
Lost Legends Seeking The Epic


07-13-2014, 06:09 PM
Even Gossamir couldn't shift the worry away anymore. It had been too long since he saw her... and his worry grew like a festering beast inside of his mind. The promotion he received, well, it didn't even feel right upon his shoulders. Haruka... where was she? She... she couldn't be dead, could she? No... don't think that way! Ritsuka would growl at himself, shaking his head as he resumed a patrol along the borders. It held a duel purpose, really. He was also scouting for scents of the herds that lived within their territories. But... he was still distracted with thoughts of his sister.

As he reached the gorge Ritsuka would heave a sigh, coming to a stop. It was here, during the quake, that he lost some of the hearing in his one ear. He closed his eyes, whining softly. Things just... they just weren't right. Leaving Haruka when he was sure she would be okay was one thing... but now... he felt like a part of him was missing. The male would tilt his head back, howling, a long, sorrowful howl for his sister. He did not think she would answer... but he had to try. He couldn't give up... he just couldn't.




07-14-2014, 11:13 PM

She was hiding. Its all she could do, she needed to get away for awhile. Ritsuka blamed her for everything, she just knew it. How could he not? She had been unable to protect her family, and left her mother behind. She probably had had her pups by now, and the petite girl wondered what they looked like. Would they even look the same as her and Ristuka? Not like they were that alike either... They were like night and day when compared side by side, they didn't look like they were siblings at all.

A familiar call rang out, and she flinched at the sadness in his song. What reason did he have to be sorrowful? Unless... did he truly feel bad for her leaving? It couldn't be, she slipped away from Tortuga after awhile. It wasn't his fault, but she just couldn't handle the thought of him blaming her. But she was still drawn to it, she still deeply cared for her brother. So for whatever reason, she pulled herself out of the cave she had found, and walked ever so slowly towards Legend. She kept herself low to the ground, using her ability to hide within the shadows to pull herself close to the border of Tortuga. The scent of the pack was stale upon her own pelt, she had been gone for so long now. But was she still welcomed among their ranks? Would Roman even have her back? It all depended on how this interaction went.

Haruka made sure that she was downwind from her brother, easily hiding her small form within a bush. He gazed at her paler brother, her brown eyes softening as she gazed at him. He looked so sad, and it lightened her damp mood. At last she sighed, and pulled herself out of her hiding place and offered a small, tentative smile at Ritsuka. "You know I will come when you call." She said softly, her eyes moving down to her paws. Was he ashamed of her for leaving like she did? She was unsure, but Epic knew that she would find out pretty quickly.


07-22-2014, 04:08 PM
When she finally emerged it was a huge relief to him, as if the deepest, freshest breath had been breathed into his lungs. Such relief shown in his green orbs, and he would rise, looking at her as tears of happiness formed in his eyes. His sister, his beloved sister. He had worried for her so much... But seeing that she was safe... Unharmed... It eased so much of that worry off his shoulders. He would take a couple steps forward, gently nuzzling her shoulder. ?Oh Haruka... I?ve missed you so much... I... I was scared... Something happened to you.?

She did not smell of sickness... And looked well enough. Emerald eyes were questioning. She still smelled of Tortugan lands... But her main scent was covered... Faint. Had she been in hiding? But why? A whine would leave him as he tried to move his muzzle under her own, trying to lift it so that he could look into her eyes.

?Why did you disappear? Do you have any idea how much I thought of you? Wondering if you were okay... If you caught the illness... Died... If you were taken...? She was so small... If a good sized brute dared to come her way he might be able to over power her. But at least she was here. She was safe.
