
Scratch. Bite. Choke. Scream.


07-13-2014, 02:06 PM

Something had stirred within her. A desire to wander away, to search. For what she didn't know... but there was a restlessness in her spirit, a fire in her blood that would not calm. Akemi had started to move around Alacritia, family forgotten for the moment. She would pad through the mountain terrain, climbing what was known as Mount Volkan. Fate was what lead her here. The small woman's red orbs look around, searching for someone, something... There were the scents of a couple wolves here, but she paid little mind to them. Even the territory like markers. This land did not belong to a pack, and no wolf had the right to try and claim loner lands. Let some fool try and tell her otherwise.

talk, think


07-13-2014, 02:33 PM

The male had been watching her, this trespasser. She was a small woman, no, tiny to the massive male. Yet she moved so sure, so bold. It was actually rather sad to see. Not that Kau thought her insignificant, but in battle such a small woman could be overpowered, and not just by a wolf of his size. Heck, she may as well have been a fox. The male would drop from the rocky overhang where he watched her movement, landing before the woman and turning his light purple gaze towards her. He would raise a brow, tail and ears raised dominantly. What did he have to fear from such a little beast? But he would not chase her off yet. She would be given a warning, a chance to leave in peace. There was no reason to start bloodshed with no reason.

"Little woman, I am afraid that you must leave. These lands are for my dear friends to walk on, and, well, you are not one of them." He would speak in a serious tone, not exactly friendly, but not aggressive either. It was clear enough he would make her leave if she did not remove herself on her own.


07-30-2014, 04:34 PM

What right did he think he have to think that he could simply claim some land when he was no alpha? The woman would narrow her eyes, anger flashing within. He dared to deem himself more worthy than she? He had to be joking. The girl would lift her head high, rising her tail as she let out a sneer. "You mean you actually have friends with that sort of attitude? You're no alpha. You can't just deem these damn lands as your own." Her fangs flashed as she took a step back, letting out a snarl.

"Listen here you fucking mountain of a wolf. I don't give a shit who you are but you will not tell me where I can walk in rogue lands, got it?" Her ears were pinned back flat against her skull, eyes narrowed. Defenses were set automatically. Shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched, head aligned with her spine, knees bent, core tightened, tail tucked... all that fun fighting necessities. Then she moved, like a shot fired out of a cannon. Akemi moved right between his front legs, jaws opening as she aimed for that certain special area right between his back legs. She would not be controlled.

talk, think


08-12-2014, 06:31 PM

Heh, for such a little shit this bitch had balls. Her words stroked him, begged for him to remind the little beast of her place. Maybe he couldn't necessary claim these lands... yet. But he would be able to claim her, now wouldn't he? Break her body... break her very soul. Her fire was something he longed to put out. Let it be then. A snarl would rumble from the male, throwing defenses up, but the little fox-sized bitch was already making a bee-line between his legs.

Kau stumbled back, shifting his body to the left, luckily offsetting where that bite landed. His inner thigh, dangerously close to that oh so special part of a man, would erupt with fire upon being bitten. Lips would curl up in rage, acting on instinct. He let himself drop on her, the damned girl who stood up to an adult. Crush her. Break her. Oh she had started within a war... and there was going to be blood. Yes... there would be blood.


08-12-2014, 06:39 PM

Come at me bro...
The bite was successful enough, but the man was quick to retaliate. It was his size, his damned size that he was using to his advantage. It was the thing that he had over her certainly, as many did. The brown and tan coated femme would release, trying to find some root of escape. But now he was at an angle over her and his weight was coming down. It was like a full on body flop, pinning her beneath his form with her head trapped under his body. She began to struggle to move her legs, to get at him with her fangs, anything, but he had her pinned. DAMMIT!

Grumbling growls continued to roll from her chest. No, she was not done. Her body would slowly still, but it was all an act. She just wanted this Goliath off of her so that she could find her chance. Eyes would closed for the moment. This was far from over.

Akemi vs Kau
for Unofficial Maim

Round: --

Attack: --



[Image: akemi_bot_zpsa37091eb.jpg]


08-12-2014, 06:45 PM

Now there was the proper place for the bitch. Beneath him. Kau's muzzle would twist, purple gaze shining. There was some sort of anger boiling within his veins, a need to hurt and destroy something, someone that someone else loved. His own life... he had knew little of the word. What was love? He had been trained, drilled, to become an emperor, a fighter, a machine. That was all he would ever truly be, wasn't it? Something to deal death. Perhaps Avion was his soft side... that little bit of hope he had. But without the small male... where was his light in darkness?

Or was that light just a hallucination?

Kau would rise again, giving the female little time to move. A massive paw would press down upon her skull, though she seemed to be still. Kau was no fool... he'd seen this often enough. He'd press his claws down, eyes narrowed. Hell, he was barely bothering with defenses. He was confident. Perhaps overly confident in his skills to best this child. A grin would twist at his maw. "Scream. The word came out as a command. He wanted that satisfaction. To hear her beg for him to stop.


08-12-2014, 06:59 PM

Come at me bro...
So he would move. But perhaps a bit smarter than Akemi gave him credit for. Heh, at his size she would have thought him to be nothing but a bumbling idiot. But that wasn't the case, was it? He didn't give her enough time to rise, that or she simply didn't make her own move fast enough, and his massive paw would press down upon her head. His claws would press against the flesh above her right eye, drawing blood. Then came that command. Just hearing it... how he thought she would simply submit to him without a fight...

