
On my father's wings!



1 Year
09-27-2018, 09:21 AM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2018, 09:50 AM by Chael.)
The delta had been pretty cool, but after a couple of nights spent there and getting her bearings on the new world she had come to, Chael was ready to see more of what this place had to offer. Deciding to head northwest, Chael followed one of the rivers upstream, the effect of which had her feeling like she was barely walking. The river rushed passed her going downstream, while she walked in the opposite direction, making her feel as though she was making no progress. She would have been extremely frustrated, if not for the changes in the ground which told her it was only an illusion. Smiling to herself, Chael holds her head a little higher as she carried herself along the riverbank. Her cinnamon-tipped tail flew in a prideful, banner-like fashion above her hips as she trotted along, her alabaster pelt absolutely gleaming in the early afternoon sun thanks to this morning's bath.

Her proud gait helped to eat up the few miles she felt like roaming, finding a nice burn in her muscles and realizing it meant she was now traveling up a gentle slope. It did not take long for the princess to know where she would be stopping for the day. She could hear the sound of a waterfall in the near distance, and this encouraged her to move a bit faster, it had been so long since she had seen a waterfall! When she arrived at the river's starting point, she was shocked to say the least. Sparkling in the midday sun, a heavenly staircase of pools was fed from a broken series of waterfalls, all of them feeding and overflowing the shallow pools that lined the slope. It was absolutely stunning to behold, like a heavenly portal to angelic baths. Songbirds made their presence known after they realized that Chael was no real threat to them, and frogs sang their songs in time with the crickets and cicadas. The only real problem she saw with the area was the mosquitos, but her pelt was thick enough to deal with that.

Now she only needed someone to explore with, while she enjoyed her company, she really enjoyed when others could bask in her glory as well! What a splendid backdrop for an angel to meet the rabble! She just needed a native to come along and tell her what this place was called, to help her get the lay of this area. She wanted to know the falls' secrets and mysteries. Chael had to. It was a perfect candidate for a home base, because of the water, there would be plenty of prey and they wouldn't really have to worry about drought either. There had to be a flaw somewhere, there always was.

For Navigation points!
Action. "Talking." "You."



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
10-13-2018, 10:01 PM
Corvus wasn't quite sure why he'd left Abaven's lands. With everything going on lately, he was beginning to feel weirdly trapped here. There was a new leader, which should've been a good thing since Shaye was family, but his aunt Sparrow was still dead and his mom was still sick. As far as the yearling was concerned, everything still kind of sucked, and spending some time away from home sounded like a welcome distraction. Slowly he left that familiar terrain and headed south, away from the vast rapids that wound their way through Abaven's lands like a scar.

His own posture was quite dejected as he padded along, grateful for the solitude as he traveled into unknown lands. He'd let his thoughts slowly slip away from him, distracting himself with the unfamiliar terrain. Before long he spotted a waterfall in the distance - or, rather, heard it first - and he headed toward it with interest. Perhaps it might make a decent spot to stop and rest before he decided where he was going next. Hell, maybe he'd turn right around and go back home; he really had no idea what the day had in store for him.

Corvus heaved a soft sigh as he veered closer to the waterfall. It really was a lovely sight, he could recognize that, but his mind was elsewhere - and before he really got a chance to study the way the water was sent cascading down the rocks, he spotted a stranger lingering near the edge of the falls. He wrinkled his nose as he drew closer, eyeing the white-furred stranger with curiosity. Instead of greeting her, instead he merely continued forward, loping to sit beside the falls and stare at his own reflection sullenly.



1 Year
10-20-2018, 08:00 PM
Chael was taken by the little fish that swam in the pools beneath the waterfall, their bright colors keeping her attention until something big and brown moved in her peripheral. Her cinnamon masked face was instantly drawn to the earthen male as he walked in a dejected manner toward the falls, causing Chael to til her head and wonder about him. Did he see me? She asked herself, instantly dismissing the doubt that a pelt like hers could hardly be missed. He didn't seem like he wanted company, but something in the stranger's posture said he needed someone to talk to. It wasn't her business to pry, but damn if she couldn't just turn and leave.

Huffing under her breath, Chael moved over toward the male and stopped a respectful distance away. The angelic woman wasn't quite sure what to say, though she figured she could start with the scenery. "This place is beautiful, have you any idea what it's called?" She led her conversation with typical tourist questions, hoping to at least open some dialogue with him. Normally, her glorious back would have been turned and she wouldn't have cared less, there was such a deep sadness about the stranger, Chael wanted to at least make sure he wasn't truly alone. With the waterfall crashing gently into the shallow pools, the angel moved toward the edge of the water to resume watching the fish as she waited for a response. Suddenly, she was more interested in helping than exploring.

Action. "Talking." "You."

Chael Anjelico



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
10-23-2018, 10:21 AM
This place was far more peaceful than the dangerous rapids of his homelands. He'd never really been much of a swimmer, and perhaps that was why, because his dad always told him to not go swimming in there - but this place seemed much calmer and more appealing. For a long moment he considered diving into the gentle waters, his sea-green gaze briefly lifting to inspect the jagged rocks and the way the water tumbled over them with ease. Though he'd seen the female nearby, he'd deciding ignoring her was the best course of action thus far.

