


07-14-2014, 04:57 PM

It had only been a day since Athena had called the pack together, the meeting being successful yet tense at first. She had been promoted to Sentinel, which was a huge leap in the ranks despite her previous position as overseer. Now she was entitled to make sure the lower leaders were doing their jobs and calling meetings together. She was also in charge of the punishment according to Verex, which pleased the charcoal babe. Now that a few wolves had been promoted she knew who she needed to call together and give instructions. She would travel to the heart of the mile-high woods, Ramses trailing at her heels as the duo climbed onto a tree stump where they could view the group they were about to summon. Azure eyes would slide toward Ramses, whom was sitting on her right side. "ready?" She would ask him, not waiting for a response before her skull would tip back and a summon would seep from her jaws. She would call for the current overseers and healer, expecting the three men to come to her beckoning call at once.


ooc- This meeting is MANDATORY for Drashiel, Sin, and Devin



2 Years
07-14-2014, 07:25 PM

Drashiel was meandering around the border between Glaciem and Tortuga. He wanted to visit Roman again but now that he had the rank of Overseer he wanted to first get down to starting his duties. Of course, he wasn't entirely sure what those were. He supposed it was to make sure that training sessions were being held and hunting being accomplished. Thankfully he didn't have to wait long. The call rang out across the terra. The call of Liberty, the Sentinel. No doubt she was getting them organized. Well? he certainly didn't want to be late. Drashiel took to his feet and jogged to answer the call of the Sentinel. "Liberty?" he dipped his head in greeting. "Is all well?"




6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-16-2014, 11:44 PM

He would hear the call just as he entered Glaciem lands. Paws moved silently as he followed the sound of Liberty's voice, no more then a short while since his promotion and he would not fail in his tasks. The blood stained beast would find her after a short while, with her was Drashiel. He nodded as he approached her, amber gaze glancing from one to the other before he would speak. "Sorry for not being here sooner, I had to deal with" He had not yet told Athena nor anyone else that he had children now. Then again, it was not their business until he was ready to bring them to Glaciem. He would not risk his pride guided father or some other fool trying to harm them, and so he would keep it quiet. Whether they smelled them upon his pelt or not he didn't care. Though the smell of freshly painted blood would hide it everytime. And if they did detect it, well he already had that covered. But unless they were some type of wizard, there was no chance of that happening.

He would sit in the snow, amber gaze falling upon Ramses and Liberty as he would wonder what this was all about. Of course, he would not slack on his tasks...he had more ambition then that, it would not do well for him to slack like most of the pack had done. He would call a training session soon, and those who did not show would face dire consequences...he hoped he would get the chance to partake in dealing punishments, for he would find no greater delight. Perhaps he would discuss later with Liberty, but for now he would keep quiet about it.


Athena I


9 Years
07-17-2014, 04:53 PM

Athena's ears perked with interest and a pleased smile crossed her muzzle when she heard the call of her new Sentiel. Already it seemed that Liberty would step up to the tasks set in front of her. Not that Athena had expected anything less. The Queen rose to her paws, shaking out her fur before stepping out of her den and trotting toward the call. She knew well enough that the call wasn't for her specifically, but she was interested to see Liberty in action and to see the other's reaction to her. Of course it was good for her to stay in the loop of any plans Liberty had as well. With that in mind, Athena slowed to a waltz and approached the small gathering, taking a seat a comfortable distance from them. She gave Liberty a smile and glanced to Sin and Drashiel who had already arrived. "Don't mind me, I'm just here to watch," she said as she settled her gaze on Liberty once more with a soft chuckle.




3 Years
07-17-2014, 05:36 PM

[Image: aafzlv.png]

Devin would not intentionally be the last to arrive, he wouldn't be such a fool as to throw away his duties just as he had been accepted. The rather bulky male would make his way to the overseer in a timely fashion, yet as usual keep a rather unkind look upon his face. There was two others here he was not familiar with. In fact the only one he really did know was Athena. The healer would give a dip of his head to the other two as he found himself a suitable seat near liberty and her feline friend. Purple eyes raising in curiosity as to why she had chosen such a companion, though it was not uncommon for wolves to seek companionship he supposed.
"Its a pleasure to meet you my lady" he would greet to liberty not yet knowing her name. Devin only recently came to glacier as their healer. And as such he didn't look like a healer at all, strong lean muscles underneath a bulk of fur. He was designed to tear into flesh, and yet he would mend it. There was no signs of his emotions breaking as he patiently waited for this small meeting to start. Whatever it was about.

-sorry for the wait.

