
[Iskra] Forget me not



2 Years
08-18-2018, 04:32 AM
She had left auster soon after her night with Pyre, being as careful as she could about not washing him completely from her fur. Though she did have to cross the deluge so she had diluted the smell something fierce by now. Her nose had been to the ground the entire time, trying hard to pick up the scent of Iskra, though most trails she found were stale. Wherever she had gone Arwen was almost positive that catman had something to do with it. It was almost an hour before dawn now as she settled her haunches into the grasses of the prairie.

Neither of them had fresh scents here but she wasn't sure what else to do. Shed spent days trying to track them down. Now it was her turn to try to call to them. Only this time she didnt have anything but the glow of her pelt to attract attention. It had worked for her before but the question was would it work now? Had Iskra truly forgot about the little blue glowing girl she had left behind?

Arwen didn't know anymore. But what she did know was that she felt sorta funny right now. It must of been something she ate though, like the rabbit she managed to catch about midnight. Maybe it had been sick or something. That or maybe she had worms. Whatever the reason she knew she wanted to find Iskra one way or another. She knew cat man was probably with her somewhere though. The thought that her one night stand with pure could of resulted in anything other than just his scent being on her faintly didnt cross her mind. After all why would it? She hadn't had the talk ever and she was naive to the fact that it could happen.

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



6 Years
09-14-2018, 11:33 AM
Normally the idea of gulping down some fermented fruit elicited thoughts of some kind of party or a time worth remembering. Now, though, it just seemed like a decent enough way to numb herself a little and dull the thoughts of... Well, everything. What a shit being Iskra had turned out to be was probably highest on the list of things she wanted to forget about. So, sprawled out beside the little stream that stretched out through this mostly open praerie beneath a solitary apple tree, she munched away at one mostly fermented apple thinking of nothing but how she hoped it would make her feel, and what she hoped not to feel. Truly the low point of her life was upon her. No place to go but up, though, right?

Soon as that pleasant warmth began to fill her stomach, Iskra leaned back and sighed heavily. Moving out from under the cover of the tree, she found a good spot to lay down, flopping onto her back s she could stare at the sky absently. Briefly thoughts of wolves like Dragon, Arwen, Artemis and Leto would drift through her mind, but she continued to ignore them. All of them, Arwen included, were adults. They didn't need her, not so much that they'd waste away if she continued indulging her own selfish inclinations to procrastinate and avoid the harder parts of life for like a couple more minutes. Right? Right. So she'd just lay here for a while and giggle softly at her own jokes she made in her head while feeling quite certain that no one needed her, at least not in the state she was in.



2 Years
09-14-2018, 02:22 PM
She sat there for a while trying not to be bored but soon enough that familiar feelings had found her. She really just hopes that iskra would of seen the strange glow and come running, but that was a long shot in the dark. She stood and decided to keep moving on though. It would be best if she could just find some sort of scent trail that was recent.

She was moving when that upset stomach feeling turned from just that to a moment of nausea. Her head ducked quickly and she was getting sick from it in seconds. Well that hadn't been what she planned. Now she needed a drink to was out the disgusting taste. She moved towards the gulley where she could hear water slowly trickling down a stream. She stopped to get a drink then a wind gust brought her a scent she easily recognized. Iskra! She turned to go in the direction the wind had come from.

As she trotted up on the scene she let a smile grace her lips. A devilish thought crossed her mind and soon she was launching her body towards Iskra's rear. Her forepaws were outstretched and she was aiming to scare her guardian. Though if she landed it she would be quick to move off the other woman. She would then seat herself with a grin next to and facing Iskra. Of course she wasnt hiding anything from her adoptive mother, not the scent of pyre or the fact that she was happy to see her.

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.