Kimahri, what was that? Are you two alright?" Kimahri rumbled a low sound, eyes wide as he stared ahead. "Yes, we're fine but..." "But what?" " you have a twin we don't know about?" Shiva stepped up beside them, her gaze trained ahead. "What? What are you talking about?" He was so confused, what were they on about? In his confusion, he had failed to detect the presence of the wolf his companions saw not far ahead of them. And they just...stared with surprise.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



3 Years
08-03-2018, 01:38 PM

Ember eyes glances about the tall pines, hoping something would at least pop up and show him some entertainment, but the forest was as silent as ever. The only noise being heard was that of his own heart beating in his ears and the deep breaths that caused a cloud of fog to form every time he exhaled. Nothing. No surprise there. With a huff the golden male turned on his heels and started off in the other direction, until the great idiot lifted his crown and saw the most interesting sight. "What the..." Before Landon stood three creatures, each more wild in appearance than the last, making the sight of all three together a rather impossible sight. At first, his green orbs honed in on the wolf; the male look rather rugged with his torn ear and, more importantly, battered scars that played tic-tac-toe across his face. The stories this wolf must have would bless any warrior's ear, and Landon was beyond interested in hearing each and every single one of them. That's what made him take his first step towards them.

One of the creatures to the side of the wolf, appeared to be a feline of some sort, though Landon couldn't very well be sure as it didn't look like any average cat to him. But then again, no average cat hung around with wolves on the daily basis, so something told him this was going to be an interesting conversation as well. That drove Landon to take another step forward. The other feline was even more bizarre, appearing once again like some kind of jaguar mutt with the strangest twist, like two cats pieced together into one body. What ever kind of mutation led up to that cat's genetics was something equivalent to a piece of art, and it caused Landon to take yet another, curious step forward. Despite the silence of the forest surrounding them, he wasn't able to clearly make out what the ground was talking about, but he gathered it had something to do with him, as they all stared at him like he was the odd ball out.

Finally, the golden prince decided it was time for him to make his grand entrance and introduce himself. "Well howdy there folks!" He called out as he made a slow approach. "Hey pal, are these two kitty cats giving you some trouble?" He appeared to be all grins and jokes, but in reality Landon was quite serious in being concerned for the lone wolf trapped by two large predators. While it had been quite some time since he last tried anything heroic, more like years now, Landon was still young and yet to earn his stripes! Obviously he never intended to be tackling a couple of over sized bobcats today, but hey! He did want entertainment, and lucky for him, it appears as if the circus was in town.




10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
08-13-2018, 02:35 AM

He was still standing there confused as hell before a rather friendly sounding voice greeted them. It wasn't one that he recognized, definitely a stranger. He always made it a habit to remember every voice and scent so he could put them to a name ever since he went blind, and this particular voice and scent was not familiar whatsoever. "Careful who you call kitty cat, mutt." His ear twitched at the sound of Shiva's voice, who didn't sound at all amused. It didn't surprise him that this male asked him that. He knew how he looked, and quite frankly he didn't blame the guy. He couldn't help the slight grin that lifted the corners of his lips. "Quite the contrary, they're my companions." Sightless gaze lifted to stare in the direction of the stranger, curious about him and why his companions reacted to him the way they did. "I take it you've never seen a wolf with a couple of jaguars with him, eh?"


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



3 Years
08-13-2018, 05:57 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2018, 05:59 PM by Landon.)

The harsh tones of the lighter cat made the grin spread even farther across Landon's maw. Feisty. He liked her. But as quick as his grin came it was gone, and in it's place was a mix of pain and pride while he spoke his next words. "Hey! I'll have you know this mutt comes from a long line of powerful Alphas and incredible warriors, Lady Meow Meow." He wasn't actually upset, but rather enjoying this feline's attitude, probably too much for his own good. Suddenly remembering his quest, emerald eyes quickly darted to the male wolf with skeptic gaze. "Speaking of which, you wouldn't happen to know any Ancora's living around these parts, would you Sir?" Heck of a chance, seeing as every other stranger Landon has met had never heard of his family name. The golden boy was starting to think that maybe his mother was wrong, and perhaps the rest of their family had died off on their quest to achieve greatness. But, nevertheless, Landon would try. He would continue to travel every inch of this new world, meeting every living soul he could find, and asking them for directions. For any clue to where his family could be. If he didn't gather any leads soon, Landon was starting to think he should join a pack, gather some company, maybe settle down and start spreading more Ancora's on his own. When asked if he had seen any wolves traveling with jaguars, Landon chuckled and shook his head. "Awe heck nah. Only time I've seen cats like that, I'm usually chasing them off or being chased off. But happy to hear that won't be the case here." Hopefully, who knows, with Landon's mouth anything was possible.




10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
08-14-2018, 01:51 AM

Although Dragon couldn't see the exchange, hearing it was more than enough. The other males response to Shiva was amusing, and he wondered if it was true or if he was just saying it for show. "Wanna say that again, punk?" Shiva growled, and Dragon could feel her tensing up beside him and her tail lashing against his side. She stepped forward, but the moment the male asked about the Ancora's, he took a step forward to block her path and raised his head higher, a questioning look on his face. What did he want with his family? He felt it was unusual. He drank in the males scent to try and determine if he knew him, but the scent remained unfamiliar. "What do you want with them?" His question was guarded. He was halfway between tensed and trying to appear relaxed, but he was cautious. Not many came looking for those of his family. In fact, this was probably a first. Had he met someone from his family before? He supposed he'd have to wait and see...

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



3 Years
08-14-2018, 02:59 PM

Once again, the female seemed even more ticked off. Now she was calling him a punk! He scoffed at the insult, shaking his head disappointed. "My apologies, perhaps you don't want to be called a Lady? What would you prefer? Mr. Hisses-a-lot or Mistress Catitude? I don't judge." Landon could barely contain his own laughter enough to finish the sentence, but he managed it! Now he wasn't oblivious to the fact that the feline was clearly getting her tail in a knot each time he spoke but it was all in good fun wasn't it? He was playing a part, she was playing a part, everyone was having a good time? Hopefully she was playing a part, Landon wasn't in the mood to lose his scruff over a feline that couldn't take a joke. Emerald eyes watched as she suddenly took a step forward, seemingly ready to pounce his throat, when the other wolf stepped in front of her. Curious, Landon tilted his head back at the male, wondering what had gotten him involved.

What do you want with them?

Everything froze in that moment. Every ounce of playfulness had left the golden boys body, and a chill ran down his spine. But not from the air. No, this guy knew something about his family. For the first time since coming to these lands Landon finally had an actual lead. Someone who knew something about the Ancoras. His body became rigid, as if the other male had challenged him, before he took three hasted steps forward. "You know them? Do you know where they are? You have to tell me. Now." It might've seemed harsh, but if the other guy could understand, even for just a moment what Landon had gone through in the past year. He wouldn't question it. Realizing that might've come out rude, Landon sighed heavily, hanging his head a bit lower. "I'm sorry, it's just that I've been looking for them for so long. No one seems to have heard of them. I was starting to think my family had disappeared." But now there was new hope. It could even be seen shining through the darkness in his Shamrock orbs.