Not... that she'd let him for long. His attention, which had been fixed on the rippling water and trying to see beneath the surface. The endeavor was short lived, as before long he heard the shuffling of paws that told him the female was approaching, as well as her voice - clearly feminine and youthful, cutting through the relative silence. She asked a question, and he replied at first with nothing but a slow shrug. He hadn't explored many places outside of Abaven's lands, and really had no idea what any of them were called.

"No idea," he added somberly, almost as an afterthought, figuring it'd probably be rude to just sit here silently and ignore her. "You from around here or somethin'?" His gaze had strayed back to the majestic falls for a moment before landing on her again, his head twisting to look at her more properly now. She was pretty, he wouldn't deny that, but somehow even the sudden arrival of a pretty girl couldn't even brighten his dreary mood.



1 Year
10-25-2018, 06:59 AM
His attitude toward her approach had confirmed that he wasn't really wanting company, but Chael knew she could brighten his day. After her lilting voice rang out, he remained still aside from a slow shrug. For a moment, Chael considered the male to be highly rude and she almost left then and there. Then, she remembered not long ago when she had acted in much the same manner toward everyone she knew and didn't know. The sullenness of the male made her wonder what happened to make him so sad, but she knew better than to ask outright. That wasn't a first conversation topic, Chael was raised to be a queen, as such she knew better than to bring up personal business until a friendship of sorts had been made.

A few seconds later, the stranger replied with speech rather than a simple shrug. Chael found herself laughing mentally as she had pegged him for a mute at first. "I am not from around here. I came from far away. Are you from around here?" She replied with a sweet accent adorning her words, just trying to keep the conversation going. There was a need to distract him from whatever seemed to weigh him down so bad, no matter how hard the task proved to be. It would be bad karma if she left him in such a sad state, Chael would never want someone to ignore her. Maybe it was his eyes or his attitude in general that made her feel this way, she couldn't be completely sure.

Action. "Talking." "You."

Chael Anjelico



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
11-12-2018, 07:29 AM

Corvus hadn't meant to be rude, not at all, but his dejected mood didn't give way to much friendliness. He'd been cursed with his father's slightly blunt nature, his awkwardness easily misconstrued as disinterest - and his lack of interaction with wolves outside of his family didn't exactly help matters either. It wasn't that he didn't want company, but he simply wasn't quite sure how to take it. Staying lost in his own thoughts was an easier alternative, and it took him a long while to come back to reality and glance toward the approaching female. She seemed receptive to him, even given his sullen attitude, and he decided maybe today wouldn't end up being so awful after all. Maybe he needed to leave Abaven's lands more often? It was an appealing thought, but perhaps a selfish one given the state of his mom, as well as all the changes going on in Abaven currently.

Corvus sighed quietly, his ears flicking as she spoke. Her voice was sweeter, sweeter than he'd expected, and he found himself momentarily entranced with her. "I'm from.. not so far away," he admitted, his words accompanied by another slow shrug. "Just due north of here, actually. Was just trying to get away from things for awhile." Would she understand? Maybe, maybe not. Either way, it didn't feel right unburdening his problems on a stranger, especially not such a pretty one. "I'm Corvus, by the way," he added as an afterthought, dipping his head her direction, now properly focused on her instead of the falls.



1 Year
11-17-2018, 12:01 AM
She smiled as he looked her way, blue opalescent eyes giving him a sympathetic glance over. She could see when a wolf was troubled by things, it was like a gift of hers - just one of many. Chael moved forward a bit so she could hear him better, that way she wouldn't have to fight the sound of the falls over his voice. She grew excited as he said he was a local, the thought that he might not know the lands around him hadn't occurred to her. Chael usually made sure to become very acquainted with the terrain around herself, not ever wanting to be lost in unfamiliar territory. When the male introduced himself as Corvus, Chael dipped her head with a kind smile. "I am called Chael, do you know where we are? I am afraid I don't know the landmarks around here." He had become uncomfortable with the reason he was here, and she decided to skip over that tidbit for now. She wanted to learn more about this wonderful place she had come to! Looking over at the shimmering waterfalls, Chael couldn't help but wonder what the locals called this place. The grass swayed on a gentle breeze and as Chael looked back to Corvus, she hoped he could tell her more.

OOC: Sorry it's so horrid :(



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
11-23-2018, 04:59 PM

Corvus didn't move away when Chael moved closer, aware that the roar of the falls was quite loud. He wasn't sure whether he should be completely pleased with her company or not, though he knew he needed to branch out outside of Abaven and his family. He was just in a rather foul mood, and nothing could magically fix it, even a pretty girl.. but the distraction actually wasn't such a bad thing. She wasn't even asking him why he was in such a downtrodden mood, instead introducing herself and asking if he knew where they were.

Corvus nodded slowly. "My name's Corvus, and... I sorta know? At least... in relation to the places I do know," he admitted, somewhat sheepishly. He supposed it didn't matter much if he knew where he was in relation to Abaven's lands if she didn't know where those where. The realization of how little of the world he'd seen suddenly washed over him, and he glanced away from Chael for a moment. "My pack lands are just north of here. We inhabit the plains and the thicket, and part of the rapids that separate the two," he explained carefully. "Which direction did you come from?"