
This is how an angel cries



1 Year
09-27-2018, 09:31 PM
Chael was feeling rather good about the day's journey. It took her two days to finally reach a rather impressive forest. Trees reached toward the sky, twining around each other in their competition for light. Their branches made for easy climbing, or she supposed they did, she hadn't actually tried it yet. Above her, the gnarled branches became even more entwined, creating a dappled effect on the ground. She found herself rather taken with the way it all came together, watching the limbs of the trees braid together and their trunks wind intimately with each other. Looking over her shoulder, Chael took a moment to admire the silvery dappled effect that the overhead branches created on her pelt, giving her spots and stripes.

With a broad smile at her own internal joke, the young angel moved through the trees in a winding path that would make a normal wolf dizzy. Though she could have climbed the trees with little to no effort, Chael was not interested in breaking a nail to do so, rather she stared into the treetops and moved around the gnarled trunks as she made her way through the wood. That is until one perfect set of trees caught her opalescent eyes. It was a set of three trees, each one tangled with the other and rising just enough to catch one of the largest spots of sunlight she had seen so far, bending perfectly to create something akin to a hammock in the ray of sunshine. Chael waved her red-tipped tail and grinned her prettiest grin, excited all over again at the perfection of the natural formation.

It was too good an opportunity to pass up, so she scaled the trio and lay down in the soft bushy branches of their hammock. Her entire body posture screamed that she was proud of herself for her discovery, sitting just so to make her white pelt shine like diamonds and make the cinnamon of her markings look more like she was trimmed with rubies. She lay propped up on her elbow but with a sphinx-like posture that said everything about her current, happy mood.

For Nav & Fight points! WHOOOOO!
Action. "Talking." "You."