
When She Loved Me

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
09-21-2018, 08:18 PM

"We’re almost there, Mother."

Rhyme looked back sadly at the she wolf that stumbled along beside him. Blind with a silver muzzle and sloped back, Rhythm was a far cry from the beautiful creature she had once been. Life had taken a hard turn for her and her son, but now things would be well again. Rhyme felt himself smile as the once familiar scents of home filled his senses. He could see them doing his mother good as well, her lips turned up in a smile and he could see a slight spring in her step. So many years had passed since she smiled.

Not long after he and Rhys had turned a year old tragedy had struck. A band of wandering slave traders had come upon Rhythm and himself. Though they both considered themselves fighters with odds 5:1 they had no chance. Rhythm had been blinded in the experience, and once she had been forced to the ground Rhyme could no longer do anything. He was unable to even call out to his father or sister, knowing both would have given their lives to save the both of them. They were forced to travel far away from the place he had been born, used as labor to the rulers of the slavers.

Both wolves were riddled with neglect, Rhythm’s coat was no longer full and shiny, she was patchy and dull. Rhyme was no better off, but he was younger and recovered soon after they had made their escape. He still tried to decide how they had even pulled it off. He found himself looking over his shoulder every few miles, sure they had been followed. But now, as they approached the place where his life began he had hope.

The pack was gone, there was no more meticulously kept border. Rhyme felt a hole in his stomach as he realized his family was gone. He again looked to Rhythm’s once brilliant eyes, looking for reassurance that was not there. Their pace was already slow due to Rhythm’s uncertainty of her feet, but now that they crossed the old border Rhyme would slow down even further. He lifted his head to put his nose to the breeze, and hoped that it really was his father’s scent he recognized. His hope had been crushed so many times Rhyme didn’t even want to believe he could see his father again.

Rhythm stopped beside him, nuzzling her nose into his slate colored fur. Rhyme returned the affection, trying to be the strong one for his aged mother. "We’re here. We’re home now." He dared not think about the old den, about his beloved sister and their half siblings. About his aunt Motif and cousin Shaye. Were any of them still here? Still alive? He sucked in his breath, debating for one last moment if he would be let down again. Having nothing left to lose Rhyme finally tilted his head back, starting softly but building with confidence he let out a long sorrowful howl. Everything he’d lost, everything he still had, were to be heard in his sad song. He begged the universe to give him one thing, he wanted for Rhythm to see Valentine one last time at least. He had been studying with her when their ‘masters’ had given him the time, having worked his healing for them as well. Rhyme could tell her time was near, but she was home now. The familiar air seemed to give her strength, and Rhyme had hope she could hold on a little bit longer.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-21-2018, 08:42 PM (This post was last modified: 09-21-2018, 08:42 PM by Rhythm.)

Rhythm felt a jolt of pain rise in her with every step she took, and would lean on her son more often than she ever wished. Old age did not suit her very well. Being someone’s slave had done nothing to help the aging process either, and her longing for Valentine might have been the only reason for her to continue living. Rhyme could have escaped their captors years ago, but here he was. He had waited patiently for the moment he would be able to bring her back with him. She would never be able to tell him just how grateful she was.

Rhyme soothed her as they continued on, he sounded so sure that they had almost made it. Rhythm was sure that the air smelled fresher and cleaner here. She felt a strength return to her that she hadn’t felt in years. While she would never see her home again, she could feel the sun warmed blades of grass under her toes, and the freedom of the wind in her dulled fur. She knew they had made it home.

Rhyme assured her of their destination, and with a timid hope called for his sire. Rhythm felt the familiar ache in her heart. Her lips pulled up just shy of a smile as a tear rolled down her cheek. Hoping to see the one she loved the most might prove to be too much for her. If he wasn’t here.. if he had passed. She didn’t want to think of the possibility but if the pack was no longer here how could Valen?

Her soft voice joined with that of her son and savior. She had to stave off the reaper for just a bit longer. She knew he was searching for her, the pain in her bones was proof of that. Rhythm needed to soothe her heart before he could take her though. The hole where her heart had been at least, for that that part of her was and always would be with Valentine. The pain of missing him was worse than all of the punishments she had received from her captors over the years. She yearned for his presence, his gentle touch and affections. His love.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
09-24-2018, 09:31 PM

Since finding and (begrudgingly) taking in his grandson, Valentine's days had livened up. He was doing his best to raise him up right and undo the disservice that had been done to him by their mother and former pack. The boy, Jupiter, even though he tried to hide it, seemed open to learning about his family history and the ways that had at one point made Valentine one of the most successful wolves in Boreas. In time Valentine was certain he could mold him into a worthy successor. Some day he too might be King of the South.

