
Imagine Dragons



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
08-13-2018, 12:51 AM

Spring was coming to an end, he could sense it. Slipping out of the den, he wandered towards a nearby pine where he would sit and think about what to do today. He had more or less gotten used to the idea that he had kids now, but he hadn't really gotten around to actually getting to know them. He supposed he had wanted to let them get accustomed to their new life. They were no longer with their mother, after all. Their uncle had left to search for the third missing pup, and Dragon hoped he was successful in that endeavor. In the meantime, the earthen male would try to learn more about the two that were with him, starting with the girl. He knew they didn't have names since their mother had never named them, and that was something he didn't quite understand. Frowning, he figured he ought to take it upon himself to give them proper names...he could, right? He was, after all, their father. How would they take to it? Would they like their names? Should he let them choose? He was nervous, but he supposed he would see how this potential interaction played out first. He didn't want to wake them, so intead, he waited beneath the tree for one of them to wake.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



4 Years
09-03-2018, 04:24 PM

The girl was slowly growing used to the idea of having her father around... it had been a strange sort of feeling. She had never really considered that she had one, she obviously had a mother but since she hadn't exactly been eager to talk to them, let alone about how pups came to be, so the idea of even needing a father had been alien to her.

Now though she sort of got it, at least in essence, she knew she had some of Dragon in her. To look at them both was to know that as true... Her brother more closely resembled their mother and Uncle Enigma but she had never really looked like them... as for her lost brother? Well he was an anomaly she supposed, unlike either their mother or father.

Still she wasn't totally used to having her father around. Though having her brother around did bring some amount of comfort, even if she'd never admit it. She would have liked Uncle Enigma to be around as well but he'd gone off to try and find their missing sibling so she couldn't be too upset.

The girl watched outside the den, she had seen Dragon moving beyond it but had pretended to be asleep. But he hadn't disturbed them... Curiosity got the better of her though and finally the girl pulled herself from the pile her brother and their companions had made in their sleep. Farai mumbled in her sleep but otherwise didn't wake, which was fine with the girl as she was somewhat eager to get some time to talk with her father alone.

Shaking the dirt from her pelt she pulled herself from the den, nearly a year old now she was gaining some amount of elegance to her movements though she was more gangly than anything else right now.

She moved towards where the man who was her father sat, settling beside him and waiting for a moment before remembering she probably ought to announce her presence. "Good morning Dragon." It hadn't yet felt right to refer to him as anything but the name she'd been given for him, as much as she was his daughter he was a new presence in her life and the idea of calling him anything else was foreign to her.

"The Princess Decrees!" ~ "The Princess Considers! ~ "Farai Speaks"

Art by Sin
Wyvern's companion Farai is a Pibald Leopard of the same age and is always with her unless explicitly stated otherwise.  

[Image: xcqB3Q8.png]

Linart by Pimsri
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
09-14-2018, 05:50 PM

He sat and thought about the things he had learned growing up. Remembering stories his mother had told him, remembering why she had chosen his name. He remembered those stories quite vividly and was always in awe of the mythical creatures that lived in those stories. He would have loved to see a real dragon, but his mother had said they were so incredibly hard to find that nobody knew if they still existed. They were powerful and strong creatures with magic powers, and he always tried to imagine what they looked like. Thinking back on these stories, he wondered if his kids would be interested in hearing them...maybe they'd even take to being named after such powerful creatures like he was.

Taking a deep breath, he felt nervous about the whole thing. He didn't know much, if anything, about these kids. But he was determined to learn about them and who they were, and he wanted to help them blossom into wolves that would make anyone proud. Sightless gaze fell to the ground as he became lost in thought, though when he heard movement behind him, his ears twitched. Moments later, his daughter's voice greeted him and he turned his head in her direction. "Good morning, did you sleep well?" He asked with both curiosity and concern. He was unsure of how exactly to speak with them...he didn't want to rush into things as he was sure they were still getting used to the idea of being with him. Without their uncle around, he figured they were probably unsure themselves. But he would do his best.

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



4 Years
10-08-2018, 01:58 PM

Dragon slid sightless eyes towards her, and not for the first time the girl shivered slightly. It was still unnerving to look at him, to meet where his gaze should have been and to know he wasn't actually seeing her. The scars along his face had frightened her once but as she had never known him without them she had simply grown to accept they were as much a part of him as anything else. There was still something fascinating, almost melancholic about his gaze, beautiful and tragic all at once.

In truth as much as her father wanted to get to know them, the girl was also eager to get to know him, to understand who he was and where they came from. She sensed something in him, something regal and honorable and she wanted to know what that meant for her.

Dragon spoke and the girl pondered for a moment, tilting her head to the side before speaking again. "Well enough." Her tone was careful, as though each word she spoke was being considered before leaving her mouth. Though her next question betrayed her curiosity. "Thinking about something?" She fixed him with a wide eyed stare, nearly a young adult but in this moment very much still a pup, naive to the world she had been brought into. Maybe more so than most pups her age, but then again she hadn't exactly had many adults falling over themselves to educate her.

"The Princess Decrees!" ~ "The Princess Considers! ~ "Farai Speaks"

Art by Sin
Wyvern's companion Farai is a Pibald Leopard of the same age and is always with her unless explicitly stated otherwise.  

[Image: xcqB3Q8.png]

Linart by Pimsri
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
10-08-2018, 02:12 PM

"Well enough," Came her reply, and he couldn't help but gently smile. Though they were young, they seemed to speak with care. Her brother spoke similarly, and he wasn't sure if they had always spoken like that or just with him. If it was the latter, he could understand. They were living a new life now, with new wolves whom - when the time was right - they could call family. He was certain his mother would love to meet them, and though she knew of them, they had agreed that she and the others would keep a distance until the pups adjusted. Well, he couldn't quite call them pups anymore, could he? They were yearlings, after all. But still, close enough. "Thinking about something?" He took a deep breath to collect his thoughts for a moment, wondering how he could effectively approach the subject. But then again, it probably didn't matter how he said it. They were his responsibility and it was his duty to give them proper names that they could be proud of. Names they would live with...names that would give them an actual identity so they were no longer nameless and invisible to the rest of the world.

"Yes, actually..." He shifted a bit so that he was facing her, posture tall and tail wrapped neatly around his paws. "I was told by your uncle that your mother never named you...and I think that it's time you have a name. A real name." He paused for a moment, wishing he could study her face and gauge her reaction. But alas, he had to work with his heart and gut. "What do you think? Would you like a proper name?" He was sure she wouldn't deny that. But he wanted to be sure.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Kimahri" Shiva

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.