
[Kane]Pick up the pieces maybe?



4 Years
Extra small
08-30-2018, 11:49 AM
Location: the border of fenrirs maw and the stone steppe timed before the festival meeting(about 2 days before)

Her morning had lead her to the edge of the maw. Ahead the border smelled strongly, but she wouldn't dare cross it, even with the scent of herbs on the other side. She was here to get as much fresh air as possible. That and when she had her den in this area she had found a small stream that was pure, hard to find when the volcano polluted everything. She stopped at the stream, carefully sniffing the water before she lowered her head to drink. It was a ingrained in her to be cautious with everything she ate and drank. When she had had her full she lifted her head and moved closer to the border. She saw no reason it would hurt to walk the edge for a bit. The Apollyon had already been through here this morning by the scent of it.

There was chatter coming from the other side of the border which brought her to a stop. Whatever that was it wasnt bird or normal nature sounds that came from around here. She perked her ears and turned her head to the sounds. Whatever that was it was interesting.

It was sudden but she then had something barreling towards her, before launching and grabbing hold of her neck, causing her to backpedal. A set of wings and talons barely missed her nose in that moment. The thing clung to her neck and moved to the back of her neck in its clinging. "What are you? Get off." The thing was quiet as it watched the bird move off, then it quietly spoke. "Sorry about that, there was a hawk. Names Basil, and I am a spider monkey if you couldn't s.." he was cut off as he moved off her to the ground and looked up to her eyeless sockets.


Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.