
[Legion] Song of the caged bird



4 Years
Extra small
08-22-2018, 01:05 AM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2018, 07:06 AM by Tana.)

Tana hadn't dared be near Elias again. Truly he scared her. Maybe he hadn't wanted to do as he had and make her cowar anytime he was in close proximity to her but he had done it anyway. Of course it didnt take much to do that with her either. Having a past like hers kind of dictated that no one had the choice if they scared her just by simple coming to close or holding some sort of position over her. She hadn't even chose to lay near the other lambs when she slept. No instead her bed was as far back inside the den as she could get, with as much space between the others and her as she could get.

It had been only a few days since shed had to fill in her den and her paw she had used to do so ached. The wound from doing as she was told had started to heal though she knew she'd have to see Zuriel soon. The smell of her paw wasn't exactly pretty, in fact it smelled like infection might be trying to set in, which would explain why she was feeling feverish.

She moved along the mountain, paw adding an even greater limp to her pace. It was slow going but she had no one to lead her. Her tongue rolled from her mouth as she panted as well. She'd made it probably about halfway to the maw, though she had set out this morning as soon as bird song filled the air. She really wanted to find Zuriel some herbs to replace what she had buried but there might be no such luck if she couldn't figure out this mountain.

She took another step on her aching paw and went to pull herself forward again but the moment she put weight down she found herself slipping. Panic surged through her as she felt the world start to tumble beneath her on the steep slope. A Yelp of surprise and pain erupted from her maw as she started to roll down the mountainside. She wasn't sure where the next ledge was or if there was one to catch her. All she knew was she was tumbling down. She did her best to scrape her three paws on the ground, trying to stop herself. It slowed her but she only stopped a mere twenty feet from where her fall had started, when a ledge became her savior and also her potential doom. Her heart raced as she held o for dear life to edge. Her paw had opened up once again, blood pouring from it freely, as well as the scent of her infection that was coming to pass. Her leg scrabbled for purchase and she was terrified she'd find none. Though it took mere moments and her paw caught in a duvet and she was hauling herself back up.

Once she made it back up to safety she collapsed in a heap of relief and exhaustion. This place would be the death of her she was sure. She laid there panting through her nose and shaking from not only exhaustion but fear. She could call for someone to take her tiny form back to the den but then this trip would be for naught and she'd be seeing Zuriel without any gift. Besides Elias might be the one to answer her call and the thought of what he might do scared her.

Walk "Talk" Think

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.


09-08-2018, 07:08 AM

Legion was already on his way back to the Lamb's den to drop off a kill when he noticed Tana trying to work her way along the mountainside. He could see her struggling, but unfortunately, he had his mouth already full with a kill he was planning on bringing to them. An older mountain goat that had been left behind by his family would now feed the Lambs of Ruina, and Legion had to do his best to bring it to them safely.. then go back and get this hopeless little girl.

He dropped the kill off at the Lamb's den and made quick work to get back to where he'd last seen Tana. He couldn't find her at first, though the smell of rotten blood quickly led him to her. She'd fallen, tumbled somewhere down the mountainside and he couldn't exactly see her from where he was. With hardly any effort at all, the beast found his way down the stable rocks so that he could reach her. Without a word, his teeth found the nape of her neck. She was a smaller wolf so hopefully, her weight wouldn't pull too hard on her neck, but it was the only way he was going to get her back up to level ground safely.

Once he plucked her from the steep slopes of the mountainside, his talons gripped into dirt and rock as he worked on bringing her back up. He didn't lift her off the ground completely, allowing her to use her own legs.. but a lot of her weight was being pulled by his own teeth so that he could grant her his own strength to help her get up.

Once they made it, he let go of her.. her fur still sticking thickly to his tongue. He tried his best to get it out of his mouth, spitting a bit of his drool and some of the fur onto the ground before he finally spoke up.

"And that's why you shouldn't wander off alone," he said slyly.



4 Years
Extra small
09-08-2018, 07:32 AM

She laid there for a few minutes then the sound of rocks clattering past her had her pulling her ears and putting her head completely to the ground. She was submissive as always, then teeth were in her scruff and she gave a surprised yelp. She didn't struggle though. The scent of the Male told her who he was. Son of the apollyon, the one who took interest in them at least. She hadn't learned his name but she wasnt about to ask either. Asking questions got you killed. Following orders was the best way to survive.

Her fifty one pounds probably weren't much to a stronger Male like him. As such he was able to pull her back up the slope though she had a feeling that he wanted her to walk it herself. She did her best to go where he pulled her to, though his pace was a little quicker than she usually used so she was more or less being pulled. His drool slid down her neck and left the fur there dampened. When he finally released her she sunk low and dropped her head. His body had caressed her side as he dragged her up hill leaving his scent behind. She had felt how small she was in comparison to him though. Her name fur was sticking up from his drool and she fought it to make it lay flat.