Valentine was pulled from his thoughts by an unfamiliar howl. He froze, head cocked, as he tried to make sense of what he was hearing. Warily he followed the howl to it source - not much separated the howler from his current position - and when those two familiar forms came into sight, his heart nearly stopped.

In an instant it was up in his throat and trying to claw its way free. Was he losing his mind? Had he died? Could they possibly be real? There was only one way to find out.

Tentatively, his steps as hesitant and wary as if he were approaching a lion, Valentine made his way towards them. He couldn't believe his eyes and yet, there she was. She was grey and smaller than he remembered, but she was Rhythm. And was that Rhyme?

His brow wrinkled in confusion and his eyes grew moist as he tried in vain to fight the whirlwind of feelings that threatened to burst forth. For perhaps only the second time in his life, Valentine didn't know what to do. He reached out, his eyes on Rhythm and Rhythm alone, but couldn't bring himself to touch her for fear she'd disappear.

"Rhythm?" Finally he found the courage to reach out and touch her, to gently caress her cheek and feel the fine, silken strands that used to drive him crazy. She was real.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
09-25-2018, 09:01 AM
Rhyme's eyes sought the horizon as he finished his call, unsure what he might find. If anything. Years had passed since the pair of them stood here, all he had was hope that the one he summoned might appear. He wasn't sure if his mother could take more disappointment. He nuzzled her encouragingly as the moments ticked by, but as he started to lose hope a figure would appear. 

Just as strong looking as he remembered Rhyme's father stepped right out of his memories. Though older, like they all were, Valentine hasn't lost that innate strength he'd always carried. The man Rhyme looked up to from birth stood before them. The youngest of the trio lowered his ears at the approach, unable to stop his tail from wagging. Of course the patriarch had eyes only for his mother and Rhyme would step back a pace as the she wolf also moved to meet the larger man. 

He watched while his eyes grew misty, the one moment his mother had begged for. His lips curled up in a smile as even Rhyme felt whole again. "Father.." he didn't seek to pull their attentions away from each other but the word felt good on his tongue.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-25-2018, 09:31 AM
Rhythm leaned into her son's encouraging touch, she has tried not to lose hope the whole time they has been gone. She'd done her best to be strong for the younger wolf she could no longer call a boy. She couldn't remember when he had become the strong one instead of her. Rhythm had been as much support to her son as possible during their long trials, but before she knew it he was the one keeping her up. Even now she found his support, with out it she would have passes long ago. 

Of course she could not see the approach of the one they sought, but she did feel Rhyme as he stiffened. Peeking her ears up she listened as the sound of his still familiar gate reached her ears. She couldn't help but move forward, seeking out the presence of the one she craved the most. "Valen.." she whispered as he stopped, making sure the other was real. 


His voice was like the softest silk upon her ears, and suddenly his caress was there nuzzling into her cheek. Tears began to fall from her now clouded gaze, "Valen." She cried as she buried her features into his warm fur. She could do little else but push into him, afraid that at any moment he might disappear. "I..I.." Incoherent murmurs fell from her lips as she wept for joy. She felt complete again. 

OOC - sorry I can't reply in the c box but I love them so much! I missed this <3

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
09-26-2018, 11:43 AM

His son's voice, so different than the last time he heard it, briefly pulled Valentine's attention away from Rhythm. He couldn't believe they were both back. Valentine had searched for them for the better part of a year. He'd abandoned everything for them, neglected his other children, and in the end he'd given up hope. What else could he do? No trail could be found, all his leads dried up. He'd had no choice but to move on and try to let that wound heal.

A ghost of a grateful smile brightened his features as he gazed at his son and then, as Rhythm's struggling voice reached his ears, he buried his face in her scruff and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. He pulled her closer and in doing so felt a huge weight rise off his shoulders. Until now he hadn't realized just what he'd been missing. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again," he admitted, his voice laced with pain.

He had to know. There was no way she would have just up and left him. Left their daughter. Stolen his son. No way. So what had taken her away from him? "What happened?"


