
Wreckage Adoptions



4 Years
Extra large
07-19-2018, 08:04 AM (This post was last modified: 03-22-2019, 06:52 PM by Bluetick.)
Rules & Information

Hello! I am putting up some siblings for adoption that are from two of my own characters! first one is Branch Wreckage and the second is Zinnia Wreckage. Both characters have been on site for a while now and Zinnia's one sister, Magnolia (played by Lolaf) is also on site as well. The reason I'm doing this is to get more Wreckages on Ardent, but to also get some members for the pack I'm trying to create. Also to give both new and long time members of ardent a chance on getting in on this family. They are my babies and I would love to see more of them being played on site. There is some rules below that need to be read and fallowed before considering one of these pretty guys/girls.
  • These adopts are reserved to become members of Kesali, A pack concept I have come up with for Branch and his family. I would really love for them to stay there and become part of the pack permanently through their lives.
  • They have to be at least 1 year or older for applying because that is what age they have to be to be considered a pack member.
  • I reserve the right to take back the character if it goes longer then one month of inactivity. I want these guys to be active and to make their own stories here on Ardent.
  • Personalities do range with the Wreckage clan, but they all have one thing that stays the same, they respect and honor their family. Adopts wishing to have nothing to do with the family/clan, or even wanting to murder the clan will not be allowed ever! They take care of each other no matter how their lives are lived. The wreckages also do not do any sort of rape or force breeding, they are all raised better then that.
  • I do have a few purchased designs that can be used, but this does not mean you have to use them. You can certainly come up with your own design just try and stick with the colors seen. The clan does not have any abnormal colors in them. So use only the colors you would not have to buy a pass for. And if you use one of the designs I purchased, it can only be used on Ardent!
  • Eye colors range through the clan because of all the outside members taken in. I do not really want these pups to have bi colored eyes, or two colors to an eye. I like then being more simple and having one color.
  • I do have a list of set names for the siblings, but I will allow changes. The name has to be cleared through me and they are a family that is known for their more nature theme to them.
  • If adopting one of branch's siblings be sure to look ar his siblings in his profile so you know which mother they have come from. Branch technically has three mothers and one father because his mother and two aunts shared a mate (per family tradition when you are the three chosen sisters)


Branch's siblings; Poplar Wreckage ♀, Myrtle Wreckage ♂, Mimosa Wreckage ♀, Cherry Wreckage ♀, Huckleberry Wreckage ♂, Honeyberry Wreckage ♀, Clementine Wreckage ♀, Mango Wreckage ♀, Blossom Wreckage ♀, Leaf Wreckage ♂, Cypress Wreckage ♂, Maple Wreckage ♀, Spruce Wreckage ♂, Birch Wreckage ♂, Alder Wreckage ♂, & Aspen Wreckage ♀

Zinnia's Siblings; Jonquil ♂, Larkspur ♂, Alfalfa ♂, Anise ♀, Buttercup ♀, Fleur ♀, & Katniss ♀

Available Designs for Branch's Siblings
*Note: Click image for bigger view

Available Designs for Zinnia's Siblings
*Note: Click image for bigger view

Taken Designs
*Note: Click image for bigger view

- By Denny

- By Fox

- By Raven

- By Kara

Application Form

<b>Which design?</b> Pick two.
<b>Sibling of?</b>

<b>Eye Color:</b>

<b>Ambitions:</b> What rank will they aim for in Kesali? Will they settle in a low rank or continue to work their way up to the council? Will they be willing to go out and make trades with Loners and Packs? Will they be willing to go out and hunt for treasure and things needed to keep the stocks up? Will they be a crafter and able to make things?
<b>Plot Ideas:</b> Please no rape plots..... For one none of the Wreckage's would do such a thing and for two.... We've had enough of those already.


03-22-2019, 07:11 PM
Honeyberry is back up for adoption, Would really love if some of Zin's sibs were adopted

Osiris I


4 Years
03-22-2019, 07:51 PM (This post was last modified: 03-23-2019, 02:15 AM by Osiris I.)
Which design?
Sibling of? Branch Wreckage
Name: Cherry Wreckage
Gender: Female
Skills: Intellect and Healer

Eye Color: Red
Height: 34 in.
Appearance: An ebony babe with facial and body scars. Though they have faded, it has been a permanent reminder to her when it comes to fights. She stands at 34 inches in height, with a light build to show off her feminine figure while still heaving a healthy form of fat and muscle. Light grey covers the top portion of her body almost like a hood which drapes over her cranium, back, the top half of her shoulders, and a portion of her haunches. While her eyes are a beautiful red which caused her to get her name, leopard spots fill up the light portions of her hood as well, and stop before reaching her stomach, her legs, and face. The scars run across the bridge of her nose, while a few run across her right eye and the top of her left back leg. One even runs across her left side and stops before reaching her stomach.

