


07-12-2014, 11:23 PM

She stood as still as a statue. Nose nearly touched the ground, her expression weary. What was she going to do? She needed to get away for a bit. But could she leave? Maybe a short trip would be good. Despite all the questions, her mind was depressingly silent. A sigh would heave her russet sides. Slowly her crown would lift, but only until it was level with her spine. Her gaze would focus outside the border, wondering what could be out there. Perhaps there was something more, somewhere else. A single paw would lift, pulling her closer to the border. Could she do it? Could she leave? Her movements would halt, hesitation evident in her posture.

The ground gave away beneath her feet as her world came tumbling down around her. Aeron had left and returned. Taurig left and returned, and left again. Her own brother had left. She had far too much self esteem to know it was her fault. But now, she had a serious dent in her self esteem. Was she not good enough? Was she lacking in something? Eyes slide close, a single tear rolling down her cheek. She would give herself a hard shake, hoping that she could somehow shake herself free of the pain and confusion she felt. His familiar cologne would fill her nose, causing the russet woman to freeze, muscles tensing beneath her pelt. She would not turn and look at him, she wouldn't even acknowledge his presence in that moment.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
07-12-2014, 11:49 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2014, 06:18 PM by Crucifix.)

He wasn't finding the right words, he knew he wasn't. There was so etching that he needed to say, something that would carve sense through their confused sadness but he could not find the words and all his attempts where failing. This became more clearly so when Sib would turn and it was clear she intended to leave. The bit would cast one look up at vi, with an expression if dismay and caution, dismay for the hurt he seemed to constantly be causing and caution for any retaliation vi might give, if she might carve out his heart in penance for his sins.

He would allow himself only that one look before he would turn to follow - she may want to be alone and may sent him on his way but for as long as she allowed he would try to find a way to ease her hurt. He lowered his head and his eyes and followed her from the meeting

After meeting:

He would find her standing in solumn silence at their borders with her eyes cast outwards as through already she could imagine crossing its line and racing away into the expanse of the world, never to be seen again. His hear would tighten in his chest and his breath would tumble free from his lips in a silent gasp as he watched herm the idea of losing this friend horrified him and he took another step closer, abide wearily as through approching one poised on a cliff with the intention of tumbling to freedom and death.

She would fall to the ground and the soft taste of salt would touch him fron the essence of her tear. Silently he would sweep paws across the earth until he was beside her and would gently lower his whole body to the earth. If she woukd stand before him vulnerable in her sadness then he too would show no walls. "Is it just I that you would flee? Because I would rather leave myself then tear your from this home" his voice was soft, but this time he would not allow himself the peace of closing his eyes. "I know I have wronged you, and her and been too blind to see or admit it. I've been selfishly wrapped about my own emotions to see it, but I can't lose you because of my folly. I can't. I need you sibelle, my friend who's strengths and pride and beauty I admire. You look out across the border like you might need and perhaps thats the shock I need to wake me. I would rather you carve your pain in my flesh then bare it in your heart any longer. I want to fix this" and so hos long speech would end and his mouth would fall closed. He too looked out across the expanse before them. He didnt think he had ever given a longer speech in his life, but now he wohld say no more unless she wished it.



07-13-2014, 12:39 AM

He would come to her side, crumbling beside her. His words would quietly assault her, but they weren't enough to pull her gaze towards him. "I need you." No. Her gaze remained fixated ahead, refusing to believe. "I want to fix this." Not possible. She couldn't be helped, not anymore. "Why should I release you from you guilt by merely leaving you a scar?" Words were monotonous, unfeeling. Her verdant gaze would finally drift towards him, though vibrant orbs were dulled by a lack of emotion. She would fall silent for a moment.

"You are merely the icing on the cake." The fallen queen would murmur softly, referring back to his very first question. One thing after another and she was done. She was tired. For all she knew, his claims of needing her were simply his attempts at making amends. She would move away from, limbs heavy and slow. She would begin to pace back and forth, not going more than a few feet from him, paws dragging, though her steps hurried and flustered. Why was this happening to her? What had she done to deserve such a thing? She wasn't good enough. He wanted Vi and only Vi, she would never be good enough for him. Pitiful realization settled heavily in her stomach, nearly making her sick.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
07-13-2014, 02:04 AM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2014, 06:27 PM by Crucifix.)

His breath would come out in a sigh at her words, at the disbelief that he could mean what he could say, that she could not release him so easily. The coldness in her eyes when at last they met with him would chill him to the bone. He had adored the life he had seen in Sib, her gentleness and her fire that had burned together. There wasn't a single trace of either now and the boy cowered a little further inside his skin at the thoughts that this could be his doing. But her words would contradict his thought as she told him he was mearly the icing on the cake. He wasn't entirely certain this was true, he had seen the depths of her emotion when he has spoken, and now the void of them. No matter the truth, he felt certain he was the push that had sent her tumbling off the edge.

She would rise and pace back and forth, back and forth on unsure paws, he would watch her steps for a moment, mesmerised before closing his eyelids and groaning, a soft sound of pain that hissed from between his teeth as he collapsed his head to his paws in defeat. ?Then, I think, I have no words to make this right or to prove how badly I wish to make this right.? He kept his eyes closed and his head to his paws. ?All I have left is action, I would go from here, if it would help you find peace, I would leave this land i've called home, and would give you the right to call for me if ever you need me ? for my tooth and claws, or for my presence, for a shoulder to lean on, for anything. I would go from your sights until you had called for me, if that could do anything to help make this right? He would fall silent, his body tensed as he waited for her verdict.