His words sounded smug to her. But she wasnt one to point that out. She simply gave him an answer she hoped appeared his ego and him. "Y-yes master." she was hushed in her voice and kept partially submitted to him.


Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.


09-08-2018, 08:22 AM

He watched her as she immediately lowered her head and cowered before him. Although Legion wasn't the type to work hard for anything really, he liked a bit more of a challenge when it came to the one thing he cared about in this life- women. Her words made him grin as she called him Master, though it was more due to amusement than it was to her attempt to flatter him.

"Master?" He shrugged his shoulders lazily and scoffed some.

"If that's what you want. You do understand that I'm not a Zepar yet, and I'm not The Shepherd.. right? I am in no way your Master.." He tilted his head, honestly confused by her extreme show of submission though.. perhaps with all those scars, there was a reason. Not that he really cared what had happened, truth be told. Something about Tana just made him want to stop looking at her, it was a shame. She might have been cute before all.. this.

"In fact, because you girls can't feed yourself very well- I'm the slave here. Slaving around finding food for you Lambs day in and day out, while you get to sit and do your thing." He was having fun now, grin on his face as he stood up again finally and looked toward the den.

"I know you have some pretty painful wounds on your paws, but you need to get yourself back to the den and get some rest or pretty soon all of your feet are going to look like this little stub here." He reached forward while he spoke, attempting to nudge her thigh above her amputated leg hard enough to possibly move to fall a bit if she wasn't expecting it.

"What are you doing out here, anyway? Aren't you a little far from your den?" He said, his tone still playful.



4 Years
Extra small
09-08-2018, 08:50 AM

His scoff at being called master was something she hadn't anticipated. Nor was his question, nonetheless she gave a quick nod to answer it. She was stiff in the neck with it though, trying to keep the submission on her body. Which wasnt hard for her honestly. Submitting was like breathing for her. It was natural.

His complaints had her sinking lower. Used to complaints turning to teeth, she expected the worst. Though his second statement and the nudge of her stub had her falling into her side. She was quick to turn her head from him and give him her full submission. His threat to take her other paws was not shocking to her. Cruelty was the way of the world but he had her shaking at least. She kept silent though. No one would save her from his cruelty if that's what he wanted to do. The shepherd had disappeared and the Apollyon was not one she wished to find them. His anger she wasnt sure she could handle. Besides he was a prince even if he had no real rank yet, so it would not be uncommon for her to know he would use that and say she had provoked him.

His next question landed her in a predicament. Answer and risk his ire or dont and just head for the den? But slaves were to answer what they were asked. "I wanted to get lady Zuriel a gift of herbs. She may need them when winter comes." she barely whispered it to him. She could get up and try to run from him, but she wouldn't get away she knew. She had felt his muscles and body against hers already. She offered her forepaws the only protection she could and tucked them against her exposed chest though she wouldn't fight him if he wanted them.


Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.


09-08-2018, 09:44 AM

She stumbled but kept her balance and continued to show her submission, only now she was shaking to go with her cowering. This was a pitiful sight and Legion couldn't help but wonder why at all his father would keep a wolf so pathetic on their pack lands. Was she even a wolf? What purpose did she serve?

Then, she mentioned trying to get herbs and it all made sense to him. She was a healer, though... not a very good one if she tumbles down a mountain trying to find herbs and lets herself become full of infection.

"But, it's the beginning of summer..." Ignorant, perhaps.. but he wasn't sure why she was preparing for something that was half a year away. He flicked an ear, dismissing her wishes right then.

"Just get back to the den, I don't have time for this. I'll look for The Demon Mother and see if she has any herbs for you." He'd tried to have some fun with Tana, but this girl was far too gone. He likely had no real intentions behind his promise, either.. but he would say whatever it took to get the Lamb to go back to her den.



4 Years
Extra small
09-08-2018, 10:33 AM

It was obvious to her she had done something wrong to earn his ire, if his silence was anything to go by. Her ears pinned as far as the stumps would go back into her nape. Would he scar her more? Would he RIP the penance from her flesh? After all she had now made him go out of his way to recollect her. Though staying in the den all day and night seemed like the opposite of what was expected of her. Unless it wasnt? She didnt know. Should she ask to gain clarity on the subject? No it might rile whoever she did ask.

He then spoke up, claiming that since it was the middle of the summer they didnt need herbs. Did he not know they only grew in spring and summer? That the chills of fall could kill the herbs that grew? She dared not speak it to him though.

His order landed her on her feet quickly and she turned, complying easily. Her hobbled pace set her in front of him though she dared turn her head back to whisper to him again. "It is fine, you have no time for such things. You needn't trouble yourself with my fate. Ego sum servus sed tantum, et non curant si aut ego me fallunt, mortua." she switched to latin easily. Knowing that as one of royal blood he must know the language. Then she was moving at her hobbled pace towards the lambs den. If he followed she would say nothing unless he spoke to her first. She for once didnt cowar though as she focused on the path ahead of her.


Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.