
Some things never change



3 Years
Athena I
08-19-2018, 09:11 PM

Taking care of her parents had become so much easier now that Viho was taking turns with her. It wasn't something they had really discussed, it just seemed to be a silent understanding that when one came back the other could leave for a couple of days and they would switch out from time to time. Sometimes they would both stay and that was some of her favorite moments. She wished Ronen was around too... But maybe one day he would make it back to them.

She was on her way back to where her parents had been living since they were reunited with Viho and his friend. Etain wasn't exactly rushing to get back, but she would probably get there before tomorrow afternoon if nothing delayed her. She still sometimes got a little nervous about being out on her own, but everything had been fine so far so it was easy to think that there was nothing to be scared of. That was a lie, but she could hope. She hopped along at a steady pace, taking in the scenery around her as she went.

She happened to look away from her path for a moment, watching a bird that was flying over head and one of her paws got hung up in a slight hole in the ground. She fell forward and tried to catch herself, but ended up falling onto her shoulder and flopping onto her side none of the less. She huffed with annoyance at herself for getting distracted and rolled back onto her paws to shake herself off. Sometimes she wondered she would still be this clumsy if she had all four legs and that usually at least made her chuckle. She liked to imagine someone like her brother who was so much taller and stronger than herself getting tripped up by holes and roots and it was comical the way it played out in her head.
