
[Nova and Makani]Theres no other choice

Daemon I


3 Years
08-03-2018, 02:25 PM
With springs coming daemon had waited long enough to have his brother come back and for his sister to become a wife to a man. Nova was kept closer to him thanks to the recent events of her father trying to take from her what belonged to him. She had yet to fall pregnant but it was to be expected that she would be eventually. Makani was also a concern to him. She would be becoming his bride this season and next season should be her heat season. She was wasting her womb if she refused to conceive children.

He moved towards his den. It was large and he had been working on extending it. It was now lard enough to comfortably hold himself, Nova, and makani but would need to be made bigger still, so it may come to hold many children as well. There was one more female he wanted but she had disappointed him by refusing to keep her word. She would become a enemy of the spartan if she did not come soon.

He stopped outside the den and dropped the boar piglet he had been carrying. It was then he tilted his head back and released a deep howl for Nova, Makani, and if he had one his brother in law. His mismatched eyes then settled on the spot before him where he expected them to show themselves at.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.


08-07-2018, 08:00 PM
Nova was a mess since the incident with her father. He’d hurt her, hurt her in a way that she had never expected someone in her family to ever do to her. She rarely left Dae’s side now… she was terrified of running into another male. A male who wasn’t gentle… a male who would hurt her just as bad or worse than her father had. Nova was currently curled up in their den, unsure if Daemon knew she was still there or not. Sometimes she rarely wanted to leave it if he wasn’t by her side, procrastinating even getting a drink of water. Her mind was still in a bad way, and she whimpered at the slightest sound outside of it.

The female slowly eased out of the den as she heard Daemon’s howl, her body lowered to the ground, submissive, her red eyes worried. She had been so scared he’d have been mad at her for what happened… that he wouldn’t love her anymore. But he’d kept her closer than ever, and Nova grew even more clingy than before. The pale female nuzzled into him, closing her eyes as she took in his scent. That scent meant safety. Protection.

“I’m sorry…” Nova apologized a lot more too, finding disgust at her own fear and weakness. But to be fair she wasn’t sure how to process what had happened to her… and the knowledge that the same sort of fate had befallen her mother made her feel ill. Was she just a step away from snapping, like Marina had? Would she lose it all, and repeat the cycle once more, leaving behind kids that wouldn’t know the love of their mother the way they should?

Daemon I


3 Years
08-09-2018, 12:56 PM
Nova was quick to emerge from the den. It seemed to be her sanctuary when he wasn't with her. She was submissive to him now a days and he couldn't deny he liked it. He still intended on ensuring she wouldn't know how to fight back if he ever needed to force her to use her womb. So far he hadn't had to, but things changed a lot in the world.

She came to him and nuzzled into him, he was quick to kiss her atop her forehead as she apologized to him. "There is nothing to be sorry for, you already learned why it is you should stay close to our home, there is nothing to do but look to the future now." He then placed a paw on the other side of her so she was somewhat sheltered under his body. He then picked up the piglet and placed it in front of her nose. "Eat my dear, we are waiting for Makani to come to me now. She will become your sister and my bride if she has failed to procure a husband before today. She is my father's daughter and she will also mentor you in being a mother of Spartans." he knew she still wasn't fully aware of what that meant but she would learn. Females in his culture were expected to bear many children and to have a litter before they were five, or else it wasn't uncommon they were forced to wed a Male. Males were warriors and hunters, their training started almost the moment they could open their eyes and walk. Females were given a more diplomatic training as well as taught how to please their men and proper childbearing techniques. They were also taught to be a midwife and usually were one in their teenage years to their own mothers and other females.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.



4 Years
08-14-2018, 07:06 PM
Makani Areus

Makani had been out on her daily run, trying to stay in shape while she awaited orders form Daemon and Nabis. Without many others nearby, it wasn't like she had much else to do. No pups around to be raised, yet, and no one else to train. No wars were raging. It was quiet, and peaceful. Something she had not grown up knowing too much of. Spartans were warriors, to be in a state of peace must be hell for them. The wind was running it's fingers through her fur as she ran through the orchard, enjoying the springtime scents and sounds. New life was being brought into the world during this season, but it brought Makani more than that. It brought excitement. Soon enough, her season will arrive and she will finally fulfill her duties and become a mother. Mother of her brother's pups. A real male's pups. She couldn't be more excited and with each passing day she woke up even happier that she would soon carry their litter.

There was a whisper in the wind, a soft call that sounded too much like Daemon to be ignored. Turning on a pin, Makani was rushing back to her brother at top speeds, but being careful enough not to rattle her fur. She was a Spartan woman after all, she was suppose to be caring, compassionate, obedient, and beautiful above all else. When she arrived, her gorgeous brother awaited her... with... another woman? There was a twinge of jealousy in her dual colored orbs as she eyed the odd colored girl, wondering who the hell she was and why she was sitting so damn close to her brother. She shook it off however, and moved to the opposite side of him, brushing her similarly colored coat along his before settling down beside him. "My apologies for running late, brother. I came as fast as I could." She spoke with a tongue made of silk, before turning back to the other girl with hard eyes. "I did not know we were having guests. I would have better prepared." And she would have, but something in her gut told her that would not be the case this day. This other girl... she something told Makani she was here to stay.


*Being her brothers, Nabis and Daemon have the right to enter any threads Makani is in, no matter the tag.*


09-22-2018, 11:05 PM
Nova gave a small nod as Daemon spoke, her words soft as she spoke again. “It is something I won’t be making the mistake of again, I assure you.” The pastel female felt comfort when Dae held her like this. She might have been worried about what the future held… but she was also hoping that things were going to change for the better. The thought that she’d soon be meeting Makani, her husband’s sister, worried her too. Would she seem weak to the other woman? A disappointment? Probably. Nova couldn’t help that churning feeling in her gut, worry about being rejected and even hated as a second wife of the man she was with.

She glanced down at the piglet and shook her head, giving a soft whine. “I’m not very hungry…” Her worries had been affecting her appetite as well. Daemon’s closeness had been reassuring but there were still doubts in her mind. Doubts that he might find another wife that he loved so much more than her that he might cast Nova aside… She was so scared of being alone. There was of course the option of searching for her family… but what if she ran into her sire before all was said and done? What if he hurt her like before? She shivered a little with ears lowering.

“I’ll try and eat soon though. I promise.” It wouldn’t be good to just not eat. She needed her strength. Especially if she was going to be a good mate to Dae and eventually bear him a litter of children.

...and then there was another woman approaching them. Her coat was similar enough to Daemon’s to guess she was his sister. Her eyes suggested this more strongly and her scent sealed the deal. Nova was in awe of her -- she was beautiful.

...and Nova was a freak.

The pale rainbow woman averted her gaze when she noticed that twinge of jealousy within them, swallowing hard. Her instinctive nature was to run back to the den, but she tried her hardest to keep at Daemon’s side. She opened her mouth to speak, lifting her gaze again, only to be met with the hard look Makani was giving her. Nova’s words failed her and the girl gave a soft whine.

So much for hoping her new sister would like her.