? ? ?

cait at btn


07-18-2014, 12:15 PM

The first to arrive would be Drashiel, which wasn't a surprise to the charcoal hued sentinel. He had been an active member of the pack since he was a pup, almost rarely missing events and always pulling his weight within the pack. He was growing into a great Armada man very quickly, his muscles deeply defined like his father and his voice deep and bassy like an adult. His presence would crease her velveteen lips slightly, her head dipping to greet him as he greeted her. ?Yes, all is well Drashiel. Just trying to get our ducks in line.? She would say with a wink of her right eye, azure orbs raising from his face to scan their surroundings. A few minutes after his arrival another man would appear. Sin, the second newly promoted overseer, would grace them with his blood stained presence. Something about him seemed off, but the woman wouldn't dwell on the thought for very long. She didn't know Sin very well, and assumed there was a lot more to him than the sinister gleam in his eyes. ?Glad that you could to join us, Sin. I'm sure whatever you were dealing with has been vanquished.? She would say to him, her head dipping to greet him as well. She would not gaze upon him with the same softness as she did Drashiel, however, because she did not feel as connected to the man as she did the child she had known for seasons. Her expression would harden, the usual inhospitable emotion gripping her features as she waited for the new healer to show. Athena would beat the man to the meeting, and she would greet her queen with a dip of her skull, a smile creasing her lips as she always wished to treat her queen with respect. Plus she actually enjoyed Athena's company, much like she enjoyed Azalea's. ?I'm glad you've decided to join us, my queen. If you have any input or any suggestions, feel free to speak up at any time.? She would tell the woman, as her input would overrule the sentinels every time. If Athena didn't agree with the tasks she would give the men then by all means she could give her input, and the sentinel would take it into consideration. A few more minutes would pass before Devin, the most experienced healer in the pack, would arrive. She had not met the man before, nor had she ever seen him roaming within the pack lands. She felt weary about him due to her lack of knowledge on him, but she would welcome the brute with a smile and give him the benefit of the doubt. She hoped this man could fill in Eris's shoes, because Glaciem was a lot to handle at times. ?It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Devin. My name is Liberty, and from what I have been told, you are our new healer, yes?? It was a rhetorical question, as she already knew he was the newly appointed healer. She would waste no time getting down to business, her azure eyes glancing from face to face to view their reactions as she speaks.

?Thank you all for coming so quickly. As you know, things are quickly changing within Glaciem. I have been promoted Sentinel, and you two are overseers. Devin, as you already know you are a curer, and have a very important responsibility to withhold within our pack.? She would take short pauses between her sentences to allow the information to sink in before continuing. She had a lot to say. ?Now, with that being said, it is time I assign you each a task. Based on my personal observations I have decided who will be in charge of fight training, hunt training, and healing training.? Her azure eyes would fall upon Sin first, her frigid gaze unwavering. ?Sin, you will be in charge of training the youth to fight. I want you to call a training session together at once, these yearlings know nothing of fierce battle and would be defenseless should we fall victim to an attack. Do not go easy on them- I want blood drawn, I want bruises and I want flesh to be torn.? Her eyes would leave Sin's gaze and rest upon Drashiel. ?Drashiel, you will be in charge of hunting sessions. You may organize them the same way I did when I took you and your siblings out, or you may find a routine of your own. Teach them how to kill without mercy, teach them to travel undetected ,and teach them how clean up the evidence.? Her gaze would leave Drashiel to fall upon the chocolate face of Devin. ?Devin, since you are our most experienced healer, you will be in charge of calling a healing lesson together. This lesson may be for the youth or the entire pack, whichever is best for you. Teach them how to heal their wounds, show them tricks to quell an illness, and teach them how to poison their enemies.? Her eyes leave his face to glance between the group. "Any questions?" Her breath would catch in her throat as she fell silent, Ramses leaning farther into her side as they duo waited for responses and reactions.



2 Years
07-20-2014, 11:52 AM
Drashiel Armada

Others would trickle in to the meeting, including the queen. Drashiel remained quiet and alert. He was curious and also excited to see where this little meeting would go and to finally get started on his new duties. As he expected the meeting was to get the high-ranking members of Glaciem organized. Hopefully once they started their duties Glaciem would begin to run smoothly again and regain some of the prestige it had lost after the kerfuffle with the disasters and the plague. They needed to start sending a message that they still remained and were still a force to be reckoned with.

Liberty spoke and they were assigned their tasks. He was to lead hunting. The brute nodded sharply with confidence. "Rest assured it will be done." He had several animals in mind for prey. Young musk oxen and even caribou would be in the area this time of year among others. It was a rich time of season to hold a hunt.