
Torn Flesh and spilled Blood



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
08-14-2018, 08:49 PM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2018, 09:24 PM by Actaea.)
Fighting points: Fighting a small predator (Coyote)

It was getting late, the sun was beginning to sink, and it was time to head back to the den for the night. She hated to go back, but was obedient and did not question her father's rules. She began the travel over the stones in the maw heading towards the den. She was normally one of the pups to file in last and tonight would be no different, at least in her mind it wouldn't be. She moved alone with the rest of her family, she assumed, not far off. She wasn't really keeping track of them and just going the normal path she took towards the den. Senses were alive as she moved quietly and steadily.

An odd noise off to her left caused her to stop, look in that direction, and go on alert. She waited a few moments, but when all she heard was silence she turned to continue her travel. She had thought maybe she was simply hearing things so she simply continued on her steady climb. Then suddenly her hind end was slammed into, knocking her off balance and she went tumbling to the ground. It had happened so quick that she barely had any time to react. Then a second small form rushed in and she released a oddly sounding puppy snarl as it's jaws chomped down on her left front leg just below the elbow.

Her heart was pounding within her chest and her blood was pumping, unsure of what exactly to do at this point, but instinct kicked in, overriding her mind and pushing her body to retaliate and to fight back. Eyes narrowed and her lips peeled back, bunching up the skin around her face for protection. She needed this creature off her leg so she could stand and get into proper defenses. Eyes focused in on the creature to discover that it was a coyote that had a hold of her. Using her right front leg she shoved herself towards the face of the Coyote, jaws swung open as she chomped down on the skin just below it's left eye. Whipping her head left and right she attempted to shear the skin with her teeth and to provide enough distraction for it to let go of her leg.

A barking howl erupted from the coyote as it let go and sharply whipped it's head, flesh tearing as the girl was send into the ground once more. This time she was quick to stand and get her legs spread, shoulders rolled forward. Setting herself in her proper defenses she faced off with her snarling attacker. Her leg was bleeding, but there hadn't been much time for the coyote to do damage other then punctures into the skin of her leg.

"Actaea Talk", & 'Actaea Think"

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them