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
09-26-2018, 12:44 PM
Rhyme watched as his father enveloped his mother's frail form. He couldn't help the smile that broke out over his face, everything seemed right again. He seated himself a few paces away, wanting to give them space. Even if he had been blind he would have known Valentine was as greatful to see them as they were him. He sighed contentedly, but knew the question was coming. They owed him an explanation no matter how difficult it may have been to admit. 

Before his mother could try and regain her voice Rhyme stood up to tell their sad tail. "I failed you." he had been incredibly young and inexperienced but he still felt guilt at not being able to protect himself and his mother. He hadn't been the strong alpha that he strove to be, like his father had been. "Slavers. We were outnumbered," not that he felt that was an excuse. He hadnt been strong enough and he had paid a heavy price. "They took Mother's sight and threatened her life if I continued to fight or called for help." His words were strained through out the story, as well as the shame obvious on his voice. "We were bound with vines by primate companions, washed of our scents and carried off." He had no doubt both his father and sister had searched for them, the slavers has known it too and took great care with their new property. "Many atrocities were endured before we could escape. I might have returned sooner, but I couldn't leave with out her." he motioned towards the woman wrapped in Valentine's arms. 

Rhyme would elaborate if Valen asked more pressing questions, but even speaking about their ordeal as much as he had put a damper on the younger wolf. "What.." he started and faltered. "What of Rhys?" he missed his litter mate. He missed all of his siblings but he had been closest to the one he has been birthed with. 

Ooc- feel free to skip rhythm?



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
09-26-2018, 01:36 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2018, 02:55 PM by Valentine.)

Valentine's grip on Rhythm tightened as Rhyme told them of their ordeal. During his son's brief explanation Valentine's face was unreadable. Beneath that cool facade, though, brewed a storm. His mind was ablaze with horrid fantasies, of things done to his mate and his son. Of the pain they'd suffered. The fear. His heart began to beat hard against his chest again and his skin grew hot. Without realizing what he was doing, his grip on Rhythm was growing steadily tighter.

Finally he could take it no longer.

Valentine flung himself away from Rhythm as if she were on fire. His features contorted with crazed fury as his rage boiled over. He bellowed expletives and began to pace, huffing like a bull all the while. Were their captors before him, Valentine would have torn them apart.

He turned on his son in an instant, whipping around to fix him with an expression that made it clear there was no room for disagreement. His ears were flat against his head, his hackles raised, and his head was held low, his neck serpentine. Valentine's eyes, usually the palest of blues, were nearly black with adrenaline as the irises were little more than slivers of color at the edges. "TAKE ME TO THEM!" he roared. He would kill them all and bring home their heads.

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
09-26-2018, 02:10 PM
He wouldn't realize the change in his father until his last statement was cut off. The fire and fury that arouse within those dark eyes took Rhyme aback. His ears fell as he tried to keep eye contact with the enraged giant. He was sure such emotions had not welled up within his father for many a year. He stepped back slightly as he paced, ready to tear out the throats of those who dared to wrong him. He could hardly disagree with his father, no matter how foolish such an errand might be. 

"Father, please see reason.." he was cut off again with a roar, Valentine commanded he be taken where there captors lingered. "Mother would never be able to make it back," Nor did Rhyme wish to see the likes of them again. "We would be slaughtered if we returned." they had many disposable slaves to send at them before any of the real evil doers were set into the fray. "Only an army might deliver the vengeance we seek." Rhyme might have detested the thought of returning, but if he had a chance to taste their blood on his lips..

"Oh Mother!" He rushed to the old she wolf's side, her form collapsed in the dirt.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-26-2018, 02:18 PM
Rhythm lost herself in Valentine's presence, happiness bloomed in her breast as he held her right just like he used to do. Then Rhyme explained their disappearance. She could hear his heart rate increase and feel the tightening of his grasp, but she just held onto him tighter as well. Then he was gone. 

For a moment she panicked but could hear the steady stream of expletives that fell from his lips, she could hear the rage as he bellowed at Rhyme. She thought herself stronger now, but she wasn't. The trip had taken much of her strength and they had hardly eaten in their haste to escape. The excitement got to her and as she began to feel dizzy the ground would rush up to meet her. 

She hit the earth hard, biting her tongue and causing it to bleed. The wound was superficial but seemed to be bleeding an excessive amount. Her breathing grew heavier as Rhyme leapt to her side. 

