
Haven't forgotten who we are

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
09-27-2018, 12:14 AM

Once there had been many Destructions that walked the lands of Boreas. There had been her mother, her Uncles and Aunties and cousin, some well known to her, and others distant. They weren’t the only Destructions around of course. Every now and then she would catch wind of some long distant cousin, or other extended family. Now, it seemed harder to catch sight of any few that still remained.

Family would be on her mind as she made her way to Sunset falls. Once upon a time, her family had held a pack here, one she hadn’t thought about in a long time. Threar had fallen when she was very young, and she had never set paw in its territory.

Still, curiosity pushed her forward. As she walked past a small waterfall, she considered her past. She remembered a time, very long ago, when Bass had called a meeting, hungry for revenge against the pack that had taken down Threar. Perhaps there was one of the biggest turning points in the Destruction history. A lot of Destructions had vanished after the loss of that pack. Bass was another turning point, with his disappearance, even more of their family had left the lands. She was deep in thought at this point, dipping a paw into the cool water of the stream, letting her eyes wander over the falls, and the surrounding woods. The past could be a complicated thing.



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