Personality: Despite having the scars running across her body, this woman is of a gentle soul. Rather shy and timid at times, she is very close with her family and enjoys being in their company. Despite sometimes going off and exploring, she is quite content speaking with others once shes opened up. Her timid nature can sometimes make her rather cautious, especially when she meets someone she doesn't recognize and when she starts to go into any form of fight. She enjoys helping others in her time of need, and doesn't really consider to have a bad bone in her body. Cherry is disciplined in her family's ways, and no matter what the circumstance she helps them whenever they need any form of protection or guidance. Despite getting into one fight, the ebony woman could care less about fighting, wanting to solve situations with words without causing anyone to fall into harms way. Though, there is a few times where she can be rather flirty and playful, not being able to lose the pup side of her as well, but, between all else, she just enjoys people whether it be family or even a loner in need of assistance. To her, it doesn't matter who you are, she'll help whenever someone needs it.

Ambitions: She would love to do trades with other wolves and packs to possibly make allies whenever trouble befalls her family or pack. Though she would love to become a healer, and if she works her way up in the ranks, she would have no qualms about it. She enjoys exploring and meeting new people, so in turn it could help her family in the long run whenever help is needed.

Plot Ideas: Building up her healing skills and intellect skills by meeting new wolves and learning about new plants and ways of treating injuries. She would also want to start her own family and maybe even form a relationship someday, but mainly with her its exploring and meeting new wolves she could interact with. But, her main focus would also be to meeting her extended family and getting to know them as well, and see if they can offer any guidance to her.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
05-25-2019, 03:07 PM
Which design? any of the blue-eyed ones! (#2 & #6)
Sibling of? Zinnia
Name: Anise Wreckage
Gender: Female
Skills: Intellect & Navigation

Eye Color: Blue
Height: 30"
Appearance: Anise is slim and fit with a slightly longer than average coat, which she strives to keep well-groomed, as otherwise it catches all manner of twigs and leaves. Her paws are surprisingly dainty, making her a poor runner, digger, and occasionally fighter. Creams, dark greys, and deerskin brown make up her coat; this earth, natural palette is most at home in the early spring and wintertime, when it's easiest for her to blend in. She is mostly legs, with a petite torso and long, bushy tail. It is most common to find her ears on alert at all times. Set apart from her natural palette, her striking blue eyes are warm and soft. It's difficult to phase Anise, and her body language reflects this - it is uncommon to find her in a state of duress, as she makes it her business to remain cool and collected regardless of the situation at hand.
Personality: An expert stoic, Anise is nearly unflappable. She recognizes that the world goes on, with or without her, and the only thing she truly controls are her own actions. Anise emanates a certain kind of warmth and easy-to-listen-to attitude that draws others to her. It isn't in her nature to take advantage of this facet of her personality, but she is not against using information for the good of furthering the Kesali. You would be surprised what others will tell you if you just remain neutral and have a somewhat pleasant demeanor - more than anything, strangers look for an impartial ear, not a real conversation partner. Because of this, Anise is often uncomfortable talking about herself, as she much more used to thinking in terms of the greater good of the whole, not personal ambition. If she took the time to peer deeper into her soul, she might find a deep, deep need to love and nurture. With her patience and grace, the female is a born mother. She spent her early life dedicated to her family, and now, as she approaches old age, the desire to have a closer-knit family unit of her own grows stronger and stronger.

Ambitions: Anise would do anything to advance the Kesali - she is tirelessly obedient and an excellent listener with good reasoning skills and a penchant for compromise. She is a diplomat supreme. Although her skills are rusty in Boreas, she aims to become master of her skills in this new area and serve as Barvalimos or Baxtalo, but only time will tell if she can collect enough knowledge to adequately serve in either role. The female would never presume herself worthy unless she knew that she unequivocally met the qualifications.
Plot Ideas: Skill building and babies!! I would love for her to welcome a small litter to the pack once she's swept off of her paws (or locates a "suitable, responsible partner," more likely - she is a lady of purpose, after all). To see her with 1-2 babies would be great, nothing quite like squabbling siblings or a smothered only child. She would be a great nurse-maid, as well, and perhaps see herself filling that role more clearly after a litter of her own.

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