"I'm fine, but in need of water.. And food." She mumbled over her injured tongue and she tried to scramble to her feet. "Valen.." she tried to secure him in her clouded gaze, "I've just gotten you back, I can't lose you again." she begged as her attempt to dissuade his passionate errand coiled with Rhyme's own logic. His vengeful reaction reminded her so much of their younger days, she wondered if he was still as difficult to persuade as he used to be.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
09-26-2018, 02:51 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2018, 04:47 PM by Valentine.)

Valentine would not be so easily convinced. He was beyond reason and all he saw was his son standing in his way, trying to keep him from giving him the vengeance he and his mother deserved. "THEN WHY THE FUCK WOULD WE TAKE HER!" he roared. It was a mission to kill. They would only take killers, not a frail old lady. That goddamn pack Abaven was still - more or less - kicking. She could stay with whatever mousey Destructions still called it home until they returned.

All teeth and wild eyes now, he bellowed, "THEN I WILL AMASS AN ARMY!" Already a plan was forming. Many of his children and grandchildren still called this land home. The easiest to rally would be Jupiter, who stayed close by most days, but he knew Chaos was around somewhere and Angelus was up north. The last he'd seen of Rhys she was in Auster, and if he had to he'd search the whole continent for her. Evangeline, surely, was reachable. Then there were mercenaries. He could find others who had no qualms with killing. He would give them anything for the chance to get revenge.

Because the boy held the information he wanted, Valentine only had eyes for Rhyme, so his sudden cry thoroughly confused the old man. He was slow to change gears, but when he did, concerned overtook his rage and he quickly turned and raced back to Rhythm.

He curled around her and pushed his head under her chin so that her head was cradled by his neck. The fight was not over, he wouldn't - couldn't - give it up, but for now he would let it rest. Later, he promised himself, when Rhythm was sleeping, he'd corner his son and wring the directions out of him if he had to. "You won't lose me," he promised. "Have you ever known me to lose a fight?"

To his son, he said, "There is a deer by the tractor - do you remember where it is?"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
09-26-2018, 03:09 PM
Rhyme couldn't escape his father's gaze, and though he too sought revenge he was not so eager to return. Rhyme had years to come to terms with his capture, Valentine had only known for a few moments. He took the verbal beating like a champ though, having endured much worse from much worse wolves. He was amazed at his father's passion and energy for one who had reached his advanced years. Rhyme had no doubt that his father meant every word he said, surely there were still allows lingering at every corner. He began to believe they might procure said army with less trouble than he might have thought. At least he had convinced the enraged former King to not go on his own. He also knew he would not be able to keep the information he sought to himself for very long. 

Valentine became just as concerned for Rhythm as Rhyme was, and was soon at her side. His words subdued slightly as he comforted her. He had a kill near by, and Rhyme nodded, gone before he'd finished to fetch the sustenance his mother needed. "I'll be right back." he leapt away, amazed that his paws still knew they way all these years later.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-26-2018, 03:19 PM
Rhythm felt Valentine curl around her and she ceased to struggle to get up. While he had expressed his rage fully to their son he was nothing but sweet to her as he reassured he worries. He was right too, she didn't remember his losing a single fight in the time she had known him. 

The bleeding of her tongue slowed as she took control of her breathing. She stifled a giggle at her self inflicted wound, now was not the time or place. Rhyme was quick to follow his father's directions. Soon she would have food in her belly again and begin to regain the strength it had taken to even make it this far. She nuzzled into Valentine's fur, still having trouble believing they had made it back and he had been here waiting on them. 

"I could always count on you." she whispered as the corners of her lips pulled up into a smile. "Now that you have our tale.. Does our daughter live?" the loss of Rhys had caused her much heartache over the years. Knowing she had left her daughter with out a mother..

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
09-26-2018, 05:01 PM

In seconds Rhyme was gone and the pair were alone. Valentine was still angry - little would quell it besides what he craved most - but for Rhythm's sake he would behave. Time had not been kind to her and he was afraid of what another outburst would do to her. Age hadn't tamed him, though, and it took everything he had to remain still. Had she been anyone else he may not have been able to, but because it was Rhythm, because so much time had passed since he last held her, Valentine was quiet.

He sighed, the gesture more to get himself to relax than a show of vexation. "Yes. She was well the last time I saw her." His thoughts went to his youngest daughter and the memories they shared in Auster. She'd reminded him of himself. He remembered that clear as day. Valentine chuckled, then said, "And as wild and stubborn as she was as a child."


