
Rebel Love Song


07-17-2014, 02:53 AM

The scarred and tailless girl wandered from the Ludicael pack, the sight she had seen of one of the members giving her much thought. Would her mother cry for her if she had died? It had gotten her thinking...did anyone miss her at all? She wondered. The rebel girl traveled to one of the nearby woods, wondering where her life would lead her now. Although she was broken physically, her psyche had been waning as well. The sight of the dead child...her own new deformity, the lack of a tail, the trauma of having it chewed off for survival...and yet, she was here. She was alive, and that was all she could wish for. She had much to live for, much to experience. She would not go down nor give up her life without a fight, and it was so that she would prove it sooner or later. But had she not proven it now already? She was still walking, still breathing. Still determined to make a name for herself.

The silver eyed girl would walk with awkward clumsiness, though she should be used to walking without the balance of her tail, there was often times she did not get the idea of getting used to it. Her plumage was gone, but her heart still remained. To whom it may concern-possibly no one- she would power on in resolute strength. Her weakness never shown despite the hurt that gnawed at her insides. It led her to wonder how her siblings were doing; Talvi, Raw, Sol...were they still happy in Glaciem? She had left for reasons she thought she knew, but now perhaps she had no purpose. Her travels brought her to see many things, and yet she was still walking blindly. She would sit where she stood, beneath a tree that beheld the colors of spring. Summer would come soon, and my how the seasons seemed to change so quickly. Her life was passing before she realized it had, and a purpose was what she still sought...a sigh escaped between parted lips, would anything go right for her?


Nuthin But A Reject by The Dead Rabbitts on Grooveshark



7 Years
07-19-2014, 02:05 PM
Nako reared up and scraped his claws along the bark of the tree, feeling the dirt and between his toes be cleaned out. The scar along the yearlings right eye twitched as he brought a paw up to his muzzle as he sat back and cleaned his face. His left ear twitched, useless and unhearing and the grey male continued on his way. Nako hated the hurricane that marred his body and caused him to loose hearing in one ear. The half dozen feathers along his neck and shoulders waved and bounced along his pelt in the breeze as he made his way through the forest. Some down time between all the training and building up his endurance alongside Jakart. Some time to be like his sister Anais and just explore. Get dirty on purpose. Maybe meet someone all the way out here that was friendly.

Scents of others were prominent. Passerby's in this unclaimed territory as they moved about the land just as Nako did now, only. One was still a bit fresh to be within the past day or so. Perhaps it was one of those friendly wolves. As he took off in his investigation his muzzle would dip and smell the strangers scent. Female. Nako drew his head back and snorted as he continued on. She would be would having some company if she wanted it so, the grey Ebony pack member lopping closer to the scent amidst the trees. And suddenly, there she was. Red and without a tail, Nako giving a curious tilt of his head. He couldn't imagine losing such an important body part or even how it had happened to the she-wolf. Trying his hardest not to startle her, the bastard yearling would aroo with a toss of his head and recline back into the dirt.