
Caught A Baseball With My Face



5 Years

Pride - AsexualDouble MasterValentines 2020Trick 2019
09-16-2018, 07:01 PM

Cicadas hummed their melody as Aerndis journeyed farther south toward the great river that snaked it's way through the land. It was a good time to travel. The sun had almost set completely, it's hazy glow along the horizon lighting her way until the moon rose. She'd opted to settle in the south for the summer after meeting her grandfather Valentine. It felt good to have that family connection again even if she wasn't all that close to her father. However, the heat of the day did give her pause from time to time. She'd normally prefer to spend the summers up north but now that land was filled with memories of what should have been there. It just felt empty now.

She slipped through a grove of tall pine-like trees as she approached the river for a drink. It was indeed a vast and mighty river. Aerndis had just dipped her head for a drink when a chattering noise caught her attention. She looked up, wondering if there was something in the tree when a pine cone suddenly dislodged and hit her square in the face. "Gah!" With a yell she stumbled back and crashed right into the river. Coming up she spat out the water and glared up at the tree. Charming, just charming.

"Talk" "You" Think


09-18-2018, 08:52 AM

Aspen Wreckage

Aspen was both loving and hating the summer days, as they brought with them beautiful weather for vast amounts of traveling, but they also brought a muggy warmth that clung so tightly to the dark hairs along her frame. Sure, winter coat had finally shed the last remaining clumps from her scruff, but that didn't help the fact her pelt soaked up the sun rays like a camel in a desert oasis. That's why she spent most of her days lounging about in the shade of tall pines or weeping willows, but even that didn't help the lingering desire to cool herself in shimmering waters. It was that desire that drove her along the great turning river, finding traveling during the day was much more bearable if she was able to soak herself from time to time.

Charcoal paws traveled along the river bank when she heard commotion up ahead, followed by a loud splash. Interest peaking, the young woman snaked her way along the bank and through a few pine trees before she came to a halt. Arctic blue eyes found no one, but a lone pine cone sitting on the forest floor. It was a peculiar crime scene, but Aspen was positive she had heard someone nearby. Rustling from above caught her attention, and she turned just in time to see a few rowdy squirrels take off into the canopy. Odd, she thought to herself, wondering if she had simply made up the noise. That is until she remembered a splashing sound, which caused the raven girl to travel closer to the water's edge. Peering over the bank, she had solved her mystery.

A lone wolf sat in the water below, drenched from head to toe. She was beautiful; never before had Aspen laid eyes on such vibrant colors, except perhaps in the clouds of a sunset. A small grin formed on her lips, only assuming what scenario had lead the stranger to this scene. "Rather annoying little rodents squirrels are, wouldn't you agree?" She let herself chuckle for a moment before sitting down on her haunches. "At least it's a lovely day for a swim." Even tempting, as Aspen imagined the cool waters flowing over her body, cooling her body temperature to a more reasonable level.




5 Years

Pride - AsexualDouble MasterValentines 2020Trick 2019
09-28-2018, 07:39 PM

Aerndis shook out her coat, sending a spray of water into the air. She was just debating whether or not it was worth trying to get the squirrel when an unfamiliar voice called out to her. She turned to face a young woman with beautiful blue eyes. Aerndis grinned sheepishly. Of course, it was just her luck that someone was standing there to see her. How embarrassing! "Yea, they really are. I was just debating if it was worth trying to get at them." She gazed back up at the spot she'd thought the pinecone had fallen from but she didn't see any movement. The trees were silent now except for a light breeze tickling the trees and causing the needles to shiver. Where was the summer going in such a hurry? Even though it was balmy in the south she swore she could feel the shadow of autumn lurking just around the corner.

Aerndis turned back toward the woman and walked back up onto the shore, shaking the water off her hind legs one at a time. "Yes, I suppose it is a good day for a swim but I've still got a lot of exploring to do before nightfall. My name is Aerndis by the way. Who are you and what brings you to the Rio Grande?"

"Talk" "You" Think