
Some will take the high road



6 Years
Extra large
08-08-2018, 07:40 PM
In the time after the flood he'd visited the Abraxas' other Empire with the intention of spreading word of the fate of their sister-pack, but after that Czern had felt a tad aimless. The Abraxas were an interesting breed, there was no doubt about that, but he wasn't quite sure how he felt about continuing to be tied to them. It would be easy to disappear for a while, so he'd sought to do that only... Something stopped him from traveling farther than the woods near the flooded canyon. If any of the pack members that got washed away had lived, they could very well be here somewhere, laying about with injuries that prevented them from making it to Risen. That wasn't why he was here though. At least, he liked to think it wasn't. Czernobog was hardly an altruistic type of wolf.

Prowling through foliage dappled with golden sunlight, the man was rather enjoying strolling about unencumbered by responsibility once more. It was only when a faint scent wafted his way that he paused. The scent was vaguely familiar though he didn't know the wolf it was attached to personally. Huffing quietly, the beast debated whether or not he should simply walk away. The last vestiges of his loyalty to his fallen pack said he ought to go check and see if whoever it was might be hurt, though his nature pulled at him to worry only about himself. This nonsense was why he spent most of his time alone, wasn't it?



4 Years
10-06-2018, 09:02 PM

Nowa Abraxas

She had wanted to join her Nephews pack, but when she had arrived at the border and discovered who was in charge her mind had been changed. Things with her and Razi had been left unresolved and she backed off to remain in her broody shell. The only thing she had to keep her company was her companion. The Fossa was not a creature she expected to have a bond with. When she had found him he had been vary injured from a fight with another male Fossa. She was simply going to eat him, but he proposed a relationship that he would help provide meals for her if she healed him. Scavenging hadn't always worked and there was plenty of days she had missed meals. Even when she had been with Nura they would frequently miss meals. She didn't see that there was much to loose and accepted the marsupial's offer.

They had stuck close to Aurum while it was still around, Cedar falls to be exact. With the flooding of the canyon she had been safe, but after that she had wandered. Her and Baal moved down to wraith's woods. After the aftermath of the flooding the area seemed to be teeming with prey life which was good for both her and Baal. They had settled there, but she truly was not settled. Ever since being separated from Nura she had never been able to feel truly settled. The anxiety of where her twin was, what she might be doing, if she was even alive took a toll on her. Being Blind already gave her trouble sleeping, but the anxiety made things all the worse.

Baal was out hunting which left her alone. She had been tired and was relaxing in the shade. She tried to keep her mind quiet so she could actually rest, but it was difficult for her.