07-15-2014, 06:46 PM

He had fallen silent for a few moments before a groan had tattered ears twitching. Her pacing would pause to look at him briefly and before she could resume, he would speak. Was this goodbye? His eyes were closed and his rested on his paws as he spoke, unable to look at her. She would approach silently, closing the distance until she towered over his lowered forward. Verdant gaze would travel down her nose as she peered down at him through slightly narrowed eyes. No matter how hurt or angry she was with him, she would always crave him. There was no explaining it, but he pulled her in close with his mere presence, ignited a fire inside her that she couldn't ever ignore. And it had all started when they first met, total strangers caught up in each others lust and passion. A hungry growl rolled off her tongue, lips lifting only fractionally though her posture was far from threatening. They were entirely alone, free from prying eyes and judgmental stares. Thick plume lashed behind her.

Eyes darkened with devilish intent, mixing with her anger. The only question was whether or not he would rise tot he occasion or turn her away again. Claws kneaded the ground impatiently. "You aren't going anywhere." Words dripped like honey from scarred lips, lyrics husky with anger and need. Emotions churned in her belly, muscles tense with anticipation. She would steal herself for the worse, putting walls to protect herself, her weight would rock back onto hind legs, she should go, she should return to the meeting, to Ekko, but she couldn't. She found herself rooted in place, her gaze locked on Crucifix.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
07-15-2014, 06:59 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2014, 06:59 PM by Crucifix.)

The growl that escaped from Sibelle would surprise the boy and one eye would pry slowly open. He hadn't excepted her to be so close, but nor had he expected what he heard within that sound, he could almost swear there was lust within her growl and his eyes upon her face saw a whole different threat there, it was one that demanded to be sated and not with blood but with body heat.

Her words where an echo of her posture and the undercurrent of all that her body wanted and he knew that for a fact he wouldn't be going anywhere, he was trapped here with a hungry beauty before him. He eyed her for a moment, struggling free of the coat of sadness he had worn. This was her telling him to accept her, that only acceptance could fix this. He took her in and wondered at himself, that he did indeed want her in return. There would be no reminders of Vi in her now, Sibelle was wholly herself and her coat was her own shade and her fire was her own.

The boy would rise now, slowly, not with caution but with play as he found himself on his paws and his tail lashing gently to and fro as he side stepped around her purely glowing form. To hell with the consequences, he realised, he would not lose another and by the hells not her. A growl escaped his lips, far different to the sound of despair he had made before. She wanted him to rise to the occasion? Then rise he would, and his husky voice would purr out a tune. He had turned two recently, when before he had been a boy dabbling at man things he would now be a man and his want was stronger then it had been before. He would stretch forth his neck and nip at her chin before side stepping away again. His tail would lash out at her rump and his growl would come forth, beckoning her to answer, to play.



07-15-2014, 07:16 PM

One eye would open and peer up at her, if not for the emotions that threatened to drown her, she would had laughed. It would take a moment, but he would rise, his gaze soaking her in. Logic tugging at her, reminding her of his first denial. Her decision would waiver, but the growl that vibrated in his chest would push the thoughts and pull her in closer. His would nip at her chin and while her tagged slowly, she would growl, lips lifting higher in play. His pale form would side step and his tail would lash against her rump, in return her crown would lower, jaws parting to nip roughly at his throat. There was no gentleness in her touch or movements, she was angry and therefore harsh in her affections. She would press herself against him, eyes hard and unforgiving.

Hackles rippled down her spine as she lavished his neck and throat with licks and nips. A rumbling purr would vibrate her throat as their pelts mixed from the close contact. Her gaze never once left his, locked on his lavender orbs with unforgiving force. Silently she dared him to reject her again, or imagine another in her place. Right now, she needed him and his full attention. Her body burned with uncontrollable desire that screamed at her to be satisfied. Her crown would dip under his chin as she curled herself around him, demanding his attention.




2 Years
07-15-2014, 07:30 PM

The roughness in her play only awoken his own want further. Her fangs enclosed about her throat, and he could feel her skin against his as he purred, his throat vibrating in pleasure as he allowed her to nip and perhaps even draw blood if she desired it. Her body would be against him and his next breath would be a ragged draw as he growled at her once more, low and smouldering as she continued the assault upon his throat. There was no room in his mind nor body for another now. She demanded attention and she had all of his. He nipped in turn at her ear and growled between his mouthful as he gently tugged at the extremity. His tail continued to lash at form, to any place it could reach as he felt her tuck herself beneath him. He welcomed the contact and lowered his head over her, sheltering her and drawing her closer. He was softer now, his purrs more gentle and subdued as he drew her in tighter to his body and cradled her with his neck and tail.

Rubbing his head in soft circles against her head as his purrs continued in slow and rythemic harmony to the swaying he began as he swayed her gently beside him and murmured into her fur. He would do this for a moment longer before he would release her and then rise. He would mount upon her form and lavish his tongue just behind her ear and beneath his rumbling throat she might just hear the soft words he spoke. ?Sibelle, sweet Sibelle? for she truly was all that was on his mind.


07-15-2014, 08:34 PM

He would accept her nips, not once shying away from her roughness, he would embrace her, his skull resting against hers, pulling her against him. A sigh would roll off her tongue, eyes fluttering shut. The feel of his embrace soothed her raw emotions and stilled her thoughts. It was a pleasant moment so that when he pulled away she would gasp softly. But he gave her little time to recover before he rose up and blanketed her with his weight. Power legs supported them both, paws planting themselves, her toes screaming in protest. He would nibble at her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. Her name rolled sweetly off his tongue causing a bitter sweet smile to form on her lips. "Crucifix." Breathy words fell from her lips, eyes falling closed as her body prepared for him to send them both over the edge and into a world of blissful pleasure. Forgotten was the meeting and the anger she held, forgotten was the possible back lash, all she focus on was him rocking against her, pushing her closer and closer to an undeniable fit of erotic pleasure.


"Talk" "You" Think