


07-14-2014, 07:28 PM
The expecting queen had ventured from the lands of Tortuga, craving a break from her own forest. She needed some time to herself. Her mind had grown cluttered with all the weight of her crown. Her own demons nagged at the back of her mind, and she wandered almost aimlessly and carelessly. Her paws carried her along a worn out trail, through the thick of the eastern woods. It wasn't until she felt the claws of something flurrying against her leg, and a snarky voice that she jolted back to this reality. "Watch where you're going you fat-ass!" The creature snarled. Startled, the Queen backstepped, and found herself looking down at a rather large brown creature, that was now staring at her- its teeth bared. "Um... Sorry, I think." Roman stammered, blinking a couple times.

The creature hissed, and Roman blinked again. "Well if you weren't spread out like an idiot- you wouldn't have gotten stepped on.The queen snapped testily. "What are you anyway?"She asked, rather rudely.

The rusty grey creature gave a disdainful sniff, before looking up at the oddly colored wolf. "I am a Fossa." He spoke clearly and slightly slowly. "I, at least, have the sense to know that you are a wolf. An odd looking one too." He said rather pointedly. "I am called Greek." He said, narrowing his green eyes.

Roman blinked. "I am Roman Armada, Queen of Tortuga." She introduced herself almost in an almost robotic tone. "A queen you say? Greek asked and Roman nodded once. "What kind of Queen blunders about like a fool?" He gave a disgruntled sniff. "I think you bruised my tail." Roman scoffed. What a wimp. "I could break a few other things for you." She offered with a smirk. Greek scoffed, and Roman chuckled. "Allow me to make it up to you Greek. Come to my empire, and one of my healers will tend to you." She offered, her tone growing a bit more kind. With a grunt, the creature replied. "Only if you carry me." Rolling her eyes rather dramatically the Queen bowed forward allowing the fossa to climb onto her back. She growled slightly as the beasts claws dug into her, before she stood, letting out a breath. Turning away from the forest, she began her trek home.

(Anyone is welcome to hop in here if they want. Just wanted Roman to meet Greek.)