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-26-2018, 05:24 PM
He seemed to calm on slightly, and she knew now more than ever, he would not be quelled by anything but blood. Even with her good nature she has to admit to herself that she would like nothing else than to have that revenge met out for her. Not that she wanted Valentine himself to do the deed, she was selfish and wanted him beside her. She knew she wouldn't be able to keep him at her side though. He was just as wild as he'd been when she had been taken. 

Able to distract him for a few moments while Rhyme was on his errand she was given the information she craved so much. The news made her heart light, happy to hear the spirited girl hasn't lost any of her fight after the loss of her mother and brother. Valentine even offered a chuckle that Rhythm couldn't help but join. "Just like her father." she nudged at his neck affectionately as Rhyme returned. He offered the food to her, not even making her move for sustenance. "Thank you, Rhyme."

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
09-26-2018, 05:37 PM
Rhyme made his way to the tractor like he has never left. The carcass was right where his father said it remained. He was quick to grab a rear leg, working it off the pelvis to carry more easily. He made quick work of the haunch, taking it in his jaws he hurried back to where his parents lay. His mind fluttered hesitantly towards the future and what their next step would be. 

Of course he knew Valentine was serious about gathering an army, and Rhyme debated only a moment if he might join such a force. To see his father in his element, leading those wolves that would heed his call. Rhyme's mind was made up in an instant. 

He slowed slightly when he was within their presence once again, offering the torn limb to his mother gently. She wouldn't even have to lift herself from the earth or disturb his father's embrace. "Anything for you." as she ate Rhyme looked back to his father. "You're serious about forming an army." he said it as a statement, but also implied he would be a soldier within the ranks.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
09-28-2018, 02:49 PM

Rhyme came back in no time at all and once he'd delivered the food to his mother, turned to his father with a question. The query caused Valentine's hackles to rise and his mouth to water in anticipation, although he stayed riveted to his mate's side. He was unwilling to give up his spot and was rather enjoying holding Rhythm again, but Rhyme now had his attention.

Valentine was dead serious. Chaos, his kids, Angelus, his kids and Ashmedai were all within coercing distance. Rhys and Evangeline would take some effort to find, but he was confident that, given their strong personalities, it would be easy to find them by the trails they blazed. "Of course," he growled in a low voice to avoid setting Rhythm off again.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
10-03-2018, 12:24 PM
He had half hoped his father might explain his plans to him, however he only produced another couple of words. He saw the way the big wolf surrounded his mother, and thought again about returning to the subject. He nodded solemnly instead. When Rhythm dropped back into sleep Rhyme could pick up where they left off. While he worried about his father's age an what would happen if he lost his life in the fray Rhyme also knew that would be the King's wish to end while he fought for revenge. Still, he detested the thought of Rhythm losing him again so quickly.

He watched for a moment in silence as the old she wolf delicately consumed her meal. Rhyme felt more complete now than he had in years, he only wished Rhys might have been there too. "Do you see much of.. My other siblings?" he felt awkward bringing up the past, though he wished desperately to be told of what he had missed. He was sure the news of what happened to the pack would only break his heart. Valentine wouldn't have voluntarily allowed Imperium to disappear. Surely if he had not been taken it might still stand today. Had their disappearance been the cause of the Empire's demise? He tried not to think it so.

O.o.c.- go ahead and skip rhythm <3



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-06-2018, 09:37 PM

Valentine was content - for the moment - to let Rhythm eat and to let nothing but her presence register. For reasons he couldn't quite place he was beginning to feel claustrophobic.  It was an odd, misplaced feeling given that they were currently surrounded by wide open space...and yet...

His chest was getting tighter. Feinting calm, he glanced around in the hopes of figuring out what was wrong. Because something was wrong. He just couldn't put his paw on it.

Rhyme's voice brought him back to the present. Still feeling off, he glanced at his son and then licked his lips as he tried to get a grip. "Some more than others. Angelus visits from time to time. Chaos and his brats are camped out in the Knolls. I haven't seen Evangeline in quite some time. Seraphim either. I did see Ashmedai a few seasons ago and Rhys...I think it's been about a year. As far as I know she still lives in Auster." Thinking of his kids gave his mind something to do so Valentine focused on them. "I guess I blew the surprise, huh? You're an uncle. Angel and Chaos both have kids."


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.