The girl would move, trying to slide from under his paw. Sure his claws would do their damage, but she wasn't exactly thinking of his position above her. The male would press down harder, and as she tried to pull away they would rack at the flesh, the last claw going right over that pretty little red orb on the right side of her face.

Pain. Loss of sight. Blood. It all happened instantly, a yelp leaving her. She would scramble to her paws, but only because he would let her. She'd turn to face him, blood and eye... juices... leaking from the right side of her face. Had the claw missed the orb the damage would have been much more minimal. Lips would lift, defenses set as she glared at him with the remaining orb.

"Fuck you." She spat.

Akemi vs Kau
for Unofficial Maim

Round: --

Attack: --



[Image: akemi_bot_zpsa37091eb.jpg]


08-12-2014, 07:07 PM

So she was faking, as suspect. Her own movements damned her, allowing his claw to slice into that delicate orb of her eye when she opened it. Just enough to get in there. Yet it wasn't enough was it? Seemed that the bitch still wanted more. Kau let out a dark laugh, lowering his head so that he was on level with her. "...and so she doesn't know when to quite, does she?" His words were an amused purr. But you know what they say.

Payback is a BITCH.

In his gloating he failed to remember that she was still more than capable of fighting. At least, until the femme lunged for his face. There was hellfire burning within her eye. A look that gave a single message; "Don't cry like a bitch when you feel the pain."


08-12-2014, 07:14 PM

Come at me bro...
NEVER give up.

This man was clearly a strong opponent, but Akemi wasn't going to just back down because of that. No. It would take much more than sheer size and power to do that. She was not beat yet. The fool would even take the time to mock her further, to lower his head and give her the opening she needed. Yes, payback was a bitch, wasn't it?

The girl would lunge, jaws clamping down on the man's own right eye. You know what they say right? An eye for an eye. Fangs sank down, tearing at flesh and organ alike before ripping back, landing awkwardly. She would hold the eye in her mouth, or what was left of it, and Akemi spat it at him. But things... were not yet over.

Akemi vs Kau
for Unofficial Maim

Round: --

Attack: --



[Image: akemi_bot_zpsa37091eb.jpg]


08-12-2014, 07:25 PM
{{Ooc:: Powerplaying Akemi to get this wrapped up faster, haha.}}

She dared. She DARED to retaliate? She would pull away, the blood flowing from his face, the pain rising where his eye once was. Yet Kau found nothing but sick amusement in this. He would let out a rumbling laugh, glancing down to the remains of his eye the woman spat out. Oh how rich this was. No, he would not kill her. Not now. He had other things in store for her now. Kau would rush forward, barreling into the female and knocking her to the ground.

She snapped at him, and a large paw would smash into her muzzle, firmly pressing it back onto the earth as the man once more placed his weight upon her. How she struggled, oh how she struggled. Her body writhed beneath him. Perhaps she saw his power. Or perhaps there was yet something he needed to do to break her. So. Be. It. He would lean in close to the struggling girl, her good eye focused up at him.

"I suppose you're not half bad looking, bitch. I've decided I'm going to let you live... and you'll be the vessel for my darling heirs. Bet you're so excited." She would snarl again, shifting her head enough to slide it, somehow, from under Kau's paw. Jaws would snap upon his ankle. But Kau had enough. His own fangs would slash merciless at her muzzle until she released him. Then his fangs would seek her throat. He would clamp down, though not hard enough to puncture anything. He was choking her. Making her pass out. Yes... she would see more of him.


08-12-2014, 07:34 PM

Come at me bro...
Once more she was overpowered,this male throwing her to the ground like some insolent child. How she damned her size. But she would keep struggling, struggling until the very end. She hated this... hated it all. Voices echoed in her head. How her height would make her useless. How she was powerless It was her pride, not her body, that suffered the true damage here. Up until now Akemi had overcome any challenge that she had faced. Yet here was this man... and he had forced her in this way. She was no longer listening to his words, gaining one last good bite around his ankle before he got her down again. Her muzzle was bleeding heavily, and the girl finally submitted. She gave in to the man, listening to his last words before his jaws closed around her throat.

Bastard children. She was not yet in heat... but she was aware of what the threat spoke of. He would find her. He would take her... force her. Akemi would squeeze her remaining eye closed. She could feel the air leaving her, getting hard to stay conscious. But she swore that before she died this man was going to pay. He would lay dead... by her jaws or those of her family. There was going to be retribution. No more thoughts would process for the young woman, however, as she slipped into the world of unconsciousness.

-Exit Akemi via passing out.-

Akemi vs Kau
for Unofficial Maim

Round: --

Attack: --



[Image: akemi_bot_zpsa37091eb.jpg]


08-12-2014, 07:41 PM

There, his little prize would slip into the realm of darkness and Kau would release his hold, looking down at her. He would rise, words continuing to come from his maw. "Now... I believe I must give you a suitable punishment for taking my eye, hmm? A new look to make sure no wolf ever looks at you in desire. You are mine." Kau's face would twist into a grin as fangs set to work again. They tore at her face, deep wounds to cause scars. But he avoided her other eye. No... he wanted to see her fear... her recognition of her weakness when he returned for her. Kau would not stop there either, tearing her ears to shreds before his final act would be removing her tail, dropping it across her body. He would look at the small girl once more, a wicked feeling surely rising in his heart.

"Sweet dreams love." He would mutter, that twisted smile finding its way to his face again before he turned, paws leading him away from her form.

-Exit Kau.-