
Cracks Begin to Show


3 Years
07-13-2014, 12:43 PM
He was at the very least an ally to Covari if not a member after Sibelle's invitation. And with that in mind (and Sibelle in mind) he would not stray too far from the pack's borders. The North had been his home for a long time now - but he had put finding his sister aside and left it behind. He had placed one of the only two wolves that he learned to care for to the back of his mind, but it was not enough to be here anymore. He was not sure whether she needed time, or whether he should be doing something, anything - to feel as close to her as he once was. She had grown in the months since the earthquake, and the nagging feeling that he should not have returned was heavy. The woman was all that he had here, but if she was finished with his company, he only wished that she would tell him that.

If she had not invited him to Covari, he would have assumed that he was wasting her time.

Thankfully, wandering loner lands was a good way to clear his head. To return to the neutral place that he had lived most of his life. In adulthood, he would realize that it was not completely neutral - it was the feeling of waiting, for someone, something, to show up or come back or call for him... but Aeron was patient if nothing else.

The place he found himself was eerily quiet, with the faint sound of water in the distance. Dark toes would lead him toward the middle of a stone structure, past the ivory trees and contrasting vines - and there he would find the source of the dripping he had heard. A pool of water, with a faint glow beneath the moonlight. He knew nothing of the rumors that surrounded this place, but the eerie calm did not make the pool one that he wanted to drink out of. But curiously, he would peek into the pool, and peek at his reflection.

Only to jump when he saw an ivory lupine gazing back at him.


07-13-2014, 01:26 PM

Nalyda slept, and it was not an easy choice to leave her side but Kar prayed she would be fine. He needed a walk... some time to clear the troubled thoughts that stirred within his mind. Two attacks now... one by that mountain lion and then by that rogue. The male felt as if the world was trying to work against him. But he wouldn't give up. He had wolves who were counting on him. Not just Nalyda, but Mako too, should their paths cross again. He was hoping and praying that they would. He wanted to ask Mako to move to the south with them... a circle of friends who would help each other out. He needed to speak to Nalyda of it as well, but due to recent events that had been pushed to the back again. Small wounds taken care of now he looked the same as always, save for that scar over his right eye. He just thanked the goddess Siri his eye had not been taken as well.

He would pad along, not realizing where he was truly going. He just knew he remained in the south. It wasn't until a scent, male, would fill his nose that Kar lifted his limegreen gaze. Fur bristled, ears flicking back, until he realized he wasn't as close to the densite as he thought. How long had been walking, consumed in his thoughts? He would say nothing at first however, watching the other, and surprised when the other reeled back all of a sudden. He would relax, reminding himself that this male had not shown any reason to be a threat, or earn anything but kindness from him. Kar would edge around the strangers left, speaking softly, and hoping to not startle him. "Is everything alright with you? You jump as if you've seen a ghost."

Speech, Thought